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Everything posted by Granos

  1. I did too Stop playing O.o for three months.. and came back.. in May :P

  2. [quote name='memory1' date='17 July 2009 - 11:22 PM' timestamp='1247887348' post='37369'] Need a large background jpeg that represents MD higher the res the better I have a server you can upload to message me or email rollercoastercomputers@gmail.com or upload to rapidshare. for the advertisers..... Thanks, memory [/quote] What dimensions?
  3. Granos


    She Role Played killing her self, its not a bug it was something that was done to her intentionally, perhaps people should consider their actions before acting as you never know who is watching... This is not the first time this has happened nor will it be the last..
  4. Tomato.... O_o *Gets his tinfoil hat on grabbing a rusty battery muttering* drowsap.. drowsap.. drowsap..

  5. Do you mean humint? And no it's not a ninja mask, Clarice..

  6. Yeah I have the same problem.. I think this would be a nice addition--mainly because I'm lazy...
  7. Its an interesting idea, it introduces several concepts to the combat system, which can be easily abused and lead to several bugs.. but so do most creatures, I like the direction your going with it but perhaps more detailed information on all aspects of it I can find more to comment on and critize What interests me is the results on mp3 combat the introduction of this creature will have, it would be one of the defences that players put up as a hazard to others due to heat.. And also the addition of this creature kinda makes others more or less.. useless and makes the entire targeting system pointless leading people to focus on all and multi (then again they already do ) .. Not to mention sacrifice vaule of this creature... Keep at it though , this creature seems to show more promise than certain other ones that have been .. released... (this is just my opinon )
  8. And that's how you get more profile views :P

  9. Its not a Ski Mask O_o

  10. [center]!YADHTRIB YPPAH [/center]
  11. It's about time you made this, been waiting months for you to finally get this going Also is there an exception for certain lower level creatures with unique abilities? Because it would be a shame for people not to get to use their creatures to their full potential.. Can't wait for the updated details, I'm most defiantly going to enter this contest just to see if I can beat you
  12. Happy Birthday Grido..
  13. Adeptrewards, ways to reward adepts for loyalty, in a similar way to the calender daily bonuses,(minor stat increases) only amplified based on the number of days that the player remains loyalty to whom they are an adept to, also punishments for dis-loyalty to adepts and protectors. Variances on existing creatures, based on tokens, for example giving a certain token to an aramor will lead to it having a different type of aramor at the max level. Have factions finally come into play, as I have been egarly awaiting to see how they will effect the social structure of md. An automated system for the use of inner magic, rather than the current system. I'd like to see more function specific RPC's like one for contests, ect... Changes to the way the AL works, as right now, it seems quite stagnant and rather boring, perhaps a new system to allow anyone to do things so long as numerous people get involved, as with the lore no longer a factor in MD I cannot see much reason for so otherwise, perhaps have it set up so the Ledgend Speakers would be the judge of such things if they are worthy to be AL events.. No more new alliances! A system using the wishshop to allow people to invoke land battles, much like the one at last Christmas, but make it divisible between alliances, eg. Guardians of Root and Golemus Gurrelium. Subtle changes to existing locations, which will lead to information on how to access additional points later on in the development, kinda like a new puzzle. Add more stuff to the wishshop, because now it just plain sucks Get all the npcs in Golemus doing something. Thats about it for now.. Im sure I'll add more later..
  14. This is a creature that was conceived probably back in October/November 2008, it was going to be part of something else.. But that will no longer happen now.. So enjoy take a look and see... Leave your thoughts, comments, rants and raves.. Obviously with tokens and the en mass stat farming this creature is more or less useless now.. but it is an interesting concept all the same... *Note to those of you who have seen this before, I have omitted the images for obvious reasons, so don't ask about it... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Requirements for recruiting this creature: Action points 100 Value points 5000 Sacrificed vitality 10000 Exploring Points 15 Tainted Slime Targets: Random Abilities: Regenerate Actions of this unit are performed on allied targets From a primordial inanimate ooze where once there was only nothingness a glimmer of life bursts forth. Pulling in upon itself what once was dirt and slime, now contains a core of taint permeating each cell of the creature. Slowly moving from its birth place, the growing taint infects the slime driving it further from its state of nothingness. Stats: Vital Energy 40/40 Regeneration -10 Defence 0 Initiative 0 Requirements for next level: Experience 80000 Won battles 0 Age 60 Upgrade costs: Action points 100 Value points 30000 Sacrificed vitality 15000 Exploring Points 10 Ruin Slime Targets: Random, Weak Creatures Abilities: Regenerate Actions of this unit are performed on allied targets With each step from its birth site the taint grows stronger deeper harder. Where once was only dirt and slime now a core of ruin binds the Slime together. This rigid core which at first held the slime together now slowly pulses with a darkness spreading beyond the tortured body of the slime. Where once there was only void, the seeds of a distressed core of awareness begin to grow. Stats: Vital Energy 80/80 Regeneration -20 Defence 0 Initiative 2 Requirements for next level: Experience 180000 Won battles 0 Age 90 Upgrade costs: Action points 100 Value points 34000 Sacrificed vitality 18000 Exploring Points 10 Tortured Slime Targets: Strong Creatures Abilities: Regenerate Actions of this unit are performed on allied targets Special influences: [voidaura] Nullifies all special influences during a battle. The transformation of the tainted ruin growing within the slime slows as it collapses into itself. Tighter and tighter, the dense core of void tears at the flesh surrounding it torturing the slime in its partial state of agonized awareness. As the tortured slime is ripped apart from within, it radiates a silent scream of decay and destruction seeking to balance the world around it to once again allow it to return to a blessed state of nothingness. Stats: Vital Energy 120/120 Regeneration -30 Defence 1 Initiative 2 Requirements for next level: Experience 280000 Won battles 400 Age 115 Upgrade costs: Action points 100 Value points 40000 Sacrificed vitality 20000 Exploring Points 10 Void Slime Targets: Multi Abilities: Regenerate Actions of this unit are performed on allied targets Special influences: [voidaura] Nullifies all special influences during a battle. Having reached a fully sentient state, the slime realizes the agony of its existence cannot be undone. Every movement brings pain deeper then the knowledge that as long as the world exists around it so will the never ending torment. Like a tear in the fabric of reality the slime begins its task to destroy everything and everyone around it. Waves of undarkness spread from its broken visage as the world withers around the void slime. Stats: Vital Energy 200/200 Regeneration -35 Defence 1 Initiative 4
  15. I say yes.. and the only public reason I put for this is I don't want Lightsage to win the game before me...
  16. Buwhahahaha First Comment!!

  17. Its not Pink! Its Salmon, and Salmons a tough fish!

  18. Help I've been blackmailed into doing this!! Noooo *cries and posts his picture* [attachment=1006:n500889466_1178100_6710.jpg]
  19. I'm not a fan of the idea of people losing their avatars for the prior stated reasons, but also I understand the point of why it would be necessary, but when I got my avatar, the idea was it was something special not meant for all players to have, based on your commitment to md.. So given all this why not just compramise and add a high level avatar protection option in the shop like after you buy your first reset; lets say giving you the option not to have to worry about it for 4 months give or take? Maybe even lock sme avatars for the people who were and are rpc's, I know I would be annoyed to see some new mp3 struting around with Khalazdad's or Ome's avatar.. -Just my 2 cents

  21. [center][b][size=6]HEY YOU![/size] [/b][/center] [center]Yes you, brooding over there in the dark corner! Come now, how can you expect people to fear and rue your wrath if they don't even know you exist?![/center] [center]Are all your devious plots going awry? Are you finding yourself Minionless? Does it Burn when you pee?[/center] [center] Well, Wallow no more you emo wanna be Dark Lord![/center] [center]Dr. Void is offering his time to teach you in 10 easy steps how to be a feared yet mysterious Arch-Villain[/center] [i] GenericAnime123Fan: But Dr Void, Im still to weak to even have my own minions! Dr Void: Hahaha! Dr Void: Fret not you sad little man, For I Dr Void *adds* PHD Dr Void: Have the solution for you! GenericAnime123Fan: Really, you going to give me credits?! :Dr Void Kicks GenericAnime123Fan in the face Dr Void: Hahaha No! Dr Void: You see *presents a bottle labeled "AIDS"* With my patented Void Tonic* Dr Void: You will have an aura of Mystery and +1d6 Charisma! Hahaha![/i] [u][i]The following has been a paid advertisement brought to you by, DarkFountain Enterprises Ltd.[/i][/u] [sub][i] *Disclaimer, Dr Void's Void Tonic, may or may not provide desired results and side effect may include: Brain washing, desire to drink stagnant water, heart failure, urge to sing show tunes, Gonorrhea, Nausea, Diarrhea, and Hallucinations.[/i][/sub]
  22. Perhaps something on Crime and punishment and Court Hearings..
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