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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. Chewett


    [quote name='Seigheart' timestamp='1324955426' post='98732'] You have 24 hours btw to post your ID. Otherwise the gift won't be given promptly. [/quote] This does seem a tad rude, since as mur as said before, you are working for the MD community... if you asked i would guess 95%+ would not think this is a fair time period Sieg, As feedback from one of the members of MD community.
  2. I like BFH's idea, remove all christmas presents because clearly if people make such a fuss, then there is no point causing such Havok. Confused Santa gave out gifts, if slightly biased'ly because of who he was but overall did a good job. The tree is random, most people get basic crits and every now and then someone is lucky. I got a bloodpact, and although i already have some, i did not mind and was happy to get such a present. I did not expect some rare and expensive gift, but i was happy to get something. As for these topics people complaining that all these rare creatures becoming common, i relised something for myself just a few weeks ago about the idea of a "Morph Shop" I was fervently against it, hated the idea. Foolishly thinking that i hated it because it would make things less rare, and it would be much less special. Having thought about it more i realised the only objection i had to it was greed. I was being greedy that my 3 morphs would become regular, and people would have upwards of 8, And i didnt like that. Having come to realise that was my only objection then a morph shop is great, wonderful,it means i can complete my collection so much easier. Dont be greedy that you didnt get something, and others did, or that he got X creature and i only got Y. Its christmas. Two things mur has said previous. 1. Its not that hard to devote one minute to log into MD each day. It is very simple to do this, look at some of the top Active Day vets. Many of you will never have seen or met them, but they log on each day. 2. Rarity of creatures will change. I would like to point out that at one time angiens were sold for upwards of 15 gold. Nowadays they are freely obtainable. Market change is sometimes unwanted by greedy merchants and such, But market upheaval happens in all markets and you have to live with it. Adding 5 darks into the market wont effect you or me, because 99% of all of us wont be able to buy them. People that have lots of money such as SS and orvid will purchase them and demand huge sums if you want to buy them. Merry Christmas
  3. [quote name='Deatznce0' timestamp='1324964583' post='98738'] We honestly have no motive but to rather clear up this unfortunate mistake and correct this injustice. We ask for no reward, I would like to clarify your further queries if you have any but I am unable to understand what is meant to be super added for suffered problems. [/quote] MP2's arent allowed, MP2 status wont be given back to the account, if you are lucky and want it Mur might move the account to MP3. What do you want? I had thought these points were clear, and the "mistake" is no such one, because it was meant to happen. I still dont see what you exactly want, and the above post doesnt "clear" anything up, if not makes it makes it much less clearer.
  4. yeah, i would continue the auction for a day of no bids, (run it til there is a 24hr period where no one bids) in the Christmas mood
  5. [quote name='Sasha Lilias' timestamp='1324919729' post='98679'] I am no coder or programmer but even I know that there are other ways of checking and preventing alt abuse. Alt abuse should be tackled from the root, not the offspring. I know from my experiences, that I'm not proud of, that alt abuse can only be stopped by tackling all the accounts, not just the one in the wrong. There MUST be ways of checking for alts and punishing them and the main. [/font][/color] [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][color=#282828]I am sure more jobs can be given to help monitor and prevent the abuse. [/color][/font] [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][color=#282828]~Sasha[/color][/font] [/quote] If stricter punishment and such were implemented previous you would not be here sasha, remember that. You have been banned... at least 2? Maybe even 3 times for WP abuse amoung alts. Not to mention all the other things. The system works to be quite honest, People like you have the chance to be forgiven and play a good part in MD. Asking for harsher punishment, dealing with alts, and such is foolish. The tree rewards based on activity, perhaps if it were changed to activity over the previous year it would be fairer, i know people who have played all year, but joined when i started, meaning they have no hope of ever getting a reward. But overall the tree works. Last year was a nightmare the first day, i was attempting to keep track of alts, and had a MASSIVE list of people who had traded shades to their mains, Even vets HELPING, them do this. This year this has been drastically reduced, and i am very happy about that.
  6. have you personally contacted her? its relatively easy to forget bids you make.
  7. You said yourself she used the forum, yet has no forum account? This is rather magical, How did she do so? As for the LHO's, any lho worth his salt should have known this. If she had used the forum, i would have posted telling her exactly, and since i have not EVER seen a mp2 post on the forum regarding what MP2 players are allowed to do, i can only work out you have remembered wrong.
  8. its simple to have it done, just get a song that doesnt have ads and ask mur/ren to add it again.
  9. No mod or section mod should edit the first post without confirming with me and then talking to Zen. Polls should never be edtied by a mod without talking to the post creator due to the nature of a poll.
  10. I myself have contacted your friend on more than one occasion, saying she is not allowed to be outside, yet numerous times i have seen her roaming around MB. Each time PM's i have sent have been completely ignored, read but not answered.
  11. close the topic, remake it, let me moniter it from the start. That is the only way you will have a fair vote. becuase now i have already voted and cannot vote for people who you have just added.
  12. The Mp3 give key spell doesnt make mp2's mp3 Burns. There is two solutions, mail council or mur and get the character unbanned and a mp3. Or leave it. The rules are not going to be changed, and to be perfectly honest iv seen that account around MB more often than iv seen some players (ledah come back ) As for "randomly appearing at GoE" I personally feel thats Rubbish since only a few have the power to GoE people who knows of that account? If its in GG few if any would nice it amoung all the aramors.
  13. If you get this message it means you cannot get a gift this year. The requirements are "probably" based on alts and activity so if you dont meet the requirements you cannot get them. It is not a bug and cannot be fixed, Try and be more active next year if you would like a shot at the presents!
  14. Who is it and why where they jailed? I cant imagine anyone would abuse jail, so am eagar to see who and why.
  15. Each day for the last 3 days now iv got the same mail: Chewett, The scripts you placed at <list of scripts> have not been maintained for 1400 days and have gone inactive. You can reactivate scripts from the [Quest Clickables] interface on your sidebar or by editing and saving the content manually. This notification can be disabled from the [Options] menu in game. Now i know that i can disable it, but im wondering if i should be getting a mail each and every day, since they have been inactive for a while, and from reading the email "have gone" looks like its to inform me that they have "just gone" inactive. Is this an intended? Because the feature would be nice if i were running a quest, but i dont want to go remove scripts from the 50 or so objects that have them on just so i know when the few i care about are going inactive.
  16. Chewett

    MD Radio ?!

    Really it needs to use an external player, since it circumnavigates all of the copyright problems.Which im sure are numerous. If you can find a free "radio station maker" that allows anyone to add songs to it, will be great.
  17. it did kill mine though, latest version? Google chrome offical version Quas?
  18. Chewett

    MD Radio ?!

    [quote name='Quashen' timestamp='1324595109' post='98370'] Hello, It's 1 AM so I'm starting to have some kind of ideeas. One ideea zapped through my mind 2 minutes ago about a MD Radio channel. What do you think ? [/quote] And the first idea that came through my head was how? a specific website? or what? What would be its purpose, what would it do?
  19. [quote name='Fire Starter' timestamp='1324561064' post='98334'] Vanessa Mae for the Sparring Grounds?!? How, in [color=#FF0000]Mur[/color]'s name, does it fits there? [/quote] it used to play there, before your time i guess
  20. works in Opera works fine on IE9 if a tad slow
  21. You relise that video has adverts, so it will play ads in MD. That wont get put there in its current state.
  22. this has finished jolla has won.
  23. Anyone else confirming seeing this a lot more on people other than mur? if so name said people?
  24. repost if you want.
  25. someone else confirmed?
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