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Muratus del Mur

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Everything posted by Muratus del Mur

  1. Sorry, work is killing me.. maybe @Chewett can check it before i can. Or bump it later in a couple of days.
  2. Yes i can confirm this is going on. I will try to check what happened . Can anyone confirm if the combiner is working in other places for other things?
  3. I am actually working with this AI, i implwmwnted its API just days ago into the new browsermmorpg.com site, to help with writing game articles based just on some basic ideeas. As a curious person myself, i have experimented with possible ways to drive it mad, and i found some it will never assume that whatever it sais could be false. If you get it to say contradictory statements, ut considers both true, and leads to some insane absurdity, lot of fun. you can ask it to create a riddle or story scenario around a given ideea. You can ask it to rephrase text in shaekspearian style, or give it a detective story and ask it to solve the mistery. It can evwn remember stuff and act acordingly..just crazy. I have the api ready for implementation into md, was supposed to be a new version for Darvin but right now i am super busy with the new bmmo site, and after this i die a couple of days and rest.. i've been working 14h a day lately We shall see what happens of this. there is an option to create custom models and train them or your own data, for example i could train it on md history, that would be insane.. maybe if Chew helps this could be done I could just replace myself in md lol
  4. here is a small preview of something i worked on today... Be advised, you should turn back from the preview and not keep it activated, because wild things might happen in there, and i will not spend any second to fix accounts that get broken due to this. to activate the experimental fullscreen theme: https://magicduel.com/layout_test.php?test=fullscreen to go back to normal: https://magicduel.com/layout_test.php?test=default Use it together with the "Frosty" snow mode (lower left snow controls) . All pages are affected not just scene navigation. If might look just as a page without the border and the background, but in addition to that, its also a fullscreen iframe, meaning that this time the entire content area is a single page, and eventually elements could be placed in any part of the screen. Its far from ready, and i don't know if it will ever be ready, but its an interesting view. I want to experiment more in this design direction, your feedback is most important.
  5. I was hoping someone will share their setup eventually, thanks @Aia del Mana There are indeed lots of bugs with this. In general if it is a feature i can not finish the same day, i need to announce it as it is or forget about it (otherwise who knows what i will do next day), and this one was too interesting to give up on it, but it requires a lot more time fixing. The central area needs to remain the same, due to the legacy way this is created (iframe), so the elements inside that one can not be changed. However, if i see feedback on this, and see that this would be something you would like to see, i have some ideas on how to make the interface a lot ore configurable. The only thing that is not yet clear for me if its possible or not, is the "responsiveness" of the page. But for this, i plan to make the palcements stored per resolution, so you will be able to edit the layout of the fullscreen window , but also half screen and whatever other versions you might be needing. This feature will be moved in "settings" under a new section for experimental features. Of course, entire md is experimental anyway, but by experimental feature i understand features released in a very unstable way, that i might just remove one day, if i decide they take us nowhere. Its equally possible that experimental features become permanent, and will be removed from the experimental section.
  6. pure gold is a resource and not an individual item, so it is used as a resources, stack by stack. To fix this 'bug' i can remove pure gold from the coin mint, and later on create a converting facility that proces unique items from pure gold resource, based on quantity or so.
  7. @Chewett I found lots of tags saved with slash \' directly in the db, not sure how this happend but i changed it so they are the string without slashes in the db. Any adding or stripping of slashes should happen only at runtime, not saved. right now i have other plans i want to focus on, but eventually i will have to test with the Woodcutter's Apprentice tag, and see there how the \' happens and why. I suspect there are multiple places where this happens the wrong way and the tag is escaped using the db_escape function that seems to be adding unnecessary slashes to an already slashed form input. Since i don't want to change a func that i am not fully aware where else its used, i plan to take it out and use mysqli_ related escape funcs, or otherwise clean the string... but again..not sure when i will, depends how much time i get today.. If its not done today, feel free to fix it Thanks
  8. None of these, he decided to do some ultrarealistic thing, completely not the symbolic things we discussed here. Its not anyone's fault, i liked the answers here a lot more
  9. to me it looks ok, no errors (but i can not confirm if the tea is actually made, the items i used where forcefully created in the db and i did't track existing stock first.) I fixed an issue with brewing it autonomously that i missed previously.
  10. Its fixed now. This is a very valuable page btw, thanks for reporting it
  11. Now each unit has its own distinct attack and move patterns, so ranged units are a possibility, and a lot more. Chess like units can be created if wanted. Ranged attacks only destroy the target if a target is there, and will not move the unit to the attacked place. Ranged attacks can not conquer land. Units are now created as distinct modules and their code is no longer mixed with the rest. Like this, it will be easy to create new units later, on events, custom units, etc .. (in a way like crits in md) This change is just released so its possible you may encounter issues with it, if so, please help by reporting Thanks to anyone reading this ;)(
  12. (excuse me i am not fully focused on this so i will answer just some things that might be useful, for Chew mainly) The "magic" items, add a predefined spell in your spell inventory, with fixed words, that can be used just like any other spell. Item functionality is not connected to the new magic thing. An item could have its own functionality, but also add magic words and have a magic functionality that you trigger in chat, independently from whatever the item does otherwise (usabel, consumable, etc) I don't know what to say about this item, if it lost functionality or not. When i checked it, it had no other functionality , if it was erased somehow, it should be a much bigger problem that we will notice on other occasions. @Chew. feel free to fix it as you consider, but be careful if its not a misunderstanding about how the new magic items work.
  13. After investigating this, i can not find any issue with magical items combined with usable functionality. The problem is with this item, it has no functionality so of course it can't be used and the "use" button is not showing. If it used to have functionality, tell me what it was and if you can thinbk of any action you did that could have caused the item to lose its functionality. It could be a bug in the edit item code, or elsewhere, but i need your help to investigate, if so. Magical items add a spell to your spell inventory, with predefined words. It does not have a functionality and a use button on its own. i moved the item back
  14. moving item from 187066 to myself for testing. I will return it undamaged once issue is fixed.
  15. Fyrd Argentus, lashtal, Kyphis the Bard, Valoryn, Ailith, Rona managed to describe a coherent overall image. Some of you where more creative than others, and some put more focus on the symbol meaning and i appreciate that a lot. However, you all put effort into imagining something difficult, so you will all get the same reward, a wishpoint. In a couple of days when i will be less stressed with work, i want to read your entries again and pick one, or two, that i consider to create the most powerful image, but also the most realistic. Some things you described are not that easy to represent, while other descriptions are less abstract, so more usable. The end "beneficiary" of this contest is not a MD-er , so i will write on his behalf and tell you what he considers the best entry to be Else - just one point detailed (1 Gold) Handy Pockets - skipped (no reward) Thank you all for participating!
  16. HP, should i still wait or you gave up?
  17. Thanks for using placeholders. If nobody else wants to write an entry (or a placeholder for writing it later), i will start reviewing the entries as soon as HP completes hers.
  18. The skills are to be referred to by their code name not by their public name. I am not sure if these are documented anywhere, sadly. Trade sense should be tradesense and Energetic immunity should be energeticimmun these are some other i found, probably some are missing, let me know if you need others too: regeneration energeticimmun tradesense initiative defence attack luck briskness power gardening herbalism woodcutting waterhandling finesse volition cartography mining taming excavation
  19. Impressive posts so far. Its nice to see this level of imagination and research. There is no timeline for this challange, but it will stop once there are no more entries, so please notify if you are working on something, so i will wait for your answer, then edit your notification and put your answer. Once i start reviewing these in detail and make some sketches for each (so i can present it further) i will lock the topic and in a couple of days i will give you feedback and ofc the rewards.
  20. Hi everyone. I have a peculiar challenge for you. All "really good" entries will be properly rewarded, and by "really good" i mean the entry that wins, plus all other entries that i find similarly good but are not selected as the main winner. The reward will consist in wishpoints, rare creatures, and maybe also some of the new things like the enchanted items. Because the challenge is really difficult, i don't want to promise exact rewards, because i don't know yet if the outcome will be at the level i expect, but in any case rewards will be given for your effort, and if someone nails it down and finds impressive ideas for this, legendary rewards will be given (plus possible further collaborations, since this is a task for someone outside md that is looking for a certain kind of creativity). The task is to depict a series of ideas for a tattoo (in words or inspirational images from the net). You don't have to draw anything, what i am interested in is just the idea. Of course if you can glue some images together or do a basic doodle, to better explain what you mean, it will help but its not mandatory. You can describe it in words (please not to many!) or google images that fit your idea and describe an adaptation if needed, whatever is easier for you. I will do my best to understand what you mean, and further present it. The tattoo consists of a series of "scenes" or symbols, each idea presented in the list below, needs to be identifiable in its scenes. The concepts are very abstract, and tbh, even i am usually good at this sort of symbolic associations, this time i find it too difficult for me, so i am trying here, because where else could one find such an interesting collection of creative minds if not here. So, the ideas that need to be "represented" are: 1. Free love (in the sense that someone loves you (or you love someone) without the motivation of any interest or gain 2. Follow your dream (no specific dream was indicated, but could be connected with point 6 below) 3. Expect nothing, accept anything 4. kill or get killed 5. Aqua (watter, could be a theme influencing the other points) 6. Music (not obvious by the classic notes, more subtle 7. sawadee kap (the "thank you", gratitude, gesture, thai and other similar parts of the world, you all know it) bonus element: see if you can integrate THIS anyhow. Good luck everyone.
  21. Also, combat effects that depend on creature age, will be more common, its cool to know that your crits become more fun over time and that their age does something more than just being age
  22. The Grasans fart is the first to be assigned to a slot, but its very likely that the other abilities will be assigned to one or a few slots instead of having mass or random effects. I am not sure if the slot name will be in the name or i will add some sort of flag to indicate what slot it is.
  23. Yes, thats the issue... but in my 'defence' i want to say that i created a fully features shard abilities editor that can do A LOT (examples are the new abilities i just released using the editor and no coding).
  24. sadly i can't focus on both creating the tools, creating content, and testing everything, i am counting on you (anyone interested and able), to help with parts of this process, so i can do what i do best, the tools and the general concepts. The shard abilities are designed to be used in combinations, one ability can set a mark, and other abilities can target that mark in next fights. Also, using slots targeting, i am hoping to see abilities that focus blindly on a slot, and sharge up or destroy whatever is in that slot only, This way you can create very specific rituals and control the outcome of the fight. I am hoping to see the playing stragy regarding fights, circle around shard abilities, not creature abilities. Crit abilities should be just the base layer of what the shard abilities can control and enhance. Ofc for this we need a lot more abilities, and very well tested and developed functions. Right now is still a bit of chaos, with minimal testing and reckless setups just for showing what they could do. Still fun i hope.
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