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Assira the Black

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Everything posted by Assira the Black

  1. Thank you all who attended the dance

  2. I love both animals but I love cats the most. I do not know what I would do with out my cat Willow. She is a prankster and likes to curl up in my lap. Though she normally likes to do that when I am doing something. Anytime I am not doing anything she ignores me. :))
  3. Goodbye Sunfire. Have fun!
  4. Will be gone for a week see you all when I get back

    1. Eagle Eye

      Eagle Eye

      Take a good care always

  5. What would be the responsibilities and expectations of an unoffical Public Council versus what it was before and what the hidden council does now?
  6. Random thoughts that are just spewing forth Battles: For an addition to the battle topic, A few npc's similar to the armors in GG, could be made for specific mp's that randomly move around md. That people of the same mp level can fight. This could be used during head contests to gain head counts. But the more heads you have then the stronger the npc fighter gets. Or if the npc's going around were there consistantly out side of hc then they could get stronger as the player fights them. Once reaching the last fighting npc it would reset to where all the npc's returned but even harder than the last. But once beating the last npc minion, you are teleported to Champion's Challenge. You would have the option to fight a 'boss' for a higher reward or take an item. But that if you lose against the boss then you do not get anything and have to fight the new stronger npc's to reach the Champion's challenge. Items: Have it to where there are locations that resources can be mixed to create other items (similar to how tea is made but slightly different). For example, if you have branches/logs/bark, go to a wood carving station to make a staff, wooden beam, rods, wood chips, collect saw dust, and so one. Just to have some preset choices that depend upon your stats as a woodcarver. This could be applied to herbs/plant collecting, bones, rock, metals, water, and other resources. Storyline: For newbies the storyline could be based on No Man's Land, giving a bit more history/lore of No Man's land. And go into a little bit about its connection to the other lands. Then once you join a land you can go through the storyline associated with that land. That the storyline will only open some locations to the person of that land. If you cancel your citizenship with that land then you have to start over with the new land you join on the storymode to go through that storymode. You could keep the opened locations from the previous citizenship or it could be reset where you do not have access to it. As for the principles you gain as you progress through the game. Could still be associated with the mp level and the storyline. But certain principles are associated more with certain lands. So you may gain more points for them following a certain storyline. To make up for the decrease in the points gained through that storyline is where the principle points for creatures come in. May add more later as more ideas pop up or if I think of a better way to explain something
  7. Okay. Thank you :)
  8. The ap max has not updated for a few months. On the opening screen for a new day there will be a + Ap to max. But Assira the Blacks ap has not changed any. I am not sure if it is the same for my other characters, I was not paying that much attention to what their ap has been. Assira the Black's max ap has stayed at 298. I have three screenshots. 1 is on August 8th, #2 is showing the opening screen, and #3 is after refreshing to show that the ap max did not go up. http://s1258.photobucket.com/user/Assira_Black/media/Legna Art Work/bug report/APMAXscreenshot1_zpsfbd1281b.png.html http://s1258.photobucket.com/user/Assira_Black/media/Legna Art Work/bug report/ApMaxscreenshot2_zps3731b7c3.png.html http://s1258.photobucket.com/user/Assira_Black/media/Legna Art Work/bug report/APMAXscreenshot3_zps39603dad.png.html
  9. Same as posts before... It would depend on time and date. If I am free, I offer my services to help :)
  10. I am going to talk about a concept that has been discussed in a tv show but I do not wish to spoil the tv show so I will not name it. The idea was that a great man's enemies gathered to put him in the box 'to protect the world from destruction' because the calculations of the enemies were that the great man would be the cause of the destruction. By putting him in the box it lead to the destruction of reality because he was unable to stop an event from happening. But this part does not matter much what matters, is the concept of good and evil in this. His enemies saw him as evil but everyone else sees him as a beacon of hope. A path to a better future. So 'evil' was put in the box and so was 'hope'. To sides of the same coin, not separate but not the same. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ As far as Pandora's gifts... it might be that the idea of Pandora being wicked speaks to that side of every being, that everbody has that potiential. Craftiness, manipulation... The greek gods/goddesses build on human aspects and Pandora is a mixture of human characteristics. For the curiousity part causing bad things to happen... if we did not push the boundaries of our knowledge then nothing would change. It sort of reminds me of Schrödinger's cat, the cat is in a box with poison. You can only tell if it is dead or alive once openning the box and it becoming reality. Maybe Pandora's box had always been opened, it just was not realized.
  11. Hiria ID:247166 3 months As if I would be good :P May not be as active due to time restraints of playing my other characters. But I will try setting aside certain time frames for my master or mistress. I will donate 50% Min Bid is 10 coins (edit: Changed it from 20 to 10 ) I will be able to attend the main event (edited 6/21/14) If you want to meet Hiria let me know. (Edit: What is the market value of gold coins in this auction?)
  12. When I was l in middle school and high school I dreamed of going to Africa and South America to find and study plants that had yet to be found. I did a study abroad to a tropical island to catelog plants. It was awesome. I still want to travel to do those things. And if the opportunity came to travel to another planet to study plant like life I would go. One of my problems now is deciding on what kind of masters degree I want. I like learning about all aspects of plants that I have a hard time narrowing it down to a certain characteristic. And the moment you think you know something in science is when someone out there strives beyond the boundary of societies knowledge. There is always something new as long as we have our imagination.
  13. I also have been getting it but thought that it was my computer acting up... I have a list of problems with my computer.
  14. Hmm... For me it depends on my mood/who I am playing as. Legna is time, loreroot, and wind Assira is darkness, Necrovion/East, and fire. In rl I guess I would lean more towards time, loreroot, and earth. So I have split personalities... Legna: Time because of the dualities between a young soul and having knowledge beyond that of a child. Something I related to when I was little. Loreroot, I have always like nature and wildness of it. If you show me a picture of a group of healthy 'weeds' versus a clean cut lawn. I prefer the 'weeds'. (I put 'weeds' in quotes because weeds are only an unwanted plant... I love all plants) Wind since it seems playful and carefree with a lot of potiential. Assira: Darkness, for mystery and the hidden things in life. Necrovion because of the history personal and md related history. East because of dark allys and the pub and its over all poteintial. Fire for the passion that I have for the rp dances. RL: Time since I have ponder the concept more often than I do other principles. Loreroot becaus I love plants. And earth... because I love plants. Another words... I love plants.
  15. Granos has control over every mind in MD, we just do not know it yet. (not sure if someone has mentioned something similar, I have read through this once but I became braindead about a page and a half through the forum topic... information overload, too many conspiracies) The vet players never left, we just did not see them. MD being stagnant is false, you just do not see what is being done. For inaction is an action.You have the choice. I am Bored, has the greatest power in MD... He seems to be able to make people say... "I am bored". How do you do this? If MD was in a box would it have 8, 12,16, or 24 courners? (think box vs. cube) Thats all I can think of for now.
  16. I believe everything is connected and can not truly be understood when separated from the whole. By trying to have it in a closed system you are only able to understand the core of it or a piece. Like having water in a distiller. You can see it as a fluid, boil, become a gas, and become a fluid again. You could even freeze it and see it become a solid. But by studying it in this closed system you only see certain aspects of it. When left alone in the world it is much more diverse, there are clouds that contain other gases along with water, rivers, lakes, oceans, groundwater, natural springs, caves with stalagmites and stalactites, and among other things. These things are created by the connection of various factors. We can see how on a bigger scale that the water system affects individual aspects/systems (for example cave formation) but it is harder to connect it all and see how all things connect and influence each other. Even peoples reactions and responses, though it can seem random, it is done for a reason. This reason they, themselves may not realize, but it happened all the same. I would not be able to guess what a person does and be right 100% of the time because I am looking through the lens that I see the world. On a slightly different thought process in regards to water. Water has also played a role in religions. It has been seen as rebirth, to purify something, and in divination. Some people use water as a way to tell the future. The belief that it is connected to time or a way to clear the mind to see the future through our own minds. And in some books water has been used as a medium to store memories or gain access to past memories. So water itself has been connected with time. Building on the idea that water is used to store things or act as a container. Water also has a bunch of living organisms living in it. Microbes, minerals, organisms... all this together is what I believe makes water a living organism. We can separate the water from it for drinking and other uses. But we may be missing out on some of our evolutionary advances by doing that. True that most water sources are to contaminated to be beneficial because of chemicals, runoff, and harmful organisms that could make a person sick or result in death. But at some point in human evolution humans bodies have adapted to work with beneficial microbes. Like the bacteria that helps with food digestion, or the mitochondria. The mitochondria has its own DNA, some scientists believe that it originally was a bacteria that entered the cells and coexisted with that life forms. The same with plants, like the mitochondria, the chloroplast in plants has its own set of DNA. So now that I have jumped around a lot and more or less just spit out all my thoughts, I think I will stop with this. I do not think true randomness exists. Only that we do not understand it, like people have previously mentioned. Its all connected and affects each other. Just because we do not see the connection now does not mean it doesn't exist.
  17. Yep that is where I have started a friend in rl suggested it. I have completed some lessons up to the if/else. I have a long ways to go. Thank you :)
  18. I have seen, Necromancer Mortis, Granos, Sagewoman, Windy, and a few others that I remember from my days when I was first here. I am just not sure if they recently returned or it I am just on at different hours and have missed them.
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