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Everything posted by Maebius

  1. I suddenly want to make a Toxic-gas producing Grasan.... Interesting list so far, keep it up!
  2. Angiens 1 & 2. 4 silver each.
  3. *tips his hat* Hello.
  4. Or like Mistletoe, a parasitic plant which likes to leech off other Trees. Or, in a similar vein, Striga/Witchweed, or Dodder([i]Cuscuta europaea[/i]) I like the moth/beetle/bug idea though much more.
  5. Hmm, as much as I want to agree with Burns, I htink adding more citizens would be an interesting experiment. IT would make hte Lands seem a bit welcoming to new folks if they can "join" after being here a few months and starting to get a sense of what goes on around the realm. Dissent would just be a risk, but an acceptable one, with fault able to be blamed on whomever has the Item, rather than "King/Queen". So no real net change, is there? Social politics are fun.
  6. Nope, I can click, close the popup, click the device again, and get a whole different number. No refreshing of the browser needed.
  7. [spoiler]I have seen some that appeared to be almsot impossible, or actually so. But if you close out the window and refresh it, you'll get a diferent number combination. There's a few that are much much easier than others.[/spoiler]
  8. 30 silver! (yep, no form of payment mentioned. ) [size=2]'cause 30 is higher than 25[/size]
  9. Mine alt's are fresh, bound in Tutorial-mode, and just upgrade-able this week. I had not done so as I was considering what "resources" to have themn produce yet. I bound them, oh, probably a month and a half ago. Maebius-me is also slowly raising a fresh one to try at MP5, I just picked up today, but it won't be ready for a little while yet.
  10. I will confirm an alt of mine ust got Grasans up to upgradable level today. I see the same thing. Want a screenshot? [url="http://storenow.net/my/?f=3744"]http://storenow.net/my/?f=3744[/url] Strangely enough, I can not get the CTC for this creature, as the captcha doesnt' show up on the creature details either. Other creatures I have in my inventory seem to be working fine. [url="http://storenow.net/my/?f=3745"]http://storenow.net/my/?f=3745[/url]
  11. Any Toxic Herbs, randomly gathered while you were collecting Teas? I may, possibly, be interested in a few of those.
  12. I wonder... I really like Brulant's Illusion idea. How to create such a spell... My mind's already spinning with Possibility there....
  13. These wrinkles and folds exist, just to bring the edges of ourselves closer together.

  14. That would work, if the "second person" only needed to supply the Heat, or resources or what-have-you. Thought if this is changed in such a dramatic form from it;'s current incarnation, I wonder if it could just be set so that the Shopkeeper himself (or hooka-clickie, or whatever) automagically gets the Heat and the player doing the quest can simply "I will supply the Materials", "I will take a puff", and such. Tea making isa a bit confusing if you've never done it before, but a simplified version might be a nice introduction into "proper Cauldron usage".
  15. [quote name='Muratus del Mur' timestamp='1327105090' post='101530'] Even if you don't see it so, i value you as a player, [/quote] Yay, Mur loves us all, see? He is like God. .....I'm a-feared now. I learned a new forum sig line though, here, which was nice. (I see your point, Sharazhad, but can't personally agree with it. .. It's like Eon, like it or leave it. Thank you mur for your clarification)
  16. I was intrigued. We can never hand over our age, or memories, or reputations. Perhaps austerity is jsut what someone might need to reboot their interest in MD, after all. I personally wouldn't accept it, but my alt might. And I think the idea overall is valid. Or, to quote a wise Dowser: +1 Like!
  17. I kinda like this idea too, as it would teach a bit about how the Cauldrons work, to newer folks. Edit: Of course, Heat shouldn't be necessary since the MP3 folks who have to solve this puzzle don't have a visible Erolin yet.
  18. [quote name='Muratus del Mur' timestamp='1325210635' post='99091'] fixed all, please check and if its still not fixed post again [b]just cr id.[/b] [/quote]
  19. Maebius

    Music Thread

    [b] [size=4]Eivør - Undo Your Mind [/size][/b] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PrvAWuGzAVs
  20. No, but Golemus has laws. If Land Laws can be used to "jail Azull", then I would expect them to apply to others considered "non-citizens" who are not following the laws set out by it's [former] king. I read that as applying to resources harvesting. But this is getting off-topic, and my main point of Water in MB was already posted above, so doesn't need repeated, I just added a link as requested, for Water in Golemus...
  21. Maebius

    lost spell

    So, just to clarify: (jsut making up time-frames for example) Break an Enchanted stone to learn a spell. Wait 4 months. Break another Stone to learn more casts of the spell. Wait 2 months. Discover the spell is now gone from your casts (6 months have passed from first learning?)
  22. [quote name='Seigheart' timestamp='1326827440' post='101049']So, you're going to sue Eon for harvesting herbs? Why does it matter so much? Are herbs in such short supply? Are cups of tea so integral to your survival that you have to make such a big deal over the depletion of weeds? Didn't think so.[/quote] No, but I do consider that some Lands have rules for their citizenry which apply to harvesting/dowsing/lumberjacking in other lands. So while Eon and the other depletion harvesters continue, folks will (and should, IMHO) continue to post evidence of such, for any future cases. In that vein, I was sent this to post on forums (Gort has no forum access). Water's not as used, of course, but the laws of the Land in Golemus do clearly state "no more than half" should be gathered. Leixer had reduced the Water beyond that self-implied limit[log='Water below half']http://storenow.net/my/?f=3725[/log]
  23. wow! um.. I'll be outbid quickly, I'm sure, but 2 Silvers!
  24. Feel free to close. The remaining creatures have been sacc'd or sold (or given away).
  25. 2 sc?
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