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Tom Pouce

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Everything posted by Tom Pouce

  1. note to val , if your post is for my bid, when i bid for me the day 28 was not done yet ... (Posted Yesterday, 10:52 PM) and yur bid (Posted Yesterday, 04:59 PM)
  2. i have 1 in each kind
  3. trying to make an haiku (without reference to season..) soft lips kisses me red fill my lonely heart delite fulfiled blue
  4. 3 Gc + 4 sc
  5. Joyeux Noël ! Merry Christmas,feliz Navidad,feliz Natal,frohe Weihnachten,圣诞快乐, merii kurisumasu

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Chengmingz


      Ooooh. Ca est genial. Je vien du ontario. Mais je peux parler en francias. Jsuis tres fier de ca :D Ou en Quebec?

    3. Pipstickz
    4. Tom Pouce

      Tom Pouce

      Une petite ville sud de Montréal; heureux de voir ici quelcun de l'ontario
      And thanks for speaking french for me :)

      Pipstickz i am not so good in english
      adjective, ick·i·er, ick·i·est. Informal.
      repulsive or distasteful.
      excessively sweet or sentimental.
      unsophisticated or old-fashioned.
      sticky; viscid.

      ... so ill choose the no2 definition :P


  6. Joyeux Noël ! Merry Christmas,feliz Navidad,feliz Natal,frohe Weihnachten,圣诞快乐, merii kurisumasu

  7. Hooray for the santa!
  8. Its ,me first crismass in MD thks MD And your crismass tree gifts are nice Merry Cristmass Everyones
  9. well it as the reverse thing for me, it anoy me so that the elf wont have cookies, (they should have heaten with ther imaginary ants) if i would have been really bad wanting to do it, it would have been pushing me to make an autoit and programe to do it brut force as it really anoy me manually (its just for feedback that comment ...) i still feel that since one need to so many time open that box, it should have been manually friendly i.e. be responsive for what an human can do easyly for speed and that actual time is to long in my thinking remember that automation is there to releief man of burden time consuming and repetitive chores ....
  10. Can you change the timer that delay enable take another color? if you could make it 1/2 as long it would be nicer (less an pain ) many time i chose wrong color i want with that delay ....
  11. [img]http://i49.tinypic.com/xct089.jpg[/img]
  12. Happy birthday [img]Happy birthday[/img]
  13. Let it be Cristmas for Tipu also [img]http://i47.tinypic.com/24vtw2g.gif[/img]
  14. Seeing with horror that our Gazebo of Equilibrium was blown away I decide to give as Cristmas gift to MD a new one (up to time Mur repair the old one) Merry Cristmas [img]http://i45.tinypic.com/o0e6at.gif[/img]
  15. my secoung entry, same idea, but more MD traditionnal look [img]http://i46.tinypic.com/m749e8.gif[/img]
  16. The historically tried and use way to vote in democraty is - one vote one man - an null or cancel vote dont count one way or the other - if one man dont vote, it dont count one way or the other The other historically tried and use way that work is like in company voting - one vote is weight per number of share own - if one dont vote his shares it dont count one way or the other Md way is (as i understand) - one vote is weight per amount of loyauty - if one dont vote , its count as being agains if one look it can see that vote wieight per amount of loyauty is similar to company vote weight per share own. But what is making it all going awray is the fact that one dont vote , it count as being agains. - one can reason like was bring by others, that if the camp "for" is not able to bring to vote those that dont vote, they fail somewhat and the no vote should be count "agains" BUT a similar reason can be bring, that if the camp "agains" is not able to bring to vote "agains" those that dont vote, that it should be count as "for" So you see that those 2 line of reasonning are plausible, and should annul one the other I.E. if one dont vote, it should not have any influence on the vote "for" or "agains" the way its done in MD now, it mean that to work it need a land where most (old) players vote, if a land as many players that dont care in politic for citizenship it wont work well My suggestion just remove the fact that one not voting influence the outcome of the vote
  17. Happy Birthday
  18. as a solution is there a way to ask for searching with inclutiding blank space characters ? it would enable still respection the 4 letters min limit ands search for shorter words like to find DST search "DST " , and still discreminating with garbage results like DSTT for exemple right now i tried it it dont work, but if one can make it work ....
  19. ok so is 3 sc material enoutht?
  20. HI Fyrd Your threads as gain you support and its a kind of petition by itself But the way i see, only either MUR or Concil can make it apend Maybe they would be more convince to help with a former petition? possibly The problem with that subject, is that many can have the will to do something, but its not in there power or capacity to act upon it by themself The only way pratical i see, is that someone get an talk with wither Mur or Concil and get an idea of: - what will make them do it , if there is such a way
  21. Grido , My offer was in the line of UDgard thinking Those info i offered , i have them and did not publish but it can be partake between serchers And more so , since Princ was once very involve in Loreroot, i doubt that he as not already seen those pictures, and more to to have been there himself, and he probably can go there anytime
  22. [list] [*]picture of path keeper lower level [*]picture of the path keeper [*]tought about wasp totem and wasp altar [/list]
  23. Well when i ate deer, deer is an animal .. when i ate rabbit, rabbit is an animal .. when i ate fish , fish is an animal so when i ate beef, beef is not an animal ?? only an animal by-product ?? . *goggle* [list] [*]beef : A full-grown steer, bull, ox, or cow, especially one intended for use as meat. [*] [*] [/list] [color=#000000][left][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]oops with that i said 16 instead of 13 annimal since i said already cow [/background][/left][/color] [color=#000000][left][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]... [/background][/left][/color]</p>
  24. mice, dog, cat, beef, cow, bird, fish, bug, hamster, rat, badger, squirrel, deer . better?
  25. Felis silvestris catus, Canis lupus familiaris, Mesocricetus auratus, Ordovician, Mantis religiosa, Canis lupus, carcajou, Elephas maximus, Felis tigris, Acinonyx jubatus, phylum Cnidaria, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha
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