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Everything posted by Maebius

  1. I'm rather curious how many ideas floated your way for this.
  2. [quote name='Muratus del Mur' timestamp='1357697038' post='129937'] [color=#008080][i]"The unhappend future contains all possible versions of events that exist at the same time like in a homogenous stable soup of timeless reality. Happening at the same time ([b]without time actually[/b]) makes them perfectly balanced. Out of this silvery sphere/circle of continuous events,they come out one by one through the point of present. The remaining versions of one events become unstable and vanish, only the present remains real for a moment without time, then only echoes in the memory of the observer [b]through the unbalance[/b] it leaves behind in the other events around it."[/i][/color][/quote] [quote name='Muratus del Mur' timestamp='1357697038' post='129937'] [color=#008080][i]"The future is formed out of complex "*feelings" (*cant find the right word) [b]that downgrade into events [/b]forming what we see as "past". [b]Time is not the cause but the effect of entropy[/b], because without entropy, these complex "*feelings" would remain stable and not flow. The time flow is caused by unbalance. In a perfectly balanced system time has no place, time is a sign of failure of that system."[/i][/color][/quote] [b]ARE THE TWO FRAGMENTS IN CONTRADICTION (of any sort) OR COMPLEMENTARY?[/b] I would see these as ... actually slightly contradictory, and am not sure of the words to explain it best. In your first, it seems very much like my own understanding of the multi-verse theory, quantum mechanics, and all that. The future is infinite potential, until Observation locks it into one state, on Choice, and the rest is history. It's that famous cat in a box with poison in simplified form. In that perspective, there is no absolute Will or Path for the universe to take. All things are possible, and all can become reality, depending on how luck or our actions tug at the probabilities of things. (read "God's Debris" by Scott Adams for a short fictional thought experiment about Probability sometime, I think you'll like it). Seeing the past as the imbalanced Potential is a really interesting way of looking at it though. Making the past merely "memories of what as not", is a unique way of describing that multi-verse... The second quote seems similar at first glance, but as I am reading it, fundamentally shifts the infinity of possibility towards the Observer by calling it a realm of Feeling and Intuition. Perhaps 'The Observer' is myself(ourselves), in which case that outlook destroys the idea of pure chaos. Perhaps the Observer is a more meta-entity, call it Pre-destination, call it the Universal Mind, observing itself, call it Fate. But that second one puts much more power in our hands. You comments about Time being a result of that "failed balance" seems a bit off to me, though, because Time itself is the cause of the balance. Entropy is the effect of the imbalance. So, since we experience both, there is a fundamental, primal, and deeply rooted "imbalance" in the entirety of Reality. We perceive it as time, and Events. The focus on what Time is in the second quote does not, to me, directly correlate, contradict, or compliment the more general "theory" in the first quote though. They are slightly different topics, about the same Universe. Like describing thermodynamics, and fluid dynamics. Linked strongly, but not -exactly- the same field of study. HOWEVER, the way I see things, deeply, is that to take one more step back and consider Reality as a closed system, that imbalance is it's balance. It runs, flows, Exists and Changes over Time. I don't think that's imperfection at all, it's the heart of perfection. Life Happens, it does not simply Be. (on a side note, this reminds me of a lovely "argument" I had with my good friend about Fate and forward ripples and such. Ignore the first half about the specific film, start halfway down, when I discuss traffic, which starts "[color=#a9a9a9]In the discussions regarding these two movies.[/color]..: [url="http://everthorn.net/musings/2008/07/new-moon-0708-what-the-bleep-the-secret-and-such/?p=219"]http://everthorn.net...and-such/?p=219[/url])
  3. Bring them here and float them down, would they disperse, or simply drown?

  4. [quote name='Tom Pouce' timestamp='1357334064' post='129730'] its a quest or are yu dead again? [/quote] Both actually. Fang is dead again, and wants to know who dunnit.
  5. Banned for including even numbers, and evenly used instances (2) of even-lettered words like "Banned".
  6. ^ Banned for bringing up that pain. it's too fresh. *weeps for the trainees*
  7. ^ Banned for claiming to be "with the banned".
  8. I'll start the bidding at 2 silver, but hope it goes higher.
  9. It is sometimes better to travel hopefully, than to arrive.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Pipstickz


      The question is more important than the answer :)

    3. Nimrodel


      before scratching always think of what you'll do next

    4. Ackshan Bemunah

      Ackshan Bemunah

      Apparently, is forbidden to tell a sick person when friends or family have died.

  10. Yep, there it goes...

  11. (I think we are at 182 from the above unnumbered comments) 182) Heat doesn't just dissipate, it feeds Council's stats. That's why people don't like them anymore. We feel that connection to our own Erolins.
  12. [quote name='phantasm' timestamp='1357210067' post='129579'] wiped my whole gallery, hope that helps some [/quote] ditto. if anyone needs to see my pic, they can ask.
  13. ^ Banned for non-damaging ritual abuse.
  14. [quote name='Change' timestamp='1357194606' post='129566'] Short Orange[/quote] Wavelengths shift from blue and green, growing backwards, through the seen. longer now, towards infra dead, Passing through a short orange Head. The [color=#ffa07a]pink[/color] of a freshly fallen flatworm.
  15. [quote name='ChildOfTheSoul' timestamp='1357171668' post='129535'] Banned for banning someone for a ridiculous reason. [/quote] Banned for thinking here in MD there are even such things as Ridiculous reasons!
  16. I am somewhat partial to Delta if we are using "any letter", because of it's triangle-ness, and it's meaning in most common Physics, but if limited to the usual English alphabet, then W. I don't know why, but I always liked writing it as just a wibbly scribble, and the wwwwwwh sound when it's said.
  17. My thoughts on this are that Council is all but required to be completely annonymous. Knowing them would cause much more damage than benefit, in my mind, for the overall "running of things". From Awiiya's poll, it seems there is a slightly negative opinion on some aspects of council. However, statistics are a good starting point for discussion, but not the end-all of opinion. In any "community" the most vocal tend to be the ones who are dissatisfied with something. Thus, polls can tend to skew slightly unfavorably. This doesnt' mean they are not useful, just potentially non-accurate 100%. However, that being said, there are some good suggestions here. Rotate members yearly/periodically? Perhaps that is good. (perhaps it's already done? I just can't know.) Mails to council with questions have tended to result in a quick "We read it, if you have not heard back soon, please remind us", at least in the past. Is this not happening in more recent messages? Perhaps it could be reinstated or made a more standard proecdure if not already done? I also really like the idea of more community voting, for the more "social" stuff. Administrative issues like scams, bugs, codes, adverts, and such are great things for Council to handle, as well as adjudicating complaints. The Trials are a great use of council (or a potentially related sub-group that may or may not be public?). Lesser things, which in my mind include "community/player" driven events, could be setup with votes too. I understand that risks popularity contests, but in real life "leaders" tend to be less domacraticly chosen, and as said above, MD has never been a Democracy either. That's one charm of it, for me. Working within the system, even if the system is not your preferred one. So, in summary: I think Council is good the way it is, in general, but could possibly benefit from either more members, or more translucency (not transparent, but better P.R.?) Having a single ruler, like Mur would be nice, but it's his game, and for all our suggestions, he is the only one I could comfortably rely on to Rule over All. (unless he nominates someone else, which is still Mur deciding) Mur chose Council. For now, that works for me.
  18. Hmmm. I see no mention of only coins... 1 Nutcracker, and 4 Gold Coins.
  19. [quote name='Change' timestamp='1356765901' post='129167'] [b][color=#333333]Wise Man Gray[/color][/b] [/quote] The faded tones of black and white co-mingled now, in greyish sight still hold a promise of the hues if white and black split off in twos. [color=#ffa500]The orange of a tangerine, fresh picked from twig.[/color]
  20. oh, my sensible comment wasnt' directed anywhere, DD. it was more my stream-of-conscience writing since I wanted to write a novel, but stuck to something sensible and short.
  21. She did ask for sensible replies... My suggestino would be to keep consistent in your actions. Even the most extreme RP is acceptable by some, if you keep to it. Darigan is a dragon, after all, and his avatar showed that. Get an idea in your head, remember to at least keep a flaw or two, so it's not a god-modding overpowered sort,. There are many 'types' or roleplaying here in the realm, and I consider dst as playing her role quite well, though some argue that's not "roleplaying". and most importantly, have fun! If you are enjoying it, then it's the "correct" way to play, I think.
  22. Hmm, I wish I had a better thought, but my only one is that at MP3, Change loved evenness as a counter-point to the oddness of Mind Power. In time, Change grew to a solidly earthy Mind Power Four. This began the shift to higher thoughts, and the simple balance of even pairings shifted to the dynamics of the Odds. Others before me explained it much better already, so I'll refer you to the similar comments above. At Mind Power Five, the stability of the four is re-enforced by that extra one. It was a natural progression of love. Like a moebius strip is 'flat' and one dimentional, yet curled to the third dimension, but starts as a plane of 2D paper.... Grapes want to turn to wine. Evens attract the Odds, and together, even out again. Eventually, Change will embrace both, together, but not quite yet.
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