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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. Some of you are hypocrites. You complain about people who have already farmed ve, and then when said method if taken away you complain that you were abusing it and couldn't continue. I had 20 angiens. all waiting to be aged up, im not annoyed because i knew that this issue would be patched some day or other. Febuary just made the issue more well known, You should thank him for making the issue clearer to mur so that its now fixed. The fact that it has been changed, means it should not have been like it in the first place, if you got a bit of ve from it lucky you. If you were farming ve, then you are complaining that others farmed it more and thats not fair. Magicduel has not ever been fair, just look back to when statloss was implemented, same topic then as <insert name here> said. The topic shows the extent of the issue, you guys and i were all doing it. Ve should not be gained that easily. So its been stopped.
  2. make ONE post about your issue, not several. CLOSED
  3. yes it is, it has been fixed... mostly
  4. [quote name='Novato' timestamp='1283872603' post='67961'] I will not question the new rule about not sacrifice angien egg for VE.I just want to make a suggestion. Maybe, there should be a time for transition between make an announcement of the new rule and really apply it. It's not something hard or very subjective to make, in my opinion, and it is much more fair.For exemple, in the case of the new announcement, the player know as february abuse the old rule of sac angiens eggs to have high vitality and become a "God Account". But, many other players (far away from being so powerfull) spend credits to buy extra creatures slots. Ok, extra creatures slots is also very usefull to have more than one or two fight army, but some of them would never spend credits with it if not to sacrifice angiens eggs. The plans of many are frusteted because the abuse of just one account. In this case, maybe there should have the announcement of the new change, but only apply it after 59 days. So, people cannot pick up angiens eggs to sacrifice today (they know it will be useless, because the new rule start with 59 days) and many others can finished their plans to get VE.What you all think about it? [/quote] rules will always and have always changed, the extra creature slots will be useful, they are hardly a waste of money. Anyways, What you are asking for is some more time to abuse something that is getting removed/changed so its less abusable. Isnt that a VERY stupid question?
  5. Dont forget to try the cheese Welcome
  6. [s]email mur at Manu(at)magicduel(dot)com With a clear subject such as "Greek Translation" couldnt do any harm i suppose. Since there isnt a translation manager now. [/s] EDIT: oh just read the announcement...
  7. Because of the extent of the forum, sometimes its just impossible to read it all. We recommend using the "New Content" button to view any posts that you want to read. Once you have read these if you go to the bottom of the page there is a button "mark Board as read". TThis will mark the entire forum as read, so even if you didn't read some topics, it will say that you have. Do so with caution as there is no way to undo this This allows you to see any new topics that might intrest you as they are posted, instead of having to read the topics that dont, just so they go away.
  8. The artifact at beserkers upon completion says "The artefact you are trying to load was not found, please refresh the interface and try again" You then close it and click on the artifact and you get the correct message. Should be fixed note: im sure there is another topic, i just cant find it currently
  9. Member Title is given based on the amount of posts you have. As you gain posts you will gain the appropiate titles. Here is the list of title and the amount of posts you need to attain it. 0 - Novice 10 - Apprentice 25 - Mage 50 - Skillfull Tyro 100 - Ocult Arts Practitioner [s]200 - High Court Member[/s] - Currently no 200-400 rank, Suggest one below 400 - Shade Spellcaster 500 - Edit your title When you have gained 500 posts you can edit your own title by going into: Settings -> Profile -> Change Profile Information -> Member Title If you have a Description/Tag in game and wish this to be the same i will consider giving you a title even if you don't have the required posts if you contact me via pm.
  10. 3. imp 3 silver
  11. Well, one of the example reasons he couldnt put it there would probably be he used similar/same or an include on the other place confirm emails is used. Considering they look the same. but thanks for the info grido
  12. Chewett


    Naha, actually i was just making a comment on it, thought some people would be intrested, when Simon Singh said it during a lecture i was attending i was captivated
  13. The confirm emails page should have the same "topbar" as the other pages (with mood panel links and such), which would allow it to be able to go to the mood panel without reloading the entire page. Im not sure across all the browsers but history.back() doesnt work so well if you didnt click it immediately after using the confirm.
  14. Well, admittedly its slightly harder, but right from the start i learnt to look for anything to click, its not as if its hidden because it does light up
  15. [quote name='apophys' timestamp='1283516663' post='67613'] (I really don't understand the apparent distinction between rare items and raw mats with respect to a timer. I find it more understandable, for example, for a glowing flower to have a shelf-life, than for 20kg of raw marble to have one.) [/quote] So what about the item "Wookie Slippers"? Do you feel that that should have a shelf life similar to a Glowing Flower or 20kg of raw marble? It seems crazy for people to spend Wishpoints on personal and then have to "give" it away in case they lose it (if anyone is wondering, Liberty and several others got these slippers for me from Mur)
  16. Chewett


    Ever Heard of the Bible code? Basicly they looked at the original hebrew texts in the bible, Removed all punctuation and stuck the letters together. Then you pick a letter to start with and an interval, and see if that forms a word. people were amazed that they could find references to Diana dying in the car crash, Obama being president and many other events in history. They believed this was a specific code made to let people know the "future" However, Brendan McKay believed the chance of forming words with meaning was rather high, and also found "Brendan McKay mathematician" in the bible. He concluded that it was much more likely to form smaller words also. He was thus chalanaged by the writer of the Bible code to find similar meaning in "Moby Dick" (tis about the white whale) and not surprisingly he did. Because the the sheer amount of letters, some combination of picking them will give you words that you can then attach meaning to. The greater amount of letters you have, the larger the probablity to generate meaning. With the large word such as "Muratus del Mur King Manu" you can made quite a lot of different possibilities and will also be able to attach meaning to them. Its merely probability that its likely to happen, nothing really magical.
  17. [quote name='Arkhaim' timestamp='1283527257' post='67620'] "Sorry mates, where can i find... or what is... ?""look right or left or up or down, you must find yourself" "i can't spoiler"i can't find pure water, i can't understand why i should attack idle people to gain stats for something i don't know... reading here i can't understand a word about 90% of threads...i leave for this: too high learning-curve...you should change your laws... something like tutoring people till a certain point... like in real life we do with young children...Gl all, mates [/quote] I always wonder why people have all these issues, when i started i managed to solve each puzzle as it was created rather easily. Has something changed about beserkers or something? That was before these lovely "lho" people. I just dont see what people are having issues with as long as you read the hints and just throw yourself in and try to play MD.
  18. Chewett


    [quote name='awiiya' timestamp='1283398098' post='67534'] Mur, if you do decide to give up all of MD to see if it allows you to better find yourself, then leave someone in charge of it and go off. Please leave the community intact.Awi [/quote] Ye of little faith
  19. The issue with "if they cap someone you lose ve" is that you can attack someone 1 exp to cap, and still end up getting this stat loss
  20. 2 gold 20 silver = 50 silver
  21. Just to remind everyone that homophobic comments are not acceptable and can lead to harsh punishments. You are allowed to have your own opinions but we dont want to hear them here. In addition please try and can keep the swearing the an absolute minimum. There are minors on the board and we would like to keep it relatively clean. One member has just received a temporary ban for both of these. Again if you wish to debate these two points, please do so below.
  22. 30 silver coins
  23. See, there are still quite a lot of people here. We still remember you.
  24. [quote name='Bronzometh' timestamp='1283179640' post='67365'] it seems that allot of ppl (except Burns, of course) disagree the idea of giving to some ppl the power to lvl up players. Well, in case you haven't noticed, everybody can gain the power of caping ppl, and that was already proven by February. This is almost equal with the power to lvl up others (the only difference is that the caped player decides if he will lvl up or continue playing at the same MP lvl without gains, or restart with a new char). This power must be taken away. February not only that must not be punished. He should even be rewarded for proving the fact that the fighting system can give such power to everybody. This must be fixed asap. I presented the solution in a previous post. [/quote] You obviously dont understand the differences. What burns is against is giving the power to force people to advance. Which could be used on febuary. Anyone can cap people, but TOTALLY different to being able to force people to advance. Ok so i can cap Feb, But that does nothing, as he is already at cap. This ability to cap people has been here for ages, its happened again and again. Its nothing knew. From what i have seen in your posts about this issue, you obviously don't know much about MD. Saying that "if you explain the advantages to advance to feb and he may do it" is rather ridiculous as it seems painfully clear that he knows that. He isnt going to advance because he wants to play around with mp3's. You need to think about what you are saying before you post it, othewise it just looks like you have blurted out the first idea that comes to mind. I dont see any idea that would fix the issue coming from you, but then again if i have missed it please do point it out.
  25. [quote name='Blackwoodforest' timestamp='1283169479' post='67361'] Sad to see them vanish, even more sad, no "true" lorerootian won´t to keep their heritage on. It is a part of loreroot as well as the citizenship, someone really should carry on this. [/quote] Probably because the one guy that was doing stuff you totally kicked out because of arguments. I personally dont care what said what, but i would hope that rheagar has the intelligence to reform them as previous, AKA not an alliance. and try and get it remake in another land, Because Loreroot doesnt care about them anymore from the response to this thread.
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