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Everything posted by Ungod

  1. I get random ideas at random times, and today, when I opened the MD forum, I saw Ignnus' topic. Then I thought 'Why not?'. But I lack the time to write something elaborate, so it'll be some gag stuff. Also, I need reputation to keep going. Positive or negative, it doesn't matter. Hit the down/up button and I will continue writing new 'episodes'. Today, it's 'The Necrovion Cafe'. Ignnus was dragging his feet across the Necrovion wasteland. After he left the House hours ago, he managed to climb all the stairs without assistance and was now contemplating death. After all, what else was he to do while leaning on the graveyard brick wall, wheezing like a geezer? I'm tired of this ****, he mumbled. The priests were doing their habitual techno dance around the literate bonfire. Ignnus must have lost it seeing them, because he started to scream: I'm tired of this SHIIIIIT! I want asphalt! I want a hat, I want a gas mask and...and...a coffee would be great...' The priests were too busy to stop and listen, but out of nowhere, a shade appeared. Did you say... coffee? it asked. Yeah, said Ignnus. Do you have some? There is a price to pay...for everything, the shade smirked. Price? scoffed Ignnus. I would KILL for a cup of coffee. How's that for a price? The shade chuckled. 'It seems we have found what to motivate our troops with, Master.' ...………...…......…………………………………...…………………...…………......………......…......…………...………….. Ignnus was sipping his freshly-baked beans coffee, with sugar cane and sour cream on top, at the Necrovion Café. He looked as happy as a corporate employee at lunch - only he carried a bazooka on his back. Somewhere, the Shade Sentinel was grinning.
  2. To think that I actually know who Amano is...I mean, one look at the avis and and recognized the style. The second one looks the best, but also because it's clearer. (although a fan at first, I don't think I like his muddy style after all...but it would look cool in some animation, if used properly)
  3. Someone chose option 1, I wonder what they think about that.
  4. You're not exactly far away from what I asked, but you're a bit off. This is not as much about whether someone dies or not, it's more about whether you would want to know who exactly dies and how it helps you. So far all votes went into 'I want to know', and this is my question - would you like to know? on one hand, you have knowledge that comes with responsibility and living with a rather bitter truth, on the other you have bliss from ignorance ('this was a gift from god!'-like attitude). In both cases, you are cured.
  5. If you have some kind of disorder and a wonder cure appeared, a miracle pill or something, would you care for why and how it works for your disorder? Would you like the miracle to exist and be happy that your pain is no more, or would you seek the explanation for how it does what it does, even if you might find out the truth you dislike, a reality you'd resent?
  6. Ungod

    An odd fear

    There's another thing with language and us as individuals. When growing, we explore as much as we can - and if someone has an interest in language, oratory and maybe a knack for languages, that someone will try to expand that worldview as much as possible. Being young also makes you entertain some kind of a dream, so words might become more than they really are. If you take 'good' and 'bad', for example, which make for a fairly standard example for this, you go full circle. Good and bad are relative to the speaker, but even then you have difficulties. What is good for you today, you might notice, is bad for you in the long-term, and what was bad for you ten years ago proves to be good now. And then, what is good for you is bad for another and there is always somebody who will try to convince you of how bad or good something is for you - some because they care about you, some because they want to use you. An outsider might see clearly what you are doing 'bad' or 'good'. Last, but not least, sacrificing a little from the 'good' of every individual might lead to the 'good' of a society. A ruler might see this and decide what is 'good' or 'bad' for the subject, even if it counter-intuitive and the 'good' declared by the ruler looks really 'bad'. Taking all of this to heart, can you easily talk about what is 'bad' and what is 'good'? Not only that you can't, but you see that sometimes it's best to decide what's good and/or bad immediately, without thinking too much. In other cases, you have to ponder the question, because the wrong answer will hurt you. Isn't small talk better than endlessly rambling/philosophising? But then, small talk will never get you that feeling that you really connect to someone, when sharing more than you should (like now). I don't think you can forget speaking, but I think enjoying the silence does cause you to reject language more than you should and then people think you are an 'uneducated peasant' (I don't think I'll forget this wording from the AL) even if you're really above their level . I think I'll go for a daily exercise of 'speaking'. You know, the Chinese have these - 'healing sounds' they call them - that you would practice daily to...whatever they think they do. It's very easy: it's about shouting sounds like 'ho' or 'he'. If anything, it might prevent throat cancer, who knows.
  7. Ungod

    An odd fear

    When I was practicing Aikido (for a very short period of time) a very long time ago, what we did was a little meditation after the warm-up before going into techniques (I think it's called zazen?). It was there to clear the mind of any thoughts and I think it worked. I sometimes did it at home and I always found that my voice was comparably weaker after doing it. During meditation, you don't do much - you just stare, if your eyes are open. It was because of it that a very original fear/thought occurred to me. It's about language. Only after reading a bit on language did I realize speaking is hard. I mean, you just learn it in infancy, so you never really understand how hard it actually is. The other day, while I was waiting on something, I saw a little girl chasing a dog, trying to feed it some crackers or something. She kept calling it 'Am'. What she was trying to say was 'Ham', but I suppose that's slightly harder to pronounce. In the absence of the word, she just imitated the sound it makes. Personally, I would have called it 'hau' - and I guess most people would. You have 'howl' in English, don't you? Dogs howl. It takes a long time, if you are educated, to accept the idea that language and words evolved from the sounds that we imitated. All around us, animals and plants make sounds, and the wind, and water, and rocks as well. We didn't come up with nouns in a fancy way, we simply tried to imitate the sound a thing does to 'name' it. Some people on this big planet still have issues with language - and you can see how hard it is for them to speak. They speak from the abdomen, and they probably feel pain in the guts trying to get out sounds. It is so unnatural to them. You see, sounds travelled from the gut to the throat and later to the mouth - but that was a long journey. So what is my fear? I thought 'If you meditate long enough, could you forget to speak?' The thing about speaking is that not only it is hard (which I always felt it to be, even if I am eloquent and if you get me started on a topic I like, say goodbye to your evening), but it's often so...pointless. Speaking of which - as far as I know, the guy who came up with Aikido didn't explain the techniques to his students, he just showed them. I feel so comfortable in my silence I'm afraid I might actually go like 'forget it, they'll get it if I use gestures'. Hey, I could pretend to be a mute! I know of a writer who pretended to be crazy and had - in his words - 'a wonderful time' in the facility, among loonies (well, he also tried to fake his suicide to get rid of his wife, so he was slightly eccentric - or not?)… but then I'd have to learn sign language, which I really don't wanna. If I have to speak coherently, why bother learn *another* language, when I already know a few? This is my fear. That one day, I'll just wave goodbye to eloquence and growl when I really have to. I think that'll be the day I learn German.
  8. You're right about the old part. I never played it either, but I accidentally saw it's Let's play on YT. The story being what it is, I thought it's interesting how the game actually manages being memorable.
  9. Heh, go write a game - Jonn the mage sounds promising (remember Simon the sorcerer?)
  10. I'll add a 2gc on the shmsh and 4gc on swordsman #1 and 5 gc on swordsman #2.
  11. Cool. 5g for the molima
  12. Was the molima bought? (couldn't check forum and was able to only login for the past few days...)
  13. Thanks. Aha, so they are in special scenes... I was thinking of relaxing nature sounds that I sometimes listen to and that yes, I could record...but there are also sounds and tracks in the public domain (although they are under creative commons license, so attribution is usually a must)
  14. (not sure this is the right place, but it can be moved to the appropriate section, without my approval) What is the extension music is hosted on MD? mp3? Was it some kind of plan to have music (tracks) in all scenes? Would it sound good for a couple of scenes to have nature sounds, like a river trickling or birds chirping?
  15. Made my day. Congrats to all!
  16. Happened to me as well, when I bought a new laptop - but a couple refreshes worked, even though sometimes there were 2 refreshes, sometimes more. And it was IE (pre-installed, with windows and all), not Chrome or FF.
  17. Time passes so quickly...happy birthday!
  18. Happy birthday, EE!

    1. Lintara


      Happy birthday Eagle Eye! :D

  19. It seems you can also 'select' all clickables in a html scene by dragging the mouse along the page. It's not a bug or anything, it may look strange, though.
  20. This took longer than I thought, but it's still first try/improv.
  21. The order of the cards was : This would make Aia's guess off, and this time Nepgear got it right. The points are as follows: 11-5=6 for Aia, 0+3=3 for Nep, Aia wins an anniv creature. 17-8=9 for dst, 10+0=10 for Ledah, Ledah wins and anniv creature. I'll have to apologize for tardiness (life, meh) and for the fact that the quest was not as thrilling as I planned it initially (some things were off).
  22. Happy birthday, MB folks!

    1. Jubaris


      Two ally leaders in the same day, what a magnificent day!

  23. corn syrup - increase briskness by 70 for 10 minutes drain tool - decrease viscosity in a scene by a value equal to that of three players' decrease
  24. Rules for this final round: out of these three cards, one is a Joker, the other two are of the Insect and Plant type. As a player, you get to choose one card and call it Insect or Plant. If you get a Plant but you called an Insect or the other way around, you get -1point; if you win, you double your points (or get +3, if you're at 0). If you get a Joker, your points halve. As a gambler, you must choose a player and gamble only on the one you think got it right. If there is none you think is right, you can forfeit the gamble and keep your score. If your player got the Joker, your points halve or you get -5; if she won, your points double. Nothing happens to your score if she got a normal card, but called it wrong (e.g. insect instead of plant).
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