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Amoran Kalamanira Kol

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Posts posted by Amoran Kalamanira Kol

  1. Of what I managed to snag from the 6 turns of the needle this is the message the triggerbox gave to me with each turn:

    [b]3rd turn of the needle:[/b]
    [b]There are more lost cause fights (3) than won (2). Weakening all stats by 8% x 5(causes) x 1.2(modifier). (Maximum 25 active causes can be considered with this item).[/b]

    -This shows that there are 5 people who have battled against Eon, but 3 of those 5 have lost. This seemed to cause the effect of the needle to lessen. Meaning: That the main way to increase the needle's effectiveness is to actually win against eon in a fight. However, it still did produce a great strain on Eon's stats, as is clearly shown.

    [b]5th turn of the needle:[/b]
    [b]There are more won cause fights (2) than lost (1) (or equal number). Weakening all stats by 16% x 3(causes) x 1.2(modifier). (Maximum 25 active causes can be considered with this item).[/b]

    - This shows that there were three people participating against Eon, two of those people won the fight, and one of them lost. The fact that two people won the fight increased the needle's productivity to 16% rather than 8% as previously shown in the 3rd turn.

    [b]6th turn of the needle:[/b]
    [b]There are more lost cause fights (3) than won (0). Weakening all stats by 8% x 3(causes) x 1.2(modifier). (Maximum 25 active causes can be considered with this item).[/b]

    - This shows that there are 3 causes, and none of them won, which flat lined the needle to give 8% negative stat loss to Eon.

    The effectiveness of the needle rose as more people began to participate in the fight cause.
    It also rose as more people began to win against eon.


    [b]Azull's findings regarding the needle as one who was battling against Eon:[/b]
    [i]"I found that using non dam 0% slider with mirror works well in that regard. All my attacks with a toxicondrite that way were wins.[/i]
    [i]Using the dead army without mirror also let me win. However, it was not visible in the trigger box. So I think it's safe to say using the dead army does not work."[/i]

    [b]This from Eon:[/b]
    [i]"I was watching the fight logs constantly.[/i]

    [i]I never lost to the "dead army", I beat it. Unless a highlighted fight log now means that I lost the fight.[/i]

    [i]Tarq was the only player I noticed (which I was closely watching) to beat my actual creatures with his own. I don't count tree fights."[/i]


    The needle tends to work very well when paired with creatures and spells that put a temporary reduction on one's stats. (Like the Toxic creature from loreroot and the weaken/noarmor spell)

    The most effective way to use the needle, however, is if many people join in with the weakening cause and win against Eon. Over time as you use the needle, and the more he is weakened, the more likely you are to win. It doesn't appear to be something you just use once and then stop using because you feel you have damaged the opponent.

    The needle also appeared to be overwrite certain effects the more it was used, and it's effectiveness seemed to lessen a bit. But I am uncertain if this occurred as the participation dwindled, or if it was due to a problem with the needle's functioning itself.

    Mur has said he will be making some changes to the needle to help with it's effectiveness.

    Thank you to all who have participated in the test, and the biggest thanks go to Eon - who participated as a foe the Eclipse was set out to battle.
    [size=2][Edit: edited to clarify a few things and add details.][/size]

  2. We have removed certain individuals due to heated demands of our fellow lorerootians.

    Taura Velho
    Thomas the Titan
    Jose Astrada
    Aleron** - As a special guest, he is always welcome in the alliance.

    Please understand that if any of these members surface in the realm, they are one hundred percent welcome to return the alliance in the event that they intend to remain active.

    I will try to message each of these members, as I am able. If anyone (even outside the CoE) knows how to get in contact with them, please do.

    *I have only been able to send messages to, Spartiatis, Taura Velho, and Jose Astrada.

  3. Here, here! Since this has been said, I have a few ideas on how we can actually retaliate against Eon by using the tools that are currently given, and it involves working in a group (Holy crap! A group? How long has it been since we've seen that?). Since I don't want to talk about these sorts of solutions on the forum, anyone who is interested is welcome to find me in game.

    The needles do work, the land cleansers work, and there are protectors and people in the game who possess spells and such that can help with this sort of thing. Let's make it interesting, shall we?

  4. One thing that I do miss about having a central training ground of sorts in the realm is that the training ground drew people to get to know each other a tad better. I recall that there were always interesting conversations at the GGG and when the community rose to protect it, it showed - to me - that this sort of training ground actually gives people something to do- some reason to actively participate in what the realm has to offer.

    I feel that this is a good idea, if it is done properly.

    The GGG had it's good points and it's bad points, but I would like to see people working with one another again more openly... you know, like the good old days.

  5. You seem to have a sense of what role play is, but I do see that you did force actions onto Arion. That is referred to as god modding. I can't say much about your character, as I wasn't present during the time that you did this role play...but I do think that there is much room for improvement.

    Try to give the other player more room to respond to your threats if you're going to go about with the RP fighting. Instead of saying '"wills [insert random sparkly action here]" Say.. "Slings [insert random sparkly action here] toward Arion." This gives the other player room to decide for himself if he wants his character damaged, or if he wants to dodge.

    Personally I find it interesting when a character accepts damage in this sort of situation.

    Also, I don't believe that Seigheart has the ability to sling tornadoes at people.. at least that isn't in the structure of the game itself. There is wind ward, but to my knowledge very few people, if anyone besides Mur himself have figured out how to use it.

    You should clearly define who your character is and what his role might be in your papers, as well. The last I looked I saw a poem that didn't describe much. Think about your character in detail.. What does he look like? How does he act? What is his mental state? What is the state of his well being? These things to me are important in developing a character story.

    You also have to take into account the MD setting to a degree... I don't see that you have done that much here. You did use a heat storing jar, but you didn't actually pass it via item transfer to Arion, did you?

    The main points about roleplay is that you should take into account what your character physically can and cannot do by game standards. If you have spells or memory stones to back up your character's actions to a degree.. it makes the roleplay seem a little more real, and increases the interest of the actions occurring just a bit.

    Just some thoughts.. and I apologize if my thoughts happen to offend anyone reading this thread.

  6. Whether anyone might believe it to be ridiculous or not, many arguments start from people simply not understanding one another. It is a human trait to want courtesy and mutual respect. I feel that honestly a lot of things are not handled very well in MD, and that Firs has a reason to speak up- but that his reason, no matter how well intentioned it is, is being fogged by his general upset.

    There is some truth to what Firs says, and I don't think he's just saying it to whine or whatever. I have the feeling that Firs is genuinely concerned, despite him being argumentative. This is a trend that continues, players grow concerned by the state of things- or the treatment they receive.. and the concerns tend not to be heard well due to how they present them.

    We should remember, at least, that it is unusual for a player in general to make not one thread, but two threads addressing concerns. More so, it is unusual for a king to make a thread like this, except in the event that he does not know what else to do.

    How are these concerns, which Firsan speaks of, expected to be presented - if not bluntly and openly? While I feel that what was said here should have been discussed privately.. maybe others should give their thoughts too.

  7. Personally I feel that this problem will continue until the tools for the lands are distributed in a different but similar way, or if Kings of the lands are actually given the power and ability they need to control the distribution of resources for their specific lands. In Loreroot the herbs are continuously at 0 - depleted. When one or two grows, they are immediately gathered by someone. Yet, kings cannot make laws regarding the use of resources or tools, nor do they have any way to control the distribution of the herbs, so the more public land's resources are nearly always going to be depleted.

    I would like to know why the kings are not allowed to make rules regarding the resources for the land that they govern, because I consider it an abuse of privilages- of resources and of resource gathering tools- that this kind of thing is allowed to continue.

    If you speak to the kings, you may find that many of them hold similar concerns.

  8. Apologies, Seth Xyrell there have been others who have wanted to see changes of this degree and have offered to help. I would suggest contacting Grido, the Council or Muratus Del Mur himself, as he is the game's creator - about the typos in the game. I feel that it's good for a new player to offer this kind of help.

    Preferably, I would contact Grido first, as it appears he has been placed in charge of handling these kinds of concerns. I would only contact Mur or the Council as a last resort if your messages go unanswered.

    You can reach Grido via forum PM or by emailing him at grido(at)ymail(dot)com
    You can reach the council by emailing [council]
    And Mur may be reached occasionally via forum PM or by PM in game.
    [i][size=2](edit: to clarify a bit better.)[/size][/i]

  9. Thus far, there has been absolutely no announcement from the council. There are twenty minutes or so left until Mur is able to act out his frustrations in his 'day of blind justice'.

    The question I hold, for the community and for those waiting for this same announcement to appear.. "How can we put faith in the decision making body of MD (The council) when they themselves cannot communicate with each other enough to keep their word?"

    Is silence their answer to the issues that have risen? I make this post to remind the council that we are still waiting for their promised announcement.

    The Council Speaks

    There are several issues that we, the council would like to address.

    The first being the issue of Phantom accusing Grido of not passing on her
    problem with an individual. He did pass it on and this was passed onto

    There were some issues between Jester and Phantom, Both of who retaliated
    to each other, and therefore both were at fault. It was reviewed several
    times and decided that neither should receive punishment due to this
    reason. The full reasons and details cannot be explained due the public
    impact of some of the retaliation regarding Jester and Phantoms roles.
    Because alts were used as extensions to support same incident, any
    punishment applied to Jester will be applied to all his involved alts as
    well. The fact a reaction was delayed for so long is the pure fault of bad
    communication with Mur and passing around of a delicate matter with many
    unseen reasons. Neither council nor Grido considered they should interfere
    with applying a punishment that would have changed political structure
    (Jester) or rare roles (Phantom Orchid), therefore Mur alone was supposed
    to clear this situation, but didn't. [u][b]Because this raised to a public[/b][/u]
    [u][b]complain, an action will be take before the day of "Day of absurdly blind[/b][/u]
    [u][b]justice".[/b][/u] For future cases a strategy will be planned to handle similar
    incidents in a quicker manner. It is important to mention that Grido was
    not allowed to disclose any of the above reasons or say anything about why
    the matter is delayed.
    Also, it should be noted that Phantom has escaped jail using a spell which
    should have been blocked. She did not report this, and since this is
    another bug she has abused and not reported she will receive further

    Jester will receive punishment for his role in this.[u] [b]An announcement with[/b][/u]
    [u][b]the final punishment shall be made public in a few days.[/b][/u]

    Regarding Grido's public role.

    Grido is one of the very few individuals to have the ability to jail and
    unjail people. This ability is something that he has been trusted with by
    Mur, and therefore it carries some weight. Grido is also head of the LHO's
    and therefore he is allowed to deal with them as he feels fit. However if
    the community feels that he is not doing a good job, or that there is
    someone better than him, we shall look at possibly a change of leadership.
    During this last issue, we have been checking the in game and forum
    atmosphere in regards to Grido's role and the overwhelming consensus is
    that he is a good LHO leader.

    You should feel free to make public posts, regarding his role in the
    forum, using polls to indicate the general feel of his ability. But lets
    not create one every week or so, based on the same issues.

    The mods should close this post if arguments continue.
    Also, please be aware of the following:
    When reporting any issues between players the council will ONLY take into
    account details from within Magicduel's influence. That means anything
    outside of Magicduel's influence will not be considered as proof of an
    agreement or as proof of harassment.
    The likes of YIM, Gtalk, MSN, or any other social network outside of the
    control of Magicduel will not be considered. We ask that when you are
    logging a complaint to NOT include any of those sort of logs other than
    what is provided from the realm of MD.
    If you are having issue with players on the other systems you need to
    report that to they companies that run them.

    MD Council

    It has been many days since this [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/10723-gridos-actions/"]thread[/url] was closed, please do not make us wait another long span of time.

  10. (Firsanthalas has spoken the majority of my thoughts in his post, but I will post anyway.)

    During my time in the game, I have not truly had a problem with concerns with time, mostly I play MD when I have nothing to do - or when I intend to ignore something I need to do. (like house work) To me playing the game is one of my hobbies, because when I play the game I include roleplay and strategy and combine the two.

    Unfortunately, I have been able to play the game less and less due to real life circumstances (Work, family, job seeking, planning for college) recently. I cannot just magically be there for events of great importance, or to represent the CoE at these events when the date or time is not specified.

    I chose "No i dont like the fact you need to be online to know where and when the event is" for the simple fact that I feel that it is terribly inconsiderate to the players who are loyal to the game to just have events whenever the creator feels the event should be- with no planning and no time specified.

    This current 'event' so to speak regards important decisions that will likely affect many, many people in the game. It should be thought through carefully and not done without careful planning of the date and time.

    Mur, I ask you politely as a player to think wisely before you announce important events - so that the community which is loyal to you will have the fair chance to attend them, especially if the event will affect a wide range of individuals.

  11. Well I find it completely and utterly ridiculous, but it is amusing to say the least. But then again, I'm a fan of crude jokes, so I can't complain much. Work on the animation a tad and maybe the script a lil' too. It would have looked better if you hadn't used pixelated images.

  12. I will be collecting resource items and giving them to young ones who desire to further themselves in the game. I will also look through my creature list and see if I have any to give. Also, I do not mind imprinting my protector spells and some of my other spells onto memory stones.

    Feel free to request it of me!

  13. I will state a second time, as I have spoken the same words to Grido personally.. I do not feel that he handled the situation well. He has done a good job thus far as Inquisitor, but this particular incident has motivated me not to run for LHO [i](One of several reasons, but a main factor in my decision)[/i], not simply because a member of the Eclipse is the main subject here - but because I did not feel that he gave Phantom Orchid the proper respect she as a long-standing player deserved.

    [i]([/i][i]In response to Hedge's post, and because I do not want to make another post in this thread: [/i][i]Long standing member to me means someone who does not have a shaky record of abuse in the game, and who has sought to improve the atmosphere of the game via various means. This to me does not plainly mean that Poe has been in the game for a long time.) [/i]

    His act of placing the topic of Phantom Orchid's demotion in the trigger box, as though it were of great and immediate import bothered me quite a bit. She should not have found out about the reasons behind her loss of LHO status through the trigger box, but instead should have learned of such things through a private message or something equally confidential.

    I cannot speak for the case against Dst because I truly do not know all of the facts concerning it, but I will say that from the look of what has happened I can understand the upset over it. The way it appears to the public is that Dst abused an LHO tool for what ever reason she felt correct but did not get punished for doing so - there was no statement regarding what had occurred, only that Grido 'spoke' to her and 'took care of it'. The way it appears is a good reason to be upset.

    What I also bring into question is why Dst's issue was kept confidential and private, while Phantom Orchid was made an example of. It is well understood that the use of an exploit for personal benefit is not allowed, and it is to be reported- Poe did not truly realize it was an exploit. Perhaps instead of using her as an example, the exploit itself should be used as an example of what to look out for as an LHO?

    My point is.. that matters that involve important status decisions should be handled with more delicacy.

    [b][size=2]Edit: To clarify the label of 'long standing member'.[/size][/b]

  14. First.. I highly doubt that this image has been traced over in any way, shape, or form. It looks very free hand and has very clear differences from the version depicted in the DnD manual. A copied image would look literally identical in pose, shape, dress, shading, etc.

    I believe what you all mean to say is that the idea for the grasan was taken from this particular creature in the DnD manual. I doubt very much that the creator of the grasan artwork has any reason to trace.

    Also, I will say that the general idea for the shape of the grasan creature is very common so it doesn't surprise me that this has come up, especially since the illustration for the 'Corrupted Glutton' came out in 2010.

  15. It is to my understanding that Phantom Orchid was linked to an exploit and was not told that it was a bug in the system, or that it was a specific exploit. However, she sold this exploit to lashtal of his own request, and it is apparent that Lashtal, nor the one who held the auction, or Phantom Orchid knew that this particular link was an exploit.

    Now, it is perfectly fair that she was punished for this, but what I fail to understand is why she was not granted the respect of a conversation regarding this event before she was punished. It came to my attention from a series of messages from Orchid herself that she was not aware that this was an exploit.

    Instead of giving her the respect of hearing her side of the story regarding the exploit, she was simply punished and humiliated through a public post and stripped of her newly gained LHO status.. I'm sorry, but that is not the way to handle this sort of thing.

    I bring into question as well, that there is another LHO who has done much worse in regards to breaking the rules. Yet she still remains with her spells and LHO status despite being jailed.

    I mean not to attack this particular LHO, or attack you (Grido) for doing what you have done- but I cannot bring myself to be quiet about this.

    [size=2][i]Edit: Edited to fix an error in a sentence.[/i][/size]

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