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Aia del Mana

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Everything posted by Aia del Mana

  1. A request, Mur, for confirmation that the achievement were working as intended: I am able to claim the 90 day achievement, as presently, my active consecutive days were greater than this number. @redneck, despite having attained over 200 consecutive active days, cannot unlock of these achievements, as his present consecutive active days number but 7. I assume that this were working as thou didst intend, in much the same way that the Full Glow achievement should check the present attainment, rather than a state of a character at any prior point (assuming linear time).
  2. I did test of the achievement-dispatcher and found an error, which did state that the dispatcher did not contain such an achievement. I have amended of the scene such that the achievement were now attainable from the dispatcher, so for those that did attempt to unlock such achievements in the hours past, I would suggest to reattempt it.
  3. @MRAlyon, @Muratus del Mur mayhap, an additional reward may be granted for this achievement...
  4. Mayhap, such an achievement should be titled "Force of Habit" - this were what I believe has allowed attainment in each instance.
  5. I should think a new medal would be fitting; its rarity would presently be limited to five, although others who attain of this mile-stone should also be granted this medal.
  6. This were the anniversary view. For those that did wish to view the remainder of the announcement: I would commend thee to also attain such an anniversary; such is the way of the realm.
  7. I will gladly provide 1 Sharptear and 1 Lorerootian Archer as a gift to thee this Murmas. Do let me know when I should grant these to thee.
  8. Thump! went the tomes on the librarian's desk. Behind them, observed the librarian, was a weary woman's glance. "No good?" A brief shake of her head. The nameless librarian adjusted his pince-nez frames and scribbled in the return-log: Returned: An Exhaustive Guide to Remembering Things You Never Knew Memories and Where to Find Them Mastering "Mastering The Void" - An Annotated Study Guide "You know, the Lore Manor and the Archives aren't the only places to find books in the realm; each day, it seems, the shelves of the House of Tainted Times empty just that much more..." Aia placed a silver coin on the librarian's desk; although she hadn't found what she needed, her next destination was clear. ______________________________________________________________ The book-laden bonfire burned at the Way of Cleansing, as it had for many years. The unholy commune chanted tirelessly before adding another worn codex to the bonfire, and Aia could just make out the chants of the heathens. Whispering under her breath, her form faded, turning transparent, and then invisible. Looking down at the sandy imprints of her feet, she slowly flittered over to the fire; the rising, swirling winds making her flight ever so turbulent. There had to be another way, thought Aia, as she deftly flew back. - Excerpt from Memories in the Wind, Ch 3, as told to Aia ______________________________________________________________ This quest is about untruths, or theories that could be untrue enough that they could be burned as heresy. Of course, Mur himself were also ascribed the title Heretic, so mayhap, truths, untruths, and all things betwixt may qualify. To enter this quest, simply reply to this thread with thine entry - a brief paragraph which should explain something which doth exist within the realm. It need not be based in truth; indeed, I should like to hear of wonderful theories of sorts without any bearing in reality; humour were also encouraged. As with other recent forum-quests, points shall be given based on forum-votes - upvotes and likes shall count as a single positive vote; however, downvotes shall also count as a positive vote (such that a post with two upvotes and two downvotes shall score 4 four points.) Votes shall be the singular measure by which any submission is scored; if there were a submission which should tickle of thy fancy, I would encourage thee to vote upon it! Votes from accounts registered on the forum after the time of this post shall be excluded from all counts. An example of the kinds of hearsays and heresies that would suit this quest: Entries are presently open, and shall close at the close of the Awesome Autumn Adventuring season. Rewards shall be as follows: 1. If any single post receives fifteen or more votes (positive or negative), then the post with the highest number of votes at the time of closing shall receive a Wind Drachorn (limit 1). 2. If any single post receives twenty or more votes (positive or negative), then the writer of that post will receive an unnamed, new premium creature (no limit). 3. If any single post receives ten or more votes (positive or negative), then the writer of that post will receive a 15th Anniversary Barren Soul (limit of 5). 4. Each post may only qualify for one prize under the conditions described in 1-3, and to qualify for a prize, one must fill in the corresponding quest-survey, which will be provided via PM to all those who enter. One may enter this as many times as they wish, and each post shall be scored based on votes, however, please limit each post to one theory, such that each theory should have its own post.
  9. I would like to register for this event also, if it were not too late. The two quests shall be entitled "Of Heresy and Hearsay", and "Of Ancient Spellstones", and shall be run upon the Forum.
  10. Despite the concern expressed thus far, it seems that the implementation were merely a method to allow for bearers of the A25 Tools to create alternate pathways into alliances. The choice of the alliances that shall use this method and the prerequisite state of such applicants should be discussed with those already within these alliances, especially their leaders. I am in favour of Mur's creation of the tools; let the discussion of which alliances they should affect be subsequent to this new function. My concerns with the creation of this tool are primarily for the underlying citizenship which is granted upon allegiance. In example, one may become a Lorerootian citizen if she were to amass sufficient woodcutting skill, even if her intent were the destruction of the forest. If citizenship were bound by alliance, then one must require citizenship of a land prior to eligibility for such pathways into alliances. Ungod has alluded to this above; if this is to be so, then shall there also be some method to attain citizenship without requirement of an alliance invitation or monarch's blessing? A second concern were in regard to that mentioned by Esmaralda; I would wonder whether one would keep her existing loyalty upon joining such an alliance, or if it would function similar to an invitation, where her loyalty would become a lesser value than the present leader. If this were so, the necessary loyalty loss would deter infiltration by those with high loyalty; this would be my preferred implementation (unless a different method of rank determination were implemented by Chewett in his changes.)
  11. The dreamcatcher were now more forgiving; it shall no longer snatch heads from one's inventory unless they are willingly offered.
  12. Item 2 - 10 plushies Item 3 (x6) - 150 plushies total: 160 plushies
  13. This error were shown upon the Research and Connections page:
  14. If I understand correctly, a merchant levy would arise from those who did wish to trade at this guillotine, but avoid the risk of death? In example, I would pay a merchant a percentage to undertake the trade at the guillotine for myself - were this the intended outcome?
  15. I confirm that the error message is now removed, and that the function remains as intended.
  16. A new error (although there is no issue with function); this only occurs when one is affected by the "nomulti" spell. I confirm the spell-trigger doth function as intended; this merely appears within one's combat window when one were affected by the spell.
  17. Custom item (item 1) - 1 plushie
  18. I believe Mur did not jest in creating of this message; it seems that the rendering of various scenes is completely altered in Firefox as compared to Chrome (or other Webkit-based portals); one very clear example is the final row of hexagons at the Champion's Challenge.
  19. If there were to be a hypothetical new creature, I would think its release must play second fiddle to interface-related issues; one could not admire such a creature should her portal cease to function. Still, I would welcome any hypothetical release of hypothetical new creatures, if aught were to exist which were ready.
  20. This would be based on an assumption that there doth exist at least one creature in the proverbial pipe-line.
  21. I believe static erolin-orbs are already an option, but they remain such that their persistent animation, even when stationary, doth drain of one's portal rather rapidly. I believe the solution for a mobile interface, at least initially, must be twofold - first, to remove the orbs completely, and second, to remove the animation of the compass-menu.
  22. I wonder if this quest were still outstanding, @Chewett?
  23. A question, if I may: Were there any appreciable difference betwixt its suffering when skies are clear, and when rain should fall?
  24. Duly noted with many thanks, Chewett.
  25. From some testing, it appears that sabotage_e=freeze does not stop freeze from affecting the enemy creatures. This is evident from a combat log; merely attack into a created NPC ritual with a creature with freeze, and one shall find an enemy creature frozen. I believe this is likely why so many were able to defeat the Battle Master at the Road of Battles, even with a x777 multiplier.
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