I think thats disingenuous, a little rude, and quite misrepresentative. Mur puts a lot of time into this and to mispresent it as "He didn't have time to figure it out" is wrong. Please consider your words more carefully next time Fyrd, Thank you.
To summarize the PM Fyrd, Mur, and myself were in:
Fyrd pointed out the daily Winertia boost for small accounts was incredibly high and needed changing
Initially Mur misunderstood the report and was looking at the amount gained per day, and not the temporary value given
An initial fix was made but that was still using fixed values of Winertia and not based on the max winertia. This still meant that new accounts would receive quite a large (in comparison to their max winertia) temporary boost
Mur made a change to take into account max winertia, although that needed a tweak to fix it
The "gained" winertia should be based on this: restored_wi = current_wi - min(wi_max,(current_wi+(wi_max/10)))
I'm not clear if its fixed, but since the PM ended with Fyrd being rewarded, I assume its all fine.
If its not fine we can look into it more, but as I said my understanding was that it was fixed to what Mur wanted it to be and thusly Fyrd was rewarded.