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Blackshade Rider

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  1. Like
    Blackshade Rider got a reaction from Lady Renata in Story Time!   
    This is a short story about the discovery of Gateway Island and the gateway keepers alliance by the accounts of Blackshade. 
    The discovery Of Gateway Island 
    Once upon a time in a far-off land, there were two courageous adventurers by the names of Blackshade rider and Muratus del Mur. Blackshade was a skilled swordsman, while Mur was known for his expertise in the forbidden knowledges of the world. They had traveled far and wide together, exploring various lands and discovering many hidden treasures.
    One day, while they were on a routine expedition, they stumbled upon an ancient map that was said to lead to a mysterious island. The map was old and worn out, and it was hard to make out the details. But Blackshade and Mur were determined to unravel the mystery.
    For weeks, they navigated rough seas, battled fierce storms, and faced various challenges on the way. But finally, they arrived at the island. It was unlike any other island they had ever seen. It was surrounded by tall cliffs and had a dense, lush forest in the center. The island was teeming with exotic wildlife, and everywhere they looked, they found strange and wondrous things.
    As they explored the island, they stumbled upon a strange, shimmering portal on top the island's highest point. It was unlike anything they had ever seen before. The portal was surrounded by ancient ruins, and it had glowing symbols etched into its surface. Blackshade and Mur were wary, but curiosity got the better of them.
    Without much thought, they stepped through the portal and found themselves in a brand new world. The island that they had been on was just a gateway to a much wider realm. This world was filled with magic and wonder, and Blackshade and Mur knew they had to explore it further.
    From then on, Blackshade and Mur spent many weeks exploring Gateway Island, discovering new secrets, and learning about its mysteries. They encountered mythical creatures and ancient ruins, and they learned about the island's rich history.
    As Blackshade and Mur kept exploring Gateway Island, they realized that it was not only magical and full of wonders, but it was also empty. There were no inhabitants on the island, it was just a forgotten place. This discovery sparked something within them, their curiosity turned into a desire to make the island in their own image.
    A new idea began to form in their minds; they decided that Gateway Island was going to be the perfect place to establish a new settlement for new adventurers. They wanted to make it a paradise for adventurers and explorers, and they hoped that many people would eventually come to make their way through the island themselves.
    Blackshade and Mur wasted no time in making their vision a reality. They began building structures on the island, clearing the land, and designing many new things never seen before. They worked tirelessly, day in and day out, putting all their hearts into creating the perfect image for the island.
    As their work progressed, word began to spread among other adventurers about the fascinating island and what Blackshade and Mur were doing there. Soon enough, more and more people started arriving on the island, looking for a new adventure and a new place to make their own mark in the island's history as many things had yet to be discovered.
    The adventurers quickly grew in numbers, and more and more secrets began to rise on the island. It became a melting pot of cultures, with people from all walks of life making their way to this new land. Blackshade and Mur became the overseer's of the island, and under their guidance, the island continued to prosper.
    As years passed, Gateway Island evolved to a thriving community where people pursued different trades, all working together to build a better life for themselves and their families. The island became renowned for its unique architecture, diverse culture, and the adventurous spirit of its inhabitants and it's many secrets yet to be discovered.
    Blackshade and Mur were happy, and content in the knowledge that their vision had become a reality. They had discovered Gateway Island, created a new vibrant world out of it, and they had brought in many people who were able to make a new start on the island
    As Gateway Island continued to grow and prosper, its reputation spread beyond its borders. People from other parts of the world started to hear about the unique settlement, and many began to explore the possibility of joining the community.
    With the surge in popularity, Blackshade realized that it was time to establish an alliance with other similar communities around the world. He knew that the alliance would bring together different groups of adventurers and explorers, allowing them to share their knowledge and expertise, and work together to protect each other and their treasures.
    Blackshade reached out to leaders of other communities and invited them to form an alliance. He met with them personally, discussed their shared interests, and worked out a charter that would govern their alliance. Eventually, the Gateway Keeper's Alliance was formed, with Blackshade himself appointed as the leader of this newly formed group.
    Mur was proud of Blackshade's leadership and the accomplishments they had achieved together. He also realized that he was getting old and it was time to pass on some of his leadership responsibilities to someone else. 
    He called Blackshade to a private meeting to discuss this matter. He told him that he had proven himself worthy of taking over as the leader of the alliance and that he wanted to grant him full authority over Gateway Island as its new ambassador.
    Blackshade accepted the honor humbly, knowing that this was a significant responsibility that he would have to take on. He thanked Mur for his guidance and leadership and promised to continue the traditions that they had established together.
    In the years that followed, the Gateway Keeper's Alliance grew stronger, and Gateway Island continued to thrive under Blackshade's leadership. He remained true to the vision that he and Mur shared, championing exploration, and working tirelessly to protect the island and the communities under the alliance's protection.
    The people of Gateway Island would always remember the adventures of Blackshade and Mur and how their discovery had led to this incredible new world. The alliance they created had brought together adventurers from around the world with a common goal, and their leadership had set Gateway Island and the Gateway Keeper's Alliance on a path towards a brighter future.
    As Blackshade continued to lead the Gateway Keeper's Alliance, Mur wanted to give him a gift of great importance. Something that would help him lead the alliance better and also shape the rest of the world. He knew he could create an item that could bend reality and change the course of history, and so he worked towards that end.
    Mur spent years studying ancient texts, delving deep into the mysteries of the universe, and finally, after many attempts and setbacks, he succeeded. He created a powerful magic item that could bend reality to the bearer's will. It was a crystal that could be used to grant wishes, manifest desires into reality, and manipulate the world around you.
    Mur knew that this crystal was too powerful for anyone to use recklessly, which is why he entrusted it to Blackshade. He knew that he was a wise and just leader, someone who would use the crystal only for the greater good of humanity.
    Blackshade was afraid to use the crystal at first, knowing the power it held. But he also knew that in the hands of the wrong person or under misguided guidance, it could become a weapon of immense destruction. He decided that he would only use it in situations where he had no other possible option.
    And so, Blackshade kept the crystal with him, always out of reach of any unauthorized individuals. He continued to lead the Gateway Keeper's Alliance, using his newfound power to protect his people, and the rest of the world.
    Years passed, and Blackshade never once used the crystal, but he knew it was always there, eagerly waiting to be used if the situation ever called for it. Even in his old age, he knew he would have to find a worthy successor who could carry on the legacy of this magic item that he had watched Mur crafted.
    Blackshade looked back on his life and recounted how he had managed to fulfill his responsibilities as the leader of the Gateway Keeper's Alliance, always keeping the crystal close, ready to act if needed
    After years of leading the Gateway Keeper's Alliance, Blackshade felt his age catching up with him. He knew it was time to step down as the leader and let someone else take up the mantle. Blackshade chose his successor carefully, making sure to pass on all he had learned to the next leader of the alliance.
    With the Gateway Keeper's Alliance in good hands, Blackshade felt free to go on new adventures. He traveled to many far-off lands, always eager to explore new frontiers and discover hidden treasures.
    However, on one of his journeys back to Gateway Island, Blackshade discovered that the alliance had come under attack. A character by the name of DST had emerged, seeking to bring the alliance to its knees.
    DST was a powerful sorcerer with a lust for power and domination. Her followers had convinced her that attaining the crystal that Mur had created would give her ultimate control over the universe. And so, she set her sights on Gateway Island, determined to destroy the alliance and claim the crystal for herself.
    Blackshade knew he had to act fast to protect the island and the people who lived there. He called upon his old allies and friends, and together, they launched a counter-attack against DST and her followers.
    The battle was long and arduous, with both sides suffering heavy losses. But, in the end, Blackshade and his allies emerged victorious. They managed to drive DST and her followers away from Gateway Island, and the alliance was safe once more.
    Blackshade returned to his role as leader of the Gateway Keeper's Alliance, determined to rebuild and strengthen the alliance's defenses to prevent another attack from happening again.
    Years passed, and Blackshade continued to rule the alliance with wisdom and grace. He was remembered as a true hero, someone who had always put the good of his people above his own personal interests.
    And so the legend of Blackshade, the hero who saved Gateway Island from destruction, lived on, inspiring generations to come to continue the legacy that he and Mur had crafted so long ago.
    Despite Blackshade's efforts to protect the Gateway Keeper's Alliance, DST did not give up. She bided her time and waited for the right moment to strike again. Meanwhile, Blackshade, despite his advanced age, continued to work tirelessly to strengthen and improve the defenses of Gateway Island.
    However, Blackshade's efforts were not enough. DST, having amassed an army of powerful sorcerers and warriors, launched a surprise attack that caught Blackshade and the alliance off-guard. In a matter of hours, the once prosperous island was overrun by DST's forces, and many innocent lives were lost.
    Despite putting up a valiant fight, Blackshade eventually succumbed to his injuries and passed away, leaving the Gateway Keeper's Alliance without a leader and empty to become a lost memory. The loss of Blackshade was felt across the land, and many brave souls who had joined the alliance that survived, soon abandoned Gateway Island, leaving it unprotected and exposed to danger.
    With the alliance weakened, DST and her followers mercilessly pillaged the island, destroying its structures, and looting its treasures. The once peaceful island was now overrun with chaos and destruction.
    As time passed, DST solidified her hold over Gateway Island and began to vent her wrath on other lands. No one was safe from her tyranny, and her quest for ultimate power knew no bounds.
    However, there was still hope. A group of brave adventurers, disgusted by DST's actions, decided to take matters into their own hands. They embarked on a dangerous mission to take down the evil sorcerer and bring peace back to the land.
    The battle was long and grueling, but in the end, the adventurers emerged victorious. They defeated DST once and for all, bringing an end to her reign of terror. But the damage was already done. Gateway Island lay in ruins, and the loss of Blackshade, his allies and the adventurers who had used to come was a painful reminder of the consequences of complacency and the importance of constant vigilance.
    The legacy of Blackshade and his allies was not forgotten, however. Their sacrifice inspired the next generation of adventurers, who worked hard to rebuild Gateway Island and make it a haven for travelers once again. Through their courage and determination, the Gateway Keeper's Alliance was not forgotten, a testament to the power of the human spirit in the face of tragedy and adversity.
    After the defeat of DST, the group of adventurers who led the charge against him remained in Gateway Island to help with its rebuilding. Azull and Syrian were among them.
    Azull was deeply affected by the events that had taken place on the island, and he made a vow to protect it at all costs. He dedicated his life to serving as a protector of the island, ensuring that what had happened to Blackshade and the Gateway Keeper's Alliance would never happen again.
    Syrian, on the other hand, felt that her time in Gateway Island had come to an end. She knew that there were still other lands to explore and secrets to uncover, and she longed for the thrill of adventure. She said her goodbyes to Azull and the rest of the adventurers and continued on her travels.
    In the years that followed, Azull grew to become a beloved figure on Gateway Island. He worked tirelessly to fortify the island's defenses, trained new adventurers, and welcomed newcomers to the island. With him as a protector, the people of Gateway Island felt safe, and the island began to prosper once again.
    Syrian, on the other hand, continued to have many adventures. She traveled to far-off lands, unraveling mysteries, and discovering hidden treasures. But she never forgot her time in Gateway Island, and she always kept in touch with Azull, sharing news of her latest exploits.
    Years turned into decades, and the stories of Blackshade and the Gateway Keeper's Alliance passed into legend. New adventurers came and went, but Azull remained a constant, a reminder that the legacy of Blackshade and his allies would never be forgotten.
    Syrian, too, continued to explore new realms, but no matter where she went, her heart always led her back to Gateway Island. She visited as often as she could, exchanging stories with Azull and the other adventurers, and reliving the memories of that fateful battle against DST.
    As the years passed, Azull grew older, but his spirit remained as strong as ever. He knew that he had fulfilled his promise to protect Gateway Island and leave it in good hands. One day, he passed on his teachings to a new generation of adventurers, feeling content in the knowledge that from now on, Gateway Island would always have protectors who would keep it safe and prosperous.
    Years after Blackshade and the Gateway Keeper's Alliance had passed, Azull and Syrian were exploring a ruin in search of ancient artifacts when they stumbled upon Mur's magic item. The crystal had broken into small pieces, scattered throughout the ruin.
    As they examined the fragments, Azull and Syrian realized the full power that the crystal had once held. Each shard held a portion of its immense strength, and they knew that if it were to fall into the wrong hands, it could have disastrous consequences.
    Together, Azull and Syrian used their knowledge of magic to repair the fragments and reassemble the magic item. However, they knew that the item was too powerful to be controlled by a single person, and they decided to divide its fragments among dedicated protectors who would ensure that it remained safe.
    Azull, Syrian, and Mur chose the most trustworthy and responsible individuals and granted them shards of the magic item. These individuals became known as the A25 users, and their responsibility was to protect the shards of the magic item at all costs, ensuring that no single person ever held too much power over it again.
    Each of the A25 users was given a unique power, drawing from the power and energy of the shard they held. They were trained in the ways of magic and combat, and they dedicated their lives to protecting the pieces of the magic item.
    The A25 users became legends in their own right, traveling the world and helping those in need. They used their powers to defeat evil warlords, protect innocent villages, and ensure that peace reigned throughout the land. They became known as defenders of justice and protectors of Mur's magic item.
    As years passed, new generations of A25 users arose, taking up the mantle of their predecessors, always safeguarding the powerful object that could change the course of history.
    They ensured that the legacy of Blackshade, Mur, Azull, and Syrian was never forgotten, and through their dedication, the world remained a safe and prosperous place.
    And so, the magic item created by Mur lived on, its power shared among those who were called to protect it. It stood as a testament to the power of unity and the importance of responsibility, a legacy that would continue to inspire generations to come
    As the years passed, Azull remained on Gateway Island, continuing his duties as a protector of Mur's magic item. He spent most of his days on the island, welcoming newcomers and training new adventurers, always watchful of any signs of danger.
    Despite his age, Azull never gave up his responsibility to protect the magic item. He knew that the world was never without danger, and that Gateway Island and it's legacy must remain protected.
    As he grew older, Azull became ever more tired, but he never gave up. He knew that his contribution to the island and the A25 users was significant, and he would fight to the end to ensure that the magic item remained secure.
    To this day, Azull watches over Gateway Island, a silent protector always vigilant for any signs of danger. He watches over the A25 users, ensuring they are living up to their responsibilities, and that the magic item remains safe.
    To be continued.......................
  2. Downvote
    Blackshade Rider got a reaction from dst in Story Time!   
    Well go have fun explaining it all on your blogs 🙂. I'll be sure to read it 🙂
  3. Downvote
    Blackshade Rider got a reaction from Chewett in Build your own Drachorn   
    🙃 links gone now since isn't allowed I guess. Did not see that in the rules 
    Didn't think I'd have to wait possible years. 
    I suppose I'll figure something out since I'm sure I can't flood the topic. My phone can only get the image down to 2.9mb before the image is useless. 
    I'll figure something out I guess if I resubmit it. 
    Thanks for the time to let me know 
  4. Upvote
    Blackshade Rider got a reaction from Else in Build your own Drachorn   
  5. Upvote
    Blackshade Rider got a reaction from Else in Build your own Drachorn   
  6. Like
    Blackshade Rider got a reaction from death ray in Build your own Drachorn   
  7. Like
    Blackshade Rider got a reaction from death ray in Build your own Drachorn   
  8. Confused
    Blackshade Rider got a reaction from Fyrd Argentus in Delayed System/Scene refresh   
    Once again while continuing this quest the very same spot has a auto refresh issue. I've done every single solution and I know for a FACT it is not on my end. Deathmarrow is the ONLY scene of the quest that keeps doing this and causing clues to disappear from auto refreshing. So I'll ask again for this to be check cause this is the 4th time and every single time it's only this scene 
  9. Downvote
    Blackshade Rider got a reaction from Lazarus in A Recurrent Nightmare   
    This is my feed back on this quest. If it's not agreed with I'm not to worried about it but I am going to express my thoughts on this quest. 
    Firstly I understand that lashtals quest is not supposed to be easy. However I've experienced many issues. 
    Firstly it should be noted the quest is based inside of Necro, this basically puts a target on your head to be killed basically for doing a quest. While yes lashtal has agreed to take a break on gateway to try and let people do the quest the death guard will not be there forever and in doing so you may be killed. 
    AP is consumed on every single step, while this is nothing new to Necro recently it causes the issue that if you have to click that reset button then you basically wasted and entire day or more depending on the step your on. 
    Certain tools are required to get rss needed for the quest that apparently near half the current active population can not get themselves. These leave the option in hoping another player has this rss to buy from and if they don't then you will need to find someone willing to help grab the needed tool for the needed rss. 
    Byproduct rss are also needed. This is another big issue due to the reasoning you need to have the exact rss amount described in your clue given. Problem is this certain rss requires knowledge of nameing garasons certain names at certain levels to make them produce the byproduct you are needing and many do not know of the names or method to do so. Further more these byproducts consume more time waiting and also having to rely on having wiiya in your inventory for said garasons to produce said byproducts, while most of current active population is not willing to sell these byproducts.Which leads to that not everyone has wiiya and will have to obtain in some way if able. And wait a fairly long time for production if the production works.
    Auto refresh also seems to be an issue, while I had done the solution given to this I was told it's on my end as it shouldn't had refreshed. Well I fail to see how it was on my end when every time I clicked it it auto refreshed but I click anything else no auto refresh happens this includes the bug gardens quest that supposedly has the same refresh issue however I don't experience this issue with the bug gardens quest.  This causes clues to disappear and be lost and leaving a player to either hope the clue is given by the QM or they need to spend twice as much time going to reset the quest and start completely over. 
    This is just my assessment on making it to the third clue and in doing so had done nothing but discourage me from wanting to try further, even more so when death guard is done with their break on gateway. I do not think I am the only one discouraged from doing this quest with just these issues alone it makes it highly inconvenient to do. 
    While I had hopes for this quest it's been nothing but disappointment. I have more concerns but I'm sure this sums it up. 
    Thanks for the quest
  10. Downvote
    Blackshade Rider got a reaction from Ledah in A Recurrent Nightmare   
    This is my feed back on this quest. If it's not agreed with I'm not to worried about it but I am going to express my thoughts on this quest. 
    Firstly I understand that lashtals quest is not supposed to be easy. However I've experienced many issues. 
    Firstly it should be noted the quest is based inside of Necro, this basically puts a target on your head to be killed basically for doing a quest. While yes lashtal has agreed to take a break on gateway to try and let people do the quest the death guard will not be there forever and in doing so you may be killed. 
    AP is consumed on every single step, while this is nothing new to Necro recently it causes the issue that if you have to click that reset button then you basically wasted and entire day or more depending on the step your on. 
    Certain tools are required to get rss needed for the quest that apparently near half the current active population can not get themselves. These leave the option in hoping another player has this rss to buy from and if they don't then you will need to find someone willing to help grab the needed tool for the needed rss. 
    Byproduct rss are also needed. This is another big issue due to the reasoning you need to have the exact rss amount described in your clue given. Problem is this certain rss requires knowledge of nameing garasons certain names at certain levels to make them produce the byproduct you are needing and many do not know of the names or method to do so. Further more these byproducts consume more time waiting and also having to rely on having wiiya in your inventory for said garasons to produce said byproducts, while most of current active population is not willing to sell these byproducts.Which leads to that not everyone has wiiya and will have to obtain in some way if able. And wait a fairly long time for production if the production works.
    Auto refresh also seems to be an issue, while I had done the solution given to this I was told it's on my end as it shouldn't had refreshed. Well I fail to see how it was on my end when every time I clicked it it auto refreshed but I click anything else no auto refresh happens this includes the bug gardens quest that supposedly has the same refresh issue however I don't experience this issue with the bug gardens quest.  This causes clues to disappear and be lost and leaving a player to either hope the clue is given by the QM or they need to spend twice as much time going to reset the quest and start completely over. 
    This is just my assessment on making it to the third clue and in doing so had done nothing but discourage me from wanting to try further, even more so when death guard is done with their break on gateway. I do not think I am the only one discouraged from doing this quest with just these issues alone it makes it highly inconvenient to do. 
    While I had hopes for this quest it's been nothing but disappointment. I have more concerns but I'm sure this sums it up. 
    Thanks for the quest
  11. Confused
    Blackshade Rider got a reaction from Fyrd Argentus in Strange message   
    It's in game PMs 
    (Edit: it appears to be working this morning. So there is now a limit on how many messages a player can send in a day? )
  12. Like
    Blackshade Rider got a reaction from Fyrd Argentus in Build your own Drachorn   
  13. Upvote
    Blackshade Rider got a reaction from Chewett in Draw/ create/ sculpt your own Hell Hound   
  14. Confused
    Blackshade Rider got a reaction from Chewett in Draw/ create/ sculpt your own Hell Hound   
    So it's permanent only if I'm active from what you made very clear to me publicly and reasons was because a quest like mine would rely on me being active permanently for it to stay permanent.
    So how about this..... It's been 4 years since any entry. I'll give it one more of no entries. 
    So one year from now if no entries still then yeah this is probably just going to stay closed permanently.
    So if anyone really cares about this quest it will stay available for one more year to this date may 31st 2024.
    If not one single entry is made in this time i see no reason to keep it going since it's lost it's popularity has decreased highly and lack of population for participants 
    So sure keep it open as perm for one more year. If at least one entry I'll keep it perm but I don't see any entries happening any time soon. 
  15. Upvote
    Blackshade Rider got a reaction from Chewett in Build your own Drachorn   
  16. Upvote
    Blackshade Rider got a reaction from Chewett in Draw/ create/ sculpt your own Hell Hound   
    Since no entry has been made in nearly 4 years and this is not supported as a perm quest I am shutting this quest down and will no longer be available. 
    Bday versions will also no longer be available. 
    This is due to lack of population and players who have been discouraged by feeling they can not be creative enough. 
    While this was intended to be a guaranteed win and perm it does sadden me to close it. 
    I will not be replacing it with another quest or event any time soon as I have decided to stop all my projects with MD including my secret ones. 
    If you need me you may message me as this is guaranteed my last post till further notice.
    This was my most popular quest at one point and I humbly thank everyone that had participated in this quest. I also humbly thank Mur whom at the time had loaded me with the WP codes to make this quest what it once was. 
    Thanks all 🙂 see you all around 
  17. Thanks
    Blackshade Rider got a reaction from Fyrd Argentus in Water Tool Shown that doesn't exist   
    You have an "old bucket" 🙂
  18. Upvote
    Blackshade Rider got a reaction from Chewett in The cipher cracker   
    So Another player pointed out how something was off. 
    I was planning to announce at the end that the quest was made by AI and the solution the AI gave was also posted. Supposedly the shift was of 23 but did not work as it was supposed to. 
    The correct answer was supposed to be
    :Darkness surrounds the light and it's power, and it is in the shadows, and it is in the night, and it is in the void.:
    Still not something that makes much sense but somehow AI program used was able to make this with a shift of 23. However it was wrong. 
    Winners awarded were done by the order of received answers. 
    Sorry for the confusion and how the program was apparently flawed. I still compensated as I was able to and I will try to compensate you. Hopefully I can make you some heat stones as compensation 
  19. Like
    Blackshade Rider got a reaction from Aia del Mana in A very special cloak   
    With this comment it's now known to any Anniversary quest maker that wishes to claim this 30 silver note for sponsor in rewards please just let me know thanks.
    Thank you graciously. VERY VERY MUCH 😊😊😊💜💜💜💜💜💜
  20. Upvote
    Blackshade Rider got a reaction from Chewett in Public apology   
    Hello all.
    This is a long over due apology. I havent been the best of a player recently. There are a lot of people i have done wrong to and i regretted it. Ive burned a lot of bridges here and lost some good friends.
    My first apology goes to chewett. For those who dont know ive spoken to chewett on personal levels. He has been trying to be there for me even in my rough times and ive been nothing but mean to him. For that i am sorry. He has still to this day tried to work with me and help me and i let my personal issues get in my way and id explode on him. Blaming him for things that really isnt his fault. Chewett id like to say thank you. Youve put up with a lot of my bullshit and still tried to help me. Your a good person and i am sorry for the way i have acted and treated you these past years. Please forgive me. I am trying to better myself.
    My next apology goes to golemus. It was i that played the hand in destroying your guild and in turn it seemed to silence your land. I was mad at the king grido and was mad about a lot of things. Dst and others made promises that were never fulfilled. I regret that as well. Miq you did a lot of work to earn it back and i respect that and i really am sorry i ever handed it over to dst. You are also now king and you deserve it more than grido did. Your a good person. All hail king miq. Long live golemus. I hope the people of the land can forgive me. 
    To all others and there are many , id like to say i am sorry. Some i have been rude to for no reasons. Others ive been mean to because i couldnt get my own selfish gain. Im not always the best of person. I have some RL mental issues that yes ive been battling with among other things. Though this should not be an excuse. I am trying. Ive been getting help and working on myself. I want to rebuild the bridges ive burned and i want to dedicate myself to the dead entirely as many know my character has always revolved around the dead. 
    From this day i swear to try my best to be a better player and mend broken friendships. I know its not something that will happen over night but i hope all can forgive me and give me a chance to fix my wrongs. I thank you all who have been patient with me. Chewett most of all. I love this game and plan to stay as long as possible. I hope we can mend the broken ties. Thank you all. I wish you all the best. 
    I am terrible with apologies i hope this is meaningful to you all. Thanks for your time. 
  21. Upvote
    Blackshade Rider got a reaction from Tissy in Auction part 2   
    Sorry for such a late reply. Ive been very busy in RL. 
    I have a lot of free time on my hands again and will be back. 
    The winner of the imprinted dark is Dark Demon. He guessed 600000 and my number was 666666. He was the closest without going over. Congrats. 
    All others who are waiting on their items or waiting to pay for their items please message me as i will be giving a one time discount for the troubles.
    Thank you all in partaking in my Auction. Another may yet to come. 
  22. Like
    Blackshade Rider got a reaction from Tissy in Public apology   
    Hello all.
    This is a long over due apology. I havent been the best of a player recently. There are a lot of people i have done wrong to and i regretted it. Ive burned a lot of bridges here and lost some good friends.
    My first apology goes to chewett. For those who dont know ive spoken to chewett on personal levels. He has been trying to be there for me even in my rough times and ive been nothing but mean to him. For that i am sorry. He has still to this day tried to work with me and help me and i let my personal issues get in my way and id explode on him. Blaming him for things that really isnt his fault. Chewett id like to say thank you. Youve put up with a lot of my bullshit and still tried to help me. Your a good person and i am sorry for the way i have acted and treated you these past years. Please forgive me. I am trying to better myself.
    My next apology goes to golemus. It was i that played the hand in destroying your guild and in turn it seemed to silence your land. I was mad at the king grido and was mad about a lot of things. Dst and others made promises that were never fulfilled. I regret that as well. Miq you did a lot of work to earn it back and i respect that and i really am sorry i ever handed it over to dst. You are also now king and you deserve it more than grido did. Your a good person. All hail king miq. Long live golemus. I hope the people of the land can forgive me. 
    To all others and there are many , id like to say i am sorry. Some i have been rude to for no reasons. Others ive been mean to because i couldnt get my own selfish gain. Im not always the best of person. I have some RL mental issues that yes ive been battling with among other things. Though this should not be an excuse. I am trying. Ive been getting help and working on myself. I want to rebuild the bridges ive burned and i want to dedicate myself to the dead entirely as many know my character has always revolved around the dead. 
    From this day i swear to try my best to be a better player and mend broken friendships. I know its not something that will happen over night but i hope all can forgive me and give me a chance to fix my wrongs. I thank you all who have been patient with me. Chewett most of all. I love this game and plan to stay as long as possible. I hope we can mend the broken ties. Thank you all. I wish you all the best. 
    I am terrible with apologies i hope this is meaningful to you all. Thanks for your time. 
  23. Upvote
    Blackshade Rider got a reaction from Steno in Auction part 2   
    Sorry for such a late reply. Ive been very busy in RL. 
    I have a lot of free time on my hands again and will be back. 
    The winner of the imprinted dark is Dark Demon. He guessed 600000 and my number was 666666. He was the closest without going over. Congrats. 
    All others who are waiting on their items or waiting to pay for their items please message me as i will be giving a one time discount for the troubles.
    Thank you all in partaking in my Auction. Another may yet to come. 
  24. Upvote
    Blackshade Rider got a reaction from redneck in Auction part 2   
    Bids accepted.
    Please note that these bids were made after the deadline I stated earlier. So after the 24hr mark your bid on these will still be active. Any other bid you have will however win. 
    I hope this makes sense.  I am very tired at the moment 
  25. Upvote
    Blackshade Rider got a reaction from lashtal in Auction part 2   
    I forgot about this, and had to read back into messages. I cant respect that as I said I would. I will be given it to someone then and not sell it.
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