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Muratus del Mur

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Everything posted by Muratus del Mur

  1. (tags not changed yet might be slightly different because i made the initial settings from the db so they might be +1 & +1 each or +2, idk, anyway they will adjust to what Ary said when you save.
  2. there is no way i will read two pages of suggestions, no offence Feel free to open a discussion on the forum and bounce ideas with others to see how they can be improved or implemented. Right now illusions are far far away in the line. Best people to discuss about them are those that are testing/using them..like fang and dst. alternatively you could summarize those ideas in a couple of lines and let me extrapolate them myself. also on the forum..not private Thank you
  3. oh my.....i totally forgot obviously why did nobody remember me of this ? :( :( right now i am busy with somethign else, if you would be so kind to email me the books list again i will have them done in a day or too. Get used to remember me , i forget things Thanks
  4. by official he means he didnt code the tool but is using a publicly available thing. NOT to be confused with md official admin tools. (otherwise i would have exploded)
  5. i am also not certain if this should be feature or not..... i'll observe this discussion for now. Tag value will be determined by how much time you spent keeping it active, and there will also be other ways to increase its score...so question is..should someone that had such a tag, hard enough to get, be granted a chance to turn it into a role or not...at least thats how i see it for now
  6. Interface works perfectly, please actually check next time before reporting a bug
  7. this is a good lesson to me to focus more on separating content edited by one or the other.... as a rule, people with scene editing access should not change things others place,,it is very annoying... but i forgot to state such a rule...and i am not doing it yet, because i want to see how things will go like it is now..this will influence the type of tools i will continue or not continue to make. As for you dst, stop trying to shift the blame. I am equally mad both on you and dd. And dd, even if i forgot the ghosts there, don't make assumptions. It happens i forgot them at pillar 19 when i requested 20 to be found...think.
  8. i am unable to keep up with this topic. For now i will focus on replying to the people i named, and when i will be able get some more time i will continue , if i need, to assign more parts of md to other people to document. Thank you.
  9. i gave the rewards to everyone. i think dst ruined the challenge in the first place, then dd ruined it more by trying to fix it. At least if dst managed to move mass the ghost, the others should have tried to pass it the way i intended it to, would have been more fun than just getting rid of that clickie. next time i will try to make such quests more secure, to prevent you from ruining your fun, and mine. topic can be closed
  10. of course. you may deny the citizenship after you win, i won't mind also a question, "Justin Case" is an alt or?
  11. summon by tag works just fine. Only thing it had in addition was the search for tags in brackets..that is fine...even if such tags won't be promoted anymore. I don't want it to work on tags that are available but not active, so no change needed in this script. problem is with adremovetag script I will be blocking access to that one till i decide if its still needed or not in the way it is now.
  12. umm dst..you passed february by using a bug..wasn't part of the plan..so what dd did was just normal. I thought at first he removed february's ghost for no reason, but i totally forgot about that bug. Point is..if you are telling a story, tell the full story.
  13. so: dst had 20 obelisks first Shadowseeker had 20 cartography first (not 20 obelisks however) Ary Endleg is the first one with 12 This challenge was a very useful way for me to test if something is wrong with the obelisks, if someone could somehow 'beat the system', and to see how hard it is to find them all....not that hard...not that fair either. Credits are part of md, i didn't think about them when starting this, but its good to know skill points could in extreme situations be altered like this...this is a very useful information. I have doubts about ways of access the last obelisk, but still, it was done. I shall discuss rewards with each one, in-game.
  14. its not lack of respect , its reaction to your lack of appreciation ;) Sorry for the rude replies, i have nothing against the work you did so far related to the tags. don't generalise my rudeness. current brackets tags will need changes to work with ..lets call it "my system" ..so i am willing to do those changes. the rest is sent by email. here won't be any trouble for you to migrate to the new system.
  15. its impossible that the old items are affected ANYHOW by the new system. The new system uses the same tags as before, it just hooks into it and collects tags to display for later use, thats all. In fact i will rename it to Tag memory, not multiple tags. if you have errors on the current items related to tags, just post as normal bug report and notify me , i will fix them dont worry
  16. type is something i will use to track how you got that tag, for now its not use other ways than type 2, i will probably give tags i manually edit a type 1, automated collected tags from your current tag will be type 2, type 3 will be tags given by somethign scripted but stored directly to the tags list not given as active tags. For now you should consider tag type as an admin flag, not to be used yet to influence gameplay. [removed some rude content] Please understand i can not trace plans done ages ago to the letter..its simply not the way i work. I gave you the initial plan for multiple tags, you could have alter it as you wish, or do it as such, anyway nothing happend (in general with a25) so i started to do it...but i am doing as i have it in mind now, thats slightly different ...also because i dont remember many things also because i might have better ideas. Thank you for reminding me anyway.
  17. I can confirm that back then i used to spend hours...days...even weeks..to adjust design and create all the stuff you see around here. Sadly i can't remember what is there, i lost the sources too, i know it had a meaning, i don't know anymore what..same as i forgot lots of other things...but i know there are words in there. I was hoping nobody will ever ask me that hahhaha Erolin is same like fenths .. its not taken from anywhere else..if you find the word in an other place is pure coincidence OR that person made the name up in a similar manner i did, so you could investigate any other source and probably find same roots of the word. This is one of the most exciting research topics i read in years about md history, but due to personal reasons.
  18. Someone please confirm if the duplicates have vanished or not. I will reset all tags if not..there was a problem with the update script. As a concept ..this new way is in mely opinion not just much better but also fundamentally different than what i initially had in mind. i believe that "god given tags" should not be different from any other tag. That way all tags will share same potential importance and their actual value will be given by their score not by who granted it
  19. actually my plan is to create items that give tags on use, or to create locations that will analyze your stats and give you a tag based on that..such as how much gold you have old your wood cutting skills, and then give you a trader tag or woodcutter tag...things like that. What you describe is more for the kings, and i can give the king items that can grant specific tags and they can give them to various people. I will however stay away from giving individual plaeyrs ability to give fixed tags FOR NOW, because i want to focus on the more automated stuff. If chew wants to do these things himself, i will provide sample code if needed, but i will let him decide who gets what... my focus remains on tools and features that give tags and less on the community aspect of this.
  20. Or just added a "date" so to say
  21. Might be an alternative to cow milk.. ME WANT THAT COW!! AWESOME name anyway and grose idea..i love it :)))))
  22. - Option not to have any tag will be available - there is also a problem/error that shows if you have no tags at all that will be fixed - regardin previous roles you had, it is not a bug that they don't show, its somply because till now they where not stored separately. This needs a manual check and fix one by one. LHO should centralize info to their leader, other people should post info on the forum in some sort of organized manner..DO NOT FLOOD ME WITH EMAILS In a couple of days i will adjust each case one by one, provided i get all this info nice and organized..you will all get your past secondary tags. @chew, email me about what you wanted to discuss. I will reply later today. Thanks
  23. sry for the caps, was intended just so you could see the post if not reading it all.
  24. Much appreciated , i will review this research more and probably use some ideas adapted to md Thanks
  25. i know i know .. but was long ago and i can't find more obvious stuff,,this would take me lot of time to find..so if you have it someplace where you can find it please send me..thanks a lot
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