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Valldore Nal

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Reputation Activity

  1. Upvote
    Valldore Nal reacted to dst in Sanctuary's View Cube   
    Personal opinion and don't hate me for it: I hate how most of the new items look on the scenes...They seem fake and added. They don't blend with the scene :(
  2. Downvote
    Valldore Nal reacted to DARK DEMON in My neg rep   
    Now that we can finally see who has given what rep, I would like to show to everyone my neg rep history. I spent a long time counting each and every post I've made in the past one year...
    Plix Plox alone has given me more than 113 neg rep so far. This was the most shocking of all, as I never even had a proper conversation with him, ever. Didn't expect this one bit... reporting now for neg rep spam.
    No one has given me more than 82 neg rep so far. I'm reporting now for neg rep spam.
    Lazarus has given me more than 42 neg rep so far. Also reporting for spam as I barely talked to him, ever.
    Pipstickz has spammed  more than 25 neg rep so far, which I also thought he'd never do as I have never spoken to him.
    The rest of the neg rep, especially the ones given by dst, Chewett, Menhir and Nimrodel... I take full responsibility for as they all helped me change.
    Mods, please take the respective actions against these spammers if you believe it is necessary. I also humbly request to please remove the accumulated number of neg rep from my account as it may give a wrong impression to some newer ones, which I really don't want as it won't help me help them.
    Also, please close this topic. Whoever still wishes to post should not expect any reply. 
  3. Upvote
    Valldore Nal reacted to Chewett in Forum Reputation System Poll   
    Clear +/- reputation has been put onto the forum.
    All members should be able to see who has given them reputation, if you havent your permissions are broken for that subset of groups, and please PM me to tell me you cant.
  4. Upvote
    Valldore Nal reacted to Fire Starter in Resource location change   
    The only thing I do mind is that I have to wait for the text to disappear to give space for the resources info. It's sometimes annoying to have to scroll/PgDown+PgUp at a particular scene, but in any way it takes much less time than the current situation.
    What if the text and resources info show at the same time, one at it;s place now, and the other just below it. Then after the text expires it just blends and the resources info moves up. Or smth similar to this.
  5. Upvote
    Valldore Nal got a reaction from Dan in Quest: Dom-Second Encounter   
    Valldore Nal
    1 mirrorritual stone
  6. Upvote
    Valldore Nal got a reaction from Eagle Eye in Happy Birthday Eagle   
    Happy Birthday Ghost Army Eagle Eye :)
  7. Upvote
    Valldore Nal got a reaction from Sephirah Caelum in Day of Fear - March 13th 2013   
    I would also like a straight answer on this, since during the so called "Blood Bath" you totally ignored the question 5 times.

    What about the dead ? Do you actually have any plan or they are supposed to look for other means to revive themselves ?
  8. Upvote
    Valldore Nal reacted to Eara Meraia in Golden Chains   
    Does your life lack direction? Purpose? Having trouble figuring out where you should be going? The Slave Auction is right for you! No longer will you be plagued by a sense of purposelessness as our patented leashes drag you wherever you need to go (or your Master wants you to be xD)! As this is an auction and slaves will go to the highest bidder you can be certain that your brand new "life guide" will be an important and influential member of society! Minimum 10% of the proceeds will go to charity, so your enslavement can help those more fortunate than you! The remaining 90% will land in the slave’s pocket

    Don't be a slave to boredom, join the Slave Auction today!

    [b]All volunteers please post following Data in this thread:[/b]

    1) [b]Name[/b] of your charater

    2) [b]Duration[/b] of enslavement (min. 4 weeks, max. 12 months)

    3) [b]Reason[/b] for you being the best slave.

    4) Percentage you want to donate to TK (minimum 10%)

    5) Limitations or special wishes (optional)

    Remember your answers will probably influence the price.

    [b]Application period ends on 7.05.2013 at 23:59 st.[/b]

    [b]PS: [/b]People who participated before and have a leash can volunteer to be a slave too, but they need to give me their leashes before the beginning of the auction.

    [b]PS2:[/b] It is up to TK (yeah, thats what I meant with charity ) to decide what do they do with their part of the funds.


    [center][b]Additional information:[/b][/center]

    1) [b]Follow-up Quest: Slave's revolt[/b] [b]will be brought to you by Dan Planewalker[/b]. Only slaves and Masters can participate. Thought they will have different missions. And of course, a good slave will help their Master to win. More details will be revealed to you later. So stay up.

    2) The owner of the highest number of slaves will be rewarded [b]an extra mods-"Slave master"[/b] for his up coming quest/game : Dom-Second Encounter.

    3) The slaves are kindly asked to [b]send Dan details about their character[/b] (IG char who is going to be sold), such as : appearance, like, dislike, goal, personality traits to help him to write the story.
  9. Upvote
    Valldore Nal got a reaction from nadrolski in Happy birthday nadrolski   
    Happy Birthday !
  10. Upvote
    Valldore Nal reacted to Shemhazaj in You know you've been on MD too much when...   
    [color=#808080][i]You know you have been in MD too much when... you write an official e-mail to your boss signing it with " *Shemhazaj* " (<-- insert your own MD name there)[/i][/color]
  11. Upvote
    Valldore Nal reacted to Chewett in Did you know? - Jail   
    Over the past couple days iv had a lot of questions and in both chat and PM form about Jail. Why can people escape? Why are they allowed to play? Why are they not just banned? and i thought it might be interesting for me to post the responses on the forum.

    [b]What is the difference between Jail and Banning?[/b]
    The main difference between MD and other games is that there are two primary punishment methods. Jailing and Banning. If you are Jailed you are sent to the jail scene and marked as a convict. If you are banned you cannot play, cannot login, cannot do anything.

    In MD's history very very few people have been banned, the preferred mechanism for punishing people is jail.

    [b]So why have two methods?[/b]
    When you are banned you are essentially not permitted to play the game. However when jailed you can still do a large number of actions, including escaping, sending PM's and still being involved in the world. Being sent to jail can just be part of your character and a number of players have successfully woven this into their characters history. Jailing a character allows them to continue to do what they were, and gives a much larger range of actions than just being banned. Jail as a punishment is the exclusion from the main "outside" world, many people treat jail as a ban, and dont bother logging on, but a smaller subset has roleplayed their being in jail, given jail "reports" on the forum or escaped and continued to play.

    [b]Jail is so easy to escape![/b]
    Over the past years iv seen numerous convicts stating that "Jail is so easy to escape" rather smugly, as if it is some achievement. Its humorous to see that they dont know very much about it. Jail is designed to be relatively easy to escape. I didnt understand why it was so easy to escape until i talked to Mur about it and being able to escape fits in perfectly with letting people "play" while being punished. If we wanted to, we could easily stop you from escaping it, and if we wanted to go all the way we would just remove jail completely and ban you. But thats not what MD is about. MD is different.

    Just like resetting the GoE piller combinations, methods to escape the jail have slowly changed so that they are not entirely widespread, It keeps it as a level so that people need to do some work to work out exactly how to escape. But the likelihood is, at least while im around, there will always be a way to escape, provided you are smart enough to work it out, and have some friends to help.

    If you are sent to jail, you can wait out your sentence, or attempt to escape knowing you are going to be in there longer if you are caught. To add more roleplay value there is now the fugitive system so that people could be "caught" if a number of people want to send you back to jail. Its all about having something unique, giving players the ability to change their own fate, become that criminal that keeps getting sent back to jail. or someone who is evading the law to prove their innocence.


    If people like this sort of thing, i might post some more up when i get a bit of time. Some of the design decisions, and lore of MD is interesting, and it appears many people have forgotten, or never heard of some of the genius behind MD. So comment if you are bored/like/dislike this so i can get some feedback
  12. Upvote
    Valldore Nal reacted to dst in Phantom Orhchid - wrong use of dream   
    So, it seem that last night (around 5 am ST) poe put me in a dream and less than 2 minutes after she punished me with silence for "failing her riddle".

    Really? And she screams I abuse my powers? She has absolutley NO proof I ever abused my powers but she used hers to silence me. And not the light punishment but the higher one.

    I expect an explanation until tomorrow. If I will not get it, I will sue her for abuse and harassment.

    Have a wonderful Md B-day!

    LE: seems like you people don't know how to read or I was not explicit enough: I was at most idle at that time (if not even offline). There was no riddle (or at least not one that I could see since I was asleep at that time) but she punished me either way.
    Also it took her 2 minutes not 30 seconds. Didn't do the math right this morning so I correct the above.

    LLE: You people are incredible!! I WAS NOT ONLINE! Even if she asked me a riddle (which I have asked Council to check) I couldn't have answered it since I WAS NOT ONLINE. It was 5 AM for me.I was sleeping for god's sake!
  13. Upvote
    Valldore Nal reacted to Nimrodel in BMMO Silver Gifts   
    Just so that people know, you can get 1 silver box every three days by voting every 6hrs in browsermmorpg.com after creating an account there, logging in and voting for MD. 1 bbmmorpg gold coin per vote. 4 gold in 1 day. 10g in 3 days. 10g for 1 silver box.

    No intentions of hijacking the thread but it would be great if you could get the silver boxes via voting as well if you have plans to buy the boxes from fang. It'd be of help to MD
  14. Upvote
    Valldore Nal got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in Day of Fear - March 13th 2013   
    I would also like a straight answer on this, since during the so called "Blood Bath" you totally ignored the question 5 times.

    What about the dead ? Do you actually have any plan or they are supposed to look for other means to revive themselves ?
  15. Upvote
    Valldore Nal got a reaction from Zyrxae in Test Contest 2   
    [quote name='Valldore Nal' timestamp='1362700680' post='133598']
    First, through my experience in HC if a player doesn't have creatures to defend with, he/she loses their head anyway. So , what's exactly the point of not allowing fighters without creatures to participate ?(if things work the same with BHC, which i assume they do) (same goes for illusions and frog spell as well, on the same way why not ban mirrorritual spell as well then and only frog ? )

    Jump to leader, teleport spells and summon spells are not allowed ? May i ask why is that if they don't brake any of the other rules mentioned ? What's the reason not allowing those specific spells/abilities ?

    I was actually referring to those, i got your idea about the external help, i may not agree with it, but it's pretty much your choice. What i'm doing here is trying to understand the reasons for choosing to apply these rules. (not all ofc, just the ones i fail to see a valid argument for being implemented)
  16. Upvote
    Valldore Nal got a reaction from Zyrxae in Sorting list of heat voters by Heat given   
    If the concept of the heat vote is not only how hard the community agrees with the voting theme, but also the dedication to keep it high, there is actually a point for the heat to be reduced in time.

    And also i guess a function for the clickie would be able to be used in items as well, so it could be abused from ppl with scripting item ability as well

    (I haven't even given a look to the md script so if there is a way to make a function just to work for clikies and not for items, ignore my second paragraph )
  17. Downvote
    Valldore Nal reacted to Eagle Eye in Day of fear - Quest analysis   
    I joined the day of fear because interesting, more excitement and scary dead. Wonderful quest Seig
  18. Upvote
    Valldore Nal reacted to lashtal in Day of Fear - March 13th 2013   
    [22/03/13 16:41] Seigheart:Stage 3's task was simply to revive the dead.
    [22/03/13 16:41] Seigheart:There were MANY ways to do so.
    [22/03/13 16:41] Seigheart:You could have gotten an Elixir from Mur.
    [22/03/13 16:41] Seigheart:Gotten Molquert to revive
    [22/03/13 16:42] Seigheart:Asked any number of individuals with the reviving numbers
    [22/03/13 16:42] Seigheart:Or simply RPed it, and hoped that someone from above saw and revived you.

    [quote name='Muratus del Mur' timestamp='1364156308' post='134391']
    the way you get revived its not part of this event

    I am a bit confused..
  19. Downvote
    Valldore Nal reacted to Muratus del Mur in Day of Fear - March 13th 2013   
    my part in this event was to sponsor and to deal a little damage (because some parts of this event couldn't be granted as tools). I will give my rewards to the people on the list i received, i am not a judge on this quest. I will give my rewards __in my own time__. The people i killed will remain dead,..its not as if death is temporary just during a quest. I will offer various ways for ANY dead people at the cemetary to be revived. I gave out a few one time reviving elixirs, more to same person (you can trade them). These elixirs need to be earned..the way you get revived its not part of this event, the way you get points/rewarded is not my business, i just provide the sponsorship, like i do with many other quests.
  20. Upvote
    Valldore Nal reacted to Eara Meraia in Day of Fear - March 13th 2013   
    since I did not get an answer to my pm, I will have to ask in public - why did not I get any feedback to my submission in stage 2 of this quest and no score as well.

    if I have been disqualified for whatever reason - why didnt I get any notification?

    thank you.
  21. Upvote
    Valldore Nal reacted to Nimrodel in Day of Fear - March 13th 2013   
    [quote][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][background=rgb(247, 247, 247)][22/03/13 16:28] Seigheart:There were four themes I was looking for to be discussed in each submission.[/background][/size][/font][/color]
    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][background=rgb(247, 247, 247)][22/03/13 16:28] Seigheart:A good portion got the first 3.[/background][/size][/font][/color]
    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][background=rgb(247, 247, 247)][22/03/13 16:28] Seigheart:But the last was only found by one person, Nimrodel.[/background][/size][/font][/color]
    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][background=rgb(247, 247, 247)][22/03/13 16:29] Seigheart:For this, Nimrodel, I give you an honourary mention. [/background][/size][/font][/color]
    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][background=rgb(247, 247, 247)][22/03/13 16:29] Seigheart:I was really proud of you. [/background][/size][/font][/color] [/quote]

    I am glad you are proud of me. And I am glad to have made the find.

    Didn't really want to bring the point forward because I don't want amber to lose points, but I want to know on what basis you assigned points. You say I was the only one to find the last 'point' how can amber get 10/10 then? How did you grade people? I have nothing against the winners, but the log makes me question your judging skills.
  22. Upvote
    Valldore Nal reacted to Fire Starter in Day of Fear - March 13th 2013   
    [22/03/13 16:17] Seigheart:But only five have been successful enough to be considered for the reward.


    [22/03/13 17:01] Chewett:Who actually won?
    [22/03/13 17:02] Seigheart:I made a mistake because I didn't look at my list, just went from memory.
    [22/03/13 17:02] Seigheart:Dan Planewalker, JadenDew, Valldore Nal, Nava, AR and Syrian

    If I am counting right, the last list sums up to 6 winners...

    And where did Nimrodel go?:

    [22/03/13 16:28] Seigheart:There were four themes I was looking for to be discussed in each submission.
    [22/03/13 16:28] Seigheart:A good portion got the first 3.
    [22/03/13 16:28] Seigheart:But the last was only found by one person, Nimrodel.
    [22/03/13 16:29] Seigheart:For this, Nimrodel, I give you an honourary mention.
    [22/03/13 16:29] Seigheart:I was really proud of you. [/quote]

    [22/03/13 16:31] lashtal:Didn't Amber score more than Nava?
    [22/03/13 16:31] Chewett:congrats
    [22/03/13 16:31] Seigheart:No.
    [22/03/13 16:31] Seigheart:Amber got 8/19
    [22/03/13 16:32] Seigheart:8/10*
    [22/03/13 16:32] AmberRune:You said 10 in the message to me
    [22/03/13 16:32] Seigheart:Oh [color=purple][i]removed[/i][/color]
    [22/03/13 16:32] :Fire Starter watches the ghost of Typose haunting Seigheart
    [22/03/13 16:32] :Seigheart coughs
    [22/03/13 16:32] Chewett:lolage
    [22/03/13 16:32] :JadenDew haunts Seigheart happily
    [22/03/13 16:32] Seigheart:I mean oops
    [22/03/13 16:32] Seigheart:Yes, Amber.
    [22/03/13 16:32] Seigheart:10/10


    Seig, quit taking what you're taking and pull yourself together

    And don't get me wrong. I am sorry that I have only yesterday found out, that I was supposed to have a fear, raised by a feeling, that I don't remember I have ever felt. I will try to find that particular fear inside me, but don't take this as a promise.

    Edit: I want to completely differentiate myself from the quest and it's outcome. I was never meant to enter it, but the lack of info takes its toll.
  23. Upvote
    Valldore Nal got a reaction from Ackshan Bemunah in Day of Fear - March 13th 2013   
    I would also like a straight answer on this, since during the so called "Blood Bath" you totally ignored the question 5 times.

    What about the dead ? Do you actually have any plan or they are supposed to look for other means to revive themselves ?
  24. Upvote
    Valldore Nal got a reaction from dst in Day of Fear - March 13th 2013   
    I would also like a straight answer on this, since during the so called "Blood Bath" you totally ignored the question 5 times.

    What about the dead ? Do you actually have any plan or they are supposed to look for other means to revive themselves ?
  25. Upvote
    Valldore Nal got a reaction from Shemhazaj in Day of Fear - March 13th 2013   
    I would also like a straight answer on this, since during the so called "Blood Bath" you totally ignored the question 5 times.

    What about the dead ? Do you actually have any plan or they are supposed to look for other means to revive themselves ?
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