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Everything posted by Pipstickz

  1. Whoo, it almost ticked over to the next AD before I realized! 11:11:11, I wish for modular citizenship to ALL LANDS! MUAHAHAHAHA! Get coding Chew! *whip whip*
  2. Seems like a rather easy fix, why at least has this not been acknowledged yet?
  3. Pipstickz

    Info waves

    The difference of the internet is that it allows intimate connections in a way TV just can't. Whether it's two random people who both like cat videos, or two who both like doxxing and harassing people, for example, such connections were much more difficult to make through TV as an entertainment medium. Though I do agree (I think it's hard not to these days...) that it's VERY worrying how much control, censorship and spying is going on with the internet. I do see some pushing back, though, fighting the fight for freedom of information, and it gives me some small measure of hope in the end.
  4. All the other saws and axes and such have "This item is usable blah blah" in their description, but the Apprentice's Lumber Saw (ID: 9376) does not. I suggest it be added.
  5. Can you not use ITCs and clickies for such things? Edit: I think it's a good idea afterall, and one that shouldn't be ignored
  6. Beginners do have access to timeless dust, just through trading and quest participation. I would almost argue it's easier for new players to find some (small amounts anyways) than average old players.
  7. On an MD-concept level I believe such a thing should have a cost, and I would suggest 1 timeless dust every time the server clock hits 0:00:00 (if easily code-able >>).
  8. I was hoping for insightful / interesting, but you can just pick your friends too, that`s ok. *pats head* Anyways, I'm glad you agree that dst doesn't get wisdom, I wrestled myself on that one a bit with how much she likes reading her logs.
  9. Breath of the Wild is out today and it looks amazing! Any of you who have played Ocarina of Time know that when the Triforce is touched by unworthy hands, it is split into its three component pieces, with one remaining in the hands of the one who touched it and the other two falling into the hands of whoever embodies them most (or something like that...) Here;s how they're canonically arranged / depicted: ............Power............... Wisdom..........Courage Now, imagine your character finds their way into the Sacred Realm and touches the Triforce. Which would you say they're left with, and for bonus points who in MD gets the other two. I get Power, No one gets wisdom, Lost WaNdeR gets Courage
  10. Assuming Grido's disinterest continues, I'll offer to take the task.
  11. I don't expect MD to be what you claim is heaven, no. To put it bluntly, we need hardworking dumb folks as much as the lazy intellectuals we seem to be over-saturated with. So, you think that our millennia-old ancestors, who knew a fraction of what we know today, should dictate how we operate today? We as the human species have rapidly evolved, even over the time since MD was first conceived, let alone millennia. I'll assume we all enjoy MD and we all want to see it continue as long as possible, as I usually assume. Under that assumption, I can say with 100% certainty that we have bigger problems now than "trimming the unfit" and you're* wasting your time if you're doing so. Unfortunately most who do such things have other priorities on their minds that take precedence for them. *General You *salutes* - This is a joke but also an applicable metaphor here. I try to show due respect to the "general you", but unfortunately based on the arguments I've laid forth, I've narrowed down the "general you" to a very specific subset of people, and so my tone turns more blunt. However, I'm not actually trying to stir up drama or point fingers here, I don't want to waste time with that.
  12. Tips Some story branches will kill you. be careful what you chose in the story.. Perhaps some of these should be changed or taken out
  13. Here in Canada, there are various such things in the schooling system. On the extreme end, some "special needs" students are paired with an adult who helps them through school. On the more light side, kids were often encouraged to join extracurricular activities (granting different social / physical / mental / creative opportunities) which I saw take students from failing to above average and some struggling students were given a supervised work period rather than one of the 6 "open slots" for spare period or extra classes (it surprised me how many were in this, people I considered at least average) where it's a classroom where many students work on different things and the teacher just tries to engage them and make sure they're doing alright, much less structured than regular classes were, for a focused enough student it was the same as a library work period. As for transferring students, I never saw anything like that happen. Children were, however, placed in either standard, modified, or advanced classes (normal, easy, hard respectively) probably depending on how their primary schooling went and how they do in grade 9, where none of your classes are worth credits. As for trying to "force" reason into these people, I think an authority figure like a teacher is there to do exactly that. What's the closest parallel to a teacher in MD? Adeptors! But also players in official-seeming (to a young player) roles. If you can't name any such players, maybe it's time to make an alt and try to see MD through MP3 eyes again. So yeah, you're (you the average MD citizen, not you No one) free to ignore them or to do as some do and chase them out or force advancement (I think Nadrolski and Fang are both such cases of forced advancement, but I could be wrong) on them, but just realize you could be actively damaging MagicDuel as you do. Teaching/Coaching is a difficult and nuanced job though and not everybody is cut out for it, so there's no shame in some such things, but it's important to be cognizant (sort of the root word to "recognize" for non-English speakers and Americans ) of how your actions affect other players at least when they're young. Edit2: tl;dr I think there`s more we can do, and I think there`s more we are doing, to help new players, but our structure is weak compared to other games Edit: Also I don`t understand this part but that`s fine, it seems unimportant anyways, but thanks for saying I`m good I guess.
  14. I would argue that gradual discovery of more and more information is a key concept in MD, so it may make sense to employ similar things in the forum, but that's just one suggestion, if you don't like it that's fine. My personal views on this matter align more closely to yours, however: I believe in MD, and I think it should exist forever, even if one day it's empty it'll be the mausoleum for pieces of all of us. I consider myself a stakeholder in MagicDuel and so I try to think about the best thing for the game as a whole, from my perhaps more unique perspective than I like to think*. And when I start thinking like that, things start to look very different... *I was in the Advertisers for a while under different leaders, same with Treasure Keepers until I finally gave up and took co-leadership. In the past I've generally tried to apply for odd jobs, even though I've given up and gotten lazy on some, notable ones I remember atm being illusion testing, the large scale PL-spam-edit thing that happened years ago, alignment of TB map dots (which I never finished, I'm sorry </3), and now GATEWAY. To summarize all this: Maybe after all that I know some things most players don't. I'm not sure, though.
  15. (Perhaps this is already in effect but...) Could some boards be hidden to users with under x posts, so they appear to new users as they start using the forum more?
  16. Link for when this becomes ancient history and nobody knows what I'm talking about To be clear, I 100% agree with Chew's statement here. Fang added nothing (or very little) to the discussion in that topic. However: I'll put all my cards on the table here (at least in one of my hands), so I can hopefully make my point more clear: I was 13 when I started playing this "game", and I'm 22 now. You have all watched me grow into an adult (whether you realized it or not) and not only watched me but sculpted me. So given that, here we go: As a younger man, I found it much more easy than I do now to engage with my passion for justice in MD. That's what I believe Fang was doing in the topic in question, and I don't think that should be shamed or stopped, at least not from an administrative standpoint such as the one that Chewett represents (whether he likes it or not, I should say), because (to be quite blunt) doing stupid things is how one grows and learns, and if it's somehow seen as "against the rules" to be passionate in the way that Fang was, I think it would be to the detriment of MagicDuel as a whole, based on how much I grew by being allowed to spew my own brand of BS back in the day (and even right now, what you're reading will probably be BS to me in the future). Sure it clutters topic and bothers everybody to read, but that's what the reputation system is for, and it's not like we have a lot going on here right now anyways. That being said, I'd love to learn your thoughts, and I'm making this a topic rather than a PM because it's ultimately up to you: Do you want a slightly censored and more convenient forum utopia where everybody has positive rep, or an open forum where things get stupid, annoying and messy? NOTE: I'm not casting blame or anger at Chew. Just want to make that especially clear.
  17. So then neither will Fang? Besides, number of the beast is (traditionally) 666, not 66
  18. MD trades require goodwill and trust on both sides. When that trust comes into question, it is a best practice to wait until the trade in question is over before complaining, because calling BS on someone after a trade occurs leads to much stricter consequences, and a loose trade embargo will follow naturally from any accusation, true or false, and this is a good thing. Obviously such an image or set of images should include server time to verify that bids were placed between your bids.
  19. Then ask for timestamped proof when the auction is over.
  20. You want an achievement for something that had a 100% chance to happen? I had 2015 active days a year and a half ago.
  21. " I'll be back when things get exciting " How many players are saying this to themselves? A listeral ton.

    1. Lazarus


      Me! *raises hand*

    2. Pipstickz


      Stop it now, and lose some weight! Apparently you weigh a listeral ton.

    3. Lazarus


      I ate a relative of you today Pip

  22. MP6 had a helper role in the past, when there was more than one so they had to work to stand out. Calyx of Isis started the MD University and the dojo to help new players. The MR Frat started GGG to help themselves but were eventually forced to go public so they ended up helping tons of new players (I know because I'm one of them, for you whippersnappers or those who forget). Back when alliances would actively recruit, new players were a wellspring of untapped potential. Also perhaps you forget, this is MD. It is certainly not unprecedented for players who play their role well to be rewarded with abilities to support that role, and current LHOs have a big head-start on anyone else looking to fill a helper role. If it proves impossible to continue the tradition of the live help button, it's still possible as a regular player to be contactable by noobs 24/7, but you might have to get creative. In summary: I strongly disagree. Whatever Mur has planned, MD can adapt to right itself.
  23. Sorry, where was it mentioned that current LHOs are being forced into Gateway Island? I've only read the announcements asking for volunteers. The new LHO manager has decided to make radical changes to the group, and you seemingly don't accept those changes which is ok because they're voluntary. Because he's a nice LHO manager (not like the evil Jonn), he'll let you keep your position for now, but eventually your position will be made redundant. At least, that's my understanding. Obviously removing LHOs as they exist now leaves a void, even if they're replaced by gateway guardians. What could fill that void here on the mainland?
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