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Everything posted by Pipstickz

  1. It's happened to me, and I haven't done any testing or anything, but I assumed that it was because I used 100% And, logically, if you give your energy to your creatures, would they give it back? Would they even know what you did in the first place?
  2. [quote name='phantasm' date='26 January 2010 - 01:36 PM' timestamp='1264534594' post='53447'] [size="4"]"There is currently no way to gain citizenship of any land that does not have a King or a Queen besides being invited into an alliance of that land." [/size] Thank you *edit* size adjustment it was way too big. [/quote] Yes there is.
  3. The rings aren't to give citizenship to just alliance members, they're to give citizenship to anyone, even if they don't join the alliance.
  4. Being in an alliance means you're already a citizen of the land that alliance is based in.
  5. You want dst to join an RP group? O_O
  6. Do Necro papers give access to places in Necro other people can't go to? Or Loreroot papers? As far as I know they just open the gates. Why should MB get anything more? Is it really needed? Would it be used? A citizen of Necro might not be able to get in there without papers, and a citizen of GG could get in, but not out. A lower MP level citizen may not be able to get into Loreroot without papers. All MB citizens can get into MB, as far as I know.
  7. Raw items weren't made to be rare and special, which is why there's more than one of them.
  8. Mur, Khalazdad, Je Suis Oeufs Fous, MRD, MRWander Not gonna write a big paragraph about each one, but I think they're my top 5...except most of them don't play (much) anymore xD
  9. Once upon a time there was a guy named *. This * was very rude. If * happened to meet another person, such as ;, he would beat up on them. One day, * was beating up on ] when he felt the world twisting and distorting around him. He was pulled through a rip in space/time and ended up in some kind of box. To his left was a yellow word, and to his right were lots of blue words, and far off was another *, which will be named **. * realized he was being used for others' entertainment, and wasn't happy, so he tried to move, but he could only go up, and not even when he wanted to. Eventually * and ** got to the top of the box. They looked at each other with tears in their eyes and suddenly, they both became better people. Then they blinked out of existence. Where they went? No one knows. No wait, he doesn't know either. Or maybe he does. We'd have to ask. Asterikses are the bullies of the text world, and when we use them in MD, it makes them nicer before they go away. So that's why everyone uses *. They're really just trying to make the world a better place, even if it isn't their world.
  10. If it wasn't anonymous, I assume people would start going "I got repped by Mur, I'm special! Everyone rep me!" or "Hey, Chewett -repped that guy, now we all have to!" etc.
  11. Why not just have Udgard and the other Crafters sell them? That way, nobody gets ripped off (hopefully), and the Crafters can use the money to buy materials from the hoarders(not all of them, of course).
  12. I was attacked by yrth in the cannon...then I left a couple days later because the cannon's boring xD Anyways, don't LHOs have sendtogazebo? I mean, they are there to help...
  13. I don't see how that makes a difference, unless it's a rusty with massive age, full tokens and a bowtie... PS: Go to one of the wtb rusty threads :/
  14. ...and MP6 is two black dots with a little yellow in the middle and MP7 is three black lines with yellow in between them
  15. Happy birthday, Phantom ^^
  16. I don't have a Reindrach, but due to it's popularity, I would assume it's a bit less than a GG, but then again, stats and stuff could make up for that, so I'd say it's probably around the same as a GG.
  17. Seeds such as Handy's could be planted (combined with other items such as "pot of soil" or something) and could later grow into plants that do other things, or they could just be plants.
  18. You could win one through a quest, or you could buy one, or you could get one from Mur (not as likely anymore), or someone who has one could give you theirs. PS: Spamming people asking for an item won't get you one, just so you know
  19. Someone cast a spell on you, probably
  20. The post I made wasn't an accusation, only a notification. It didn't seem that you were too eager to mention it, so I thought I should, to clear up certain assumptions.
  21. I'd like to add that MRnegative6 does not, in any way, represent the MR Fraternity, and as far as I know, he betrayed MRD. Of course, my memory just may be wrong, but I don't think so.
  22. [quote name='Fenrir Greycloth' date='13 January 2010 - 01:40 PM' timestamp='1263411620' post='52673'] And how is more posts with fewer threads better than fewer posts with more threads? Fewer posts keeps the threads clean, and neat. While a thread spammed with bumps is annoying to sift through. [/quote] If the creator of the thread edits the first post, there's no need to sift through anything. If not, then I doubt that'd stop you from buying what you want to buy anyways. How long does it take to look at a post and see that it's just a bump? Not long.
  23. I rarely farm wins at GGG, I have low stats, but I can get by alright. I'm not balanced, but who needs balance? xD
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