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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. all creatures previously unbid: 1 silver 18, 19, 20, 21 - 12 silver each
  2. Exactly what is being discussed with Mur right now. Someone else can see the solution. EDIT: As long as Mur actually replies to my emails...
  3. I will have another go later :D
  4. Wasnt sure if the lines at the bottom middle were all meant to line up or not, Just a quick vectorization of imagination :) Fixed image
  5. I would be interested :)
  6. Mind if I make SVG's of them?
  7. Nim is subjecting me to electro therapy, But since she doesn't classify me as human thats fine.
  8. Eon also had some nice ideas about this. im watching and thinking.
  9. You want to fix others, Work out why they react to you? Work out why the one person you claimed meant you stayed in the game, aka me, now has no will to help you in any form. Becuase the only person that is responsible for that is you.
  10. He asked council for help, The help he needed required coding, council would provide if it I would, but since I am not allowed to speak to DD (something DD has told me) I said I could not help. DD means Mur didnt want to help him, he openly asked for help from others.
  11. Iv seen the code :P
  12. Its not meant to help noobs.
  13. Make that two, He did it to me and Haedrin. Unlike H I can get away much easier.
  14. Mur has said that, a number of times, Doesnt mean im not going to make your life or anyone elses hell if you dare to port any new players to ToA. Thats a promise. FYI, If anyone sees anyone doing such a douchy thing, tell me and I will give you a gold coin and will place them on my blacklist.
  15. I think its a return to mur on use type thing.
  16. I won one of the items in a contest. Its an awesome item, I was thinking of giving it to someone who deserved it for some fun. And no, the item isnt a troll.
  17. You dont read posts Mur, you never do, you get a jist and reply. Its sad because this is just going from one side to entirely the other side. Are you looking for a reason to leave MD? Seriously? This action is just a kneejerk one and is stupid again.
  18. Mur and I were discussing the issue and then he tells me that a decision needs to be made in two days, I pointed out the options and he declared that the only option was to impose these spell cooldowns. While I accept it is indeed on solution I would have preferred to wait and see what the community would have done, But this did not fit into his two day deadline. Thusly we got this decision. A good question someone else raised, Why did DD special treatment when similar has happened to mya, windy before her, etc etc etc? Because DD talks to Mur and Mur gives him stuff. This problem is as old and the same as Fang, Leixer, Fenrir, MRWhateverhisnamewas etc... It needs to be coded, im unwell atm so it might take a couple days. Likely answers: Yes No Not atm yes Its not. He has a point here.
  19. Also, the community got no chance to feedback as you arbitrarily defined this had to be resolved in 2 days :(
  20. Ann. 3174 - [2014-11-05 01:47:41 - Stage 12] - Permalink - Posted By Muratus del Mur Cooldown for spells & DD quest Regarding the recent disrupted quest incident, i've reached a decision. Dark Demon's labyrinth quest will be held again, officially supported and sponsored by myself. In addition, teleport and other powerful spells will have a long cooldown time. In this way, anyone using such spells will have to think twice on what they will be consumed and also a group of people will be able to overcome the spell effects if they work together. Nobody should be punished in this case, simply because personal spells can and will always be used freely (unless they are given strictly for administrative purposes or limited specifically by role). Whatever other aspects need to be dealt with in this situation, i believe they can be solved by social means, cooperative gameplay and such. Discuss this on forum if you have complains (either side). .............. I disagree as I told you in our emails. DD is getting favourite treatment like fang. Dst is not getting dealt with for harassing people but I see why it isn't. The old mur ruling is poor IMO
  21. You havent read any of your emails Mur...
  22. Closed, why? Becuase this is just going in circles and I like to silence free thinking. There are two issues here. A) DD's quest being disrupted, and B) a more general problem of a society and authority that allows this. I shall be making topics about both soon. The first, is much more easily solved. The second, I encourage everyone to _think_ about this. Then in a couple days I will make a new forum topic or maybe even have an ingame discussion. ---- No, The first needs to be dealt with DD however he wants. The second, I will be making a topic about later. If you want to make a topic to discuss, Make it general, otherwise just have a think and we will discuss it when some things have cooled down.
  23. The problem: Mur says people can use their spells how they want and we (council and I) shouldnt punish people for doing so, or take away things they have earned. Mur said something degreed by one of us can never be changed. <this is stupid> Mur is away. This is stupid, and Mur is wrong. But what do I know? I would do something, but I cant, becuase this is stupid. Im pissed off as anyone else.
  24. [2014-11-04 12:06:47 - Stage 12] Posted By Chewett Crazy Sidekick I have obtained a crazy sidekick, Rophs, he is working with me on some things, If he asks you to help for the wookie he is working with me on a project and we need your help. I was trying to get things done via other means and outsourcing the work but sadly it appears Im going to need to work with Rophs and direct things much closer.
  25. I didnt ask MD as Chew the admin, I asked him a personal favour. I asked him as his friend, and he accepted that he wouldnt do it.
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