Saying what a few years?
What would you change?
Read as above
The work being done to the system is not being targeted at the 5 most loud players, but our community (current and future).
Also, we dont have game managers, havent since simply, it didnt work. Although perhaps we might again.
As for the core of the game interacting with people. Yeah I totally agree here, but the problem we had was that you need to keep people in MD for a period of time to get them to start interacting on their own, and you need to ensure that some of those that dont like interacting (as they are as important as those that do) ahve things to do that keep them in the game (and keep forcing them to interact).
Was it not you who said you could play MD without anyone else, by hiding in your lab? I was skeptical and did say then that the core of MD was the interaction. Its good to see you understand this now.
Ideally Mur and I would work on this as a job and life wouldn't happen. I would enjoy working on MD full time but we cannot fund ourselves in this way at the moment. Mur has been lucky to be able to partially do this over the years but cost of living is much much higher in the UK and I am not in such a great place financially as he is.
Not to mention that over the past couple years my health has been somewhat poor along with other events have meant I lost a lot of time I would have liked to devote to MD.
Obviously this is quite a personal response to how the game is, but since we are but two coders running working on the game we love, the response must be personal.
Im here if people want to talk, I really did love the game and want to make it thrive again but we must address the problems that got us here. Just continually pumping money into MD didnt work over the past years we those people didnt stay.
Hope you are all well