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Everything posted by lashtal

  1. Nope, you're getting farther.
  2. :blink: Not sure what you mean...
  3. Keep spamming!
  4. Definitely on the right track, but sometimes less is more! I consider your psychological interpretation a bias, the risk is that you follow the right track on the wrong direction!
  5. I'm loving your answers, but none's correct so far.
  6. Nope, keep 'em coming!
  7. So far no points for anybody. However, 2 arguments from dst's list might be on the right track.
  8. Real reasons! They may sound a bit strange but... Nothing so far, keep trying!
  9. Nothing so far. You can try again, as many times as you want, but please don't edit your previous posts. Also, for the sake of transparency, the 5 reasons were forwarded to Mur.
  10. Wait... What??? Mur has been murdered?? Blasphemy!!! Who could be so insane as to kill the creator of this world? Who could be so stupid as to waste his powers on a Demi-God, who can probably revive himself by just snapping his fingers? The author of this action claims he had reasons to do it, and offers a Wind Dragon to whoever guesses the most of them. Deadline: 1 month from now. Limitations: your theories must be posted on this thread, no private messages or forum messages. Hint: there are 5 reasons. How this works: I will periodically read your entries (which may contain 1 to 10 reasons) and for each post containing at least 1 correct reason, I will quote your post stating how many are correct. Mind this: I will tell how many, not which ones. As the deadline expires, the one who figured out more reasons wins. In case of tie, who posted first wins. Enjoy!
  11. Skills: I'm not afraid of reading long posts. I can provide/design sounds/noises for quests, clickies, personal papers, whatever. I have time. No coding, scripting or graphic skills. Interests in MD: "Research and connections"-related stuff. What you would like to work on now: I would prefer to be involved in something well defined and likely to be implemented. Not much long-term gargantuan projects.
  12. Not for laziness, but to avoid polluting this topic, here's the answer to BFH's request: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/10564-who-are-the-fusioneers/
  13. By Automatic you mean like: All shared items have been returned to their original place All counters for permanent spell/abilities were recharged ?
  14. Bah, ok bending rules, but let's not twist facts. You already know the point was not Eon getting the shovels, the point (what we acted against) was the attitude Eon had (has?) towards Necros. The shovels was the cherry on the top. k.i.s.s.: You poke me once, ok, twice, ok, thrice, ok - yay for the villains! :huh: - then you poke me half a day, I go to play by myself, then you come and take away my toys. At this point I poke you. And you accuse me of not being shary? :)) ASK for shovels, ask for pass papers, ask for toilet paper, whatever. Just don't come and fart around with your friends and take everything and then complain we make a fuss. Vandals! In Necrovion we care about good manners. :ph34r: Edit: typos.
  15. Ehm, I believe the ones who tried to make immense profit were exactly from GG.. But memory may fail me. Not much. It's not just a matter of being active and / or begging the powers above to make resources equally important. Bones are bones, they can't be turned to stardust, no matter how much effort one puts into it. Necrovion has been working on ways to make resources such as bones useful/usable, be it via quests or recipe-like experiments. (and you, Nim, you already noticed a homunculus taking form ;) ) Of course all that takes time, and it might even stay as a discussion, meaning not-implemented. Does that mean Necros are lazy compared to Golemians? No. On the other hand, memory stones are meant for everybody, they had a purpose since they were implemented. However, the tools to gather them have been placed deep inside Golemus (decision which I even find fitting, to be completely honest). What I dislike is seeing prices to rent such tools, especially when we have people running around with 700 memory stones in their inventory. But then again, I blame my communist roots. More than you probably think. The fact other people may talk less doesn't mean they are not doing anything. For example, I managed to trade for the resources I wanted myself, and without using a single coin. (people who dealt with lashtal know he doesn't handle coins - leashes auction being the only exception).
  16. I never saw an independent bone collector in the realm. If you're referring to the independent skull trowel, I've lent mine for free to the few who asked for it.
  17. Trying to sum up, only these creatures should be allowed: aramors, barren souls, grasans, birds, elementals, water beings, remains, heretic archers, loreroot archers, toxicodendrytes, knators, unholy priests. Did I miss anything?
  18. All right, Fusioneers have been under laylah's supervision for a couple months now and what she noticed is still quite disappointing. The current status of the Fusioneers is: 4 members, at least 3 of which are alts and 1 member with unclear intentions. [spoiler]Golemians may refresh their memory here: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/15346-fusioneers-coming-to-an-end/ [/spoiler] Besides, all the current members have very low briskness, which means very low efficiency in gathering heat and fusioning heat stones. After careful consideration, I (laylah, Fusioneers's loyalty leader) have come to this decision: I will set a 1-month deadline for people to present their application to join the Fusioneers. The application can be posted here or sent to me via forum PM. The only requisites are a minimum of 1000 briskness, being as hot as hell and willing to heat up everything around!!! If nobody shows up in such a period of time, I see no better choice than disbanding the guild. In that case, the fusioning devices will end in the hands of our Protectors (MP6), under the promise that heat stones will be given out for free. Why now for free? Weren't heat stones sold until now? So far they were sold because heat gathering was time-consuming and individual. On the other hands, Protectors can rely on massive flows of heat from their worshippers.
  19. Happy birthday to both!
  20. I'd like automatic, single-use, trap-like mechanisms/spells to be implemented and bound to a certain scene/target once casted. For example: Spell: movelock + intoxication Target: Alyon Location: Well of Tears Effect: As soon as Alyon reaches Well of Tears, said spell is triggered automatically. Of course it works only once, then the trap is inactive. We could have several possible effects (virtually each spell already implemented plus their combination)... And we could also extent the target type from a single character to a group of people. For example, Target: Bringers of light (the effect is then applied to each member of such a party whenever one of them reaches the scene).
  21. Such lands are to be considered "spoiled" and all their inhabitants to be stoned with No Armor spell-stones, obviously.. :P
  22. Lands should open some of their restricted scenes to the citizens who are old enough. For example, every 500 loyalty in a land gets you one scene unlocked.
  23. I would like to help, count me in.
  24. I must say I am quite disappointed by this decision. Not much for the thing itself (I have no tokened creatures), but for what it seems to represent. I understand MagicDuel is a game like no others. I understand the will to narrow the gap between paying players from those that doesn't. But this is getting masochistic. Is MagicDuel afraid of money? Aren't there costs to pay? Server, booze... ? :blink: :P Not only there has been no shop reset for ages (-> no reasons for players to keep supporting the game's finances, since many of us have nothing left to buy), now we are limiting something people may pay for... and in the name of what exactly? Grinders have huge stats because they grind, tokens or not. Tokens give a good boost - consider also their random distribution and the fact you pay for them - but you still have to grind in order to benefit from sacrifice. The 960% plus stat gain is still applied to the number of won fights the creature has.
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