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Muratus del Mur

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Everything posted by Muratus del Mur

  1. I created some new shard abilities, so that other creature species can benefit from sacrificing crits with shard abilities. I remind you that the "Storage Shard" will not give any sacrificng benefits, it is meant only for shards transfer. Here are the new abilities, consider them UNTESTED and a startup example for whoever (from A25 team) wants to create more similar. Beasts: Stomp Every 3 turns halves the vitality of crippled enemies, leaving them still alive. Winged: Wings Supremacy Initiative gets multiplied by the number of winged allies. Grasan: Horrific Posterior Once every 2 kills, shows his horrific posterior to the public, shocking everyone. Shocked creatures have no initiative. Grasan: Reckless Hug Once every 5 rounds hugs all the unlucky creatures, crippling them for the next 2 fights Angiens: Judgemental Mirror On the first kill, forces creatures that sinned to harm themselves with an attack multiplied by the number of enemy sinners in the fight. Grasan: Toxic Fart (slot 5) Accumulating a lot of gas over 10 rounds, the Grasan fart will intoxicate random targets with an attack rating increased by the creature age in days. The older the creature is, the more toxic the fart will be. The fart affects only the creature in slot 5, once. Overpowered shard abilities could be used on specific slots, limiting their overall effect on the battle. Please report bugs and issues, or new ideas
  2. no it should not... according to what description?
  3. also, the info for storage shards does not say there is any bonus. If there is any bonus given it sais clearly "Shards boost: All rewards get increasded by 30%"
  4. So here are my findings. I will attach the sacrifice rewards for the crit as it is, and with 4 "Shards Storage" and with 4 "Wound the unkucky" abilities. I should mention that "wound the unlucky" is marked as created by me so it has a discount on recycling shards. The system is designed so that each that designs a new ability gets a 50% discount on the shards used for it, so the total shards SPENT on these 4x "Wound the unlucky" is 39000 and 78000 shards spent for the 4x "Shards Storage" setup "Shards Storage" gives back 40220 shards, with NO modification to the other rewards. This is half the spent shards plus the shards given by the crit stats. "Wound the unlucky" gives back 20720 shards, but with significantly increased other rewards. (half the shards spent on the abilities, plus the shards given by the crit) Things look fine to me. If you want to get more rewards on the crit but give up shards, load other abilities on the crit. If you want to recover the shards recycle them, its better than sacrificing a crit with the storage shards. Please compare the numbers yourself, when it comes to comparing numbers i might be wrong. reviewing the code, things look more simple to understand. Each shard ability gives 30% increased bonus, and abilities that do just storage, are not considered abilities, they do nothing they just store the shards. In addition you have premium crits and rare, that can create situations and setups where you get more shards than you invest. This balances the fact that you can lose half of shards if you are not careful and dont experiment what is best for you.
  5. hold on i am checking what happens with the other abilities
  6. i am not sure if you are talking about something that is not a bug, or i fail to understand how to reproduce it, so, to clarify something: Shards Storage, will hold the shards and give them back when you sac the crit. In your screens i can see the Creature Shards rewarded for the sacrifice get increased as you add "Shards Storage". First time you have 553, then 603, then 1053 I tested on a crit of my own and i got +1220, +1270, +1720, +10220 (they look good to me, i did not test if they are actually given) these shards are the shards that you spend on the "Shards Storage" abilities, that you get back when you sacrifice the crit, or if you recycle the ability from the crit page. Other rewards are not given for shards on the crit, the crit stats define what additional number of shards you get in addition to whatever the crit stores in "Shards Storage" abilities.
  7. i think a resync every minute or so should fix the sync issue, but its nothing i can do about the browser deciding not to run js when not in focus
  8. ancient topic revived. A new player complained directly to me about this issue, but i can't replicate it. Is it something that is still going on?
  9. I have no clue whats going on with the treasury issue or how this is related, if its this or something else.
  10. I used as sample one of my coins and it was probably a broken one. Its an easy fix , marketitems/forkedcombiner/coinmint needs unique set to 0.. but i am not near a pc and i get back in a couple of days.. so, Chew if you see this and can help pls do. Thanks
  11. There are a couple reasons why i made this item. There are not enough active people to have such a service happen naturally, and having Chew provide a public service exchanging notes and coins makes no sense. Instead, this item could be regulated, provided access as part of a quest, or do whatever you consider needed, but in a way that will take this kind of activity away from Chew, and provide a way for anyone to split notes into coins regardless of number of online people. Gold coins and such, are not resources, so they should not behave as resources. If you have 10 gold note and wish to give 1g, you should be able to exchange these. Also, i noticed that also due to lack of activity, the chat got flooded by notices. Having notices of same type reduced is also good. When things change and there will be more likely to have such an exchange service able to be supported by the community and not by one person, the coin mint might be taken back, but for now i think its at least a good tool to have.
  12. A25 related announcements are very technicall, and in general speak of things only very few have access to. However, they represent clues for what things are possible and what new features will impact the gameplay later. I realize that many have no clue whats all that on the "Dev" announcements tab, and initially i wanted to stop announcing things entirely, but A25 tool holders need that info. The others might need it out of curiosity, or just to know whats going on. Lets see what the majority wants
  13. Ok, more time for the enchanted items thing , afterall its summer and i plan for a vacation, so there is time. The MB land weapon was not restricted to citizens, it was/is open to all, and knowing what "the enemy" could do, is in the advantage of any land. Especially because there are not many people active, i made the weapon accessible to all, and playable as a sort of quest.
  14. To clarify. Post here what you consider to be approved , or with high chances of being approved, after discussing this on the other topic. I am replying there to tell if one thing has chances to be approved or not, not here. The other topic should contain the ideeas, discussions, debate etc, and here just the conclusions in the requested format. You can post here any time, not after the other topic closes. I get it that some thought the discussion needs to end there first in order to post here... not the case. Many items will make sense only when knowing what other items compete for similar functionality, so the final picture of what gets approved or not will be here. Kyph is collecting ideas for the shop items, but personal unique items can also be enchanted as i said, and they will have more casts/power than common items.
  15. ignite! yes that sounds good for the harp anyway, i would like to clarify that i will not be able to follow this discussion from the moment i start it to the moment i implement it, so in the end, when i get buzi coding these, i will check the info provided on the other topic. I am sure at that time i will see things from a different perspective too.
  16. they certainly have potential, but not that. Unfinished Treasure Map - i see it only if used in conjunction with something else, otherwise its just a fragment of a map at most. Red suspenders i see it trigger an illusion mode related spell, Contess of Chroma related maybe. I can accept such a proposal if well documented. If provided art i can probably set something more custom to match exactly this item. I warn you however, setting up illusions was a difficult task even years ago, i am not sure i remember how, but @Chewett might Yang's Fortune cookie #9 sounds like the perfect candidate for a curse related spell, or severe weaken. Where you see dead army in this i have no clue. Acorn Whistle ...hich is used by its owner to call his loyal war-steed to his side.. This talks clearly about a possible fight intervention, maybe this one could use otherarmy set to something interesting. .. Or could be a heat vein traveling spell...not sure. Mithril Autoharp ..this musical instrument can stir any emotion in the heart of the listener.. It talks about an action, items that talk about something they can do, these are the ones to look for. Its hard to decide what such an action should do, maybe earfocus... or maybe prevent combat, freeze creatures...or what other effects could a heart full of emotion have?
  17. Out of compassion for the people that can't read that much, summary: Mur angry on you being lazy. Many important announcements on my part will be skipped, if you want to discover the good stuff from now on, for a while, you will have to discover them on your own.
  18. I can not get angry on you, MD population, because your actions are a mirror of my actions. If you fail to do something, it is because i have failed to provide a path for that something to happen. I understand that A25 team is overwhelmed by the amount of changes that happened recently...that i can fully understand, even if it makes me absolutely sad and depressed to see major features getting ignored entirely, not even a little feedback... but i understand where i failed with that... so i can live with it. I will probably need to slow things down, present important stuff better, not in a technical way but in applied and documented examples ..i get it... but in my excuse i have to say that the amount of effort to do that is a couple of times more than i need to code those features, and doing it alone, code, documentation, examples, quest implementation...its ..well.. too much. The only thing i could do for now was to continue making improvements, documenting hundreds of features, and so on, without flooding the announcements with what i did. I start to get the feeling that too many announcements was what made most of you ignore the entire thing. What i am really angry on, is the MD land weapon. I don't care about it so much anymore, so i can spoil things a bit (warning). It was designed for team work. You got all the details, tested and functional, you even got copy/paste spell words, and stupid-proof clues, but you are not told a single thing, namely, that you need to assemble a team to make it functional. It is not told, but its is damn obvious. If you follow the clues, there is no other way to do it but to do it in a team. You all play solitary even if you pretend you are not. If i give you one thing, you expect it to be for you, and if its a group effort, you let others do the first step, wait and see what happens. I am so angry on this ignorance. Yes, i am judging all, and probably this is totally unfair, i know, but in the end, i don't know any of you that at least tried to get something organized to complete this challenge. How else could i feel when a major thing in the realm, that is the outcome of years of code that finally came together, is completely ignored, or superficially tried. There was no reward at the end, and that was on purpose. I wanted something so powerful not to be motivated by a selfish reward, but by a more elevated thing, a thing that the md community once knew to value... knowledge. I remember the times when land wars happened without the benefits of a coded and flexible land weapon, and it was more fun than now. I continue to dream of a md realm that is open to anyone that follows the clues. It is far from being that kind of realm, but in the past couple of years it got incredibly closer to that concept.... but the md people remained stuck.... and i don't know how to unstuck you. This will eventually fix itself probably. Having really motivated and passionate people with access to A25 (that btw is easy to get by anyone passionate about it enough), things i code now will slowly be discovered and put to good use at some point. I know i am unfair to expect a reaction to things i do "now" but require probably months if not years to be properly integrated... but i also think its fair to you to know how i feel about all this... because knowing this will explain my next actions. I had a wrong image of how the relation me/chew towards md population is. I imagined a sort of partnership between me and you, i do what i do best, create tools, code, and you enjoy using these, put them to good use. I was delusional. The way things work are that i/chew code, A25 plays with the results of this coding, and the rest should be kept in the dark and provided only the path to the candy. I will start to shut down, care less, do more drastic changes without much explaining to anyone that is not directly involved with development. I will start by doing the next major things in md un announced. If you feel you care about md, or consider yourself a veteran, or an active youngling, be advised, i am turning you all in fossils but at the same time i will open the path for anyone that really cares, through actions and involvement, to do and achieve a lot more. You are used now to be told what doors get open, and you are so lazy that you don't even visit those doors announced open... well this is hurting me, so i will start opening doors only for those that look for them, not for those that expect md to be revealed in the daily morning newspaper. -- Mur
  19. the topic is still open as you can see, you can reply to it, until you can't
  20. true, i only expected things in proper format here, but its been nearly a week and not even one item was posted here, not even the one i said it can be done. I enchanted one item indeed.
  21. I would really like to see item spells other than kill, bringin and chase. Its really boring to see these asked for over and over again, you fail to understand that not being able to do these specific things easy, is part of what puts things in motion. I don't mind having an other kill item, if its done in a way that really makes sense, like for example mixing together player named rp items with something fancy like cause fights. In other words, several players attack AND DEFEAT a third player, and then use an item with his name on it, like a drop of blood, to kill him ..that would be OK, ..why are you so lazy to think one step ahead and ask something really nice, and you get stuck asking the usual 'kill','summon' bla bla. its a bit of a stretch, the item is about the wine, not the bottle that could be used for a fight. I am open to make all bottles and bar items able to start a bar fight, if anyone asks with a specific item as initial sample. If nobody asks, i will leave it untouched and maybe one day in the future an other use will fit in this place.
  22. since nobody seems interested in getting free magical items, i will close this post, and will focus on making magical items from the existing shop items.
  23. Congratulations! wish you all the best!
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