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Everything posted by Jubaris

  1. let's start it off with 3 gold coins! Princ Rhaegar
  2. Isn't there already a topic for this? [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/10200-music-thread/"]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/10200-music-thread/[/url] You made it too!
  3. Curse my RL scheduling, I like that contest... >.<
  4. Yeah. Would love to come up with something and post, we'll see
  5. Love the clip This seems quite interesting, but I'm not sure I understood all the rules. We are supposed to make our idea and message you with it, or prepare it for a "live" event in MD if you are holding it? What's this transformation time, is it something questers need to look after or it's just a sentence for the sake of pretty quest description?
  6. Not sure what's the reason behind these neg-rep points. Dream catcher should have some space making people dream and punishing them, silence spell after all isn't that serious, but it should be done once certain criteria is achieved, and considering it is known Dst and Phantom Orchid have a long line of conflict, it naturally leads some people to guess that this was done with a touch of personal grudge, in which case makes Orchid's act very tasteless. Of course, people shouldn't disregard the option of Orchid not being aware of Dst being idle - her assuming Dst is just avoiding to answer her. In that case, a bit of fault still falls to Orchid's shoulders because she should first make sure her target isn't idling, or at least find an alternative (make the target dream indefinitely until she responds to the dream catcher).
  7. Well, I personally support the idea of admins recognizing land governments established by the very citizens (rather than waiting for Mur or other admin to say 'You should be king/queen'). If someone is a de facto leader of the land, give the tools. If the land has organized and made voting to create a government system, give the tools. I was just asking for the sake of general curiosity about monarch tools status, and because of my own homeland which doesn't have a government and thus no tools.
  8. [quote name='Darigan' timestamp='1365715512' post='134781'] ...[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][b]carry the kings tools[/b]...[/font][/color] [/quote] As in will carry them once (if) you get the MD council to give them to you, or effectively are carrying them as from now? 'Cause tools were removed long ago once the monarchs retired.
  9. Thank you guys for posting your names I am also up for discussions, be it private or public, for interested. My work is "Dates".
  10. I am aware of the quest feedback form and its purpose. Since you don't wish to discuss, I'll withdraw from the topic - I can't see why, because the very nature of your quest was comparison of our perceptions, to improve understanding about our realm globally, reward the finest thoughts. Isn't dialogue in accordance to those principles and goals? When you have two opposed opinions, the result may be very enlightening, and you are shunning this wonderful possibility.
  11. I find your explanation a bit naive. Of course it's a "loser" list. Yes, my label 'loser' may be a bit off, but it's the essence of it. When you have 13 people, of which 6 won something and 7 received consolation rewards for participating, that usually means that those 7 failed to meet judge standards. Lost the competition/contest - henceforth the loser list, contest wise. If you wanted to preserve the privacy of participants, you should have kept all the names away from public eyes. If the names are easily trackable, as they are and as you say, then there's no real point hiding (partly) names of the participants. And I did read your scoring guidelines, what makes you say I didn't? Anyhows - I'm not trying to put you or your quest down. The quest was a good idea, I'm glad it had this much participants and attention from the community, although I am discontent about certain things in the organization which I expressed. I'm basically now just replying on your challenge of my dissatisfaction. I have a feeling that you think we don't have the right to criticize, or that our critic is without base.
  12. [quote name='Nimrodel' timestamp='1365263397' post='134679'] It may lead to disagreement between people. One person may not agree with the other person's point of view. It better if things aren't direct. Also, if someone comments negatively about an entry, people who wrote the entry might feel embarassed if it is revealed who wrote what. [/quote] Doesn't have much sense to me - if a participant is unsatisfied with the results, and the judges are already known (Burns and Kyphis as your judge score links say), they can already channel their newfound hatred We know who the winners are, now, so why not say who was 1st place, and who was 5th? If someone comments negative about a winning entry, person may get embarrassed? What about the loser list you posted? That's not embarrassing? I personally am largely dissatisfied with how the judges rated certain works, but won't go into it, there's really no point. I would like to know who wrote what, so I could appreciate the player more, and perhaps understand his/her work better by the fact that I already know that participant from before, being easier for me to interpret what was meant by certain lines.
  13. [quote name='Elthen Airis' timestamp='1365251374' post='134673'] [i]Princ Rhaegar gave a very curious idea on involving Protectors with lands. That's by giving them the power to regenerate resources more quickly(due to a spell of sorts) or making others gather more resources for a limited time, let's say, just to name a few. I'm not sure about my opinion on the matter. You could state yours.[/i] [/quote] I'm sorry, you must have mixed me up with somebody else I didn't give that suggestion (at least I don't have memory of it). I was saying that current state of protectors allows open interpretation of a specific MP6 player, allows him to create a cult like Savelfuser did, or something different, depending on RP, but that I encourage interface addons that will allow more 'depth', depends on the addon itself. (my words summarized up) That you shouldn't enforce a specific kind of approach for protectorship, rather leave it for the individuals to develop it in their own way for themselves.
  14. Are we gonna get the names of the winners and judges, or only us 'losers' are up for the public? Congratulations to all the winners
  15. Yeah, I am wary as well. If I wish him a happy birthday on 1st of April, and it's not his actual birthday... Hmmm... Happy birthday Jester!
  16. You don't have to use the actual donations. Those donations were 'sucked out' of players, so they were used, they are gone. Just make a log on how much 'imaginary' credits you give to LHOs, and when you hit the total sum equal of the donations, you stop giving out credits. Make it public and transparent, of course though. So that issue is easily avoided.
  17. MD's flash animations are acting weird in Chromium for me. Anyone uses Chromium, what's your status?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    3. BFH



    4. Chewett


      Banned. Reason: liking chrome

  18. Since there were numerous people donating credits, I think they (at least those donated ones, we don't have to maintain the link for further donations) should be used as was planned in the general picture. So, credits given to LHOs for example, use them as pay, or for sponsorship of some LHO-glorifying event.
  19. 4gc - Princ Rhaegar
  20. Happy birthday Sir Snickers! I wish you all the best and many happy birthdays to come!
  21. 4 gold coins.
  22. @No one, You didn't get my point. [quote] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]- you want Adventure Log continued: usual ppl were followed and commented with no real need of RP from their side[/font][/color] [/quote] There was a way for people to interfere though, but I am not talking about Adventure Log itself, I am talking about a side-branch story of lesser importance, but in relation with Adventure log, what should be 'the main active RP story' of the game. Those side-branch events would, in difference to Adventure Log, let players find their way into the highlight and give freedom of choice. Options can be many, but one of them could be a quest, where players would be encouraged to solve a puzzle journey to find an artifact, which the solver would receive as prize for finding it first. But you would remove that OOC approach "let's play a quest!" we get for most of current quests, either made by admins, either made by players. Things would simply happen, without an announcement "solve me", people would pick up clues and try to find out what is actually going on. It would be an in character sort of thing. That also answers your two other thesis. At the moment, we are missing an active 'main' story, for years now. I think it's an integral thing to be present in our beloved realm if we want to refresh the global desire to play MD, and maybe get some extra people. I'm not trying to put pressure on anyone in charge to get something like this done as soon as possible, I just think it is a reasonable thing to be put on a "goals" list, and in one of the first places too. If we don't have the required energy and will to make a 'main' story of a sorts present and alive, then what are we playing? [u]We are maintain a game, we are not playing it[/u]. To clear it up, I don't have that approach, I still find MD much fun and I am sad I don't have enough extra time to invest more in it, but I am trying to make a point. The point is not to make the game 'fixed', to go in a straight direction, no, of course the creation of players themselves and the way they act in realm should be the axiom of general game status (political, social, cultural, you name it), but, there should be something else present, that we currently lack. I remember how I was impressed by the Adventure Log people, when I registered here, by reading the active chapters on the side bar, and then, all of a sudden meeting them in a regular scene. That is a huge factor to make a person like this game and keep on playing, or keep the old players playing with more wind in their back.
  23. Nobody in particular, I'm sure trustworthy people with a good feel for a story and knowledge about MD can be found - I have no idea who is in the council, maybe they have one of those in their ranks already, so no addition in staff for the event is required. That is a technicality though. My concern is are they willing to go into that direction. Till now, they (Council) were mostly focused in stimulating players to do their own work, there was not much creation from themselves (please correct me if I'm wrong). I don't know what were Mur's instructions for Councilors, but Mur is reachable, so he can give a green light for admins to embrace this approach of event-making. I think it would be a good encouragement for "MD-ing", and I don't think it contradicts MD's concept. It should be very worthwhile for admins to consider.
  24. That's good to hear Shem, looking forward to it But I was more speaking of something relating to the official story of the world. Something like that can only be done by the admins. People already declared their desire for adventure log to continue numerous times, but the answer was that it is Mur's project, so the council can't continue it. We don't have to get that main story, but we can have some side-branch stories, not the important to be in the very Adventure Log, but still in relation with it. Mur can create project-sketches, the council can just work on it, with the aid of certain people if required, I think it is very plausible, but is there the will?
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