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Everything posted by Myth

  1. I will make a thread on this shortly. It will contain my personal view on how illusions should work... I'm working on it right now, actually. No idea when it will be over. Sooo yeah, see you there :p
  2. Dear Mur, May I please send some thoughts over regarding illusions, and have the gall to expect a reply? :p (a page or 2, maybe less... not sure, haven't put them on "paper" yet... I'll try to formulate it sometime during this week)
  3. I have a curiosity about that specific illusion. I know you don't role play, but if you did... and if you were part of a land which was at war with GG... and if you used that illusion... what would be the outcome? :P edit 1: more exactly, who's in control? the illusion, or the illusionist? edit 2: PM if spoiler-ish, please.
  4. "...and my shouts echo... - Let me go... Who are you? Why me? ...but there's always only one reply... - You will eventually see... ...and my bitter realization... - I guess I'm just along for the ride..."
  5. You're at work (or home, or anywhere with a toilet, really) and you REALLY need to go. You get there and think "thank goodness no one is in there". You then stop for a few seconds to imagine what you'd have done if No one *actually was* in there. You dismiss the thought after some time, allowing normality to slowly creep back in: "What the *beep*?" (edit - no thrashing, it actually happened... as in, 1 hour ago :p)
  6. Everyone believes that DD and dst are fighting one and other just to prove who's right and who's wrong. False. dst isn't trying to break DD. The truth is, it's all an elaborate scheme thought up by Mur. DD and dst are actually best friends, and are filling up the forum with flame wars to test the patience of every member. So the role of trying to break people in fact belongs to the pair of them. We will hang in there! (Edit) Plot depth: No one was the first to break, by picking a side. :p
  7. The score, yes. The content, no. I will however, relay the answers I gave to whomever is curious about them, whether they already have a made up opinion on the matter and simply wish to compare thoughts, or they simply wish to delve in the spoiler zone. (if my answer could be considered a spoiler in any way, that is... to me, they're just thoughts, nothing confirmed)
  8. My first WP not connected to activity days or the BPG puzzle... :o Grats on the quest. It went over a certain aspect of MD which is extremely encouraged. The Lab has this aspect encrypted in it, to some extent. I'd like to see what others thought as well, but I guess I'll ask them instead to see if they're willing (edit: to share). :P Also, thank you! Me happy... :D
  9. What happens to the other half of the money? :p
  10. Yes and no. Technically, workarounds weren't mentioned to be specifically off limits. Whoever had the ability to go around using other methods, could do so, I guess. I don't find it fair, but there you have it. :p
  11. Why not? Newly aquired creatures do, having no won battles or heat on them... why wouldn't CTC aquired ones?
  12. Sent. You don't have a lot to go through.
  13. I don't actually have the time to do this, but since I began playing again, I gathered some general information and stored it into Word/Excel files. Neat and categorized. What I have is incomplete, and will most likely stay that way for a long time - I add to it as I find out more - but if you wish I'll send it over, you look over it and distribute it as you see fit to people which will deal with the categories you find there. Let me know if you want the archive. I have: - a 10,968 MB version - has pictures and links to them within the excel files - links which only work if the archive is extracted in a specific location: C:\MagicDuel; - a 376 KB version - the links in the files exist, but there are no actual pictures in the archive, so they don't work.
  14. As an MP3, I can gain heat and use it to cast spells. Did that several times.
  15. Punishment idea in case you get caught: - get thrown in the brink for 5/10/20 days with VE reduced to 0 - in order to finish your time in there, you need to return you VE back to max - to do that, consume 3 meals provided to you every day which replentish 20/10/5% VE every day - that way, you need to somehow be active in order to get out of said punishment - once you reach max VE, click the door and get sent back to your cell, then start over in your attempt to break free
  16. To continue my previous post... In case there are guards and a mess hall, try what follows below. In case there aren't, implement them and try what follows below. You said a few days? Set a series of requirements: - every day, at certain hours, everyone's allowed into the mess hall to... eat? - on the way, attempt to buy a tip (or more) from some of the guards - some will accept, while others won't and you get penalized in some way; - once you have the tip, attempt to see it through... examples: - you need a special dagger which you need to steal from the mess hall in order to sac creatures for heat - you need a special recipient (not a jar, and not a stone, since those can be aquired outside of prison) for heat, which can be stolen from <insert prison location here> - you need to find a map of the maze once you manage to melt the gate which you can steal from <insert another prison location here> For every failed attempt mentioned above, you get taxed in some way. If a guard stumbles upon you on your way out, you get locked up again... make it difficult. Also, if you want everyone to have equal chances of getting out, give everyone the same chance to fail/succeed in the above actions. If you want older players to have more chances of success, base the equations on their stats: trade sense for the bargain with the guard, luck for stealing the items you need, and so on... To further the idea, everything which can directly help you escape should be confiscated from you once you get in Jail... creatures and whatever items can store/create heat. Want to use jars or stones? Want to sac creatures? Do stuff to earn whatever currency can be used in Jail and use that currency to find out how you can retrieve your stuff.
  17. Are there guards and is there a mess hall in Jail?
  18. I'm guessing that means one can also gain heat by upgrading creatures. On that note, can you differentiate between heat gained through different means? e.g. moving around, erolins, saccing... If yes, one could get out of jail through some huge personal sacrifice, such as a very old, very powerful, very used, very heated... very valueable creature; or more of them... or all of them, in case they're in a hurry to get out fast? Of course, this would imply some sacrifice mechanism to be implemented...
  19. I like that one. Same as the "See more" button which hides the menu on the right.
  20. Adventuring Award - AmberRune Best Beautification - gonzalocsdf Champion Fighter - darkraptor Fossil of the year - AmberRune Helper of the Year - Lania Most Addicted - Lania (I keep telling her to leave MD until she finishes school, but she can't help it >.>) Most Popular - Dark Demon Outstanding Service to MD - Chewett Pre-eminent Role Player - Aeoshattr Prime Quest - Eara Meraia (Transposition in rhythm and sound) Rookie of the year - Azrafar I have no idea if anyone is in the same land as I am, or if NML counts as being in a land at all, so please don't ban them on my account - let me know and I'll remove the nomination. P.S.: Ary, no editting your post... :P
  21. Your essence is being chewed on by fear of the possibility control might be an illusion. A part of you knows it is so, and thus seeks cover, while the other part dismisses the thought and gets (edit: you) maimed through any attempt to prove it otherwise.
  22. It is sleazy, yes. But it's also required to keep the number of people up. For instance, you'll have those who'll log in for the first time, take one look at the first page and leave. Then you'll have those which will run around for a few days and do the same. The latter example tried to give the game a chance, but with no incentive, they left. So the purpose is to keep them around long enough for them to have the chance to be introduced to more of what the game can offer. The more they are introduced to more of the game, the more chances they'll stick around. :P
  23. I'll repeat some things, and add others. Do it. As Ary pointed out, activity over weighs logins. Add an invisible scoreboard for different ranges of players (based on active days: 0-30, 31-60...) and reward them accordingly for the different tasks they perform. Example: say one need write 10, 20, 50 chat lines in one day. This can be conditioned further: if (s)he has the required number of chat lines, and that number ranges between, say 10 and 90% of the total lines in the area, he gets a +1 in "loudmouth" for that day. I didn't say 100% because that would represent a monologue. Now, alt abuse can occur, such as someone chatting with themselves. If the chat lines in a scene come ONLY from the same IP adress, they don't count for either. If other addresses are involved, they count and are calculated for each alt based on proportions mentioned above. The following day, each player gets a fix reward as stated a few posts above: attack if they have the most won attacks, defense if they won the most attacks on them, volition (which needs to be finished as a concept, first) if they spent enough APs while moving and so on. Furthermore, once a month, give out temporary titles to the one with the best score according to what they did: attack - fighter of the month, defend - defender of the month, walk - strider of the month, sacrifice - killer of the month, chat - loudmouth of the month and so on, along with a stat bonus which represents the category they won. I went into detail because the chat example is a tricky one to make work, but there are ways to do it. Others, such as combat related ones are easier. Just imagine a new player waking up one day with a title saying "Fighter of the Month". I call that incentive. :P
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