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Muratus del Mur

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Everything posted by Muratus del Mur

  1. the wires of Eggdar... current abilities, online player awareness, scene vision. Currently suitable for community events, organizing riddles, some quests. It is not aware of md history, or any secrets. It can not move..yet.. It does have memory, so be careful what you test on it, it might remember you in unfavorable ways... consider one day you might need to pass it during a quest or something ..play nice with Eggy
  2. here are my plans for recipes for a next depth of items. The 'ingredients' are based on the most abundant items in the realm, sign that their use is either missing or not balanced. Creating these items will consume existing items, and create more complex and functional items, or precursors to even more complex items. I hope to be able to slowly create a path from resource, to more advanced items, and the most advanced items to be consumables requiring several levels of processing, with limited use but extreme power. Your feedback is welcome and appreciated. Functionality and actual mixing amounts are still open to debate. IMPORTANT: To avoid getting stuck in where to place the combiners and mixers for these items, i decided to create a central location for all this mixing. I don't have a place set yet, suggestions are welcome. Basically all mixing of next depth item such as these, will be do-able in one place. The next level after this (complexity 6-7), will be done in an other place, not the same. ==== COMPLEXITY LEVEL: 5-6 ===== Arcane Glass Ingredients: Raw Glass + Reality Shards + Crystal Description: By infusing raw glass with the mysterious properties of Reality Shards and finishing it with a crystalline sheen, you create a highly reflective, semi-sentient glass that warps light and confuses onlookers. Function: ingredient for later mixing Essence of Verdancy Ingredients: Unidentified Plants + Aromatic Herbs + Flowers Description: A small vial containing the concentrated essence of lush plant life. It smells of blossoming meadows and can be used in potent healing rituals or to magically enhance growth in gardens. Function: ingredient for later mixing Chrono Shard Ingredients: Timeless Dust + Syntropic Dust + Memory Stone Description: When you bind two time-altering substances (Timeless and Syntropic dust) around a fragment of Memory Stone, you craft a glowing shard that can momentarily slow or speed up time in the hands of a skilled mage. Function: Maybe a fenths equivalent for the shattered apparition crit Molten Golem Core Ingredients: Rare Metals + Iron Ore + Golemus Dust Description: These superheated metals, mixed with Golemus Dust’s potent magical essence, form a concentrated orb that acts as the “heart” of any construct or golem. It glows with an inner heat and radiates a low, rhythmic pulse. Function: Ingredient for the currently non existant golem. Corrupted Brew Ingredients: Toxic Plants + Toxic Gas + Water Description: A bubbling green mixture that reeks of danger. This poison-laced concoction is rumored to weaken even the mightiest creature if ingested—or, with proper alchemy, it could be refined into a powerful antidote, or a weapon. Function: ingredient to build toxic bombs Mudwood Bricks Ingredients: Fine Sand + Clay + Water + Lumber Description: Mixing damp sand and pliable clay, then reinforcing it with pulverized lumber fibers, yields a sturdy brick material. Dried in sunlight, these bricks are surprisingly strong and naturally resistant to erosion. Function: part of future plans of allowing players to construct buildings, need to talk to chew about this Soulbound Idol Ingredients: Bones + Resin + Memory Stone Description: A small, carved effigy formed from bleached bones, held together with resin and embedded with a Memory Stone shard. The idol can store fragments of the wearer’s essence, allowing for minor feats of necromancy. Function: usable with necrotic ink for creating one time consumable against or in favor of clearly specified players. Warding Effigy Ingredients: Branches + Bushies + Rock Salt + Syntropic Dust Description: Twisting branches into a humanoid form and lashing them together with Bushies for texture, you then coat the structure in Rock Salt and sprinkle it with Syntropic Dust. This scarecrow-like effigy deters low-level spirits from entering a guarded area. Function: Defense are, +def spell effect of all online in same place. consumable. Spirit Ink Ingredients: Colored Paper + Ashes + Reality Shards Description: Burn the colored paper to ashes, then imbue the powder with Reality Shards, creating an inky substance that shimmers with otherworldly patterns. Writing with Spirit Ink can manifest illusions or store magical seals within its text. Function: usable with other items to get benefical results, similar to necrotic ink Singing Clay Ingredients: Clay + Resin + Timeless Dust Description: Infusing malleable clay with Timeless Dust and sealing it with resin creates a soft, humming material. In the presence of active magic, it resonates with distant echoes, marking the flow of time with a steady hum. Function: silvertongue casts, if mixed with memory stone Lucid Candle Ingredients: Aromatic Herbs + Resin + Syntropic Dust Description: A “candle” formed by melting resin mixed with aromatic herbs, then sprinkled with Syntropic Dust. When lit, it produces a gentle, otherworldly glow that sharpens the mind and reveals hidden illusions or enchantments. Function: reveal , cancel effect of any playername altering spells, stopping invisibility or impersonation. Probably should be mixed with heat jars or heat stones to be activated otherwise its too powerful. Twilight Brew Ingredients: Tea Leaves + Rainwater + Timeless Dust Description: Steep freshly gathered tea leaves in pure rainwater, then swirl in a pinch of Timeless Dust. The resulting shimmering tea grants the drinker an extended twilight hour, delaying nightfall in their perception. Function: Something related to night mode, maybe instant exit, or temporary exit (not sure if i can) from night mode. Glistening Grimoire Ingredients: Colored Paper + Gems + Memory Stone Description: By binding lustrous gems onto colored paper lined with a fragment of Memory Stone, you craft a small book that can store illusions or recollections. Reading from its pages sometimes conjures faint, ghostly images of past events. Function: either create a bestiary, now or with other items, or maybe create a stored collection of chats, like a capturing mechanism of chats in a location that will be kept forever in the item storage. Toxic Bomb Ingredients: Toxic Gas + Toxic Plants + Paper Description: A volatile bundle of poison-laced flora and noxious fumes, wrapped tightly in paper. When ignited or ruptured, it spews a thick, toxic cloud, saturating the area with debilitating poisons. Function: weapon, mass effect on all players online in same location, needs corrupted brew Dustwalker Sandals Ingredients: Fine Sand + Golemus Dust + Skin Description: Compressing fine sand into a sturdy sole and bonding it with Golemus Dust between layers of treated skin yields footwear that leaves only swirling motes of dust behind. Wearers move silently across any terrain, as though half-ethereal. Function: Consumable for action points Whispering Stone Ingredients: Stone + Memory Stone + Reality Shards Description: A polished rock embedded with Memory Stone fragments and Reality Shards. When held, it whispers echoes of the past or half-forgotten secrets; tapping into it can reveal fleeting visions of lost knowledge. Function: this could be very interesting, maybe future use, but for now it could be acoutsic remains spell stone. Chrono Seeds Ingredients: Unidentified Plants + Timeless Dust + Fenths Description: By splicing strange seeds with a pinch of Timeless Dust and energizing them with Fenths, these peculiar plant seeds can sprout in different timelines. They sometimes produce bizarre “time-skipped” growths that show glimpses of alternate eras. Function: Used as ingredient to switch path of creatures with branched futures, like snowman or angiens. Arcane Filigree Ingredients: Rare Metals + Gems + Reality Shards Description: Intricate strands of rare metals are woven around brilliant gems, each thread imbued with tiny Reality Shards. Arcane Filigree is often set into staves or talismans to dramatically boost the power of illusions or elemental magic. Function: Enhance other items Wraith Lantern Ingredients: Skull + Ashes + Resin Description: Carved from a bleached skull and coated in hardened resin, the inside is filled with consecrated ashes that burn with an eerie, pale flame. When carried, it illuminates hidden paths and repels malevolent spirits. Function: not sure Bonsai Golem Ingredients: Branches + Clay + Golemus Dust Description: This tiny golem is formed from flexible branches anchored in malleable clay, animated by Golemus Dust. Its leafy sprigs grow at a slow pace, giving it the appearance of a living bonsai tree with a sentient core. Function: used with fenths , and other, to obtain crit Starmoss Essence Ingredients: Aromatic Herbs + Mineral Water + Reality Shards Description: A faintly glowing concoction created by steeping aromatic herbs in mineral water, then stirring in a sprinkle of Reality Shards. Starmoss Essence adds a celestial gleam to potions, rituals, or enchantments. Function: not sure, beautifier of some sort Bone Quill Ingredients: Bones + Ashes + Colored Paper Description: A slender bone is hollowed out for an ink reservoir, using ash to create a jet-black tip. This quill, when used on colored paper, can inscribe words that resonate with a faint necromantic power or store hidden messages. Function: tool to write necrotic ink on personal item. Animated Origami Ingredients: Colored Paper + Sticky Goop + Syntropic Dust Description: By folding intricate shapes from bright paper and bonding them with a drop of sticky goop, then dusting them lightly with Syntropic Dust, you can bring origami creatures to life. They flit about with a mischievous independence. Function: next depth item, to be mixed with fenths and obtain fire elemental...ooorr.. usable as a portable creature totem reviver? Memory Brew Ingredients: Flowers + Tea Leaves + Memory Stone Description: A delicate tea made by steeping fragrant blossoms with mild tea leaves and stirring in a ground fragment of Memory Stone. Drinking it can help recall forgotten details or solidify new memories. Function: next depth item. Detach imprinted stones from their imprint, obtaining and ingredient to be used in exchange for one additional permanent cast of that spell. Necrotic Ink Ingredients: Toxic Plants + Bones + Ashes Description: A pungent black ink brewed from crushed toxic plants, bone powder, and ash-laced water. Its necromantic traces can be used to scribe forbidden tomes or bind skeletal minions through ritual inscriptions. Function: mix use with bone quill. to be combined with blood or autographs, in exchange of self curse but exponential power against set player,
  3. ah..right .. no that flash thing is long time obsolete.. so i guess its been years since anyone used it.. so in a way, problem solved? :))) almost
  4. oh and.. I don't like the title "Love, appreciation and support!" .. makes this sound about me, and that would void its effect. Don't worry, i get all the appreciation i need if such a thing gets to happen. Lets change it along the 'reversed carnival' idea.
  5. that could work .. Christmas time sounds a bit better than md birthday in terms of free time..or not? Planning it for later is good because gives everyone time to decide. maybe i could prepare some signup thing, so we are sure we can count on a number of people. Its funny if you think of it, as if the person is the mask for the player character, not the other way around. We should find a way to present it as such , like a reversed masked carnival party.. not sure if i am clear enough, i'm very tired rn.
  6. Ahahahaha omg i got a genuine wp! Ok now i owe everybody some pics in my defence i have to mention that i built the entire shed myself, not just put some tubes on a ready made roof. Next plan is a water tower for pressure
  7. You know what could be interesting?.. to join a video meeting without knowing who is who, no playernames.. and find out just much later or at the end who was who
  8. check the screenshot, its so funny.. It was supposed to know just what was written in the book (both!) and yet it gives a nice answer about something unrelated..that fits because obviously both the book and md have a coherent thought behind them, that fit in certain aspects. Let me know what you think
  9. Thank you for the kind words Its certainly something when someone goes from 20 to 40 while still loyal and present in a community. We are like completely different people at those ages. I dont know how a get together could function, since everyone is from a different country... you mean like discord, or zoom or such?
  10. After seeing what came out with the AI for my book, (btw.. that is shocking...i couldn't be more amazed really..it manages to reach areas of the logic in the book that i didnt write yet , but because they make sense, the AI connects them and reveals new things that are even novelty for myself as the author of that text) I decided that A25 docs could be made INTERACTIVE, meaning that you would explain in your own basic words what quest you want to achive, and the AI would research what tools to use, what code to write, what path to follow etc... imagine that. Its years of data gathered, and all these need to be formatted in a certain way. I am talking about all the content on the A25 docs forum section (most of you dont have access to that, but you will if you will participate in this). I need help formatting these, basically a lot of copy paste work, with some editing where needed. Some comments need to be rephrased, or at least extracted and put in the correct context. This is a big project, but i am 100% sure i can do my part with the AI and code, but i am also sure i can not handle and readh that much text , and i need help. Anyone interested? Post as reply here
  11. DISCLAIMER Many of the records in this archive are ancient, some of the concepts presented here i perfected, fine-tuned over the years, others are not even things i agree with. I kept the views of who wrote the posts as they where, as they are valuable research. Many things found in the archvies are common knowledge in MD now, but please keep in mind that at the time of their writing, these where secrets. These archives are a journey into the past.
  12. The Kelle'tha Order archives have been locked ages ago, with some posts dating back 15+years ago. They represent bits and pieces of debates and first-hand information , from the young ages of MagicDuel, many things inspired from documents prepared before MD, as part of its design concepts. Its been so many years since these archive closed, and i decided its a pity to lose all this valuable information, so i am unlocking access to these records, for research purposes, but also historic purposes. I moved all records from the "Kelle'tha Records" section to one of the locked sections, many had duplicates, posted about same time (not sure why). I wanted to preserve the records as they where so i did not combine the informations under same topics, instead you will find them all as they where, including the duplicate (or almost duplicate) records. Each subforum is protected by a password, and you will be able to reach that password through a quest created by Aelis (under my supervision). This access is about knowledge , and so will be the path leading to it. Obtaining the password to all subforums does not entitle you to any rights regarding the Kelle'tha in-game Guild, currently locked. If this guild will ever be unlocked and usable, and in what way, it will depend mostly on overall MD activity, and the opinion of former order members, if they are reachable. I enabled posting and replying to members of Border Research and A25 group, so they can complete the archive with valuable information, if they want to. They will still need to discover the access password to these forums, so not everyone in these groups may respond, but anyone obtaining the password can view the records. Aelis will followup with details about the quest when it will be ready.
  13. This one is an other song with my lyrics, in romanian this time.. its weird and fun to bring old texts to life using AI Pasare mare.mp3
  14. Having some fun with the AI.. this is one of my old poems turned into a metal song.. what do you think? Knator fighters.mp3
  15. This issue has been fixed now. Thank you for pointing it out!
  16. In addition to this, i want to say something about mentoring new players when they are in fact undercover vets, as this happened to me many times and i admit its frustrating. It is frustrating, but if you think about it better, an "OK" alt, should be allowed to go through this process to. In many cases there are fossilized vets, that suddenly realize they lost connection with how md works, and want to experience it allover again, including how to it is to be a noob and work their way from the ground up..and this is fully allowed. Maybe one day you will want to experience this yourself, and you will understand why i support this kind of thing.
  17. While an altcheck will never happen out of public curiousity, it can certainly happen out of abuse concerns, but even so, the outcome of the check might not be publicly disclosed (maybe only if it ends up with a sort of punishment for the involved parties) Alternate identities to play alternate roles, is a sacred concept here in md, and any alt abuse should be regarded through this perspective also. I will conduct a search when and if i consider needed. If you find additional abuse proof please publish here or send to me, but for now this only looks to me like you grabbed onto a minor thing to try to confirm a suspicion, and i can't help you about that.
  18. Aia won this auction! CONGRATULATIONS! I will arrange transfer of cat and associated things once i find my brain after yesterdays party
  19. To clarify this. It is intentional, to let YOU (population of md) do whatever you wish and adjust the resulting value of whatever happens on your own. On my part i am ready for anythibg you may throw to me (=>MD) ..for example you might decide that you s8xh not to continue the bloodline of any kitties..or to infest md with as much cats as possible..i am ready for all. The current female is (will be) in Handy Pockets hands, as the initial gift i made (so much fun it was). The male and female must me under the same account , its your responsability under what terms you do this. MD tribunal will judge the eventuality of such fraud keeping in kind that the tlrisk exists, but the people involved are honorable. Right now, the cats CAN NOT REPRODUCE , this is future work, and the cats will be the prototype of a new series of functions in md game dynamics. I can not estimate when this will function, but i am very motivated to do this. In the beginning, to speed up things, i might provide an other female for experiments only, to see how this works but i will try not to dirsupt the "cat economy" with my experiments. *there might be undisclosed good things for the winner of the auction, but i can not tell them because i am righr now not sure i can provide the things i am planning. The value of the auction is for me an indicator of how much interest it is for this feature and this is proportional to my motivation to work on this further. Right now, the value exceeds any expectations. To be fully honest with everyone once this auction is over , there will be an other auction with a very cool item, so that rhe top gold holders in md will be less rich :))) and my stock of gold for random gifts will be replenished. (Next year)
  20. I got the same error but now it seems fine. Maybe he remained with some cache
  21. This must be a record of some sort, i wonder if anything else was ever auctioned more than 300g in md history...
  22. I get your point, and I will try my best to avoid such situations, if possible, but like with any other custom tag, there could be unforeseen ways around it. Think for example if you name your cat steven , get a tag "owner of steven" then register a playername "steven", after, and pretend you are a puppet master. This can be solved by naming the tag like "owner of steven [the cat]" However, giving custom tags, regardless of occasion, should include a small chance of creative abuse. This is a spice that most don't agree to, but most enjoy its result. Eventually its possible that the cat will be the prototype of pet owners, maybe even give a tag automatically, i don't know, but whatever will happen till then, with the future owner of this one and its pet, remains open. In any case, i will try to prevent immediate and obvious abuse, but i can't guarantee something will not slip, ..and then once granted, the tag remains along with its implications.
  23. updated announcement, winner of the cat will also get a custom cat owner tag to keep.
  24. Fund raising event! There are currently 2 (soon 3) cats in the realm, but plans are to make them more common later on ... just not too common. I can not promise anything about their future rarity or market value, but regardless, they are very cool thing to have as they can be placed in any scene in any place! I am putting up a (male *hint*) cat for auction! The price will be exclusively in GOLD (notes and coins), and no silver equivalents. You can exchange silver for gold yourself at the coin minting facility. This is so, because i want to increase my gold stash, but also lower the silver amount currently on the market. The auction will end at the end of the year, and no surprise last minute bids will be accepted. If anyone bids higher in the last moment, the auction will be extended so that there will be at least a full day or more time for any other participant to reconsider their offers. By purchasing a cat, you agree that you will accept any future behavior of this animal, including running away from you, mating with other cats and created unwanted kitties, or even if it starts to eat your food. It currently does not do so, but like i said i have plans for this one. Meow! (Good luck!) UPDATE - tag bonus The owner of the cat will also receive a custom tag, somethign related to being a cat owner. The tag will be kept regardless what happens with the cat later. To keep things fair, the owner of the current cat will also receive this if she requests it (pm me). Optionally, the cats can be named ONCE, no name change after.
  25. and its done! syntax is double asterix in front of the trigger word: **silver the output contains asterix in front and at the end (*message*), to be similar to how you would write your own mood texts, hopefully this will be a hint there is also the option to add a word or more after the trigger word, and for some moods this will direct the text towards that target, for example **greet nobody @jakubhi very nice ideea btw!
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