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Everything posted by Firsanthalas

  1. I announce that the Rangers of Loreroot officially do not exist and are disbanded forth with. If you or anyone else wish to create any group or title of Loreroot, you need to discuss it with myself and others first. If you have an idea, then do it properly or not at all. You have overstepped the mark here by a long way.
  2. Well you won't be there to stop me, so you can't say anything
  3. You do realise that you are defeating your own argument?
  4. Yes Chewy, Loreroot problems. If you have a problem with your washing machine I think you need to call someone else
  5. [quote]But I can´t do it with YOU![/quote] So we should stay away then? Seriously though, what time? Later note: Ah yes, I am losing my eyesight to old age I think Although Thursday is not the 18th. Today is and its Tuesday.
  6. So as to not further clutter this thread I've created this topic [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/7092-avatars-and-items/"]My link[/url] for further discussion. You can see my views there.
  7. It seems that there is suddenly an issue with the redistribution of avatars that belonged to certain players. So lets look at this. Firstly. Mur moved the avatars to the shop for re-use. Secondly. Not everyone is going to know what avatar was used by everyone. I'd also like to point out that in some cases, people that are considered 'legends' by some, had multiple avatars. Thirdly. They are gone and have been for some time. If you feel that this is somehow disrespectful to their memory then fine. But using or selling an avatar that is freely available in the shop is not a crime. You may not like it, but its not a crime. Fourthly It's not feasible to think that we can track down and keep all of the previously used avatars. You would also have to decide what avatars were precious and what ones weren't. And it also defeats the purpose of the avatars being made available again in the first place. Finally. I won't entertain any nonsense about profiteering from anyone that seems to think its a no-no to sell an ancient avatar from someone long gone, yet try to extort items that are clearly for other people that you got from a lottery. You can't have it both ways I am afraid. You either have a sense of personal property and believe in it or you don't. You can't get all self righteous when it's someone else that is trying to make a quick buck and not you. If you have a problem with something you should address me directly. If you want to spout off about a problem you have or about me doing something, but don't bother to speak to me about it first, then you are barking up the wrong tree. Most problems can be dealt with without the need for hysterics. One last thing. If people (in Loreroot) do receive avatars or items as gifts, because they are 'precious' somehow, I 'll take an extra-ordinarily dim view of such things being sold at a later date for profit.
  8. McVitie's Shadow. Its been over 10 days now since Windy offered to help you. Thus far you have made no effort to contact her that I am aware of and neither have you reported any problems doing so to me or anyone else. I have seen you personally myself during this time and you said nothing about any problems. In fact you had little of anything to say really. You really don't seem to the that bothered at all.It just seems to be more of the same. Unless you have a really good explanation, request canceled.
  9. Firsanthalas


    What the blazes is he waffling on about? He's standing at the window singing and she's asleep in the bed. Im surprised she didn't tell him to shut up and go do something useful like get breakfast. He could have at least covered her up, I mean she's naked there. She could catch a chill or something.
  10. I may be able to sponsor you for something. Contact me and we can talk about it.
  11. On the subject of cowardice, I think threatening a woman with physical violence is that. I think a guy that is in the military and thinks he is quite buff is even worse. Infact threatening anyone with physical violence because you feel you are equiped to deliver is not exactly brave in my book. A soldier trains to fight and hopes never to have to. Shame on you, you should know better.
  12. I have to say that while there are avatars that I consider to be of poor quality there are a fair few really good ones. Its also most likely that really bad ones will only be used by the owners and not purchased by other people. I suspect that some people may also use some avatars as stand-ins until they find something more suitable. I also think that with practice, people will get better and that will only help to increase the quality of the avatars around. That and you have to accept that what you or I consider to be rubbish, others may actually like.
  13. I suppose the 6 month limit could be the cause of them vanishing. But yeah, I've noticed msgs often appearing in the wrong sorting cloud too.
  14. Almost all of my sorting clouds are empty now. They had mails in them now they are empty. Also, of the few mails that are in the one or two clouds that have content some seem to be in the wrong cloud. I have had concerns about the cloud storage and sorting for a while, but put it down to human error or faulty memory. But its pretty obvious I have a problem now that they are empty.
  15. People are legends for different reasons. Some, like Khal are mentioned and remembered a lot it seems, others not so much. Personally, I feel that this is a job for the legend speakers or archivists in general. Often the most important things people do are the things that few people know about. It is this that makes people real heroes and tragically often forgotten or unknown by many. You could say that hero is a better word than legend. Some legends are more myth than reality. Has Jonn a legend? it seems not. But he meant a lot to me and his absence has been felt I think. He should not be forgotten, I feel that would be a crime somehow. Jonn was definately a person that I admired and respected and I feel he made a very real and definate contribution to life in MD. He should be remembered, a definate hero.
  16. Yeah, read the AL. As for the names on that list, not all have had any part in the AL. Does that mean they haven't or don't do anything? I guess ye can decide that yourseleves. Even the people that are mentioned in the AL have done other things which aren't mentioned there. The AL is not the sum total of a person's impact or their whole story, merely a part, if anything at all. Chewy may have had a pow wow on the Angien island, but to me his most enduring (and hopefully long continuing) legacy is his role as forum moderator. Just my two cents though. Sorry for going seemingly offtopic Indrya, but I wanted to point that out (I think that is what you meant to begin with, but it appears some people missed the point).
  17. Actually, that was almost a year ago now. I've barely seen you at all since then if at all. Things were pretty busy at the time. As I said, its up to you to keep communication open. You could have approached someone at a later date to enquire if things had changed. You didn't. I also don't see the need to be lippy. But if that is how you impress people, I'd hate to see how you show them your disdain.
  18. Guess it time to say this again to remind people. Just a quick note. I don't and won't chase people that seek to join. If you wish to join it is up to you to contact Mya or me and keep that contact open. You can either find us about the realm, PM us or send a msg via the forum. Also, Mya and I are not the only Guardians, you can speak with an Elder of the alliance if you can't get us. If you wish to join, your application will be considered, but not just based upon a post here. You must post here, even if you speak directly to us, but a single post here is not a sufficient means to be accepted. What is, I leave up to you. Your asking to join an alliance, not for a meal ticket.
  19. So, if you are bowing out, who is taking over at the helm?
  20. Whats your favourite flavour?

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  21. #6 17 silver
  22. The Warrior, I suggest you seek out Mya or myself.
  23. Just ask me once you see me Goldfinger. You have to be in the same place as I am.
  24. Would the winners either contact me directly or send me a PM please. I will be in DQ for most of the day.
  25. It adds an extra challenge. And you don't even need to use all of your free credits to get the 100ap if you were at max to begin with. It also helps to prevent MP3s from spending 100 ap to get to an island where they can't do anything (they wouldn't be able to get Angiens normally). Also, its a good way to encourage people to look at citizenship or alliance membership. Its not like the change left people with no options and its is only one or two locations in MD that are affected. And the other timers were also tweaked, Necrovion's was increased and their max ap dropped. We did seek to create a balance and a purpose with the changes, not just shaft people or give ourselves unfair advantages.
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