Let me start off by saying, that I do not aim for any rewards of any kind for my answer (assuming theyd apply) and would respectfully decline any attempt to go against these wishes. My reply is solely to explain a part of my life that's quite surprisingly exactly what you're talking about, and to hopefully help you find the answer you seek.
Throughout my entire life, I have had recurring nightmares and recurring dreams. It's happened so much, that I know have a somewhat detailed but foggy mental map of nearly all the places I visit when asleep, and over time have realized that all my recurring nightly adventures are actually a small part of a much, much, MUCH larger map, it's very own city in size, and infinite in possibilities.
When I first started to have these dreams and nightmares, they were quick to disappear from my immediate memory the second I woke up. Over time, I began to remember them for small amounts of time after waking. After years of this, I can now nearly fully recall it all, even weeks or months after I've had them.
I mention this only because in said dreams and nightmares, I always have choices, as we all do or seem to. After having each dream/nightmare countless times, I began to Lucid Dream (The state of knowing ones asleep) and hit what I would call a God Mode. I could alter surroundings, do as I pleased in every possible way, but the more I changed the looser my ties to the dream world became, and oddly enough it was all STUNNINGLY similar to the movie Inception (2010).
Because I subconsciously (instinctually) knew that I was both asleep and had "lived" this before, I had chances to alter my previous decisions without ACTUALLY having memories of said events. I knew going left meant death and restarting the infinite cycle somehow. I knew going right was unknown, but moving forward was better than "dying". And yet I had no specific memories, just gut instinct.
So my answer is simple. One has to succumb wholly to the recurring actions. Live through it countless times. Eventually, your body and subconscious, your raw instincts will guide you, even with a total lack of memories.
I'm sure there are other answers that apply, but this is mine and it has served me beyond what words can explain. I've lived a thousand lives. I've survived a thousand adventures. I've experienced my wildest dreams and fears, and all at the cost of nothing to my physical outer being.
My mental and inner self might have taken a hit here and there for the worst. It definitely wasnt all fun and games. I payed the price of being able to play God, but it gave me PERSPECTIVE like I've never experienced before.
I perpetually feel like I'm dreaming, even when I "know" I'm awake. Life now feels like a Lucid Dream, that's the price I payed for the knowledge I gained. It's both bound and freed me. I'm now a good person because I choose to be, knowing now that morals, ethics, and consequences exist only within our hearts.
To end this small rant I'll quote a famous philosopher and hope its to your liking. It once brought me back to "reality" when I was at my worst from the Lucid Experience and saved me from "Insanity" without making me lose the lessons. Enjoy.
"Once upon a time, I, Chuang Chou, dreamt I was a butterfly, fluttering hither and thither, to all intents and purposes a butterfly. I was conscious only of my happiness as a butterfly, unaware that I was Chou. Soon I awaked, and there I was, veritably myself again. Now I do not know whether I was then a man dreaming I was a butterfly, or whether I am now a butterfly, dreaming I am a man. Between a man and a butterfly there is necessarily a distinction. The transition is called the transformation of material things."