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Everything posted by Seigheart

  1. [quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' timestamp='1292359162' post='75454'] second, that kind of conflicts are always taken on personal level. Two alts rebelling out of supposedly different reasons?? [/quote] I did not choose to rebel for a personal reason what so ever, I have nothing to gain from it, and lots to loose. I have no issue with Jester personally, and only minor issues with his role as King, of which we have discussed and I hope he will perform better.
  2. 10gc
  3. I'm wrong? About what? And a solution for what? It's not working, so how can it be a solution?
  4. Warning: gzuncompress() [function.gzuncompress]: data error in /home/magicdue/public_html/dlg/dlg.combatreplay.php on line 35 This comes up when I attack about a quarter of all people. At first I thought it was just everyone is getting rid of their creatures, but now I know its not that. Several of them didn't have descriptions, and I saw that they had lots of crits.
  5. [quote name='(Zl-eye-f)-nea' timestamp='1291479100' post='74371'] You just freaked me out...quite a lot with that. Thanks (thats not sarcasm by the way lol). Z [/quote] This number is going to drive some of us insane... It seems it has done so to some already... I shall continue my research into this number, and hopefully add more to this thread.
  6. I agree with Jester. Although this may not be the BEST idea in the world, it shows initiative, and has potential to add to the Flavour of MD. Where would Baskin Robins be if he only had Vanilla and Chocolate icecream? Where would your local newspaper be without the daily comics? Perhaps, just perhaps, we need something player driven to spice up the Realm? There are many odd things that happen that the majority of the Realm fail to notice, perhaps this Tabloid is a perfect way to spread humour, sarcasm, and realmly events. Give him a chance, see where he takes this, before you shoot him down. Edit: I shall give my support as well by suggesting and reporting on the happenings of MD. ~Vic
  7. My recent favourite is going through those fascinating Logs. I find it extremely entertaining to pour over them, and see what people are up to, what things they are doing, and who has what creatures now.
  8. Gifts are cool and all, but I want to know who won. The suspense is killer.
  9. As I was wandering through the Lands of the East, I noticed all the locations had a travel use of 81 Ap. Naturally, I wanted to know WHY 81? And not 77, or 62. So, I googled the number 81. And I found the results fascinating. [quote]Number 18 or 81 represent the combined energy of Saturday & Sunday. It is a compound number made of two digits. 1 is associated with Sun, Sunday and zodiac sign of Leo. 8 represents planet Saturn, Saturday and zodiac sign of Capricorn. When 18 or 81 are further reduced to single digit number, we get number 9. Number 9 is known as the number of finality. It is associated with planet Mars, Tuesday and zodiac sign of Aries. In astrology, Sagittarius is the 9th sign in the zodiac. In numerology, 9 is the number that keeps things in motion. Over-all picture of an individual or an entity is developed through Rising sign/Ascendant, Sun sign, Birth Number, Compound Number and Single Digit Number. In Judeo-Christian traditions, the Rising Sign/Ascendant of Jesus is Leo. The Sun sign of Jesus is Capricorn. In numerology, this combination is also known as 18 or 81. 18 or 81 are known as very sacred numbers. In some case studies, we find a tug of war between 1 & 8, Leo & Capricorn and Sun & Saturn. Examples are: • Relationship between former Chief of Army Staff & former President of Pakistan, Zia-ul-Haq [Leo Sun sign] and founder of Pakistan Peoples Party, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto [Capricorn Sun sign]. • Relationship between former Chief of Army Staff & former President of Pakistan, Pervez Musharraf [Leo Sun sign] and former Prime Minister of Pakistan, Nawaz Shareef [Capricorn Sun sign]. • Relationship between former Chief of Army Staff & former President of Pakistan, Pervez Musharraf [Leo Sun sign] and Afghan President, Hamid Karzai [Capricorn Sun sign]. Individuals or entities having birth number 18 are advised to maintain harmony within them. Number 18 has the ability to achieve the highest goals. They are simply amazing in achieving their goals. If they settled their inner disputes, they can maintain harmony between their inner lion and inner goat. After some practice, both inner lion and inner goat shall achieve the ability to drink water from the same pond by living at peace with each other. There shall no longer be a tug of war between 1 & 8 and between inner lion and inner goat. They shall live at peace with each other in complete harmony. [/quote]
  10. I was wondering whether or not this contest is going to be completed? It has been 5/6 days since the end of the contest. I am curious as to how Mur chooses the wishes he likes best.
  11. Mur's bid has been accepted. Can a mod please close this? THANKS!
  12. I wish you the best of fortunes in your future. Happy G'day!
  13. Mur I have suggested a counter proposal via your messenger. I hope it suits your demonic desire.
  14. I don't want to point out the obvious, but I don't know if you noticed Mur, this thread is over a year old.
  15. Current bid of 6gc by IG PM
  16. I was not trying to cause trouble, but this is exactly what I thought wa going on, you were purposely abusing Alts to bypass the WP rule... Which is wrong, right? Against the rules?
  17. Seigheart: 147 Necrovion Tag: Necrovion Rebel I am a Necrovion Rebel, not because I agree with Pamplemousse and Rask concerning Jester, but because I am ready to uphold what I believe to be to be necessary. My track record isn't perfectly clean, there are a few spots, but I believe to have learned my lesson about certain things due to someones very good advice. I do not hold a grudge against anyone(including dst) an I am constantly online. I also have other responsibilities which should show how dedicated I am to the game. [b]Mur: selected, but on probation. i might have exonerated you from the last punishment, but you will have to do your sentance in my service if you want to join. this means you will have to behave exemplary..not to me, but in general. And being provoked won't be an excuse[/b]
  18. Wish Contest... Can't wait to see who won. :D

  19. In the past week, two of the Liberty's Lib Army have given away WPs. Mighty Pirate Lib39 749 N/A No Details 30/11/10 21:07:38 Yoshi Lib40 738 N/A No Details 28/11/10 01:07:59 As far as I am aware, none of these alts are played as a character. From what I know about the Lib Army, Liberty gave control of them over to Yrth. Yrth, as king, can grant WP codes to players to award to others, but why would he give these codes to alts? And why different alts? O.o I am not making any accusations, but bringing up something I see as fishy, and perhaps someone can enlighten me if there isn't anything fishy going on.
  20. "Man in the Mirror" Highly sought after creature of Necrovion, a Shade, is for sale. It has over 200+ age at the time of this post. No tokens, completely untainted(HAH!), and ready to be released to another owner. I am looking for either silver/gold, or RP items. If you have another creature of equal rarity, I would gladly trade it for it...
  21. Wish Contest is over today... :)

  22. Your attitude when you wake up is the most important thing. If you are drowsy, and you think to yourself "Ughh, just a few more minutes." you are setting yourself up for failure. If you think to yourself ,"Today is going to be a fantastic day!" (Or something along those lines) than you will become instantly alert. At least, that is how I wake myself up. As soon as that alarm clock goes off, up and out of bed I am. It's actually at the point where I wake up five minutes before the alarm clock goes off. O.o
  23. Shadow, it is basically Murs way of saying ,"I'm taking away your toy, but here is a sucker so don't whine." He isn't rewarding them, he's doing it to stop then from causing him more headaches. It's not perfect, but don't question it either. Mur has his reasons for doing things a certain way.
  24. 1. I would like to get a patent for an invention I made ages ago in Highschool. Why yes: it would be the realization of a lifelong dream to become like Thomas Edison. I've been in love with the man and his history since the third grade when I did my first ever report on him. (i still have the essay! ) Why not: I have no idea how the process works, and I am afraid that my invention will be ridiculed and denied. Why; I have a fascination with building things. (hence what I am going to school for) 2. I would like to find each and every person whose life I had altered dramatically and write about their feelings before I die. Why yes: I believe it would make ne realize how meaningful my life actually is, and help me realize that I can effect others lives as well as my own. It would give me the motivation to do more for others. Why not: I am scared to find that I have effected absolutely noones life. Why: I have a desire to help those in need, and those of you who know the real me know what I am talking about. ( there is only one person here I know close enough that we have met) 3. I would like to discover an element Why yes: I was always fascinated with the elements in school. I loved learning how they interact and use that knowledge for practical uses. Why not: I have no motivation to learn what I need on top of what I am already learning to allow me the opportunity to discover a new element. Why: elements are the building blocks of life. Without these basic things, we can't exist. An I would like to find one of the lego's Edit: a fourth wish if possible? I would like to go back and thank those people in my life who have altered who I am for the better. I wish I could convey to those passionate individuals what they mean to the people they have effected and how the world is a better place because of them.
  25. Raven, I actually really like it!
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