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Fang Archbane

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Everything posted by Fang Archbane

  1. I disagree since there is zero need for regulation of those tools. It being on or off a list is a moot point if it doesn't require actual maintenance.
  2. If memory serves, these would be the tokens taken from my Santa (Christmas gift 2018) since I never under any circumstances use tokens if it can be helped and Mallos collects them. My Santa is also still breaking my creature page due to tokens as well, wasnt gonna keep bothering anyone with that fact but since its come up again I might as well include it.
  3. Necrovion is currently only accessible to two (Samon & Lashtal) atm, so unless they see fit to take the role and it doesnt impede with their current roles/situations, I doubt anyone else would fit the role, not to mention those tools lack a need for regulation since so few can reach them safely atm. Edit: I dont consider Chaos since it wont last forever, as its indeed an oddity and not the norm.
  4. I understand and am grateful for the time you took to look into this and reply. If tool guardians ever become required then my application still stands. I only wanted the role to help those who needed them obtain Golemian tools. I'll always be around if I'm needed, and thank you sincerely. Edit: I should also mention I'll still do my best to aid any who seek Golemian tools, with or without the role. Discord is as always the best way to reach me.
  5. It also happened when gelling the tokens on the Christmas Gift 2018 Aia. They showed as normal gelled tokens till they were applied, at which point they became blanks.
  6. Lazy might not be the right word. Some of us active folks strictly dont quest.
  7. https://imgur.com/a/ZJpjqrY
  8. Also and with all due respect, if/when you find time to fix my Christmas Gift 2018 if you could also change his name to Santa IV, I and my life crippling OCD would truly appreciate it. If not i understand. But it would save me a lot of time on having to lose most of its age to rename him. Thank you.
  9. My santas still broken, and I still cant see any of my crits. Sorry for the extra work,didnt want to post this till january
  10. ~Updated~ 1 Colorless Elucubration (Halloween) 4 Colored Aramor (10th Anniversary) 3 Colored Barren (11th Anniversary) 2 Colored Barren (12th Anniversary) 3 Colored Barren (13th Anniversary) 4 Colored Aramor (6th Anniversary) 4 Colored Aramor (7th Anniversary) 4 Colored Aramor (8th Anniversary) 4 Colored Aramor (9th Anniversary) 3 Colorless Drachorn (Wishpoint) 2 Colored LR Archer (Sharptear) 2 Colored Drachorn (Reindrach) 3 Colorless Drachorn (GG) 1 Colored Elucubration 4 Shade (Tutorial) 2 Angien (Tainted) 2 Shade (Sword) 5 Horsemen 2 Nutracker 2 Darkling 3 Molima 1 Morph 5 SMSH 2 Santa
  11. I would want the stacking system to stay (having 30 seperate locate spell stones is maddening) but I'd like to be able to choose how much of a stack I pass to another player, or how much of a stack I place into a combiner
  12. Upon further testing it seems the idle button does work, it just activates super late
  13. It seems clicking the go idle button doesnt actually make you idle. Suspected of for days but just confirmed by Nep and Myself.
  14. No such thing, not here in MD. Everyones ideas and perspective hold weight in this world.
  15. I found a way to create them without needing your aid, and came to the conclusion that i no longer needed your services. I meant to send a message explaining that, but it seems it somehow got lost in all the chaos of everyday life. I do still keep them listed here as a low enough price might be worth it, in exchange for time saved. My sincerest apologies on that matter. I hope you have a nice day :3
  16. Still looking for the following, and can pay in coin or credits. PM me any requests/offers, thank you. 1 Colored Tormented Soul (Soulweaver) 1 Colorless Elucubration (Halloween) 4 Colored Aramor (10th Anniversary) 3 Colored Barren (11th Anniversary) 2 Colored Barren (12th Anniversary) 3 Colored Barren (13th Anniversary) 4 Colored Aramor (6th Anniversary) 4 Colored Aramor (7th Anniversary) 4 Colored Aramor (8th Anniversary) 4 Colored Aramor (9th Anniversary) 3 Colorless Drachorn (Wishpoint) 2 Colored MB Archer (Bloodpact) 4 Colored LR Archer (Sharptear) 3 Colored Drachorn (Reindrach) 2 Colored Drachorn (Rustgold) 2 Colorless Joker (Wishpoint) 1 Colorless Loreroot Archer 3 Colorless Drachorn (GG) 1 Colored Elucubration 4 Shades (Tutorial) 2 Angien (Tainted) 1 Shade (Sword) 5 Horsemen 2 Nutracker 2 Darkling 3 Molima 2 Morph 5 SMSH 3 Santa
  17. Thats a tragedy. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
  18. I disagree here, I get more stats from grinding friendly battles with teammates in a day then I do sacrificing. That's a small part of the reason I stopped saccing long ago.
  19. My point was that coexistance is between two sentient beings. You literally just proved for me (in the aramors case) that magic makes it sentient ( o.o); I kid, I kid, I see your point and it's a valid one. I do however find it difficult to be persuaded on this matter. The creature recruited was given existence through you, battles along with you, has the potential to reward you with skills etc for your combined works, some give you processed materials, and so much more. To me, at least in my current work exhausted state, this describes coexistence.
  20. A valid point, however, while the hammer is an inanimate object, even assuming the creatures have no free will of their own (which isnt proven and I'd disagree with either way) they are indeed sentient. Coexistance, in my eyes, is an agreement either spoken or unspoken between two sentient beings.
  21. Maybe we should just rename the skill Coexistance. D1) the state or condition of living in harmony despite different ideologies or interests. "what is needed today is peaceful coexistence" D2) the state or fact of living or existing at the same time or in the same place. "a remarkable coexistence of two profoundly different artistic traditions" I feel both main definitions wholly apply, seeing as they become one with who we are if even only for a time.
  22. I'll take a crack at it. If I'm not mistaken using Google Docs can make it so everyone can Read them but only those with Privelages can edit & save them to personal files. In this way we can have multiple people aiding to organize, reorganize, and add on as well as save any potential backups. If anyone else has a better format or setup I'd be happy to hear it. Edit: Work has been rough lately (6 days a week from midnight - 7/8am) and I barely have time to meditate but I'm happy to do what I can.
  23. Definitely fills me with hope. I cant wait for the beautiful picture this paints.
  24. I would get involved but I dont consider myself technologically or imaginatively advanced enough to do so responsibly. Wild ideas though I may have, I lack that "knowing too much & too little" part, and that's rather crucial. I do however have a suggestion for those that take on this challenge. I think a good place to start is a simple adventure/scavenger hunt style quest that takes participants across all easily (enough) accessible lands. Maybe reward something simple like +5 cartography since it's the first of its kind.
  25. When in working order, different altars give different principles. It is possible (but somewhat unlikely?) That you simply sacrificed creatures for principles you already had.
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