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  1. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Dragual in Hidden items   
    And perhaps a Purse Cutter, an item that allows you to take a single sc from someone. Note, this would be mentioned in chat. So you would have to be sneaky about it.
  2. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to Junior in Complaint against your BHC Organizer   
    Like you said his contest link

    [quote name='Eon' timestamp='1327702106' post='102649']
    Sugar Rush
    In this BHC Side Event fighters will battle for the legendary candy sculpture. The candy sculpture will be in the image of the champion, sculpted from a large piece of rainbow candy.
    Steps to sign up
    Go here: [url="http://magicduel.com...test_signup.php"]http://magicduel.com...test_signup.php[/url]
    After you receive 1 pieces of candy click on the sign up button.
    This event starts on February 3rd at 16:00:00 server time.
    For this event some places in the game are restricted to compete in. You are to stay out of GG, Tribunal, Necrovion, and places that very few players have access to. Pathkeeper, Fields of Fear, and Deeper GG (not sure what else to call it) are restricted. Story mode locations are restricted as well
    1. Don't take a players heads without actually battling them.
    2. Don't use bugs.
    I'll be updating this later to show what the score to end stage one will be.
    If I feel like I need to add a new rule or something else to the competition at a later point in time, I will.

    Never does it say in his "OFFICIAL" Contest Thread that he wont be attacking others, or for that matter even competing. He does say it later in his thread but that doesnt signify that he isnt allowed to attack you, does it? Also even if he does have heads as i've seen him have over 1K i also dont see him gaining score, or is he?

    As for the proof you brought its nothing but screenshots of Player A attacking Player B. that in no way signifies or demonstrates that he took your heads and if you did provide those it still doesnt show that he took those heads with an intent to "compete" in his own BHC. Simply demonstrate Player A attacking Player B and a "byproduct" of taking his heads.

    IMO Eon hasnt cometed any crime or for that an injustice.

    P.S. Is this just a complaint that can be moved from this section of forum or is it an actual attempt to push this to court?
  3. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to Miq in So far...   
    Its not "double edged sword" but "double edged blade" slight difference here

    Anyway all i have do say about Necro is that You in there have always been your own doom.
  4. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to Chewett in Power Abuse - Heads Contest   
    Hence why people port you to GoE to spice the compeititon up, Dont complain just because you were/are winning, Fight for it.

    Its happened a lot in previous HC's... and a lot more also
  5. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to dst in So far...   
    I didn't accuse anyone of anything. If what Jaden did was right or wrong...I do not care. I simply STATED a fact which you seem to want to keep it "secret" for god knows what reasons (which again I do not care about). My only point is: I am sick of the "nose up" and "secretive" attitude you and few others have.

    And with that I think I am done with this subject.
  6. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Peace in So far...   
    [quote name='BFH' timestamp='1328227650' post='103227']

    It seems that did not worked quite well...

    BFH, we had been resumming the invitations in the alliance and most members were back.

    [quote name='Azull' timestamp='1328254455' post='103246']
    It is indeed ironic that the one who did not want to invite anyone back into TW, invites the only one that could be relied upon to start breaking things as soon as he got out of the asylum.

    (it makes me wonder why I bother at all)

    Before throwing me accusations, Azull, know that it wasn't me who invited Jester back in the alliance.

    And for your information, the Tainted Warriors are back alive. And in my possession.

    Let it be known that Jester was invited in the alliance (not by me or Azull although we know who did and the punishment has been set for that person) and after a discussion I had with Jester I assumed it was safe to keep him. The ex-King has not learned from his lessons, he took advantage of the trust I showed him and he invited Eon who in return disbanded the entire alliance, leaving only an invitation to his alt 'Time' to get in and keep it for him. Too bad that plan didn't work out for you.

    Jester is forever exiled from Necrovion and if it was in my hands I would personally hang him at the Trial of Agony, which I will begin to set in motion again.
  7. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Liberty4life in Necrovions coat of arms   
    ah very good pics me gusta

    BUT lines are way too thin and way too numerous, and if it gets shrinked (unsure about dimensions in which it would be used) it would look bad, and maybe some more work on tear shape coz atm its too artificial lookin shape rather than natural lookin, but generally its very good
  8. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to (Zl-eye-f)-nea in WTS Tainted Angien   
    A reserve is actually the minimum amount someone will sell something at....not a minimum bid on it.

  9. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to ChildOfTheSoul in WTS Tainted Angien   
    I think that when most people say "reserve", they mean don't bid any lower on that, because none of those bids mean anything. It cuts spam, and I think that 13 gold is a reasonable reserve for an auction on a tainted.
  10. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Princess Katt in Accepting New Applicants   
    I am way out of the parameters, and I have only just now gotten my MB citizenship back.

    But I'd be honored to be considered.

    Princess Katt
    Activity days: 449 ([b]92%)[/b]
    Current allegiance: Marind Bell
    Tag: [b]SUPPORTER 635[/b]
  11. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Yrthilian in citizenship granting item   
    i got a suggestin regarding this.
    Why not have the main alliance
    have an interfave to allow them to accept citizens.
    Give the ablity so that only the alliance leader can grant citizenship
    but let the page be seen by all alliance members.

    That way citizenship can be granted if the alliance wish to grant it
    It makes the land alliances more involved in the land
  12. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Rumi in GC Gathering Season - Item wanted, willing to trade   
    You asked for a rainwater collector?
  13. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to No one in Regarding Illusions and influencing lands   
    In my opinion, Marv is envious.

    Illusions are ... unstable features. Those that have them got them for some reason and they accepted them at their own risk (to lose stats / creatures and so on).

    There are very few ppl having illusions and they all take good care on how they use it (as I know of) and they did behaved (unlike other so called leaders).
    Many bugs have been fixed on illusions so they deserve to keep them as they are until they are made public.

    These illusions are their reward and not a single person (except the one that awarded them this right ) should question their right to keep them and use them.

    The illusions exist for a very long time now but only "recently" it happened that it bothers ppl. ( This is quite obvious if you remember the "recent" events ).

    [quote name='Prince Marvolo' timestamp='1326974774' post='101172']
    Lately, some thoughts struck my mind regarding Illusions:

    There are illusions that are able to influence a land is ways that are going very deep.
    My personal thought is, that they may want to get reviewed, because of this.
    Right now, there are illusions that are able to give the illusionist land loyalty. And I fear it might lead to having someone who is not loyal to a land grab the shared item, and ruin the purpose of it.
    I think that there are ppl that do much worse without having illusions and within their own lands.
    - for abuse see recent issue with water handlers ;
    - see s_x scandals for morality and behavior and then some are awarded ;
    - for betrayal of their own alliance just look at the recent event ;
    - for "game destroyers" look at those that sell creatures to low lvl players, to those that spoil the quests, to those that abuse for their own interest, to GGG-ers

    and so many other

    Please excuse me for pointing fingers, it is not my intention to point the persons but the actions, but these are the first that came to my mind. If you want, you can share some other example to add to the list.
    [quote name='Prince Marvolo' timestamp='1326974774' post='101172']
    The essence of the incident was that someone had the Loreroot Soldier Illusion on, and was talking not so nicely about Loreroot and its inhabitants.
    Again, this is my personal opinion, and I’d like to get feedback on this.
    I agree that you don't like it when it is coming from outside. But why you blame others ?
    Pornography is not nice, and it is not done with illusions and it is not a rumor and[i] it started in Loreroot.[/i]

    But look closer to you there are a lot of other defects and wrong doings that are worse then what these great people that use these illusions are doing.
    I don't think that any one of them used these illusions without a purpose within their role (yes, even dst must have a reason for opening necro, did you bother asking ?)

    [quote name='Prince Marvolo' timestamp='1326979297' post='101187']
    but what if someone DOES get the urge to do it? I have no doubt it could lead to... implications.
    4 or 5 people can make a mess with it, I do not wish to insult anyone who has the illusions, or want to claim I distrust them, but looking at the aboce stated reasons, I believe there IS enough reason to disable them
    There are less then 4 in TK. There are few water dowsers, few woodcutters, few fusioneers and few in other groups that have special treatment and they do abuse and they do make a mess. It is not something that it might be possible is was proven it is certain. Do disband them too. Please lets start it.
    Then lets move the items that are held by few (those shared to only a few withing certain alliances /lands) to general share.

    But nooo, some ppl have their fingers into those and therefor those cases are something else. THEY ARE NOT. They have been give some gifts and not even by name to all of them. Not all the ppl that have access to these gifts deserve them. Please start disbanding them too.
  14. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Prince Marvolo in Illusions and Alliance status   
    I want to explain my thoughts about this, in a manner that I hope will make sense.

    I see the illusions, as a dam that broke, water is flooding out, and we are on the wrong side of the dam.
    People on the right side of the dam, tell us to swim up towards the dam, through the rushing water, and get to dry land. Telling us it’s possible to get up there.

    Swimming makes you survive, yes. And swimming up a river is doable, and will teach you things.
    But swimming up a flood, is insanity.
    And when you almost reach that dam, someone will just open another little hole, to make us flush away back to where we started.

    While some people tell us to swim, for it is a way to beat water, I would suggest fixing the dam.
    I think that is the more constructive way to deal with the problem.

    I know I will always have people disagreeing with this. There will always be people upon that dam.
    But illusions should be a cloak, not a tank to make you practically invulnerable.
  15. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Esmaralda in Illusions and Alliance status   
    The illusion is a cover, a ruse, a way to conceal your identity and become someone else.That's good and fun, but the way it is currently designed, you get to fool everyone all of the time. Once in an illusion, not even the alliance leader who should technically hold the scrolls of all the members of the alliance knows who you are anymore. If you get kicked, it's as if the fake person gets kicked, but he doesn't erase the name of the real person from the list.

    No one should be fooled all of the time. That is simply not realistic.

    It could be interesting to add some intrigue to be able to fool some of the people some of the time (and perhaps it could include alliance members or even the leaders as well). Perhaps you were able to sneak in at night and re-write your name to Bob, and then Bob gets kicked in your stead. But there [b]has [/b]to be some chance added to it that you fail. Currently, there is no chance whatsoever that you would fail. You absolutely always fool all the people all the time, for as long as time as you wish, and there is nothing anyone can do to ensure that you don't regain your status once you choose that the illusion is over.

    That to me is too powerful for a spell and changes have to be done to it.
  16. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to No one in Illusions and Alliance status   
    [quote name='Prince Marvolo' timestamp='1327141299' post='101584']
    The illusions nullified our chance to win. dst could have had a lot of ways to get her alliance back (through the way I suggested, and probably a Lot more than that). But the illusions made it impossible for us to take it over. and therefor, made the alliance untouchable.
    No Marv, your only mistake is that you celebrated too soon. And you had you occasion to take the alliance for good when she first ended the illusion and came back into SI. At that moment you could have kicked her again, but as I said, you sleeped on your gain.

    [quote name='Prince Marvolo' timestamp='1327141299' post='101584']
    That doesn't change the fact that one of those mechanics may or may not be a bit overpowered in certain cases.
    Over powered is [u]skillvampire & vampiricaura[/u] but they [u]were created specially overpowered [/u]for a reason : [u]to give a fighting chance[/u].
    Now you want to remove a fighting chance ... then ... why not just kill all the vampires & priests because they are overpowered too.

    [quote name='Prince Marvolo' timestamp='1327141299' post='101584']
    I understand you want to have your initial 'settings' back after an illusion, but maybe there is a possibility for illusions to recognise an alliance kick, that does not influence any other settings from before the illusion.
    No Marv, i want nothing for myself. Just keep the fighting chance wherever it may be.
  17. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Prince Marvolo in Illusions and Alliance status   
    [quote name='No one' timestamp='1327109714' post='101537']

    To blame the failure on "abuse" or broken or wrong feature ... that I don't agree. It is called "game mechanics" (but you probably don't know what that is) that finally decided the battle.
    So, [b]removing that illusion "alliance feature" is to remove a change to fight , a chance to win or lose and therefor I will not agree with it.[/b] [/quote]

    The illusions nullified our chance to win. dst could have had a lot of ways to get her alliance back (through the way I suggested, and probably a Lot more than that). But the illusions made it impossible for us to take it over. and therefor, made the alliance untouchable.

    I myself never called it abuse. I know it is called game mechanics.
    That doesn't change the fact that one of those mechanics may or may not be a bit overpowered in certain cases.

    I understand you want to have your initial 'settings' back after an illusion, but maybe there is a possibility for illusions to recognise an alliance kick, that does not influence any other settings from before the illusion.

    And this is not a topic to discuss how good or bad we planned things.
  18. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to Peace in Illusions and Alliance status   
    When you wear an alliance badge, in our case dst had the SI badge, when you enter an illusion as Marv said it is a cloak and it lasts as much as you want it to last. It protects you and if you are kicked of the alliance while in the illusion mode, once you cancel it you restore your normal status and badge as if you never lost it.

    This isn't a bug, it has happened to me plenty of times when I began using illusions and Grido can confirm it because it happened once I think with the Golemian main alliance.
  19. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Seigheart in Illusions and Alliance status   
    It is intended to be used to put you back in an alliance? Even though you've been kicked out?
  20. Downvote
    Ivorak got a reaction from dst in Illusions and Alliance status   
    [quote name='Burns' timestamp='1327093493' post='101487']
    I've had wodin's guard in my ally, who is unkickable because it's an illusion, but he can't do anything inside, either.
    It would be extremely annoying if you were illusioned for some days to play on a mission, as illusions are set, and then find yourself stripped from your real alliance while being unable to do something about it, which is obviously a very special problem for leaders.

    If an ally member goes disguised for a while, they're still members, but can't do anything inside during the time disguised. It would be highly unfair if a person could be kicked from their real ally while they are stuck in the illusion ally, even more so if the person kicked is the leader of an ally.

    Is there a countdown before illusions can be dropped? And is it very long? Otherwise, while it may require the illusion user to abort a mission, there is something the alliance leader can do about it. Not everything can be done without sacrifice.

    And regardless of the above, I think an alliance, by definition, is based on trust. Sure, trust can be betrayed, but that's a risk inherent to most everything. And if you build up an alliance on anything else, then that "alliance" has no purpose besides perhaps the small boons that come from the game features. In such cases the alliance exists only mechanically and therefore shouldn't exist at all.
  21. Upvote
    Ivorak got a reaction from phantasm in Illusions and Alliance status   
    [quote name='Burns' timestamp='1327093493' post='101487']
    I've had wodin's guard in my ally, who is unkickable because it's an illusion, but he can't do anything inside, either.
    It would be extremely annoying if you were illusioned for some days to play on a mission, as illusions are set, and then find yourself stripped from your real alliance while being unable to do something about it, which is obviously a very special problem for leaders.

    If an ally member goes disguised for a while, they're still members, but can't do anything inside during the time disguised. It would be highly unfair if a person could be kicked from their real ally while they are stuck in the illusion ally, even more so if the person kicked is the leader of an ally.

    Is there a countdown before illusions can be dropped? And is it very long? Otherwise, while it may require the illusion user to abort a mission, there is something the alliance leader can do about it. Not everything can be done without sacrifice.

    And regardless of the above, I think an alliance, by definition, is based on trust. Sure, trust can be betrayed, but that's a risk inherent to most everything. And if you build up an alliance on anything else, then that "alliance" has no purpose besides perhaps the small boons that come from the game features. In such cases the alliance exists only mechanically and therefore shouldn't exist at all.
  22. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Shemhazaj in Illusions and Alliance status   
    [quote]I've had wodin's guard in my ally, who is unkickable because it's an illusion, but he can't do anything inside, either.[/quote]

    [color=#808080][i]really? Soldier of Loreroot is kickable. Tested that myself.[/i][/color]

    [quote]If I do everything in my power, and still lose, fine. But if i lose without having a chance to fight, that's not fine. [/quote]

    [color=#808080][i]ok, but look at it from the other side. If I do everything to take over an alliance but you can't win anyway coz of an illusion?[/i][/color]
    [color=#808080][i]also doesn't seem fine...[/i][/color]
  23. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Prince Marvolo in Illusions and Alliance status   
    There seems to be something tricky about mixing Illusions with kicking someone from the alliance.

    Someone is in an iIllusion, and get's kicked.
    When the illusion is reset, the settings of the player are put back to the settings before the illusion (in this case, also before the kick)
    This means, that said player is returned into the alliance, even when recieved a kick.

    I discussed this with Mur, and he told me this should be discussed with more people.

    Mur believes the 'bug' here, is not being able to kick a person when in an illusion, otherwise the change is futile.

    [b]Should it be possible? Should it be fixed? How would it be fixed?[/b]

    My personal opinion, is that illusion reset should not be able to interfere with alliance status.
    Not being able to kick someone in an illusion, I think, makes it much too overpowered.
    It is a cloak, yes. But you can still punch someone who wears a cloak right? (Maybe I've got to re-test that in RL, but I'm pretty sure it works )

    Thank you for your time, and please leave your thoughts about it
  24. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to stavaroiu in GC Gathering Season Argument thread   
    Again, i am sorry to drag this off topic but this is one great opportunity that i don`t plan on wasting.

    Some time ago there was talk of Eon using alts to benefit his main by gathering information but because of lack of proof there was nothing that could be done.
    [b]Any [/b]way alts could be used to help out their main is considered punishable and here we have a public evidence that Eon is using alts to store coins.

    Edit: I agree that these post are off topic and hinder bidding, but i just want to point out that since this is a very special season where special things are been sold, tracking of the money flow should be more strict then usual.
  25. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to Sharazhad in A "kingslayer" medal was awarded ?   
    [quote name='Muratus del Mur' timestamp='1326991614' post='101236']

    @Sharazhad, the breaking points are only in relation to the persons role. I constantly push and test CHARACTERS in key positions, in such ways that they will never notice or know it and hopefully when they less expect it. It has nothing to do with the person behind the character. [b]My role in the realm is one of a demon and i play it fully.[/b] You think i crossed the line? I only redirected certain forces to certain purposes, things IN REALM against things IN REALM.
    Why was it not "public"? First of all you have no idea what it is you are talking about that it was. Secondly it was not public because if the involved person would pass the test, the only possible reward for that person would be its own success. Thirdly, if you know you are tested you would not behave as you are and the 'test; would be influenced. Come on people, this is so obvious.


    [color=#008000][i]OMFG. If I ever had a reason to leave a game this is it. Tell me Mur, do you have a degree in Psychiatry? Psychology even? Where do you even get off "testing" people? What is your basis for this? What do you hope to achieve? Do really you see yourself as a scientist and we are your labrats? [/i][/color]
    [color=#008000][i]You say that your "tests" have nothing to do with the person behind the character. I say you are mistaken. On the start up page you appeal the player [b]to take a part of their own character [/b]and give it a name. Who are you testing then if not the player themselves?! [/i][/color]

    [color=#008000][i]If you are going to be performing experiments on people, they should be able to decide for themselves whether or not they want to be part of this twisted scenario. I hope you realise that what you are doing (finding breaking points on your unknowing subjects or whatever other crazy experiments the MD populous is undergoing) is unethical and can be considered a violation of human rights[/i][/color].
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