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Everything posted by Seigheart

  1. I'd be more than happy to supply a few rewards. All I need is to be asked, and a general idea of what you would like.
  2. My webmail works fine...
  3. And now the captcha on the login page is missing too... >.>
  4. Cloudflare? And mine is...
  5. The images to see the Wishpoint shop and the MDShop have disappeared and have been gone for about an hour. Anyone else seeing this?
  6. Can you do a step by step process on what you do for these drawings? Like, show the beginning, middle and end result?
  7. What, because you don't want people to say you're not doing your job? Whether you are or arent is not the case here.
  8. [quote name='Sasha Lilias' timestamp='1344251123' post='119416'] As a general note: This is only a very simple idea, as I said. It would be nice to have a more [b]efficient[/b] way of trading coins. [/quote] Ya, ya. Nice jab at me Sasha. But, in reality, I am the only one in MD that can do that, and I won't charge a fee, or anything for doing it. Then again, I have to be alive, and able to walk around in order to do so.
  9. I'd like this topic closed now. The point was made.
  10. If you actually read the arguement, you'd know that I am at work when I respond, and the codes are at home where I am without internet access.
  11. TKs are capable of exchanging gold for silver, or vice versa.
  12. Grido, wasn't it you that denied explaining anything a few months ago for some incident? Claiming that you didn't have to tell anyone anything if you didn't want to?
  13. When I reply I am at work and on the computer. and I plan on getting the codes as soon as I have a chance, probably tonight, or tomorrow. I even put a reminder on my BBB to remind me.
  14. Yeah, and? I'd need two more removed for me to be removed from my position. And in a couple weeks, I will be getting another trust point added on. What you are suggesting is that I could be removed for what exactly? A bit of understanding would be nice.
  15. I don't have to tell the community anything. That's why.
  16. I absolutely agree with the TK's analysis. Just wanted to point out that the quests formed by myself, and Fang, and in the near future ZenTao are all under my direction so that we, as an alliance appear far more active.
  17. If I did not forsee a future where I would not have the ability to fufill my role, then I would. But, like other times of the year (Christmas, Exams, Summer Vacations), this is only temporary.
  18. I am allowed bidding, just to make sure, right?
  19. Yep, keep getting angry Phantom. Keep making it out that I'm doing something horribly wrong, but this is JUST A GAME. There are FAR more important things than MD.
  20. Like I said, I am managing the opening of three different sectors for my job, and I spend 10-15 hours a day at work because of it. I hardly have time to sleep, let alone log onto MD to give a WPC to you. Give me a few days. MD is a game of patience. Not demands.
  21. Yes, you are right Chewett. The TKs are meant exactly for that.
  22. Exactly what Rhaegar said. We never spoke, but I valued your character, and the player, greatly. MD shall mourn this loss.
  23. I am also working 60 hours a week. When I am on MD nowadays, it is during my break at work. And the codes for the WPs are stored at home on an external harddrive. When I get home, that last thing on my mind is MD. It's sleep, and food. I apologize for the lateness of the delivery, but it will be made.
  24. Public humiliation? Nah. I was thinking back a few months to where everyone has to post all submissions to a quest, or what ever... Maybe someone can clarify.
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