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Everything posted by Maebius

  1. What others said, above.. Plus, these would be perfect in the MDA bookcase clickies.
  2. I'll be the coach, not the captain. You know, the guy who stands there on the sides and says "Go team!" and then gets all the cash & fame when You win. Otherwise, Love this offtopic idea.
  3. I would love to see how someone would be Me. Just as Time flows in the same direction, and with the same result, the in-between details can change. How profound a story! +Liked.
  4. I figure it's an April Fools trick.. and this is all a bad dream.
  5. The fusioneers were a semi-landless Alliance as well, or at least "neutral" by nature. I would also agree, keeping it or sellign it is your choice, NOT any of ours. But if it's for sale, I missed the initial post and am curious about it's current status. (being a former Fusioneer on my main alt)
  6. I agree and tend to feel the same about the myriad list of similar Stories. Almost all popular Myths (from children's Fairy Tales, to epic novels, to Religious Texts, to the tales told by travelling bards, etc) All have the same "quality" if they stand the test of time. They define "Good/Bad/other" and thus, offer insight to one's self. Myths are True, not factual, and this relates to the popularity among multiple cultures, of "The Trickster/fool" (The devil falls into this more universal Archetype). These stories are essentially "Don't do this", and in showing them done, (or in the case of a Dystopian culture, showing them "In Effect") we learn about ourselves. If the reader/listener agrees with the setting or action, that's a learning moment or at least affirmation of themselves. If they disagree, it invites the unspoken question "Why?" in their minds. Even if not consciously asked. The threads are the same, be they Biblical, or Mythic, or from a different culture. But the tone is the same. "Here's some goodness" and "Here's some badness". Wrapping those in an engaging Story doesn't change the inner Truth of the concept. So I agree, that it's merely a Story, updated to more Modern society (or, vaguely historic in the case of 1984, since it's 2016 now). The factuality is unrelated to it's inherent Truth.
  7. Have any members of the SoE contacted you yet? If not, Consider them "willing to judge these sorts of Quests", myself included. :)
  8. Check Trigger box for "nmportal" references. Certain people have been known to make it glow randomly, and often, when bored. (aka: me)
  9. Happy Happy [belated due to camping] Birthday Wishes! :D
  10. Happy Happy Birthday! :D
  11. See screenshot. Tried it from multiple computers, multiple browsers. Seems the image for the 2015 Christmas Achievement is "broken". Anyone else see similar?
  12. I love this! I can see "LandFavors" being used in the Treasuries, by the monarchs, and others (essentially, like a Fenth Resource, for Action!) It follows the "self-empowered" concept that the new Land Loyalty implies, where you work for your score, and Citizenship offers an additional Benefit, beyond simple "score". Would make for quite the diverse intereaction, and the ever-looming Threat of a coup as vets accumulate points. So, potential for good and bad!
  13. Land Affinity? Land Tolerance? Land Attunement. Land Acceptance (if we are talking the Lands having a sort of mind of their own for you, since Viscosity is a Force that works against players from the realm itself) Or, why not just "Congruity: Land_name". to keep it a bit esoteric or erudite or other weird-words like Volition. :P
  14. Wonder if it's due to the changes Chewett was making in general scene/locations, that was in Green text earlier last night?
  15. I'm enjoying it so far! :D
  16. Also, INK. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1071804/ Odd movie, like Pi, which I also enjoyed. Very weird, but interesting. :) Otherwise, I'll repeat probably 80% of the ones above. Great post! I have some watching to do now!
  17. Great sort of question for the LHO to step in and help answer in game. I am an MP5, and just don't grok combat, by choice, mostly. Stuff like this still trips me up when I'm sleepy. But asking is how we learn. :)
  18. sheesh, I go away for the week, and miss the most important birthday of all! Happy Belated Birthday, Mur.
  19. I don't have full details about what/how/etc, so use the following as a template for story-time, with probably wrong-details...or ignore it as you see fit. This is how I could see the Alliance disbanding being incorporated into the AL. Don't take what I wrote as a factual account) [spoiler] A land in shadow [ episode 1] While the shades carried on with their secret businesss and the peoples of Necrovion walked among them, an outsider arrived, crossing the gates with a single intent. To see if it could be done. dst moved to action, calling upon her allies to strike. The underground, meets the sage's desert, and the land itself roils for a moment as the people's link to it is severed. A ripple, stronger than usual, chimes silently out from the fiery Stone, and is heard across the entire realm, for those who listen. What fate will befall Necrovion now? Time will tell, and there is plenty of that to use... [/spoiler] or something.
  20. Hmm, after very close consideration and overnight thought, I'd nominate Nimrodel, (sorry MRF, gotta go with gut over loyalty this time)
  21. Back home from travels. Sorry for silence, unexpectedly busy, and work blocks MD again, grrr. Fix mobile site to allow movement pls? lol

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nimrodel


      and giving active day count >>

    3. Maebius


      yeah, I lost a few AD there too. :/

    4. Witty


      Try Dolphin Browser, it has flash player, it works for me (buggy, but you can move around).

  22. That would be Gort. You are correct. I used the ID of a solidifier instead of a Heat Stone, to power another solidifier. Poof, the first solidifier used to "charge" the other, was gone. :) Thus, please ensure all IDs used to power this item. Reference: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/16022-heat-solidifier-all-item-ids-fusionable/?hl=solidifier
  23. I concur, sir, and would put 5th Element as my long-time #1 film EVER. ...and also add either Labyrinth or The Dark Crystal to the list of must-sees. I quote Keyser Söze lines irl. :P
  24. Yay, I think I'll get my hat back soon! ;) (Thanks Aniwaya, for the fun little adventure. You should have the Stones I sponsored now.) Best of luck to whomever the judges pick as winners!
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