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  1. Upvote
    Mallos reacted to Passant the Weak in Cowardice seasoned with a bit of hypocrisy   
    [quote name='Eon' timestamp='1325792873' post='99826']
    Take all the screenshots you want of my alts walking around. Can you prove their specific goal is to stalk you for my main? That's the thing here, you can't unless I specifically tell you. For all you know Eno may feels a strong connection to the MDA and enjoys walking around the area from time to time. The same goes for anyone's accounts. You have no idea why we use them for the way we do unless we specifically say so.

    Are you using your ALTS to spot activity in different areas so that you know what's hoing on and your main can go wherever there is something to get?

    Have you been using your ALT to record data about shared items abuse in the log room? That benefitted to your main (if you ever got a bounty, that is!)

    Answer those 2 questions frankly and I think the dispute can be easily solved.

    And if you or anyone else using ALTS does not want to answer such questions, then probably, before spamming the council, some limitations to the usage of ALTS logged at the same time should be put in place.
  2. Downvote
    Mallos reacted to Eon in Cowardice seasoned with a bit of hypocrisy   
    Take all the screenshots you want of my alts walking around. Can you prove their specific goal is to stalk you for my main? That's the thing here, you can't unless I specifically tell you. For all you know Eno may feels a strong connection to the MDA and enjoys walking around the area from time to time. The same goes for anyone's accounts. You have no idea why we use them for the way we do unless we specifically say so.

    If were going to start punishing people for moving around on alts, I'll send the council multiple emails daily and start trials against every single alt I see in MD. If someone has an alt online then it is without a doubt up to something fishy apparently.

    I guess soon we'll get to see if the council would punish someone solely based upon assumptions.
  3. Downvote
    Mallos reacted to dst in Cowardice seasoned with a bit of hypocrisy   
    Lately the in game mood panel and also the forum panel have been invaded by posts like the one below:

    [quote]"His fighting skills are now legendary and should be a model for all other fighters." (So using alts to scout for the main is to be tolerated to aspirants?)[/quote]

    I will resume a bit the history for those that are not familiar with it: Neno Veliki got banned for using an alt to cast spells on Eon, spells that were helping the main.
    From that point on, some of his his friends (or whatever they are) and I am talking mainly about nadrolski and ignnus have constantly complaining that Eon uses alts as well and even more, he got rewarded for that.
    I'm ok with complaints, everyone can complain BUT I hate the way they do it: through mood panel. I am getting tired of seeing such comments every time i open the forum or the game. I have asked them to take action: sue Eon if they have proofs or at least open a topic to debate the subject.

    They did neither. Furthermore, the response was (again in the mood pannel) and i will quote it:

    It is not about i do not have the guts, but it is about that i do not have the money to help keep the servers up.

    Proof? I do not need to provide any, just a waste of everybody's time. Pointless to make such against a loyal and untouchable SUPPORTER.

    Also, I had an in game chat with them about the same topic and I received the same answer:
    [quote][05/01/12 16:49] nadrolski:before we accuse someone, let us check our supporter status first and compare them with

    I understand: they are cowards. And nad is also a hypocrite (he was banned because he used alts to receive the 15 credits referrer bonus).

    I have opened this topic to COMPLAIN (I have also the right, correct?) that I am bothered by the spamming those 2 players keep bringing to the game.

    So here it is guys, the topic you are soo afraid to open. I have done it: i have opened it for you! Go ahead! Complain and leave the damn mood panel alone!
  4. Upvote
    Mallos reacted to Brulant in Conspiracy Theories   
    103) A Council rotation doesn't mean that the membership of the Council changes, it simply means that they all stand up and move a chair to the left.
  5. Upvote
    Mallos reacted to duxie in Role of the council in regards to ingame diplomacy   
    [size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif]i'd say... if you have a tool/ability/opportunity - it's a feature you can use on your own for whatever reason you feel it's suitable, unless it's stated otherwise by some higher authorities/rules.[/font][/size]

    [size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif]Azull had an idea, will and opportunity - no kings, no government = chaos, anarchy, why not to use that? great idea, btw, nice move.[/font][/size]
    [size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif]Kiley had an ability/authority and used that power for whatever means/profit. none should judge that - anarchy, remember? and none from existent higher authorities ever stated it's illegal.[/font][/size]
    [size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif][color=#282828]Yrthilian had a tool and he used it for his own reasons. [/color][color=#282828]another and way more important question would be - why he still had this tool? unless someone from higher grounds wanted to make Yrth as a tool for his own intrigue...[/color][/font][/size]

    [size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif][color=#282828]there's no way Azull and Kiley should be judged for initiative and creativity using the situation. i'd say the same for Yrth, unless it was stated by higher authorities/rules that those tools shouldn't be used... but then again: if you want to prevent some action - take the tools [/color][color=#282828]away[/color][color=#282828]. the one who should be blamed the most in this situation is/are the [/color][color=#282828]higher authorities, unless it was done on purpose... *grins*[/color][/font][/size]

    [size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif]i'd just like to point out that for whatever reason this blaming/judging is done - it is destroying the community, free mind, creativity, ideas, initiative... i still have a hope that his game is more then another governmental/social system of nowadays and is ruled by more open minded people. such ideas and actions should be stimulated and motivated instead of being choked. this game would become boring if some higher authorities would start coordinating or judging each social, political in-game action... [/font][/size]

    [size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif]try to be more objective and based on rules as much as it is possible. that's a new year wish for the council from me.[/font][/size]
  6. Upvote
    Mallos got a reaction from Pipstickz in Retired King abusing power he no longer should have   
    [size=3][size=3]Part of the land rules:[/size][/size]

    [size=3][size=3]"The king and leaders of Golemus have the right to refuse/reject or remove anyone joining any guild or alliance in Golemus as well as citizenship in general."[/size][/size]

    As for kicking Azull from the alliance that was the land leader's decision. I don't think it should have gone so far as to jail him though.
  7. Upvote
    Mallos reacted to Shadowseeker in Boredom   
    Of strings you shall dream, of fate it will be.
    Boredom comes and goes.
    Visiting you at oddest times,
    Striking you from behind, jinxing you,
    eating you.

    Of glory you hear, of might and magic!
    Once, twice, even thrice you hear.
    Boredom shaves the entermainment off,
    Leaving you with a stale taste and empty cup.

    Come at me, you taunt the foe.
    Come at me, you ask the blade,
    Come at me, oh danger and joy!
    I miss you all too much.

    Tapping my feet to unknown rhythm,
    Silent steps of death echo.
    Drink from malice, chalice full,
    Eat the wounds, festering ichor.

    Countless times, countless thoughts,
    Pool together in this.
    Cleansing you? Perhaps you shall.
    Perhaps you shall not.

    Dance upon fires, burn to ashes,
    Hear the whisper, sense the stillness-
    For fleeting moment, exist.

    Routine passes, waiting awaits,
    Resting you shall, seemingly forever.
    Lost in stupor, clouding thoughts,
    Act in haze, raze it all!

    Burn, Burn, Burn it down.
    The inner sanctum,
    The unfelt loss,
    Soak in sadness, loneliness, and watch it shatter to pieces.

    Mirror, Mirrors in the lands?
    I dare you, tell me what I am.
    Blinded by shining things,
    I seek the path.

    Mirror, Mirror in the lands-
    I wander across your shards,
    feeling your shards cutting me, bleeding me,
    but always keeping what I keep.

    For only the worthy shall receive, for only the worthy shall receive- truly. In name of the boredom, the entertainment and the loneliness. Echos fall, unheard in silent scattering on parchment's tearing. Await, for that is the last resort.

    Edit: Before anyone asks, this is offtopic. And I corrected a typo I made.
  8. Upvote
    Mallos reacted to Passant the Weak in Make Land Loyalty decrease AP only for citizens   

    After a bit of time experiencing the viscosity system, along with the land loyalty bonus, I'm fairly convinced that Land loyalty should be counted only for current citizens of the land, when it comes to calculate AP needed to move from one place to another.

    Currently you get the loyalty bonus for any land you have been member of in the past. That does not sound right to me.

    I know some people think differently, but this is how I see things:
    - you get an AP bonus because the land recognizes you as loyal to it and becasue yourself have accumulated days as citizens that make you familiar to the land
    - if you leave the land, it considers you have chosen another land to love and it does not grant you the AP bonus anymore (however your loyalty still exists somewhere, just does not grant you teh AP bonus)
    - if you come back to the land eventually, your AP bonus is re-activated.

    I know some peope of the east claim they are still loyal to their former land, but to me they are not different from other people who change their citizenship: one day theywere offered to join Mur's troops orstay in their orginal land. they have made their choice.

    Feel free to contradict me! That won't change my mind though, and I'dloveto see that suggestion implemented.
  9. Upvote
    Mallos reacted to Aeoshattr in Roleplay: Ifs, Ands, And Buts...   
    Answer to Kafuuka(1):
    What was i supposed to say?!!? Would you make a list with your potential weaknesses and hand them over? Alright, if some just can't use the neurons mother nature apparently didn't give them, i'lll just make a list. Or is it really that hard to draw conclusions from my story?
    1. The subtle knife, as i said.
    2. My emotions. My greatest weakness. I usually keep them under control, but i am very easy to annoy (as you can see here) therefore i go berserk which represents a great weakness. any knight could confirm that.
    3. My friends. If one of them is threatened i just give up, with the condition of them not being harmed
    4. Myself. Even my weakest abilities consume titanic amounts of energy. I cannot fight for more than a few minutes

    Answer to Kafuuka(2): Quoting from my PL, what I WROTE IN IT: "No longer allowed to interfere with lower planes of existence... Alas, rules are meant to be broken" <-- use your neurons on that.
    5.the list could go on with countless things.
    6. My story is not complete. i think it ends with "to be continued" -__-'

    Answer to Lucius
    I was hoping not to have to argue with you, but it seems i have to.
    1. There is a stargate game about to be launched. I don't think you can play an ascended in it, but you will most probably be able to in a sequel.
    2. 99% of the players are things that "are not implied by the Magic Duel setting"
    3. I've been RP-ing for... 12 years. You?
    4.Yes, i took that weapon from the "His dark materials" series. Would you make a list of your weaknesses in your pages? I lied, as part of the RP. DUHH!! you would hide your weaknesses as well. actually i don't think i've ever seen a list of weak spots in ANY PLAYER PAGE. and i read the papers of all players i meet.
    5. Yes, RP-ing "roleplaying should consider what a character cannot do as much as what s/he can do" I agree with that.

    Answer to burns:
    "next time we meet i'll feed you to my grasan, just to prove that a weapon as simple as a club CAN harm you...
    or even a lolly, if i feel like using Pimped ^^"
    You can do that. i don't care about my creatures. Technically, it's like punching a table and waiting for it to say "ow"

    "-if you don't have the patience to improve your skills in every aspect of the game, you are wrong here anyway "
    I do not see things that way. I signed up for this game to meet new people, not for the fighting violence is pointless(unless verbal XD). in my opinion, as long as we're violent, we're no better than the pet chimp we keep -__-

    Answer to jester, and partially to burns:
    1. IF YOU WANT TO FIGHT GO PLAY WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not a browser game duhh... Or Warhammer online. Or shaiya. or last chaos. or i dunno... that low-quality-game... what was it called.... oh, Counter-strike *yuck*. In my opinion you're playing this game for fights because you can't win in NORMAL combat games. sorry for the tone, but I'm fed up with stupid RP that ruins the game for the rest of us because some immature kid wants to feel special. Don't treat me like a child, jester. You don't know what i've been through

    In my opinion, you all are so caught up by this "mechanics RP" because you are so frustrated that players won't do what you want them to do. you are trying to manipulate us, by using your influence in this game and what you have best here. Not like anything's wrong with that, but it's just the most annoying, self centered thing I can think of.
    Go ahead, lower my reputation to -200 now
    Oh, and kafuuka, "areal" is actually "unreal" as far as my english goes...
  10. Upvote
    Mallos reacted to Kyphis the Bard in MD Calender Integration   
    There are a lot of regular events that happen at the same interval every time. Personally, I would like to see them added to the Calender, rather than posted in the Announcements.

    I'm talking about events such as the Beginning of HC (Not the end, that should remain in announcements), Item Regrouping, Spell Casts Refresh, and other such, regular, events.

    Also things like the MD birthday, Murmas, and any other holidays MD decides to celebrate annually, although in these cases there would (obviously) still be announcements about the event. It being on the calender would just make it a little bit more searchable.

    If you can think of anything else, please post below.
  11. Upvote
    Mallos reacted to Deatznce0 in A bit of negativity during Christmas?   
    [quote name='Burns' timestamp='1324993958' post='98773']
    There are a lot of rules that never apply to anybody, yet exist. What's the point of cluttering the rules page with even more special rules, like MP2 rules, when it's impossible to become an MP2? For the few cases of MP2 appearing again, people do what they were told, and sometimes talk about different approaches and see if something should be done in a different way in the future.

    The point of filling up the page with even special rules is to prevent innocent victims and honest mistakes. You admit yourself there are a lot of rules that never apply to anybody but yet exists, if perhaps one day a person breaks one of these rules without being able to be fully aware of the rule, I would say that would lead to an unjust punishment if a punishment is decided.
    In regards to this point however, I specifically noted that rules should be set and not sought, this does not; in turn, mean that it is needed on the rules page, if a rule exists, then it should be somewhere relatively available rather than have the community ask for its existence.

    In my opinion, we should not neglect the small minority as they still are part of this community, especially when some of these special rules can be easily written down; it does seem like an accomplish-able task. With that said though, I will agree that not all rules can be noted. I can honestly say that if the rules page was layered out better and had a bit more information then perhaps some of the past incidents would not have occured (A striking example of this would be incident revolving King Yrith and Mighty Pirate). Without any form of access to the rule without asking, one of the largest faults right now that resides on the rules page is this:
    [quote name='Rules and restrictions'][list]
    [*]You are free to do anything in the game that is tehnicaly allowed. If you consider that you discovered some sort of exploit or a bug, report it to a moderator.
  12. Upvote
    Mallos reacted to Shadowseeker in As there is no king anymore.   
    I have to point out: There is a reason for that number. I was there when it was set, and the 4 as such should remain. If you really intend it to go higher, you should aim for 444 instead. I'd leave it at that though, most people cannot enter without walking through glue.
  13. Upvote
    Mallos reacted to DarkRaptor in Is The "Age of Depletion" at our door?   
    Well i must say, from my point of view, That kind of "alliance move" is not a honorable one. In fact, and by whats being said, my perspective of Eon character was totally wrong, since i considered Eon a Fierce But Honorable fighter...

    Still, every day that passes the alliance badge is paying out on land loyalty.
  14. Upvote
    Mallos reacted to Passant the Weak in Discussion regarding Alliance Hidden Forums   
    To me you should keep it simple:
    - keep running alliance forums as you do, one leader and one deputy tat can take over if something happens
    - whatever happens to the alliance is not your business: you keep current leaders for forums as long as they don't ask for a change, and you do no grant access to anyone if appointed forum leaders don't ask. This shall stay even if alliance is taken over for whatever reason
    - if a dispute occurs between new alliance leader (for example after a take over) and "legacy" alliance/forum leader, then you still do nothing....but create a new private forum should the new alliance leader ask for it.

    My 2 cts.
  15. Upvote
    Mallos reacted to Kyphis the Bard in You know you've been on MD too much when...   
    When you upgrade your computer to handle Skyrim on full graphics, then spend more time on MD instead >.>

    (true story, haven't even started playing Skyrim on this computer yet... So I really don't get all the arrow jokes...)
  16. Upvote
    Mallos reacted to Muratus del Mur in Should The Treasure Keepers be allowed to...?   
    on a second thought, i might make a new spell just for them to allow direct transfer of things easy (by id for example)...
  17. Upvote
    Mallos reacted to Burns in Quest Helpers   
    Since there are so many people who wish to set quests, at least according to Seig's information, but have certain problems to work their ideas out, i think there's a need to help those people to make sure MD doesn't miss out on the interesting ideas newbie bring forth.

    For this purpose, we've created a group dedicated to help people with their quests.

    If you have an idea for a quest, but don't know how to run it, please contact us to profit of our knowledge and networks.
    If you are uncertain where your idea might lead to, send me a note and we'll see what we can make of it. Otherwise, feel free to contact one of our specialists directly, in most cases they'll be able to help you, and otherwise they'll know whom to ask

    Tarquinus will be able to help you with quests and contests revolving around poems and other lyrical works and lore of the realm.

    Phantom Orchid can handle all your issues with quests that lead to the depths of esoterics, dreams and psychology.

    Shadowseeker might help with the creation of quests that requires tracking people and their progress through your story.

    Chewett, the local coding expert, will almost always be able to make things we all consider impossible possible.

    Fyrd Argentus is the specialist for all quests that pertain the history of the realm and our legends.

    Kyphis will help with quests and contests that require the coordination of gatherings.

    Yrthilian is known to lose his interest in things once they work, but if you have a very innovative idea, he will know how to make it work.

    Marvolo will work with you when you want to set a quest or contest that works with arts and musics.

    Amoran K Kol can help you when your quests require direct contact between different players.

    Metal Bunny will take care of the most extreme quests in game, at least on weekends.

    At last, contact me when you wish to host a battle contest, when you are uncertain who of us might be suited best for your ideas, or when you have problems to contact the helper of your choice.

    [size=2]The more the merrier, of course, if you want to help newbie questmakers, contact me to be added to my list[/size][size=2] [/size]
  18. Upvote
    Mallos reacted to (Zl-eye-f)-nea in Alms for the Poor   
    Today a little gang of friendly faces ambushed me and covered Bob in Ribbons and stuck me in a santa suit with a bell to ring.

    So, despite my grumpyness, in this spirit I will do the following:

    I am opening the xmas alms for the poor collection. Over December, in return for my ringing my bell and being a goat in an itchy santa suit, you can donate silver to me and once a day I will disperse this to the poor of MD. I will give a silver to anyone and everyone I can, from the donations I receive, who I see has less than 5 MD silver in currency.

    If you want to donate, just pass me your silver. Once a day I will distribute it across the poor of MD.

    I will be at the Path of Lonliness with Bob most of the time as usual.

    I currently have 44 silver. One donation from Sagewoman, one from lashtal and 12 of my own silver is the starting pot. So my base is 30 silver that is mine, anything i have on top from now forth is donations to be dispersed (unless I sell something causing my base to rise - in which case i will update this thread)

    In the case that there is more silver donated than poor to give to, at the end of december I will donate whatever is left to where ever you all decide to put it via a poll.

    If anyone has comments suggestions or what-not then this is the place.

  19. Upvote
    Mallos reacted to Kyphis the Bard in MD Awards 2011 - Nominations   
    I think its a daft and unfair rule, since the people most likely to see the sort of things that would get you nominated are people of your own land.
    It is also an unfair restriction, as people without a land affiliation are still able to nominate each other.
    The lands all also have different sizes of population.

    I don't think it makes any sense to differentiate between lands during the nominations phase. I do think there may potentially be merit for taking it into consideration during the voting stage, however during nominations its just silly and ill thought out. As has been pointed out over and over, there are far too many things such a rule doesn't take into consideration.
  20. Upvote
    Mallos reacted to Burns in A Request for Shift of Power or Change   
    Seriously Mur, you should reconsider that approach of the grumpy treasure guarding dragon.

    You only have so many oldies who have stuff to pay a big quest, we need new questmakers with new ideas and things to give as reward.
    I can only speak for my own halloween competition ([url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/10769-halloween-competition/"]http://magicduel.inv...en-competition/[/url]), which was announced in the time when halloween quest extra sponsoring was announced in game, for which i received sponsorship 4 weeks after announcing, 1 week after finishing the quest. To me, that's no biggie, because i have my own stock to draw rewards from, if that was a quest made from a newbie, the quest would've been aborted because of lacking rewards.

    Specially new quest creators don't have the strength to kick a grumpy dragons rear (edit: Meaning to say, convince Seig to sponsor before announcing), or wait until the dragon is bored enough to move away (edit: Meaning to say, wait two-three weeks after announcing) and let them get some treasures. They also can't just take a nice reward from their own stuff, as they have nothing. How would that look if they announce a big quest, and then there's no reward? Does that get you a reputation as good quest creator, as you implied [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/11111-what-is-going-on/page__view__findpost__p__97422"]here[/url]?

    A quest is only as good as the players, and few players do their best if they get lousy rewards out of it, we all know that by now. If nobody plays a quest, it's easy to say that it was a lousy quest, no matter how amazing the quest could've been with the right competition. People need to have certainty about their quests BEFORE announcing them, otherwise they never get played. A grumpy dragon who guards the treasure might not be the best way to make a newbie try a second time.

    I've never been a friend of your RPC concept, either, but you can't deny that a whole lot of people made a whole lot of quests during that time, everything in the long range from lousy to brilliant, guided and sponsored by the RPCs. TKs don't grant guidance, and only grant sponsoring to brilliant quests. This definitely increases the quality of quests, but the finest quests are also reserved to be solved by the finest people, which will hardly ever be a newbie.

    Dare i say it? MD without low quality quests is less fun for newcomers, and a major turndown for the new quest makers, as i don't think that any of us can say that our first attempt was so good that Seig would've sponsored it. Back then, when we were nobodys and had nothing, not even experience.
  21. Upvote
    Mallos reacted to Curiose in A Request for Shift of Power or Change   
    I do not know the entire story, but I do not care. I do not care to know the whole story.

    My request is to have a change of Power from having Fenrir [AKA Vicarious/Seigheart] to someone else more deserving and less abusive of the power. As I have seen, he is restrictive of means of communication and refuses to accept any PMs in game or forum. He manipulates the way he runs the sponsorhips and is in fact decling quest creation.

    If people want to contact him, it is imperitive they message him through e mail. Some people do not favor that option and instead wish to do the other means. He insults quests, calling them lousy, and instead uses his own ideals of a quest to pick and choose who gets a sponsorship, and even more so what they receive.

    To me, that is not what makes a treasure keeper. That is a dictatorship and decreases the morale of quest makers, It is abusive and unfair and restrictive.

    I request that either the hand of power gets shifted to someone more responsible, or the entire means of sponsorhip get abolished and changed.

    It is the job of a volunteer, as a treasure keeper, to help people. Not define what they can or cannot do.

    Proof of said actions:
  22. Upvote
    Mallos reacted to BFH in MD Xmas Fest!   
    [center][center] [/center][/center]
    [center][center][size=5][b][color=#008080]Time to Enjoy XMAS![/color][/b][/size]

    Christmas is here and this year, with the help of all of you I'll organizate a three days event to celebrate.
    The idea to have three days full of quests, fun, and rewards.
    (and ofc promote MD in a fascinant way)

    Days: 18, 19, 20 of December, Beggining 0:00 MD SERVER TIME

    Hall of the Sun Balcony[/b]
    I grant no problems for players to enter MDA

    [center][center] [/center][/center]

    [center][center] [/center][/center]
    [center][center]So far the quests I have ready (thanks to many players ideas, [special thanks to dst]) are:

    [center][center] [/center][/center]
    [center][center][b]ONLY RESTRICTION FOR ALL IS NO ALTS[/b]
    [b]MEGA FB QUEST Part II
    Similar to the previous one were you invite people to Like us, but MD Xmas Style [/b]
    Prepare for it! Details soon....

    [b]Seven Differences Quest[/b]
    [u]Place: ALL MD REALM (maybe except Necro)[/u]

    Rewards: One Wish Point to the the team [each member] who makes it better.

    $5.00 in credits for the team [each member] who manage second place.

    $3.00 credits for the team [each member] who get third place.

    No restrictions, since it will be teams
    I'll make sure at least one of the members have access to closed lands such as LR.
    From the players who wish to participate (who are present) I'll distribute randomly teams.
    The teams need to prepare to run all MD and search for many many differences from scenes I'm going to change.

    [b]Secret Santa[/b]
    [u]Place: Statue Hall (Lands of The East)[/u]

    No restrictions at all, any can participate.
    Gifts exchange game. More details will be given at the moment of playing. Just prepare a gift

    [b]Find the Character[/b]
    [u]Place: All MD Realm (except Necro)[/u]

    Rewards: One Wish Point for the one who make it faster
    More details soon.

    [b]MD Carols Mix Up[/b]
    [u]Place: Gazeebo of Equilibrium[/u]

    Rewards: One Wish Point for the one who make it better. (Minimum of participants is 5)

    Be prepared to compose and have some time of fun with your custom MD carols.
    Players should compose their carols totally related with MD.
    They will make us enjoy their carol it and they will be judged by secret people

    [b]XMAS Style Story Night[/b]
    [u]Place: Gazeebo of Gravitational Sound interior[/u]

    Prepare your story based on MD Xmas!
    Rewards: One Wish Point for the one who make it better. (Minimum of participants is 5)

    [b]BINGO!!! (Forum Quest)[/b]

    Details when the day arrive!


    [center][center] [/center][/center]
    [center][center][b]NOW I need your help

    Prepare your quests, games, or whatever, and let us all add more fun to the event.
    Please post here if you are going to prepare something and the days/aprox time when it will take place, that way I'll be able to prepare a schedule.
    (if you need sponsorship pm me, I'll see what we can do).
    Questers will be rewarded with something, I can't promise much but they will get something.

    Ideas and sponsorship accepted!
    (That way I can sponsor player created quests, my stock is limited)
    Note: If schedule gets full, we add another day, the point is to have fun!

    [size=2][color=#0000cd]Tried my best, double-spacing occurs because of the 'center' and 'big' options mixing, apparently <.< Burns[/color][/size]
  23. Upvote
    Mallos reacted to Seigheart in MD Awards 2011 - "24h" Discussion   
    I feel that putting limitations on those who you can vote for is redundant.

    People will always vote for who they think are the best option, the criteria they vote for is the only non constant in this situation.

    Their votes will always be skewered by personal opinions and will always be subjectified.

    Why not remove this silly restriction?
  24. Upvote
    Mallos reacted to Shadowseeker in You know you've been on MD too much when...   
    when you keep refreshing the bhc contest page and think this is funnier to watch than any sports show if you just had a commentator....
  25. Upvote
    Mallos reacted to Rumi in Question Time Post   
    Are the main lands reflected by the membership of the council?
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