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  1. Upvote
    Ivorak got a reaction from Pipstickz in Extortion and Coercion   

    Seig, what was it you quoted that said extortion was illegal? It looks to me like you copied that from Wikipedia. So what if extortion is illegal in real life? That doesn't necessarily make it against the rules of the game.

    If we're allowed to murder and kidnap (at least by game rules; I'm not saying there shouldn't be any sort of repercussion, it just needs to be enacted by players) then I think extortion is also fair game. MD should allow criminals. We (the players) should not.
  2. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to Grido in The Hiatus of a Dream   
    You're going to punish yourself, and the community, because of something the council said? I don't really see this as a punishment/threat on them...which it sounds like it's meant to be
  3. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Tom Pouce in Is it possible to beat Loreroot guards at MP3 using energy burst?   
    Did you read the singpost?
    [spoiler]Loreroot Main Entrance The Loreroot lands guard great knowledge and power for those that understand their ways. This is a land of tradition and peace, but is not ignorant of the ways of war. The land is well protected by it's spirits, and no ignorant man can enter it without getting lost in these vast lands. (This is a trial for players that have advanced beyond MP3. It is meant to be difficult at MP4 and may prove impossible at MP3) [/spoiler]
  4. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to BFH in Is it possible to beat Loreroot guards at MP3 using energy burst?   
    [quote name='lone wolf pup' timestamp='1341774760' post='117031']
    'Have patience and determination and you will succeed.' I think he means give up trying on MP3 or you can spend months in MP3 to learn what you can in any other mind power level.

    I think he means your words were just stupid LW. Yes report me but this is what I'm starting to think of people who do what you just did...
  5. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Phantom Orchid in Synopsis of Alliance Activity   
    Can we get updates?

    (rep this + or - if you think this is a good/bad idea)
  6. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to Akasha in Synopsis of Alliance Activity   
    moved to the proper forum, also should be merged with the existing topic : Alliance list, please read before posting same things ! forum should not have double posts/topics
  7. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Chewett in Re-organisation of Top Links   
    I dislike messiness, so im going to get some communtiy action and see what others think

    Ignoring all special links and such that LHO's have and such. i came to this as the list of links currently in the rightbar:

    [Wishpoints Top] [Same country] [Most Popular] [Active Veterans] [Item Owners] [Adventure Log] [Inventory] [Wishpoints] [Personal page] [Notebook] [Webcam] [Mood panel] [Public Logs] [Options]

    And these are the ones on the topbar:

    [View announcements] [Adventure Log] [Quests] [Calendar] [Challenges] [MD Court] [ Game intro] [Known issues] [Restrictions] [Active Forum Posts] [MDNP][Treasury] [Search] [MD Toolbar] [Free credits]

    Thats a lot of links... I feel these could be re-organised, moved and swapped around.

    Some of the links have little relevelence nowadays, like the Treasury and MDNP, Known issues is very old as is challanges..

    Do people think that the interface could do with some cleaning up? or do they think that all these links here are a "good thing"

    [b]Current Summary of Suggested items (see edit time for last edited time):[/b]

    [Personal page] [Notebook] can be moved to your ~papers~ link under chat also

    Move [Wishpoints Top] [Most Popular] [Active Veterans] [Item Owners] onto one link where all are visible

    Challanges and Quests links can be merged into one, updating them both and doing some nice formatting
  8. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Dragual in Reasearch and Connections   
    Yes. They are in the east. You need to unlock at least level 1 in order to begin opening research clues.
  9. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Nimrodel in Dead Again   
    Whoa. Being killed for the 5th time? How many people get to experience that?

    3 more times and we can call you a cat. Nine lives and all. You can finally challenge dst to a cat fight. Fair and square. :3
  10. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to (Zl-eye-f)-nea in Which sorts of Quests you like?   
    I like quests where you have to physically do something and then bring it back into MD, and most especially when it has a conceptual bent to it. I like these most because you get something more than just a completed quest out of it.

    Quests with complex wordplay are fun too, as are logic puzzles, just for the sake of fun.

    Endurance style ones like the dominion quest are addicitive, but I wouldnt describe it that I [i]like or dislike[/i] them.
  11. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Seigheart in TK Summerfest Betting   
    The Treasure Keepers have decided to hold a Bettingfest(not sure what else to call it)


    You choose one of the three possibilities (Team I. Team II, Team III).
    You place a silver/higher amount for that team to win.
    Once they win, you will get an equal portion in relation to your bid of the jackpot.
    So, if ten people bid 1g on Team A to win, and the jackpot is 100 gold. Each of you will get 10g.

    I will [b]not[/b] be taking any share of the winnings, what so ever. The TKs have a bid, but all winnings will be put into the TK Treasury. All silver/gold collected will be distributed amongst the winners. (In the case of any left over winnings, they will be put into the TK Treasury.)

    [u]TKs will put 1g on each of the Teams.[/u]

    Teams and participants can be found here:

    Team I:

    Fyrd Argentus
    Lone Wolf
    tom Pouce

    Team II:

    Soothing Sands
    The Warrior

    Team III:

    *Clock Master*
    Valldore Nal
    Phantom Orchid

    You can bid either through Forum PM, IG PM, or at the treasury email address.

    When you bid, please tell me which team you are bidding for.

    I will also be collecting all bids immediately, so that the winnings may be distributed immediately as well.

    Current Pot: 3g
  12. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to Grido in Revival Fruit   
    [quote name='Rumi' timestamp='1340638899' post='116010'] Does the bar for use need to be set higher because of collective ownership/action?[/quote]

    Yes - and that's not me being greedy/such, though I'll still probably be neg repped again, even though I'm actually trying to help.

    If you think about it, each person who is able to access it would have to pay the same/similar price as those that have the item - the work that I put in, split over 100 people, or the coins Eon spent split over the same, make the value next to nothing compared to what we did or paid. It is unfair to us that it should be valued so little compared to ours. And yes, it can still be unfair to us, even if we're not being angelic with using them.
  13. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to Seigheart in Revival Fruit   
    Chewett, I've gotten over 30 pms from players stating what I did was the right thing.

    It's amazing how long it is taking the community to revive it's beloved Wookie.

    Perhaps you aren't as well liked as I thought.

    Perhaps I should have killed Grido, or Handy? O.o
  14. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Phantom Orchid in Revival Fruit   
    [font=comic sans ms,cursive]The 'uniqueness' of revival items should be taken into consideration when talking about Revival Fruit. [/font]

    [font=comic sans ms,cursive]Even though I may disagree with how they are used (or not) presently, those items are special and meaningful for the persons holding them, and I acknowledge that. [/font]

    [font=comic sans ms,cursive]But given that death can overtake and overwhelm a player's spirit, and they have no recourse unless it is part of a roleplay where some problem-solving must occur, or they have enough coin, I think that if enough players desire to put forth the effort (which, I would assume means there is enough of a consensus that it is deemed 'a good cause'), they should be returned to life.[/font]

    [font=comic sans ms,cursive]This would also, I imagine, free up Council time from having to consider whether or not reviving someone is justified, in their eyes. Unless, of course, the stench of rotten wookie becomes too unbearable... [/font]

    [font=comic sans ms,cursive]Having a mechanism that allows for a communal revival should take substantial effort (and I mean a *lot* of effort - it should be difficult to accomplish and require much cooperation). Death is highly symbolic and important, and it should maintain such a status. [/font]

    [font=comic sans ms,cursive]Also, one limitation could be that revivals may only happen during certain times, perhaps on so-called Days of Tranquility. [/font]
  15. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to DarkRaptor in Revival Fruit   
    I think a ceremony should be necessary to sucessfully revival someone.

    The ceremony could consist in at least 4 stages
    1.Supply the Tree of Revival with enough resources to grow the fruit
    The resources could be delivered by all interested players and the numbers could be something like:
    1k water
    250 fenths
    2.Enchant the fruit with revival energy and identity
    Once the fruit is grown (step 1), the resources and heat could be delivered by all interested players and the numbers could be something like:
    5M Heat
    250 Wiiya
    3.Gathering the fruit
    This action would only be possible if there were (for example) 30 people at the scene and used the grab action of the Tree of Revival ( something like the grab fugitive action..)
    Important: the fruit would be gathered by the player that had supply the largest number of Resources ( not Heat )

    4.Finally, use the fruit to deliver one drop of Juice of Life into the corpse.

    a) I've left out all the items because i feel this should be a community effort and should not be restricted to the presence of someone holding a special item or tool.
    But in terms of RP would be very interesting to include such items and persons.
    b) i think the needed time to gather all the resources is itself a good indicator Will from the community

  16. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Miq in The value of Life in MD   
    Honestly i still don't know what are the effects that death has.

    If the effect is deletion of the account or similar then the price is everything you have and can borrow in MD
    If the effect is that you can't move,train then 0 or what ever you value those abilities

  17. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to Chewett in Revival Fruit   
    I am also interesting in Point 1. Essentially you are saying you dont trust the community to gather and be trustful to get it, and that therefore you(general you) want to hold the item and therefore ability to revive people. Thats not much of a "community" garden is it?

    Any "community" method of revival should never rely on one person using their item, all you are doing is saying its ok for you souly to hold the item because you are a "nice person". You effectively give yourself a revival item and say that you will use it for the community...

    [quote name='Seigheart' timestamp='1340251418' post='115578']
    Perhaps because it's such an outrageous demand, that it is completely disgusting to even attempt to gouge someone for 20gc to play the game again

    Yet you feel its perfectly fine to kill someone so they cant play the game...
  18. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Rumi in Revival Fruit   
    1. How about some trust points? Also, without the community to activate it, the item is useless, and of no value.

    3. Then let it be large numbers.... would you (or anyone) offer a suggestion for numbers? I'd like to see the process show merit, rather than "going through the motions". This is meant to be a reliable process, but it does not need to be easy or without effort.

    With regards to your price, show me another independent tool that pays for itself with three uses. Certainly not an herb basket or woodcutting axe. I agree, though, that your revival price discussion probably deserves it's own thread or PM.
  19. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to Grido in Revival Fruit   
    1. Is the a prevention to corruption? What stops the the Leadership from thinking "actually, we can make a few cents off this..." other than good intentions, of course.

    2. See above.

    3. I do not consider that a great deal of effort, unless you are thinking of large numbers involved.

    What value is a life(in MD)? As demonstrated by his creatures being sold, 20gc was easily attainable for Spar he didn't want to spend it though (for fairly valid reasons not associated with the price)
    That's a fairly bad analogy , since I'm not hiding away or unwilling to use my item, just apparently people consider it too pricey.
    How about you define a reasonable price? Baring in mind that Eon paid 50gc for his, so a reasonable price would not be 5sc or such, as that would equate to 150 uses before he started making profit off it. Feel free to message me (anyone) regarding that, rather than derail the topic here. I should note I won't necessarily adopt said prices, but I'd be interested in what the general opinion is.

    Also, I might be forgetful on this, but pretty sure nobody has actually tried to barter with me (my bad if they have), they've pretty much heard me say 20gc and then they turn around, lol. Not saying it would have worked, but for no attempt?
  20. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Rumi in Revival Fruit   
    Thanks for your questions Grido... if anyone else wants to chime in, feel free.

    1. We do intend to arrange distribution to be through the Community Garden Leadership. If revive fruit were to be a scene generated resource, the collection would require a tool available in the garden toolshed (ie: used by the leadership). Until the toolshed is coded to serve as an shared item distribution, my inclination is to see the harvest directly distributed within the leadership. If I were to name an individual, it would be Phantom Orchid, who is willing to sacrifice her personal item so that the community can have a revive item available.

    2. I agree with you on the problem of Fyrd going inactive. He has offered to give ITC codes as a backup in case he disappears, although I still view this as a bottleneck. Perhaps a pickling jar (cauldron) would be a shared item, returned weekly to the garden toolshed. Fyrd has specifically stated his intention to have a revive item in the form of his drum. We'd like to see some way this can be incorporated into the community garden revival fruit project. I'm certainly open to suggestions of other ways this could work. As I mentioned, I feel the nature of a drum lends itself to heat gathering, and the process could possibly require any heat gathering personal item, rather than just Fyrd's drum.

    3. The effort on the part of the community is the gathering of resources and heat. This is not so different from the revival methods used up to now. However, this would give us a reliable process to do it, rather than hoping that someone somewhere is listening.

    Again, these ideas are a framework, not a final construct. I would like to hear recommendations which further community involvement, yet remain accessible so long as a number of community members are willing to put in the effort.

    I cannot help but point out that it is you and Eon and other toolholders who have made your tools worthless. Like a carpenter whose tools gather dust in the toolshed, because he already has a house. His tools have become worthless when another carpenter constructs houses for the other townspeople and takes all the business.

    You were all given tools so that the community had the power to revive itself, yet you have not made them available. Had you set a reasonable price, it would likely have been paid and your tools would have value. You could, as suggested, earn a regular income through murder. Instead, the public now demands their own tools, and we intend to grow them.
  21. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Grido in Revival Fruit   
    Few questions;

    1 - What happens when someone takes the fruit? As in someone who doesn't care to revive people. I could probably name 5 or so people that would be thus inclined, and that'd be plenty.

    2 - If Fyrd goes inactive, without passing on his item, the whole system collapses?

    3 - What effort, after the initial planting, and besides asking Fyrd to pickle, does the player put in?
    For me the items that people have should be the easy option, and the alternative should be difficult - I worked hard to get mine, and Eon paid a lot to get his, any publicly available option should not make our tools worthless. I would like to clarify that my comment isn't out of greed, there definitely should be some sort of public option that doesn't cost so much.
  22. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to lashtal in Cum umbra nihil et sine umbra nihil   
    [size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Since today it's my first MD birthday (!!!), here's a little paradoxical quest for all of you to enjoy.[/font][/size]
    [size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Ideal to be pondered under the umbrella, ideal for killing time, this quest will last around a month.[/font][/size]

    [center][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][size=5][color=#4b0082]The Sundial Quest[/color][/size][/font][/center]

    [size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Describe the functioning of a sundial in relation to Principles.[/font][/size]
    [size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Write an original, MD-related motto for a Sundial.[/font][/size]
    [size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Discuss whether a sundial could work in MD and, in case, where.[/font][/size]

    [size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]The best submission will be rewarded with a sword shade.[/font][/size]
    [size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif](If the bright side feels like sponsoring brighter rewards, Time will be more accurate... [/font][/size] [size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif] )[/font][/size]

    [size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]All submissions should be sent to me via PM or forum PM by July, the 31st.[/font][/size]

    [size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Have fun![/font][/size]
  23. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Maebius in Flowers for the Dead   
    I've worked with Gort Hedera today, who wanted to gather a pile of
    Flowers to decorate the Gazebo of Equalibrium. She's places a small bit of magic to the HiddenOrb clickie there, which appears as a little vine, to the left of the central stairs. (where the Heat-vote clickie is for me)

    Her collection will accept the ITC of Flowers you have in your pocket,
    and count how many individual "bouquets" are submitted to the form,
    displaying it in her clickie. If you gather more flowers, you can
    add them to the decorations.

    Lets make the gazebo as beautiful as the memories we hold around it!

    Since these are virtual clickie-flowers, you will still technically
    "hold" them in your inventory, but you can pretend they have been
    added to the Gazebo. It's the thought that counts, after all, right?

    Lets see what happens....

    [size=3][color=#a9a9a9][u]Technical specs:[/u]
    This is somewhat experimental, and more social-thing than an actual Quest.

    Tracks the ID of the flower resource, so trading back and forth to get a new ITC will not work to artificially boost the count. [/color][/size]

    [color=#a9a9a9][size=3]It also seems that increasing the "Flowers" you carry by getting more quantity may not change the ID, just make the ones you carry more Real. (read: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/10370-how-can-resources-be-fixed-unsplittable-groups/#entry90038).[/size][/color]
  24. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to Manda in Resigning from BHC position   
    Well im really agree with the ego of he she it


    let's see the BHC really can be much more nicer, with the opinion of the players I heard about great minds on MD like *Burns* with the fight club and i guess he was help with that, if you can do this take away the whole stats of every single participant in BHC what things you can do, null armor, keep all in just one land and much more I’m sure

    So by this ways the BHC can be clearly more fun Eon need to work more on his/her/its ideas, I know, we have RL and need to attend it, if you are busy, but some players can help you.

    I’m not really agreed with this:
    Eon don't have advantage lol that just not true, no advantage with loyalty points on the east the most hard land to walk, a enormous number of stats, guild protection extreme number of teas, that isn´t advantage please someone tell me what is that, as many view all players had more fun on stat less

    To stav I was on alliance with Lone and light also ignnus saw I can had the heads enough time to place 2-3 but as he/she/it, say not much aim for first place.

    It’s really true that skill damage is a really strange stat but anyone want it, the players that not train much maybe they don’t care, but hard trainers really don’t want to be in the first place when they get the stat you will see no one will like to train with you.

    As some players said hey we need to accelerate this lets give the whole heads to eon right
  25. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Chewett in Moon Chalice   
    [quote name='Seigheart' timestamp='1340128170' post='115410']
    I'm only asking because it's not right to only have a vote with one option.

    It's not an accurate indicator of the community's feelings on the subject.

    If the community doesnt care enough to make one, then clearly they dont care about them not getting it back. If you feel strongly take some action.
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