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Muratus del Mur

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Everything posted by Muratus del Mur

  1. [This is sort of offtopic, but leave it here in magic please] Taking an important and unavoidable event in someones life, generaly and theoretically speaking, answer me this: Is a worthy death, one fitting the life till that point, more valuable than a meaningless life to follow for a longer period after ? Thx LE: clarification needed. its about same life lived before a crucial moment, not about two different lives one meaning less and one with meaningfull death. Same one, different direction.
  2. Someone sent me a pm mentioned i should try to do yoga ..so i did a little "research" and here is my (friendly) reply oh but i do..yoga..here is proof. [img]http://i259.photobucket.com/albums/hh295/lil_coz/ATT00000.jpg[/img] [img]http://i259.photobucket.com/albums/hh295/lil_coz/ATT00002.jpg[/img] [img]http://i259.photobucket.com/albums/hh295/lil_coz/ATT00003.jpg[/img] [img]http://i259.photobucket.com/albums/hh295/lil_coz/ATT00004.jpg[/img] [img]http://i259.photobucket.com/albums/hh295/lil_coz/ATT00006.jpg[/img] [img]http://i259.photobucket.com/albums/hh295/lil_coz/ATT00008.jpg[/img] Now...*hic*..how sho.ld i ..explain..hic.. drink after me: yooo..hic..ga....
  3. now thats a some mood description: "Melancooholic Twit" :)))

    1. Curiose


      I agree. Melancholy reminds me, for some reason, of cauliflower.

    2. Amoran Kalamanira Kol

      Amoran Kalamanira Kol

      That's funny, for some reason it reminds me of dijon mustard.

  4. Those that follow my posts more than just a curiosity from the creator of MD, deserve this bit of information. The others will make sense of it too, but not with same implications. I do not care of you or the freedom of your thoughts. If you don't manage to keep the freedom of your mind alone, i will just discard you from my potential list of people i might learn something from. So don't fool yourself, the next thing i say is for my own moral not just for your own good. Information i "trade" comes with a price. Once you see a truth beyond what your mind was capable to reach (mostly due to ignorance on the matter not actual incapability), you will take the first answer as granted. The more i give you the more i take from your freedom. You know how i could make someone to quit MD? by giving him _Everything_ all at once... think what it means. I scatter bits here and there, share secrets i should not, but don't be happy about it. There is just one single way to grasp this kind of information without limiting your freedom (inner freedom)..and that is discovering it yourself. Sometimes milestones need to be placed, secrets revealed, foundations rebuilt. This kills minds, while reviving other. As someone (thank you) pointed to me, understanding is different from knowledge. I trade you knowledge, understanding you find yourself..never take understanding from someone else or mistaken it for knowledge. Its not a gift, not a spoiler, its something that is payed with your freedom of mind and has a bad side effect that you will have to chose between ignorance or stepping into abyss to find more. The things i gift..well there are some...i call them now sparks..or seeds... maybe one day i will be able to master those, but i don't think so yet. For now i just realise what giving out information is, and i want, for my own moral values, to tell you..so you can't say later i destroyed your life and such. I stepped on corpses while building MD, without knowing it, planting seeds into people, opening their mind to a world that was not theirs to look into. I wont lie...i don't care so much. My personal opinion is that whoever is not ready to understand these things fails its purpose as a human being... but it affects me, badly. One of the advantages of being remote is that it prevents direct influence, so i can count more on the sanity and real feedback of people than i could face to face. I want to preserve this advantage and not let information get tainted by the fact you are not knowing at what price it comes. Knowledge is pain, understanding is bliss, since they can't go one without an other, the target of all this can't be seen in such terms. p.s. for the sake of my limited time left, if you can't understand what i am saying move on and don't comment, leave this topic for those that do. i am in overclock mode.
  5. I do like it very much that your prices are variating depending on how fit an avy is for the buyer. That makes a lot more sense. If the prices are outrageous or not...well thats how markets work, if they are high nobody will buy them, and you will have to lower them. I also appreciate they are in MD coins and not cash, otherwise it wouldn't be helping md at all it would just ruin it. Hopefully others will follow that too when selling md things for cash. note in case you wonder why i placed avy holding limits yet i comment favorable on this avatar shop..consider avy trading is unavoidable, alt abuse to hold avies is also unavoidable, yet this is a shop in an organized form. One of the moments when rules are meant to be broken, if you see what i mean. its a fine line. without that "moral" part of your shop and not named "shop", it would have fallen in the other side of the rules.
  6. christmas card exchange pm labels should be on shortly. OF COURSE WE DO IT... what do you think.. hehe..
  7. We should change forum rankings to avoid confusion , for example: forum rank "High Court Member" could be interpreted as council member so it should be changed to something more "forum specific".
  8. I am sure nobody would mind if you say Happy Birthday in serbian, or use latin names for fruits. I really really doubt that ...
  9. Are you people running out of arguing reasons? because i can give you plenty if you want. Do you really need to go behind words to pretend, either to "catch" someone, or to offend someone? Rules are there for decency and common sense. It is also common sense that allows rules to be crossed and not taken always letter by letter. For example the picture size is so that signature won't be too agressive and take too much display space. If you can't figure that out by yourself you have a big issue. Quotes the same, they are intended to avoid saying directly what one would want to say, it is a form of diplomacy, survive it. If you need force to behave, fine, so be it. Chewett please decide on this yourself, no voting, forum is your jurisdiction. It seems that common sense has more "sense" if not debated. [b]UPDATE[/b] i had the impression mods don't agree on this one. my mistake, if mods agree on something do whatever you agree on.
  10. can anyone excahnge 100-200$ that i will send in paypal, and buy me the equivalent amazon.com gift cupon? amazon payments work only through credit card payment. thanks.
  11. I think this goes for EXTREME MD.. i beat the record of post lenght.. oh ..my... :))) http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/8399-vatican-and-baal

    1. Rex


      extreme md still lives :o

    2. Sharazhad


      I think you have too much time on your hands...

  12. Doesnt matter if you are active on forums or not. I asked a question than any of MB people could have informed you about, you should reply promptly to such random sweeps, it shows you still exist. I didnt asked you why you dont write on the forum or what is it that you do, i just asked to see a reply, meaning you are there if needed. You answered it next day. great. Thank you, i was about to give you one penalty for inactivity and one for my nerves today. Lets see who's next ... firs is ok, yrth is ok, jester i said what i had to say, you replied ... damn..no more kings for my nerves, alright, i go pick a scandal of some sort, or select the most idiotic pm i receive and reward it a ban. Good day
  13. At this point i am having really bad rl issues, emotionally, financialy, healt, all of it....my nerves are very thin right now. I helped both sides as best as i could, with advice, with a new feature to use... the irony is the jester believes i was unfair towards him while pample and the people on her side believe i was to mild to him or that i am not taking action as i should. I will end this now very fast. Only thing you could ask me is my judgement. I did that. You heard my opinion on the matter, we had that meeting, you agreed to certain things and you both failed to respect the agreement. Not only that, but i am getting increasingly angry on the pressure from both sides, regardless how polite or well put it is. I am not able to fight my own problems in rl at this point, i will not nurse any of you more than i already did. I cant take sides, i must not take sides, you keep forgetting what i represent. I even told you my personal opinion, one that cant be official, to both of you. You can adress your complains, in an oprganised form, to the coincil. I signed them a bunch of papers in blank so they can take absolutely any action, they can ask rendril to implement any feature needed, do absolutely anything requireing my authority. I didnt asked the council into this because i was hoping i can help more, it seems i cant. From this point, i dont want to hear what kind of whores, child rapers or whatever other things jester calls you, i dont want to hear how betrayed you feel, i dont want to hear anything at all, because you obviously cant handle the answers you were asking. Necrovion, from all the lands, has a flip coin on my table. One side sais King, the other sais Shade Sentinel. If i get to personal on this, and i am already, mostly because my past experience with other people, shoeps breakdown, amoran scandal, and so on, i cant be a fair judge and not be angry, and i will do things i will regret after when i will be more calm. But at this point, if i hear one more thing from either side, i feel like wiping out necrovion, pick a handfull of people as shade sentinels puppets, and closing the land, taking society in md about 3 years back. Respect my nerves in such, dont give me reasons, i am looking for them allredy. Next in line Marind Bell.
  14. don't mess with my nerves these days, i push buttons

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Malaikat Maut

      Malaikat Maut

      If he uses Dell, it's probably a charcoal grey button...

    3. Esmaralda


      I hope you feel better. If I have a bad day, I always think about tomorrow. The beauty of tomorrow is that you don't know what it will bring, and I await with excitement for the better day! If it doesn't come, then maybe the next one will, or the next, or the next. Hope is good for the soul ^_^

    4. Pipstickz


      Mkay, we won't do neural surgery on Mur

  15. i returned all kings item to him, i wont pick each one see what and why is where it is etc, he can give them back to whoever he want after.
  16. Is your King still alive or should I search him in an other land? One day to reply.
  17. The rebel system just got implemented as you know, and also as you already know it was implemented as a response to the recent conflict. Aysun raised a real problem, how could a king be dethroned without risking to be considered a traitor...so you go my answer now. I have no intention of dethronening Jester, but also no intention of letting things go out of control. Anyone wishing to become rebels should do so on their own. For the record, i manually placed Aysun and Pample as Necrovion rebels, but thats it. I am not convinced that my decision was enrirely fair (to apply a new rule retroactively) but its done. Consider it a favor if you like it better that way. I will not create other rebels, you now have the way to do it yourself. This comes in reply to Tarqs and Rasks request to become rebels too. Regarding Jester Penalty points do jot mean a king will not benefit from my support, whoever that king is, untill his points run out. Also my support ends with the kingship and switches when king changes. However, if a king shows me disrespect or no intention of protecting his remaining penalty points, I will remove that king. You forget this is no democracy. Jester gets minus one for recovering items lost. King items were transfered from pample back to the king. He loses an other point for cummulated bad language and offenses against other players. Two points left, I hope they will be well guarded and that they will vanish over time...or at least they wont get wasted over the same conflict.
  18. anonimous but public complain system, addressed to the king (only to him), is something i agree it could be usefull. not many have the courage to speak their mind freely, but their ideas might be usefull. It also prevents the king from saying no just because of his ego. For now see how yould manage that with what it is...untill i figure something like a feature for it.
  19. indeed penalty points should reset over time. I have no idea what that time should be. Might also be a good idea to reset them if king does good things for his land, but again, might be abusable. about discontent level.... any systen to track it will be abused by people that want to show things are worse than they really are. I believe the only real indocstor is the number of active rebels over the number of active citizens. Empty complains should not be cobsidered real discontent..if someone is really discontent with a king, they should be ready to do the sacrifices the rebel status brings. new ways to reward a player are also needed. I will consider this for the future, maybe inplement it with the upcomming christmas things (cant say more for now). I dont consider new reward options as part of the rebel topic. open a new topic for this if you want. yes, kingship transfer means tag change and kingship items transfered... but don't think anyone holding the items is automatically a king too.
  20. in fact, i talked to you Princ more than i did to some of the kings, and i listened and acted to sugestions from players i never talked to before more than i did with people from "within my circle" how you like to put it. You still stick to your deranged conceptions about how MD runs and about me, constantly pointing as wrong to any idea or decision that is not serving your purpose. I bet that if i put a rule that anyone not satisfied with the king can call elections immediatley, you will be happy about it.
  21. i think i get it now... what you consider to be people that loby around me are those that find ways of putting their concerns in a decent manner. You Princ, somehow fail to do that, and for some unknown reason I find your remarks annoying, agressive, and somehow offending...that makes them hard for me to understand. I assure you that i put in practice good ideas regardless from who they come, from people i never spoke to, from people i used to argue with and so on...but they need to come with the required "diplomacy" how I call it. I am not talking about ass-kissing, pressure, or such..just a decent, non provocative, non moaning kind of discussion, something you obviously are incapable of. On the topic next to be done is a way to see percentage of discontent in a land, and more creative ways to punish rebels while keeping their purpose as a rebel. If you want me to hear your suggestions or opinions, please keep it short and to the point and cut the bs. I believe its way to soon to predict what will happen and how rebel status will be used. Thats why i stated where i am aiming at with these changes, and i will adapt the rebel thing in such way that it will fit that concept. If rebels will start to abuse chat and mock the king , the chat silencer for rebels will have more uses, if the king will abuse its powers to hurt rebels unjustified, the rebels will have better immunity, all in time. If the concept is not flawed (and that i am ready to debate if it is the case), the rules are a formality to be adjusted.
  22. Kings are not presidents, You have no clue about kings it seems. If you expect me to create a confortable alternate version of rl world.. you are WRONG. MD world has its rules, its own rules, and maybe if you would try to adapt and fit to them you would learn something out of it. Afterall you have "monarchy" or "dictators" or stupid rules all around you, a lot more real than just a game. You find them in school, work, even in traffic. This things are embeded deep in how we are. My judgement flaws or slips, is what makes such rules challenging. It is also my judgement that has always kept things at the edge of "doable" , allowing both backdoors but also unforseen oportunity to most of the laws and rules I placed. If you took your time to read my latest show of force article you would understand that in a world where the rules are the same for all, its only your fault if you cant follow them, you "Mirror" your own ...whats the word...incompetence? or lack of adaptation ability. Humanity survived because it can adapt, any individual not ready to adapt is expandable for evolution.
  23. To put it even more simple: The rules will mirror the way i _personally_ consider that a king should be dethroned and how citizens should behave. I think that only a GROUP of people , with coherent ideas, respectful to the land and diplomatic enough to fight their way up, should be entitled to challenge a king that otherwise is immune. Military takeover or popular riots are not something that is allowed or technically supported now... maybe at a later time, takeover by raw power will be possible, but right now, it is not. Rebel status and propaganda. Kings should not fear to take harsh decisions, they should not fear to be blackmailed by possible rebels, but they should also fight to be a suitable king and not just an other player that has fun with a very public role. I also don't plan to put any rule or item that will make it easy to dethrone a king 4 times a year, the longer a player remains active (ACTIVE) as a king, the better. It is better because it means stability, the land gets part of his personality, citizens form a more coherent structure and so on. The rules are meant to support this view.
  24. It seems some of you don't get it so here it is in more detail: - 4 hours means king wont have to run after you every 30min or so. - same location to be able to silence means rebels will do their talks in remote places, PLOTTING, thats the point! - more than 4h cooldowntime means if you are persistant enough you can do it - one single target means rebels can talk anytime if they are united - citizenship remains, this means main land rules still apply and while king cant, i can jail or ban (easier for me) those that will use rebel status to verbally abuse or cause chaos. - land official rules will be rules that have to be respected above any directive given by the king. For now consider the system rules as those rules untill the rules page is ready. For example, if system is intended to have Rebels role, then OBVIOUSLY King can't just say no rebels in my land. An other rule of all lands will be that no citizen can plot or be against his land, regardless of his opinion about the king..this is not subjective, there are certain things that are clear about each land, undisputable. Lets say a rebel wants necrovion to be open to all and shades to die or play poker in Loreroot, this is against the land. He will have to fight the current leader with diplomacy, I do not intend to make rebels life easy, I just want to create a balance to the Kings total authority. Nothing of this is new, it is only made in a technical way now.
  25. About cooldow timers and rules that might cancel other rules i have one thing to say. Rant as you much as you wish, eventually you will see they make sence as they are. About not informing the kings prior of such rules... well.. things should be challenging for them too, not only for their citizens. What is missing right now are ways to prevent rebel abuse. Depending on the upcomming situations, a solution to this will be decided.
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