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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. [quote name='Passant the Weak' timestamp='1325617153' post='99532'] Do you mean that the answer to my question is "yes" ? And that the council should also take care of the politics and ingame behaviour of players in regards to land rules and what not? [/quote] In this case, They stepped in and removed the tools from the kings. Now, the reason they did this, spawned from Yrth using his banning tool. Which again stemmed from the land laws. At the moment there is no kings, and therefore its all a bit of a mist, normally yrth could do what he liked and they wouldnt have needed to step in because yrth would have been king, and king can do wtf they like to anyone in their land. But the Kings were asked not to use their powers, to yrth broke they/mur asked for. As for the other comments, i agree are unesscary, and i didnt think they were around to comment on the specifics of land laws and personal actions, But it clarifies the point more as to why no one recieved punishment, and also their own personal view as to the matter. Its always intresting for me to see Murs views on matters, since its so radically different from ours. Personally for me, in this case, i was against yrth because he did something he wasnt meant to (sorry yrth you are still the best gg king ) But, it seems that although the kings are gone, and they are not allowed to use their powers, they still think the land laws should be upheld (which to me, seems wrong, since there is no king, king makes and enforces land laws, so surely you have no land laws???)
  2. If the forum is hidden, it will usually include (Hidden) in the title.
  3. [quote name='ChildOfTheSoul' timestamp='1325585046' post='99466'] Considering MD's game population, I don't think a "regional" meet-up would be possible, unless you mean just splitting the U.S. in half or something. In regards to the overall idea, I guess it would depend on the number of people willing to participate. If there aren't enough people motivated, it will probably just fall through again. [/quote] MD Beer happened a couple years ago in Romania... twice i believe?
  4. definition of council role? lol. I asked that question in the Q and A thingy, and got the response: Generally we are here to organise and manage the game as an additional authority to Mur. Unlike he we are a group of people, and therefore decisisons will be a culmination of everyones thoughts and ideas. Effectively we run the game with Mur. very... specific as for what they said. I think it is interesting that they made a comment on the actions of the others, but it does partially explain why there is no punishment on yrth or anything. Otherwise i would asking why hasn't he lost a trust point or something. In their eyes they are all guilty so there is no punishment. It does however clarify that land laws still apply in this period of no kings... or i think it does. But politics is politics
  5. [quote name='Yrthilian' timestamp='1325506420' post='99369'] answer to the above 1. read the forums and you would know who the leader are it has been mentioned many times by me and the others. stop being lazy 2. LOL again lazyness has failed you here too. read of the past and you will have your answers. 3. wow really you should actually read the forums. your lack of information is what blinds you to the happening of a land. [/quote] I am unsure as to who exactly these land leaders are, From knowing GG leadership being friends with you all, im guessing Grido, Yrth, Akasha, SS, Burns, MB "Might" be involved, but as for a definitive list i dont know. I checked on the forum using searching ect and cannot find any specific post naming these land leaders. And i dont think you could accuse me of not reading the forums So perhaps, to aid us, one specific post could be made naming them, and what they do? For all of us.
  6. Send email, wait for reply, do what reply says. As for it being the holiday, I guess the art guys have to have dome holiday
  7. [quote name='Seigheart' timestamp='1325478902' post='99337'] Something like this is already being discussed. [/quote] You are discussing it? What stage in the dicussion, any concrete points? If thats so, then we should discuss it more publicly here also.
  8. Yes, i was under the impression they would be posting logs and such up, but havent seen one yet.
  9. You cannot have purchased CTC log transfer extra records as that item does not exist. so its not a bug
  10. [quote name='Pipstickz' timestamp='1325383572' post='99258'] How many times has this actually happened? Is it not the responsibility of land leaders to weed out and know these people? [/quote] Have you seen what Grido and Peace are doing? They may be friends, but i still disagree with it.
  11. So how does people going into other lands just for the land AP bonus fall into that view AmberRune? They are not part of the land, and just want the AP bonus
  12. Happy New year to one and all!
  13. this topic will be removed in a week
  14. As high as someone will buy them for, Most that have them are collectors, those who will freely sell them want lots for them.
  15. I like it, but i can bet some pretty Big vets will complain since they are in other lands just so that they can get some faster travel. And will more than likely present some long winded reason why they "should" wheras the only reason would be greed. It would be interesting to see Mur's viewpoint, Because personally iv trodden around necro more than most (having has access to it for a long long time) Yet clearly that doesn't give me any bonus Land bonus which seems fine. But if viscosity is meant to be "memory" of treading that land, perhaps another bonus should be based on amount of times visiting that location personally? Generally Viscosity will lower the AP requirement if lots of people visit said location, But even if few visits it, but regularly, surely they should receive some kind of bonus. The East can take days to navigate without items and Necro is now near impossible. Hence why people are using gaining other lands loyalty, not because they are loyal, but because they want a viscosity boost. I wonder if mur intended
  16. 15 silver = 1 Gold
  17. 25 silver for 51 memory stones
  18. Chewett


    Hmm, my "minimum" Bid is one silver, and since i bid first, i get it ya?
  19. Use more spaces. It helps us read. have you tried to recruit another creature?
  20. I was under the impression Mur made some announcement asking all kings NOT to use their powers.
  21. and what happens when it all changes? Personally i think announcements should be categorized, more so than the current "colour" categorization.
  22. welcome to the forums.
  23. the demand for them is still as high as ever and the greed of people is still immense. I think this will only be a reason for the greedy to try and buy them for lower prices.
  24. [quote name='Miq' timestamp='1325015980' post='98823'] You have a point Sage but MD is too big anyway atm. Also let me add another point. The viscosity is problem only do those who haven't been in many different alliances. If i would be as unloyal as i could being citizen of every land for 80 days would remove all viscosity what so ever. [/quote] Thats where i dont think its right, Now iv got 400 or so days in MB, no more "help" me, espically since MB has -80 viscosity in nearly every scene, and personally think people like grido and peace using illusions to "sneak" into other lands is wrong, but an intresting way of getting visosity in each of the lands. Although i could do the same, i feel too loyal to MB to do so...
  25. They were not meant to be given out, Thats why they were removed. I got a coloured Elu, But i know i should not have got one, So i dont mind it being replaced.
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