As I was wandering through the Lands of the East, I noticed all the locations had a travel use of 81 Ap.
Naturally, I wanted to know WHY 81? And not 77, or 62.
So, I googled the number 81. And I found the results fascinating.
[quote]Number 18 or 81 represent the combined energy of Saturday & Sunday. It is a compound number made of two digits. 1 is associated with Sun, Sunday and zodiac sign of Leo. 8 represents planet Saturn, Saturday and zodiac sign of Capricorn.
When 18 or 81 are further reduced to single digit number, we get number 9. Number 9 is known as the number of finality. It is associated with planet Mars, Tuesday and zodiac sign of Aries. In astrology, Sagittarius is the 9th sign in the zodiac. In numerology, 9 is the number that keeps things in motion.
Over-all picture of an individual or an entity is developed through Rising sign/Ascendant, Sun sign, Birth Number, Compound Number and Single Digit Number.
In Judeo-Christian traditions, the Rising Sign/Ascendant of Jesus is Leo. The Sun sign of Jesus is Capricorn. In numerology, this combination is also known as 18 or 81. 18 or 81 are known as very sacred numbers.
In some case studies, we find a tug of war between 1 & 8, Leo & Capricorn and Sun & Saturn. Examples are:
• Relationship between former Chief of Army Staff & former President of Pakistan, Zia-ul-Haq [Leo Sun sign] and founder of Pakistan Peoples Party, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto [Capricorn Sun sign].
• Relationship between former Chief of Army Staff & former President of Pakistan, Pervez Musharraf [Leo Sun sign] and former Prime Minister of Pakistan, Nawaz Shareef [Capricorn Sun sign].
• Relationship between former Chief of Army Staff & former President of Pakistan, Pervez Musharraf [Leo Sun sign] and Afghan President, Hamid Karzai [Capricorn Sun sign].
Individuals or entities having birth number 18 are advised to maintain harmony within them. Number 18 has the ability to achieve the highest goals. They are simply amazing in achieving their goals. If they settled their inner disputes, they can maintain harmony between their inner lion and inner goat. After some practice, both inner lion and inner goat shall achieve the ability to drink water from the same pond by living at peace with each other. There shall no longer be a tug of war between 1 & 8 and between inner lion and inner goat. They shall live at peace with each other in complete harmony.