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Everything posted by Ungod

  1. Ungod


    could be, could be anyway, my suggestion was to bring amulets into that equipment interface, your suggestion is to bring cool gadgets into it - that's not bad, the pool of ideas is getting bigger (more scriptable items with abilities/secrets is what you're suggesting, but I have a feeling these items are coming as a reward for sustained roleplay)
  2. Ungod


    in the human plane, a secret is powerful; in the natural one, an item is powerful - knowing the secret to taking a certain medication for a condition may mean life or death, having the item (the pill) may mean life or death. Deciding which is stronger is not an issue - the lack of each can mean death, so...
  3. Ungod


    this equals the item to a cool gadget, nothing more
  4. Ungod


    @Josie No, the equipment page could work too, but it's a lot of work, as it's a 're-work'. That quote is perfect @Aia It works both ways - you can have a ring act like an amulet and have it act as a support for an amulet; you can have a chainmail made of strong metal or have it adorned with something perceived as 'amuletic'. What I'm saying is, if you limit the power of a ring to its intrinsic power, I don't see it enabling to pass impassable terrain and reach the Angien Shrine.
  5. Ungod


    @Josie I have a feeling the equipment interface was made for combat, so changing its meaning equal to a lot of work. As for resource usage, there's a question: resources are also used to 'build' creatures, so what properties do MD resources have? @ Aia That's Altele, not allele Rings have the function of binding, indeed, but many rings were adorned with special stones, which had various properties and so acted as amulets. Rings also function as charm-bearers. In its basic form, a ring can become an amulet if made of a special material. As for powers, if we look at rings as syncretic items, not just amulets, I suppose its range of powers is increased compared to 'just' protection, but I see these three: protection, charm and binding.
  6. Ungod


    A couple months ago, while browsing through my digital library, I stumbled across some occult books that I never thought I'd read. One of them was on the topic of amulets and talismans. I don't quite remember the author's name - it was Maria? Gonzalez. I found it to be a VERY informative book. It explained lots of things - like the origin of make-up. For the 'primitive' man, disease was external. Evil was always an outsider. It entered the body via holes/gaps. Mouth, ear, nostrils (and others). Even the eyes were gates for the evil/disease. And so the primitive man/woman decided to protect himself/herself. Eye make-up? Lipstick? Ear-rings or finger rings? It was all there to protect the body. Nowadays it's purely aesthetic, but its real purpose wasn't that. You still find it in games. Rings with certain magical powers ? Sounds fantasy, but it's actually closer to the truth - a very ancient truth. Amulets are means of protection - and are real. Real, as in they have properties that allow them to do just that. In MD we have the 'equipment' interface that is dusty and long forgotten. Truth be told, it should not be about 'equipment to fight people', but 'equipment to fight evil'. That sounds like a paladin's role, huh? but we're not talking Christianity or monotheistic religions where Good fights Evil. We're talking about the ancient beliefs in an everyday struggle to survive. That means that interface should be filled with amulets - that is, things which protect. I don't know what was the original intention behind that interface. I think that filling it with amulets means we propagate two main ideas - one, that all evil is external and man is good (-natured) and two, that it is not an interface for 'combat' in the traditional way. These are fundamental issues. What do you think?
  7. Ungod

    King of Golemus

  8. oh, you meant the necro tools only. I thought you were referring to all lands, sorry (well, one could argue this is the way they are 'regulated', by creating such circumstances, but that would be splitting hairs)
  9. What do you mean, zero need for regulation? There is some need, since they are not given by tag dispatchers yet. it's true that right not there's no need for regulation...but add some dozen players that gather resources and there would be. (both sides are right, as it stands)
  10. Have a good one!
  11. Mmm...you can suggest it, but I won't take it into consideration. MD has gotten too lazy for you to be the only participant.
  12. This is getting tougher with each post (to judge, I mean).
  13. Dunno if it's related, but (although I can see my crits in the html page) I cannot see crits images when creating a ritual. They don't load; what's more, the interface stops working and I cannot proceed with creating the ritual.
  14. 5s added to each place. I have the images archived, for convenience's sake, but if you don't have winzip or the like, write in this post in the next hour(s) (it may be too late afterwards). Rules as above, PM me the solutions. 1.rar 2.rar 3.rar
  15. Love it. edit: oh yeah, forgot to say an extra 5s is added to first three places, and I'm adding a fourth place with 1g.
  16. I'll probably do this on the 25th? Or do you want me to run it later?
  17. Ok, deadline extended to the 29th of Dec. I have been quite busy and I realised sometimes people need more time (even if I announced it almost three weeks ago) Prizes: 1 acousticremains and 1g 5s for first place 1 teletoPC and 1 g for second place 1 voice and 5s for third and fourth place
  18. Soo...first place gets a Nutty! second gets a Santa, third gets an angien. Its name just so happens to be Maebius.
  19. Soo...for now, 1st place gets one Santa and 1g 2nd place gets a set of 3 LR archer totems (the b&w version) and a brilliant diamond 3rd place gets 1g 5s. I extend the deadline to 30th dec, but not any later.
  20. Mkay, on the 24th I have some plans which will keep me in a train for 6hrs or so. Wi-fi and all, I prolly won't be able to 'run' quests. So I was thinking of the 25th (late evening)? (it won't be so easy, at least two sets of pictures will have you stare hard at the screen muhahahaha) For now, 1st place gets 1g, one Earfocus stone and a brilliant diamond; 2nd place gets 1g, one Sharp; 3rd gets 1g.
  21. I sponsor this with 1 gold coin, 1 bottle of wine (60 uses) and a piece of anniversary cake from last year (MD kake really stands the trial of time), for Mago to distribute as he sees fit. Also, normally, sponsors cannot judge, but if you are fine with an illiterate in cooking like me, I can be that judge. (I will fully disclose the way I awarded points to anyone who asks, for complete transparency). I also believe the winner should be knighted as Knight of the Bacon Table.
  22. (quick off-topic: why is this in heated discussions? I assume it's 'what do you want for xmas in MD?', since it's in the general forum and not in off-topic, but I'm not sure...) I want...to have some fun
  23. Can't edit the initial post, so here are two more links: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/18035-whos-that-guy-reloaded/ http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/18034-santa-goes-underground/
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