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Everything posted by Steno

  1. Steno

    WTS Angiens

    What do you want for an Angien?
  2. I asked myself this question and want to pose it to all here because I didn't have a good answer for it. A lot of the ideas on this 'problem' have focused on change of game structure, mechanics, etc. These are changes to the world of MD. If this were any other "game" this would be where I'd start to look for solutions, in fact, it IS where I started to look. BUT, this isn't just any other game, it is MD. So I asked myself "What would be the possible solutions Steno, (the character, and not me-masquerading as Steno), in game would come-up with to solve this problem?" So I ask those of you concerned with this topic: How would your character work on this issue? How would/will your character resolve this? For now, despite Steno's great desire to reach MP5, (since that is what he was working on before his hibernation), he shall remain at MP4, contemplating what he can do about this issue.
  3. i know that there are: Reest Advisor GooseGod EvilShinChano06 And at least 5 others on the mainland that I've seen. I do not know how many are on GWI *Keep in mind that I'm usually on from server time 23.5-3. and from 2-3 server time. So I don't know about other times when I'm not on. Yokin, perhaps utilizing your mood panel abilities could aid in your search for this?
  4. Why would I ever want to change then? Why would I even want to get to MP6? or 7? Being able to be attack, but not be attacked does not seem very fair to me.
  5. This sounds more like a mobile game type format. focusing on instant access to check in on a few things in bursts throughout the day. What are the stats of new player activity? Just so we can ensure this works. Knowing how new players behave after the change is implemented when compared to the baseline
  6. Agreed. NPCs would fix this problem, also I think having more NPCs would keep newer players interested, especially if they have a varied text response structure. Could you explain this? I don't know if you meant NPC or some other acronym I don't know about.
  7. As I was telling Chewett, there might be multiple approaches to this: 1), giving some players costumes for MP4>> this would result in people being able to hide frpm MP5s, especially damaging if during a heads contest 2) Change how honor works, slightly>> for each negative (read MP5 attack MP3=-2) difference, the negative honor is multiplied by 1.2, so an MP5 attacking an MP3, with initial honour of -100 is now -100x1.44=-144. For attacking UP an MP, the formula remains the same, except for possibly MP6, or even MP7. 3) Change cooldown timer. Again, I vouch for a variable approach, such as instead of attacking someone and have a 3 minute cooldown, if an MP5 attacks an MP3, then it is 3 minutesx1.5x1.5 =6.75 minutes of cooldown. (Where each negative level of MP adds a multiplier of 1.5 to the 3 minutes). This could solve the problem, but to be honest would require a more strict modifier. Because chances are an MP5 attacking an MP3 would wipe out any rituals and crits that they have. 4) a Complete overall of honor, to compensate for being able to attack anyone, with honor impacting more than just it does now (being a requirement for more shop items, possibly for more creature evolutions, even having negative honor for certain creature evolutions)>> I don't like this approach, but I thought that I would put it out there all the same. Last point, any attempted fixes for this "problem" only impact appiex, NatasQ, and the few others I've seen, and newer Mp3s. It is a symptom of the problem of a less-than varied playerbase. Thus, it should be only implemented as a temporary treatment until the symptom goes away, not something that changes the whole patient. We should, if any action is taken, set a time limit to this bandaid, such as, until the next anniversary, or, we start a heads content and we do a pilot test of our approach just during the heads contest. Also, I am still MP4, I have been for awhile. Thus, if any approach like ungod's is taken, then I should be exempt from such bonuses as I started this conversation. Also, if reward-based approach is taken, MP5's should be given the choice if they want to return to MP4 to re-try for the achievements. --> Though as a temporary fix, I plan on making an alt and leaving it at MP4, for this reason
  8. Two of my boys: Chewbacca and George, when they stole MY chair from the table and pushed into the sun for their own enjoyment Do you have any, Mallos?
  9. Do the weekly silver!

  10. Yes. Data is your friend. While many of the veteran players do not like the boots because they cheapened a resource that used to be hard to maintain, and thus more value. As a newer player (who still has a really high max AP, I still ran out of it several times. In the very beginning, you basically could explore 1 new land a day, even then, not all of it. The costs was too high, so most players would fight the first 30 min, explore for 30/45 (which taking notes), and then find someone to sit and talk with while they stored AP to make it to a sanctuary.--> times have changed. Having a long-term data analysis tool built in to monitor player actions and aggregate that data will help in the long run. And Mur, I think the obvious way would be to delineate between your different MP classes to see their stats. But as Chew and I have discussed before some of the "ancient"-as he calls them accounts, have really high values in some areas, and really low in others. I think that players like myself with this conundrum, might be useful to treat as outliers when performing this analysis. Aia, I agree with all of your points except for number 2. Not only would number 2 I think take a lot of work (and yet again, as you state, have far-reaching consequences that I don't think we can truly predict), I think it would be a response in magnitude greater than required. Not only would shop items have to change, so would other items, other interactions, bounties, etc. Instead of point 2, I think point 1 can be expanded, the number, or frequency of items that boost AP in general (for free or not is another discussion, however entangled with this one) should be evaluated so that going above maximum AP is harder to do. If going over maximum AP would no longer allowed, then we would have to place an AP booster on GWI just to teach players not to waste (let's say a twice daily AP booster of +50) an AP booster, since it can't go above their AP max. Which would work, just something else to have to consider, not just for mainlaind, but for Island.
  11. Chew is. probably other players who have been active for a long time.
  12. Impacting the timer doesn't just change AP, it impacts vitality, and a bunch of other stuff (at least I thought so). If impacting AP is the desire, what about a system that only targets AP? For someone like me, not quite a new player, but practically speaking a new player. After having 5 fights, I have to recharge my creatures, and now I'm out of vitality. Even after walking around, uness I've missed or forgotten something, my only option is shop items, bounties, regen timer, free credits, or an item (whichI don't have) Impacting the regen timer has a lot of consequences, that are far reaching. Are regen timers coded game-wide, or per player (based on when you logged in?) If it is player-based. Let's test it with a clickie that changes the length of time. Zetsuei and I were running around Nevco with Dan when we realized Zet's timer was less than mine because he bought a shop item the decreased intervals. Maybe, make it MP-based, such as for each MP, the timer gets 1.2x longer
  13. Ooh, I like that. Also, I saw someone make a comment that the bounty appeared in a location that made it impossible to click a crucial button on mobile. Perhaps locations that cover buttons should be considered less frequent or don't occur, to prevent such mishaps.
  14. I don't know why I can't edit the top. Please note: Please post your submissions to this thread to make collection and review as easy as possible. Thank you!
  15. comment removed because unnecessary
  16. Since about 3 hours all the pings from the MD server have been super slow. I thought it was my internet, but on mobile connection it was just as slow. Mallos and Aia couldn't replicate, anyone else?

    1. Steno


      And changing to old layout only marginally improved things

    2. Fang Archbane

      Fang Archbane

      Seems alright on my end.

  17. I don't know how to love posts yet. But believe me, Lazarus, I loved it.
  18. @yokin Nah, you've got them all to bid on things yourself. Though I did want to know if anyone new wanted plushies. Like @Symmetar? I don't know who is new or old anymore.
  19. My alt can confirm this as well, but that was on Android using Chrome. Unknown what resolution. My alt couldn't get it to come back no matter how zoomed in or out he went. He tried a different browser and everything. He even restarted his phone to see if it restarted the zoom, which it did, but after he navigated away from GoE, like a dummy, it disappeared again!
  20. I'm just glad to be back. Thank you for the email. It was nice to finally return, my friend.
  21. Well thank you! id like 1 anniversary creature (15plushies)
  22. Thank goodness someone else asked!
  23. Thank you both, I would appreciate that. I like the idea of multiple submissions. Perhaps we can make it 2 submissions? also, can someone tell me how to reward reputation when I appreciate or agree with someone’s post?
  24. So... I was thinking, since there are a lot of older accounts being reactivated (so much so that Mur had to make an announcement about ancient powers, lol) that a LOT has happened in the realm of MagicDuel. As some of the ads for the game even proclaim: "We never reset"! I don't know very much about what has happened in the twelve years that I've been gone.The Adventure Log is pretty awesome, but it is a lot. I think this would be really handy for old-new players as well as brand new players! The accessibility of lore helps immerse new players. So I wanted to propose a contest, as MD seems to have quite a few authors. Pick one of your favorite events in the history of MD that you witnessed. Try to write a short story-a cliff notes version of what happened if you will-of that event. I am unsure what the reward of this contest will be. I will likely give the winner a silver coin as well whatever else I can cobble together. The contest will end 3/13/20. The winner will be decided by me and a mystery judge. Try to keep the versions of the stories clean, obviously. Also try to keep secrets out of stories, unless they are imperative for the tale being told. The winner will receive a creature of the 14th anniversary as awarded by Aia!
  25. This would be incredibly useful, particularly if you have multiple creatures that are almost maxed up but have different stored heat or different wins, or vastly different ages. When you go to sacrifice them having unique names would be very helpful. I would use silver for it.
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