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Aia del Mana

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Everything posted by Aia del Mana

  1. I am able to help with some number of announcements, if some further aid were needed.
  2. The structure of the alliance has not changed, although none have taken up knighthood within our ranks of late. If thou shouldst find interest in the Eclipse and our ways, I would that thou dost approach myself within the realm, or with a message upon the Forum, and we shall make discussion on thy role.
  3. I have edited the Maple to appear as if light doth shine from the right side. If it were unchanged in appearance to thee, I would suggest to clear thy browser cache. This were the present appearance:
  4. When updating of the creature lore, I had altered the name to be the Cloaked Shade (at the first level), noting the absence of a sword at that level of ascension, although indeed, historically, it has been known as the Sword Shade.
  5. I am quite unclear as to how the knight may gallop backward five steps at a time, as in the stated rules, the knight's horse appears only to be able to gallop four at a time.
  6. It seems storenow.net were also experiencing of some issues with php.
  7. Ah, I had not known of its animation; when such functionality may return, I believe the House of Liquid Dust would also require restoration.
  8. This may be fixed, if one may provide myself with an image of Bob in bloom, or at least with a detailed description of Bob's appearance when it should do so.
  9. It appears that the realm hath been updated to reflect a more pacifist calling, as one who attempts to attack another were now faced with this error: Additionally, it appears that one cannot observe of her own profile using the in-realm tab, nor by visiting the magicduel.com/players/**name** function. None of the profile documents appear to function (Alliance/Hate List/Personal Log/Inventory, etc) - although one may observe of the most recent Public Logs without issue. Item Owners list does not function also. Some functions of clickies appear affected - in example, the riddles upon the Guardian's Esplanade give this error: ERROR: unable to find ui activated action file @@
  10. On the judgment of the nominated gifted artist, the top two places are as follows: 1. Steno, for this "first draft": 2. Aelis, for his Eastern Priestess: Congratulations to both Steno and Aelis for their submissions; please do contact myself for the rewards. Steno, as thou hast placed first, thou hast the first choice of the Rustgold Drachorn or 14th Anniversary Barren Soul.
  11. Entries are closed, and I am presently awaiting judgment.
  12. Ah; it seems I have confused of the prizes with another quest (that of Golden Avatars). I still believe Steno worthy of the Wind Drachorn, and it is not a reward for any of mine other quests, so this will remain his. Demonic God will receive one anniversary creature and three gold coins, and MaGoHi will receive of one anniversary creature and two coins, as postulated in the title. Apologies for the confusion, and many thanks for the understanding.
  13. For an absolutely monumental contribution to this quest, Steno has received a Wind Drachorn. Demonic God is granted the original first-place prize, a Rustgold Drachorn. As this doth leave a prize for the third place, MaGoHi has won the 14th Anniversary Creature. Plushies shall be forthcoming; congratulations to all who did participate.
  14. I declare that entries are now closed for this contest. As there are many submissions, and several exceptional submissions, I shall petition Chewett for 1 plushie per upvote or like attained during the course of this contest, as recorded at the time of this post, although this may of course result in one prolific meme-artist obtaining a disproportionate number... Notable mentions to: Steno for 40 posts in this thread and 114 total upvotes from memes in this post Demonic God for highest average upvotes/likes per post, at an average of 8 per post Chewett, for 8 likes in a single post without even making a meme in it: Now, a tally of the total upvotes (of posts that did contain of memery - apologies, Chewett!) Demonic God 6 + 10 + 8 = 24 Steno 2 + 6 + 10 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 4 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 3 + 2 + 2 + 8 + 8 + 2 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 4 + 2 + 1 + 5 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 3 + 3 + 1 + 4 + 2 + 3 + 1 + 1 = 114 Aelis 7 + 4 + 4 + 1 + 2 = 18 Ledah 8 + 3 + 3 + 2 + 2 + 5 = 23 Chewett 3 + 6 = 9 MaGoHi 6 + 4 + 1 + 9 + 3 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 1 = 36 Aia 7 + 3 + 9 + 4 = 23 Ailith 2 + 3 + 8 + 6 + 6 + 2 + 4 + 5 + 5 = 41 Lazarus 7 + 2 + 5 = 14 jakubhi 2 Tissy 3 redneck 7 Trola 1 Top 3 posts by upvotes: 10 votes; equal first place: 9 votes; 3rd place: As there is an equal first place, I shall have to find some method to determine the winner; this is pending at the time of this post; but I shall not delay congratulations where it is due.
  15. This is entitled "The last walk, beneath the amber glow." It represents the last memory that Aia has of Tarquinus; strolling past the Willow at Willow's Walk, before Aia left to return to the other-realm. One can just observe two figures on a picnic-mat beneath the Willow; overhead, the moon's amber glow upon the water's edge. Details are missing in this, because memory fades, and all that is left is a feeling of knowing happiness; this does not fade as the memory does; like so many memories in this realm, most will be forgotten, but even so, they persist, as points of happiness in the minds of those who were there.
  16. Aia felt the Phurba's engraved grip in her hands before she fell forward and plunged the sharp end into the startled Aelis's chest; his dying body releasing its grasp on a half full flask, shattering it on the floor; Aelis's exsanguinating form cushioned much of her fall. "Murder! Aia murdered Aelis!" screamed the Town Crier; echoes of his voice filled every corner of the realm. Aia released the Phurba and slumped to the ground, the shattered glass cutting into her skin; the flask's contents quickly evaporating from the ground. ------ "Chewett, no!" Surrounded by very strong NPCs, Aia's voice faltered. Their arms grasped her own, and she ceased her struggles. "I am sorry, friend, but I am sworn to protect the citizens of the East." Chewett executed his code, and Aia found herself devoid of the A25 Tools. "Place her in the solitary cell; I am sure some softening up will bring us some answers." ------ Aia woke up on the cold, hard floor of the solitary confinement cell. Making a painful, nondescript sound, she slowly sat herself up, pressing her hands against the moist grime of the cell's unmaintained floor. The warm sensation of blood ran down her nose and onto her dress; she spluttered and retched onto the floor beside; immediately regretting this as an intense ache throbbed through her temples; feeling faint, she lay back down on the hard floor. A brief attempt to recall recent events quickly turned into an exhausted return to the land of dreams. ------ "She is very dangerous," declared the Grand Duke. "I have seen what power can do, and it seems she is no different; I will have to face her myself. For now, if you see her, you are not to approach; notify me at once." Chewett began to weave some code. Although it was very makeshift, he knew Aia's Mur-given powers would be no match for this, or for the NPCs at Chewett's beck and call. ------ Aia awoke to the rays of sunlight blaring through the bars of the cell. Her eyes snapped open to the sight of a small wooden chest underneath the prison seat. Reaching slowly for it, she felt the painful weight of a very heavy, spiked boot crushing her hand; she screamed in agony. A hand reached down to the wooden chest and opened it before her eyes; Aia closed her eyes again as searing light from the chest emanated through the room; she felt the weight of the boot ease. She opened her eyes again, but she saw nothing but the bright yellow-green of afterimages burned into her retinas. She blinked, and blinked again; the darkness of the room slowly returned. Clutching at her wrist with her other hand, she sat up and turned to face the slightly ajar cell door and a pile of ex-prison-guard's clothing. She could just barely make out the scratchings on the wall - "I am Mur..." "I am Marind..." Aia carefully pulled the door open; the resonant creak echoing loudly down the corridor. ------ A dense white haze obscured the doors of the East Laboratory, and a laboratory coat-clad Aelis emerged from a barely visible wooden door. Waving the fumes away with one hand, Aelis sat down in the courtyard, tightly holding the conical flask in the other hand. Aelis pulled out a small, well worn notepad from his coat-pocket, and flipped to the final page, tearing out a sheet of paper; rapidly scribbling just a few words - "Need clicky, please attend". He folded it in half, wrote "Aia" on it, and passed it to his delivery-winderwild. He flipped back several pages, and began to write again, this time more carefully, "Luck as a resource..." ------ Aia felt the remnants of the clear distilled fluid absorb into the cuts on her skin. Aia looked back toward the contraption. Should it fall into the wrong hands, her misfortune could become widespread; Aia hastily enchanted a small chest-clicky and placed the button on the inside of the box, just behind the latch, before putting the remaining parts of the contraption within. Sealing the box with a trap-enchantment, she placed it into her inventory. Magic would do where science would fail; but Aelis was always good at blurring the line between the two. ------ Aia flittered into the Eastern Laboratory to the sight of a very excited Aelis, who waved her into the now very clear reception. "Look at this!" Aelis opened his notepad to a very ornately drawn diagram. "Luck as a resource - by Aelis" read the title, and an intricate maze of shapes, arrows and text followed below, around, and even above. Aia peered at the notepad blankly. It was little wonder that Mur had given Aelis a position in the coveted Soldiers of the Inner Sun. "Aelis, I am indeed joyous for thy discovery, but mine intellect cannot comprehend of thy discovery." "Perhaps it would be better if I showed you?" Aia nodded once, and followed Aelis deeper into the Laboratory, each footstep squeaking, on the floor glistening with the shine of having recently been mopped. "Now, this is a very controlled environment, and you have to trust me on this; I will extract your luck, but I will give you something dear in return so that you will have your luck back." Aelis reached into his inventory and carefully passed the Phurba to Aia. "Now, just stand here..." Aelis pointed to an X on the ground. "You might feel a bit unpleasant, but that won't last long." Aelis wheeled what could only be described as a clunky sounding box into the room. On one side was a small tap; on the other, a large funnel; reminiscent of a gramophone's horn from the other-realm. Aelis pointed the funnel at Aia and placed a small flask under the tap. "Okay, now, just stand very still." Aelis pressed a very inconspicuous looking red button on the side of the box, and stepped quickly out of the room. Aia stared at the contraption as the humming sound slowly became a humming and dripping sound and then a pouring sound, and then back to a humming sound again. Aelis walked back in and lightly tapped the button again, and the hum ceased. "Stay there - do not move." Aelis procured a silver coin, emblazoned with a picture of Mur on it, and walked to stand in front of Aia. "Aia, heads or tails?" Aia raised her eyebrow. "Heads, I suppose." Aelis flipped the coin with a practiced thumb motion, then caught it, turning it over on the back of his hand. "Tails. Okay, again!" "Tails, then." "Heads. Okay, again!" "Tails again." "Heads. See?" Aelis procured a handful of silver coins - counting them - six, seven, eight, nine - and pulled up a table, placing a felt sheet upon it. "Okay, heads or tails?" "Heads, then." Aia stared in disbelief as nine silver coins landed tails-up on the table. "I think thine discovery were quite evident, Aelis; but I should like my luck back now." Aia produced the Phurba from her inventory in anticipation of Aelis, who was already retrieving the now half-full flask from the other side of the contraption.
  17. Unholy Pope - this were a representation of blind faith, much as the description states (consider that this is what I had thought of it when writing the description). It doth represent a powerful doggedness to believe in one's purpose, even if the odds are far against. I note that it is used well in rituals that intend to win - the implicit trust were that one who observes the priests within the ritual will subsequently grant them wins, rather than destroying of said ritual. Angien - This doth remind myself of selflessness, and the intricate balance betwixt giving of oneself and doing so to her own detriment. One observes it in combat - if it hath excess vitality, then it may use its ability at this cost, but if it were deplete of the same, then its attempt merely results in harming itself. Thus were it a metaphor for one's generosity in life, in terms of giving of one's time and committments - a healthy level of giving shall be appropriate, but over-extension were harmful, and one needst learn to respect one's limits. Snowman - This were reminiscent of fickleness; that which may curse one with indecision. An annual change during melting-season doth illustrate of this, and the paralysis of indecision were akin to its combat-aura. To choose without committment may serve its purpose in some circumstances, but it shall oft prevent one from greater attainment.
  18. r1c7, r2c4, r3c5, r4c8, r5c3, r6c6, r7c2, r8c1 These are made on the assumption that the first row were the highest on the grid.
  19. I should like to request, if it should please thee: one 14th Anniversary Barren Soul one acousticremains stone for a total of 27 plushies. Blessings
  20. I did think the usual move were two forward and one to either side, but mayhap this were the wrong realm.
  21. I believe the book within Lore Manor were only readable once; consider that we live with choices to the exclusion of the choices unmade. It were an ancient codex, after all - its pages are worn to dust by entropy and time.
  22. The story as it doth exist were a set of scenes, so movebind doth function through them as through other scenes. I cannot think that this were a bug, nor that this were intended, but this were the expected behaviour.
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