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Assira the Black

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Everything posted by Assira the Black

  1. I am on the mobile version and it is a bit confusing at the moment.
  2. Thank you Nim, Dst, and Sephirah.
  3. Thank you all for the birthday wishes. A mini-jungle is awesome and I will eventually reach that point :D I am also coming up with other uses for plants in my garden such as... making mead :D I blame Aniwaya for inspiring me in that direction. So I will soon be making my own. Muwhaha. *coughs* It is not belated yet, For my time it is 6pm on my birthday, so its all good.
  4. I agree with Aeo and No One, I have put off responding until I had time to think it over. My character Assira, has a history in Necrovion, MDA, and the East. I was apart of Necrovion and the East before land loyalty. Necrovion I rejoined later after land loyalty was implemented. All those lands are apart of my background, it is my history. The decay is like saying the time spent there is irrelevant or that the land has forgotten. It is proof of time spent and of a connection to a land. I like the idea of being able to gain 'something' for staying with a land. It means I can renew a connection with the East where in the past it was not possible for me without joining an alliance. I have no land loyalty proof that I was once apart of the East. Now I can be without having to join an alliance. If I decide to join an alliance there, it will be to focus on character growth, ideals, and to work towards a specific goal. Not so that I can just gain loyalty or carry a badge for show. While I agree that there needs to be a balance for the new ways to gain land loyalty. I think we should see where things go from here. We do not have set examples or knowledge how this will affect the future of alliances, citizenship, and item collection.
  5. It has been awhile since I posted an update... Things have taken off. You have been warned there are a lot of pictures under the tabs. [log=Transplanting ... about a month ago] [/log] [log=More transplanting and seedlings] [/log] [log=New Rose Plants and Thai Mint plant... bought] [/log] [log=Garden Starting to grow] [/log] [log=Rose Plants in Bloom... First blossoms don't count as mine :P] [/log] Last storm destroyed those blossoms. [log=Garden Now with newer seeds germinating and everything] [/log] [log=Continued] Though the bok choy is looking sad now.... I hope it will return. [/log] I had started up some chives, oregano, and bok choy. >.> With the mention of chives... it made me want to grow some. It would go great with tofu... so I blame you all for tempting me with plants I didn't plant. :P Some of my pics are missing... My tomatoes... well the I have several tomatoes... My patio tomatoes that I started from seed and three different tomato plants that I got from a friend. My basil seedlings are getting bigger in their pots, cabbage is getting bigger, radishes are next to the potatoes and their doing really well, and carrots have started germinating. I may go back and add these later but I think that I have a lot of pictures here already.
  6. Around (as in monkeying around)
  7. This has been happening lately in chrome, where I do not here people post and then sometimes I hear phantom chat sounds. Though I am still not certain if the phantom chat sounds are my imagination or the game my roommate is playing <.< >.> This error box shows occasionally and I am not certain if it is related or a problem with my computer. Computers hate me and I have problems understanding what I could be doing wrong.
  8. For some our characters are extensions of ourselves. I know that my successful characters are both similar and different from who I am. If they are too different then I lose interest and can not 'be' them. Too the same, then I get bored. There has to be just a balance for me. Most game I get bored very easily and move on to another game, but MD keeps bringing me back. That is because I like puzzles, the interaction, making quests/events, moving forward, exploring new concepts, but what really draws me in is the potential. The journey of making things better, improving, or moving towards a goal. Earlier I pointed out weaknesses with views on alliances in general but that is not because I want to bring people down. Its because I see possibilities of where things could be, but it is not in my nature to stop there. I also see how these things can be achieved with what is available in the now, or if it can not be achieved at least lay the foundation or stepping stones to reach it. It might be optimistic of me and I may hit my head against the wall several times, but if something fails then I just try something else.
  9. Well the person could have connections to the sprites or have other means of over hearing the conversations. I don't know. It is hard to add input on someone elses storyline. And I am not 100% certain which time frame you are basing it off of to know what people could be characters in this book.
  10. You could have someone else intervene to stop or save the Master from becoming found out from the sisterhood. A person that seems to know what the elementals are doing and wishes for the on going conflict between the Bandit and the sisterhood.
  11. (Jungle) Book
  12. I agree that a land's society can continue to move forward with out an alliance. But that is because the current views of what an alliance is has changed from what it once was. For better or worst. An alliance is suppose to be a symbol and a focus of the ideals of a group. Though this can be represented with out the physical badge... with the changing of times people have started to or have been seeing the alliance badges as meaningless (this is used generally and from what I have noticed of others). Alliances have started to lose their meaning in several ways: inactivity, lack of direction, public connection, and/or takeovers/lack of response to takeovers. That is a general overview not all alliances have all of that list, some have a few, a mixture, or none at all. I leave that up to people's opinions. Inactivity because of rl is something we all deal with but that is not what I am speaking about when applied to alliances. What I mean is that some alliances do not have much of a presence in MD even at peak times of activity. Lack of direction, is that some join alliances but then it is just a badge, there is no goal or forward movement. It is just there. Public connection, in that alliances do not interact with each other as alliance members publicly... there may be behind the scenes interaction, but people do not see the interactions or can participate in the interactions. As for the takeovers there is a few points to that... In my opinion, takeovers are currently damaging to md at this point in time because people are 'tired' of it happening and no longer have the will to fight back. It is part of this response to take overs that leads to the lack of caring if the alliance is taken over. But because of all the takeovers the land's social structure still exists, because it had too. I am not saying anyone is in the wrong I am pointing out weak points to lack of caring and the takeovers, do with it as you will (general you, as in all that apply to this situation). I have found that overall I do not like being in an alliance, the alliances of today are too stagnant or limiting for me. I prefer moving forward, to do something, and not have to ask permission to run with an idea... a storyline, or to create a form of chaos myself.
  13. Wow that is a lot of germination for basil... Awesome! Keep up the good work. :D
  14. MotM Booth: Rules, Rewards, Quest log, and etc are on my Hate pate (sorry don't have a quest page) and available through my profile http://magicduel.com/players/Assira_the_Black Imo the one in game looks better and I am still altering the formatting to make it more appealing. Again any suggestions, comments, etc. is always welcome.
  15. Some people just do not have the time or drive to make quests. So if you have a quest idea and want it to be run, then I will do the work for it. For example making the storyline, entering it in clickies, coding it (if it is beyond my level of coding then I will find a coder), and etc. Pm me privately. You will get credit for coming up with the idea unless you wish to remain anonymous. This goes for the MD birthday and through out the year. This is not a limited time offer
  16. I hate colds *does not feel like doing anything*

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