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  1. Upvote
    Intrigue reacted to Assira the Black in An odd occurance...   
    An odd occurance has been happening in the realm. Odder players have been returning from their slumbers.
    Who have you seen wandering the shadows?
  2. Upvote
    Intrigue reacted to Assira the Black in Thnings I hate in MD - technical ones   
    I have problems with things loading on the right side panel as well. A long with the ap, vt, and other points. I do not know if it is related to the side panel drop system or if it is a seprate problem that I have with my computer. The sound on the fighting and mail system have me jumping out of my skin when it goes off. I like having the sound on so that I can here when someone posts in chat when I am multitasking. But on my computer the sound of chat is quieter than the mail or battle sound. The sound itself does not bother me much... just how loud it is in comparison to other sounds in MD.
  3. Upvote
    Intrigue reacted to Yoshi in Charity:Water for Yoshi's 23rd Birthday   
    To Adam's family and friends:
    Everything went well, with only a single, minor complication. The anesthetic started wearing off too soon, and Adam started snoring slightly halfway through, which started vibrating the equipment. It was quickly remedied however, and the surgury carried on as normal. They were able to do a complete removal through endoscopic endonasal surgery. He is currently resting, and will be out of commission for the next few days.

    Pre-written message from Adam:
    Thank you all for the prayers and support I've received through this difficult time. I tried doing it with just God and I, but found out, albeit a little late, that a larger support system is more beneficial. I came to realise that by not utilizing those people around me that God had placed for me, it was really just me trying to get through on my own. Next time, and I hope it never comes, I will do things differently. Thank you all again, you guys are amazing, and I praise God for getting me through this.

  4. Upvote
    Intrigue reacted to Yoshi in Charity:Water for Yoshi's 23rd Birthday   
    *yawns* Well, they come to get me any minute now. Thank you to everyone I've known here. You guys have always been a fantastic community, and I wish you all the best. Everything's going to be fine, and I'll be back here before you or I know it.

    Also, can this be merged with the other birthday topic? Thanks.
  5. Upvote
    Intrigue reacted to Sunfire in feast for the drachorns   
    Grreetings adventurers
    i appologise for the very late announcing of the winners
    but here it is:
    first price: Amberrune (bp/sharp (TK) + joker (Draconas) +5sc (Mur)) 
    second price: Intrigue (bp/sharp (TK) + joker (Draconas))
    (Amber has first choice in the bp or sharp, intrigue gets the other)
    Amberrune's submission:
    Course 1: Soup – Aromatic Ochazuke
    Beverage – a Cup of Aromatic Tea

    Course 2: Salad – Crunchy green salad with pungent vinaigrette
    Beverage – a cup of mineral water

    Course 3: Appetizer – Deviled Eggs
    Beverage – a stein of beer

    Course 4: Main Course – Roast Grasan
    Beverage – a Glass of Red wine

    Course 5: Dessert –Rainbow Bushie Tart
    Beverage – an Absinthe shot

    Aromatic Ochazuke
    To make this dish, you need:
    1 Cup of Cold Tea
    5 bunches of Unidentified Plants
    1 bucket of Water
    1 bunch of Tea Leaves (optional)
    1 bunch of Aromatic Herbs (optional)

    1 Bucket
    1 Heat Jar

    Step 1: Search the Unidentified Plants for rice
    Step 2: Roll the hull off the rice
    Step 3: Put the rice into the bucket
    Step 4: Pour water into the bucket
    Step 5: Steam for 20 minutes or until tender
    Step 6: Scoop rice into a heat jar
    Step 7: Pour the cold tea over the rice
    (optional) Step 8: Dry some tea leaves or aromatic herbs
    (optional) Step 9: Crumble the dried tea leaves or aromatic herbs over the soup
    Step 10: Serve

    This dish is to be served with a warm Cup of Aromatic Tea either to drink or add more liquid to the soup.

    Crunchy green salad with pungent vinaigrette
    3 bunches of Unidentified Plants
    2 bunches of Aromatic Herbs
    1 Bushie
    2 sections of Skin
    1 blob of Fat
    1 unit of Solid Stench
    1 glass of white wine
    1 plank of Lumber

    Bark Cutting Knife
    Poison Inoculator

    Step 1: Shred the aromatic herbs and unidentified plants
    Step 2: Cut the bushie into sections
    Step 3: Heat up the bottom of the bucket
    Step 4: Render the fat in the bucket
    Step 5: Chop the skin into small pieces
    Step 6: Fry the skin in the rendered fat
    Step 7: Inoculate yourself for general poisoning
    Step 8: Hold out glass of wine as far as possible
    Step 9: Slowly add the solid stench to the wine
    Step 10: Allow the wine to turn
    Step 11: Put the plants and skin on the plank of wood
    Step 12: Drizzle on the stinky vinegar
    Step 13: Toss everything together
    Step 14: Serve

    Serve a cold, refreshing glass of mineral water with this dish.

    Deviled Eggs
    3 Eggs
    1 Spicy Pickle
    1 blob of Fat
    1 bucketful of Water

    Bark Cutting Knife

    Step 1: Boil the water
    Step 2: Hard-boil the eggs
    Step 3: Remove the shells from the eggs
    Step 4: Cut the eggs in half
    Step 5: Remove the yokes
    Step 6: Dice the spicy pickle
    Step 7: Mix the egg yokes, pickle, and fat
    Step 8: Scoop the mix into the egg halves
    Step 9: Serve

    Serve this fun finger food of an appetizer with a good beer.

    Pit Roasted Grasan
    1 Grasan
    2 bunches of Aromatic Herbs
    5 globs of Sticky Goop
    4 Spicy Pickles
    1 blob of Fat
    1 bucket of Water
    5 bunches of Unidentified Plants
    2 planks of Lumber
    3 Branches

    3 Large Buckets
    Poison Inoculator
    Bark Cutting Knife

    Step 1: Have the Grasan dig a pit
    Step 2: Put down the Grasan
    Step 3: Clean and butcher the meat
    Step 4: Make a fire out of the branches
    Step 5: Burn the branches down to embers
    Step 6: Place the buckets into the embers
    Step 7: Pour water into one of the buckets
    Step 8: Roughly chop the aromatic herbs and pickles
    Step 9: Put the chopped vegetables into the bucket with water
    Step 10: Add the goop and fat
    Step 11: Let the mix cook down
    Step 12: Fill the poison inoculator with the sauce
    Step 13: Inject the meat with the sauce
    Step 14: Place the meat into the buckets
    Step 15: Cover the buckets with a plank of lumber
    Step 16: Let the meat cook for 4 hours
    Step 17: Add the Unidentified plants to the buckets with the meat
    Step 18: Cook for 1 hour
    Step 19: Pull the buckets out of the pit
    Step 20: Pour out the buckets on the other plank
    Step 21: Serve

    Since this is the main course, serve with a robust red wine.

    Rainbow Bushie Tart
    1 Rainbow Candy
    1 Yellow Candy
    1 Green Candy
    1 Blue Candy
    1 Red Candy
    1 Orange Candy
    3 Bushies
    3 Unidentified Plants
    1 blob of Fat
    1 Piece of cake

    Cake tin
    1 Prot Freeze Stone

    Step 1: Search the unidentified plants for grains
    Step 2: Grind the grain into flour
    Step 3: Tear apart the cake
    Step 4: Pack the cake along the sides of the tin
    Step 5: Heat the tin until the cake gets crispy
    Step 6: Let the cake crust cool
    Step 7: Grind the candies
    Step 8: Cut the bushies into segments
    Step 9: Coat the bushies with some of the crushed candy powder
    Step 10: Render the fat
    Step 11: Mix the flour, fat, and remaining candy dust
    Step 12: Cool the pudding mixture with the Prot Freeze stone
    Step 13: Pour the pudding into the cake crust
    Step 14: Arrange the candied bushies on the top
    Step 15: Serve

    To allow the consumer to see the rainbows and leprechauns dancing over the tart, serve with a shot of Absinthe.
    Intrigue's submission
    5 Course Menu 
    Course 1: Creamy tomato soup with hot tea
    Course 2: Fresh Greens salad with cold tea
    Course 3: Roasted seasoned potato with beer
    Course 4: Peking winderwild with rum
    Course 5: Orange sorbet with rainbow candy drink


    Creamy Tomato soup:
    With cauldron boiling over fire (or by help of drachs), quickly blanch several large ripe tomatoes to loosen skins. Peel, dice, remove seeds and smoosh well until smooth. Set aside to cool. In another cauldron, boil several diced potatoes to make a potato milk of sorts (thick liquid created by the starch of the potatoes). Strain out any potato bits that remain after creating your potato "milk". Bring potato milk to a simmer and add tomatoes and a pinch of aromatic herbs (in this case, basil). Let simmer a few minutes, stirring often until thickened. 
    Serve hot with Hot Tea.

    Fresh Greens Salad:
    Wash and pat dry various "previously" unidentified plants (will be lettuces in this case). Combine and toss to mix. Garnish with flowers (dandelion heads, rose petals, etc). 
    Serve with Cold Tea.

    Roasted seasoned Potatoes:

    Cube potatoes and set aside. Melt a small amount of grasan fat in your cauldron, drizzle over potatoes. Crush Aromatic herbs (basil, rosemary) and sprinkle over potatoes. Roast in cauldron until light golden brown, tossing occasionally to prevent sticking. 
    Serve hot with a small serving of beer.

    Peking Winderwild:

    Pluck, clean and rinse a plump winderwild. Heat water to boiling in cauldron, place winderwild in water and cook for a short time. While cooking, separately, dissolve sticky goop in hot water to create syrup, set aside. Remove winderwild from water and hang to dry. While drying, coat bird with syrup mixture repeatedly. Once dry, roast winderwild over open flame (or have your drach breath fire slowly and evenly on it) until shiny brown and crisp.
    Serve hot with rum.

    Orange Bushie Sorbet:

    Place several pieces of red and/or yellow candies into hot water and stir to dissolve. Heat candy mixture until simmering and until it thickens (creating syrup). Set aside. carefully peel and dice the outer part of the peelings from your orange bushie fruits into zest and set aside. Squeeze juice into a large bowl and add candy syrup to sweeten. Stir in finely cut zest. let set. Place cauldron containing orange mixture in cold running waters during winter time to freeze, stirring occasionally until very thick.
    Serve cold with Rainbow Candy Drink.

    Rainbow candy drink:

    Place several pieces of rainbow candy in hot water. Mix well until dissolved. Let cool. After cool, stir vigorously to create foam on top. Finely chop a few pieces of rainbow candy. Sprinkle candy pieces on foam to garnish.

    *notes on odd items:
    Tomato-inventory item, rare (Mur I think, i can't remember honestly)
    Potato- inventory item, rare (pip)
    Rum- RP item, used in tavern/bar areas mostly
    congrats to the winners and i hope to see you in a next quest!
  6. Upvote
    Intrigue reacted to dst in Ann. 3010 - [2014-04-30 13:48:33 - Stage 12] - MD Auction   
    I LOVE the above ones. They are soooo specific! 
    And yes, we all know the unreleased creatures you don't have. Same for Access to secret places. There are tons of secret places. We don't even know what they are because they are...you know...secret.
  7. Upvote
    Intrigue reacted to Nimrodel in Requesting a meeting with leaders from each land   
    you could actually pm all the leaders one by one and take an appointment. The need is yours, not theirs.
  8. Upvote
    Intrigue reacted to powle in IMPORTANT - Future way of granting titles/roles   
    "the authority of this title can not surpass the authority of the person granting the title" i think thats the best way to avoid "the one" :D
  9. Upvote
    Intrigue reacted to Yoshi in Charity:Water for Yoshi's 23rd Birthday   
    So, earlier today I cut off my 3 year old hair for cancer donation:

    Cutting: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10154228061315727&l=8776203504897455816 Grieving: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10154228136890727&l=8024233853917274386 Final Thoughts: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10154228156725727&l=4859258542358085861
    It's been an interesting 3 years.  Would I do it again?  Yes, but only if I didn't have to take care of the hair for all 3 years of it's life. Will I be doing it again?  Probably not.
  10. Upvote
    Intrigue reacted to Muratus del Mur in IMPORTANT - Future way of granting titles/roles   
    Finally! I have the layout done..it was enormous work. Many details can't be seen in this pic..and i don't want thwm seen yet. The metal insertions and other cool stuff are not here either, this is just a first print on my home printer for the first test. This is how a title doc will look like..mostly. Each land will have a slightly different layout with different themed image and probably different colors. Idealy all you see orange in here will be golden foil when done. The the round things on the lower right are supposed to be the places where the signatures/stamps go, one by me and one by the one granting the title (two spots for two sigs). The entire page is filled with ultra fine lines just like paper money..will look just awesome

    You notice i totally changed the layout idea i wanted initially..this one fits a lot better with what is actually on the doc and is much more elegant in my opinion. Needless to say i did all in vectorized form so i will be able to print it at very high resolutions..just for the fun of having a top quality doc.

    I will update you soon when i hve more news about the progress of all this.

    Let me know your honest opinion on this first sample

    Ps. Pic is done with the phone.. i wont bother providing any clearer images at this point but i might one some final papers will be done.
    Ps. The big big stamp will come on the back of the paper and on the envelope probably
  11. Upvote
    Intrigue reacted to Muratus del Mur in Conspiracy Theories   
    hahaha..i absolutely love this one "Research and Connection is actually a ploy Mur created to get people to remember things he'll probably forget." ..its TRUE
    in fact i mention this to the people i give certain info that they might eventually need to write them as research articles ;)
  12. Upvote
    Intrigue reacted to Grido in Bedtime Stories   
    So there's someone I know that asks me every now and then to tell them a bedtime story which I then proceed to make up on the spot, I thought I might share them with the rest of you for giggles, fun, or to help you sleep at night. They're not exactly traditional bedtime stories, but the person I tell them to seems to like them. I have only touched these up, with no real edits since writing them.
    [log=St. George the Dragon Killer]
    Once upon a time, long long ago there lived St George, the dragon. Now, he wasn't really a saint, but he met someone who talked about them once, so he decided to be one. George knew that people were scared of dragons, but he also knew that that was just because nobody had spent time getting to know them, or at least him. So he flew about a while looking for a person to talk to. Now, this was troublesome because firstly, people were scared of dragons, but more importantly, he didn't know what they actually looked like - he'd only heard about them from other dragons. So off he flew in search of the people.
    After a while of flying, he grew tired and hungry, and seeing some animals down below swooped down and had a light snack, then he rested for a while on the hillside. As he roused from his nap, he opened one of his eyes to see a figure leaning in towards him, so happy George was to find this person, for that's what he guessed the figure was, that he jumped up and smiled.
    Now, a person smile looks friendly and joyful to another person, and similarly a dragon smile looks happy and joyful to another dragon. Unfortunately, a dragon smile looks horrifically terrifying to a human, as all the teeth bar a little and a snort of fire peeks through them. Off ran the person.
    The dragon, not knowing human customs, thought to follow them, thinking that he was going to be introduced to more people to be friends with. When George made it to the village where the person had ran to, he made a point to be super friendly, smiling and saying hello to everyone, and introducing himself. This was rather unfortunate, as the buildings were mostly wooden constructions, and the people couldn't understand the dragon language. And thus he became known as St George the Dragon, Killer.[/log]  
    A long time ago there was a group of wizards. Whilst a group of Owls is called a parliament, and a group of Geese a gaggle, a group of Wizards is called a disaster. Now the reason groups of them are called a disaster is because of this particular group.
    Wizards, back then, ranged from specialising in all sorts of things, from those who possessed a magnificent ability who tended towards fighting and construction, to those with the least talent who practised what was referred to as "advertising magic" (this was a rather new sort of magic, and the business hadn't quite picked up yet). This group specialised in alchemy, so in the scale of things they were about middle of the range, and couldn't get more than the basic sort of spells working, but what they could do with metals and chemicals was astounding, so they weren't largely fussed.
    The group met each Wednesday afternoon in their local pub to discuss what they had each been working on, and how they could contribute to each others work. The reason for the pub was largely due to their early experiments with alcohol, and their producing the stock for the bar - this meant free drinks all evening. The pub also didn't complain much about the explosions and odd marks on the ceiling, there was a rather weird issue when they managed to turn the floorboards into custard, which had certain....complications, but on this particular night, they were talking (once again) about how to achieve immortality. Thoughts ranged from those who didn't think it possible, aside from legacy of work, to those who thought they had already achieved it (though these were few, and decreasing, as each at some point wanted to prove it and failed).
    A newcomer to the group proposed the the idea that there was a tree that he had heard about, that if you rest before it, your wounds would heal, including that everlasting wound of age. He even proclaimed, this young looking man, that he was in fact 92 and had been doing this every couple of years for a long time now. The man did however proclaim that as a result whoever did it would not be recognised by those they knew, and so would have to leave their old lives behind. Each member therefore announced to the others that they could not possibly do this because the friendships with each other, and the group, mattered too much to them.
    Over the coming weeks and months however, each member remembered about this tree, and was tempted. One by one, they went to the tree, and the group slowly dwindled. There was one member, that did not wish for the immortality however, but he had noticed the group dwindle, and proceeded to follow a couple of members until one made their way towards the tree. There, he hid, whilst the other wizard rested by the tree.
    As they rested, he noticed another figure approach, that of the young man who had told them about the tree. The young man proceeded to remove all of the clothes and items of value from the resting wizard. The wizard, upon waking and finding himself without any of his belongings could not bare to face the humiliation of being tricked (wizards are very proud peoples) and so headed into the woods where he was never seen again. The one who had been watching went back to his group the following week and told them what he had seen, word quickly spreading around the community about what disaster had befallen the wizards (many laughed).
    The moral? If something is too good to be true, it probably is.[/log]
    [log=Jack and Jill]
    (ok, so this one wasn't a bedtime story, just a rhyme expansion of sorts, search 'Jack and Jill' if you don't know the rhyme)
    Jack and Jill were childhood sweethearts, they did everything together
    But Jill's parents were always concerned about their relationship because Jack came from a family who had let's say, a colourful background.
    One day Jack encouraged Jill to go with him up the hill towards the neighbours well.
    There was also an orchard up there, so after getting some water from the well, they took some apples and ate them happily.
    However the owner didn't look too kindly upon this, he had a livelihood to maintain.
    He sent his dogs after them, and so they ran, ran as fast as they could, away from the dogs.
    They made it just past the well when Jack tripped, and with her hand in his, Jill fell with him.
    Jack cracked his head on a stone, causing him to lose consciousness.
    This left Jill to carry him home. (had to change this line upon finding out the next verse of the rhyme)
    Jack cracked his head, and Jill broke her arm.
    Jack then ran off in a daze, leaving poor Jill at the bottom of the hill.
    He came across a madman offering medical advice which he mistakenly accepted.
    He lay in bed, hallucinating for several days.
    Jill eventually came around to see him, after all that had happened.
    She smiled maliciously at his misery, for he had left her in pain as well.
    And so Jack's mother slapped her for her reaction.
    ...To cut a long story short, Jack's mum then got arrested for ABH(Acute Bodily Harm), and was determined guilty. Jack then pursued a life of crime, particularly directed at Jill's family.
    This led to a family feud between the two houses, who both prospered through the years.
    Those houses of Jack Montague, and Jill Capulet.
    There always were, and always have been people in the world with certain gifts.
    These gifts all stemmed from 7 brothers who came across a stream which ran across their path.
    The stream, as the story goes, glittered in the mid-morning sun, and drew the brothers towards it
    Each in turn the brothers looked down into it and without consciously doing so, plunged their heads beneath the water, before returning to fresh air again.
    It's said that from that moment on, if you looked closely, you could see that same glittering in their eyes
    These brothers had been given a gift, though they knew it not, the first gift, from which all others followed.
    Over the coming days, the brothers noticed this amongst themselves, strange things occurring, things that they wished for, but had not said out loud, things that should not have been possible.
    The most noticeable among those early days was the eldest, who sprouted wings upon the thought that he might fly.
    He flew and flew, embracing the air, the wind under his new wings.
    Over time the wind soared through his head, his memories of being a man faded, of his brothers vanished. His brothers saw him not again, the legend flows that he became full bird, as his mind was want to become.
    The remaining six, seeing his wings sprout, and him take off, grew concerned and tried to determine what had happened.
    They came to no conclusion, but they started to piece together all those strange things that had been happening to each of them.
    That it had all started with the stream. That stream which had cut their path in two.
    Two of the brothers embraced this new found power, but jealous of one another's affection towards it parted ways, one heading west, the other east.
    He who headed west stumbled upon the ocean, some islands, temples and pillars. Remaining there he set up a school to learn more about this ability, and to try to teach others of it's ways.
    The brother who headed east found elephants and arid land, he also set up a school of sorts, and with his power helped out where he could with the food sources.
    of the other four brothers, two more went back to the stream, hand in hand they walked into it, and immersed themselves to learn more of it. Wildlife have spoken about it since how neither returned to the surface, but how a faint glow appeared on either bank and the trees and reeds grew ever taller in that area than any other from that point on.
    Now the remaining two brothers didn't wholly get along, and both desired power over the other. So one wished for power in it's fundamental form, that of electricity, that of thunder and lightning. To this day he resides in the clouds, casting down this power upon the landscape.
    The last brother desired that he should have dominion over the dead, so that even when his brother died, he might torment him for eternity. So there he waits, just beneath the crust of the earth, waiting for the day to come.
    These brothers you might know by other names, that of Icarus, Plato, Buddha, Poseidon, Neptune, Zeus, and Hades. Some are remembered as gods, others as wise or stupid, but their story remains throughout history because of the gift bestowed upon them.[/log]
    I'll undoubtedly be adding more as I make more up.
  13. Upvote
    Intrigue reacted to Grido in Bedtime Stories   
    So I wrote a couple more impromptu ones today, to help Mur test chat, fairly sure besides him Seph was the only one reading them!
    [log=The taxidermist and Steve]
    19/04/14 14:21

    Once upon a time
    there was this strange fellow
    ..and his pet chameleon
    the chameleon wasn't actually alive of course
    the strange fellow was a taxidermist
    and had stuffed him many moons ago
    but there he sat, on his shoulder
    as chameleons are wont to do
    this strange fellow of a taxidermist, who shall remain nameless - i mean really, would you want to be named if that were you?
    he went from place to place, stuffing these strange and bizarre animals
    he even came across a dinosaur once, though who bought that, how should I know
    So this strange fellow, he met many people
    and many met him...though I think they'd rather they hadn't
    As he was particularly smelly...
    One day this smelly fellow met another man
    This man was steve
    Not well liked for how he made his product, was not the most appealing
    But his product always sold
    That product of soap
    Soap they say, when made
    Can make a high explosive, one so high it blows the top off
    it's tiny little mind
    So these two met, once upon a time
    Smelly man and fragrant steve, and when the two combined
    You had two men, that all would meet and be pleasantly suprised
    For this taxidermist smelled sweet, and had a manequin named steve

    19/04/14 14:34
    [log=Jonh the Shaman]
    19/04/14 14:38

    There was, upon a time, as these stories go
    A shaman in a little hut, name of Jonh from Bo
    The little place, from whence he came, this minor place of Bo
    Held a reputation of being superstitous, and so
    His mother, seeing how he was marked at birth, cast him out to fend upon the world
    So off he set, at age of three - they developed quickly in that place of old
    Cast out and all alone
    Except for that, for he could talk to those that no other could
    For those that died, but stuck around, could communicate in spirit
    So this shaman left his place of birth, and went to hide from those that feared
    There he sat, and thought, and stood
    In silence, lest he be found, and tried
    Now many years, they passed and went
    And he forgot himself quite thoroughly
    Until one day there came this time a strange "knock, knock"
    He had not heard that sound before, this not like another
    For no visitors had called upon him in his years of struggle
    So with caution, and a lack of haste, he crept up to his door
    And with slow reaching fingers, flicked the door ajar
    Now what did he find, upon the other side
    But a small man named Jerry
    Jerry came to tell a tale, of woe and great dispair, but try as he might, he met with empty air
    For young little Jonh, had left his home, and had learnt but not a word, so all he spoke and tried to point, was lost upon his ears
    So head in hands, the little man, wept and wept and wept
    For what he could not say to him, was that his mother had left
    Not left to shop, or walk the pet, but left this mortal coil
    And that if they could not speak to her, the lives of others would be lost
    Somehow or another Jerry managed to take Jonh with him home
    The journey long, the weather harsh, they spent a lot of time
    And over that two month journey, Jerry started to teach
    So that by the time they got to Bo, Jonh could at least understand
    The rudimentary language that a toddler might
    But language could take many years, and time they did not have, so hoped he Jerry, that when he communed, the spirit it would differ
    Jonh he crept up to his home town, and saw the sights and sands
    Of a place he barely recognised, in the time that he had gone
    Now Jonh, he went, up to that door
    The green green door of home
    And there he felt some..thing, quite new
    A tingling sensation
    A little itch, behind his ear, a feeling quite entirely new
    That tweak he went, and scratch scratch scratched, upon that doorstep his
    Upon doing so, a sort of glaze set down upon his face, a chill set on his brow
    And there stood, before him now, as clearly as me to you
    His mother bright, and shining clear, like on the morrow gone
    And so he blinked, some tears away, to see his mother clear
    A mix of hate and anger, true, for doing what she'd done
    But also love and hope for all the things to come
    So there he stood, and spoke to her, and learned but all he could, to help that sleepy township out, of their dire and their strife
    And from then on, the village grew in size as well as fame, for someone like a shaman is hard to keep concealed
    He lived his time from then on there, and then a while, it's true, for his life had been extended for time spent with the dead
    He found no wife to settle down, though happy he was sure, and after time he sat and smiled, and laid down his head and crown.
    Though gone he was from body, true, he stayed on, for when a new shaman came, they would need teaching and that was his place

    19/04/14 15:24
  14. Upvote
    Intrigue reacted to Rophs in The Never Repeating Word Challenge   
    I challenge your claim EE
  15. Upvote
    Intrigue reacted to Occamrazor in Hidden PIcture Puzzle Contest   
    i look long enough and everything looks like a book & a fish. 
    Wish i could go to Loreroot. :(
    G'luck everybody
  16. Upvote
    Intrigue reacted to Syrian in Hidden PIcture Puzzle Contest   
    if you need pass papers you can try asking a lorerootian to get them for you, they wil lallow you to enter loreroot :)
  17. Upvote
    Intrigue reacted to Muratus del Mur in ultrasharp or maybe not so   
    For my own reference, Azull, Intrigue, and Yoshi ..i should pick one of you .. but not sure who deserves the most
    - Azull came closest to what i asked, but a fast cut is debate-able
    - Intrigue found an unexpected way to do it, nothing about grinding the blade however
    - Yoshi worked a lot to grind his blades himself, but not so great results
    correct me if i see it wrong
  18. Upvote
    Intrigue reacted to lashtal in 9th birthday quest: A tale untold   
    Allright, this event had only 3 participants, but it was fun!
    Maybe the timing was bad for many, therefore I'm willing to repeat this quest in the next few days (time and day to be arranged).
    I have a couple more stories for you to figure out, so stay tuned!!
    Here's the log of the event (I applied the "yes/no only answer" rule a bit flexibly but there's no rule an italian Necrovian wouldn't bend  :P):
    [14/04/14 10:31] lashtal:All right, time to start...
    [14/04/14 10:32] lashtal:In case you missed it, here's the forum thread I'll be using as reference:
    [14/04/14 10:32] lashtal: [Forum link]
    [14/04/14 10:33] lashtal:So, I will read 3 brief extracts of a tale.. your task is to figure out what happened in between.
    [14/04/14 10:34] lashtal:You can ask any question you want, to which I can only answer "yes", "no" or "irrelevant".
    [14/04/14 10:34] lashtal:1st one, how it all started:
    [14/04/14 10:35] lashtal:"Late one afternoon, a few months ago, I heard knocking at my door."
    [14/04/14 10:35] lashtal:The mid part:
    [14/04/14 10:35] lashtal:"I went to bed but couldn't sleep. Late at night I lit a candle."
    [14/04/14 10:35] lashtal:And finally, the happy ending:
    [14/04/14 10:35] lashtal:"I feel slightly relieved, but since that day I do everything I can to avoid the Library."
    [14/04/14 10:36] Kyphis:Was the door Answered?
    [14/04/14 10:36] Kyphis:Was anyone at the door?
    [14/04/14 10:36] lashtal:Yes to both
    [14/04/14 10:36] Kyphis:Was it a man?
    [14/04/14 10:37] Kyphis: (at the door)
    [14/04/14 10:37] lashtal:Yes
    [14/04/14 10:37] Kyphis:Did the man deliver a message?
    [14/04/14 10:38] lashtal:No (not exactly)
    [14/04/14 10:38] Kyphis:Did the man enter the house?
    [14/04/14 10:39] lashtal:Yes he did
    [14/04/14 10:39] Gljivoje:Did the man who knocked on the door deliver some sort of a literature to the man who tells the story?
    [14/04/14 10:39] Kyphis:Did the man stay overnight in the house?
    [14/04/14 10:39] Gljivoje:a book maybe
    [14/04/14 10:40] lashtal:Yes to Gjivoje, no to Kyphis
    [14/04/14 10:40] Kyphis:Was the man known to the protagonist?
    [14/04/14 10:40] Gljivoje:did the man read that book late at night when he lit the candle?
    [14/04/14 10:41] lashtal:No to Kyphis, yes to Gjivoje
    [14/04/14 10:42] lashtal: (1 point to Gjlivoje)
    [14/04/14 10:42] Gljivoje:did the man just gave the book to protagonist and leave?
    [14/04/14 10:42] Kyphis:Did the contents of the book unsettle the protagonist?
    [14/04/14 10:43] lashtal:No to Gljivoje, yes to Kyphis
    [14/04/14 10:43] Kyphis:Was the man aware of the contents of the book he delivered to the protagonist?
    [14/04/14 10:44] Kyphis:Was the book about the house the protagonist was in?
    [14/04/14 10:44] lashtal:Yes he was
    [14/04/14 10:44] lashtal:And no, it wasn't about the house
    [14/04/14 10:45] Kyphis:Was the book about a crime?
    [14/04/14 10:45] lashtal:Irrelevant
    [14/04/14 10:46] Pipstickz:Gah, too tired for this
    [14/04/14 10:46] Gljivoje:did the man told something about the book content to the protagonist that intrigued him to read it?
    [14/04/14 10:46] Kyphis:Hmm...
    [14/04/14 10:46] lashtal:Yes to Gljivoje
    [14/04/14 10:47] Kyphis:Was the book a warning?
    [14/04/14 10:47] lashtal:Nope
    [14/04/14 10:48] Kyphis:Did the story take more than 24 hours to resolve?
    [14/04/14 10:48] lashtal:I'm not sure I got what you mean, can you rephrase it?
    [14/04/14 10:49] Gljivoje:man knocked on the door in late afternoon, was it over in the morning?
    [14/04/14 10:49] Kyphis:From the first event of the story (the knocking on the door) to the last event of the story (feeling relieved) take more than 24 hours chronologically from within the perspective of the story?
    [14/04/14 10:50] lashtal:Oh, then it took more than 24 hours, indeed
    [14/04/14 10:50] Kyphis:Wasn't expecting that :P
    [14/04/14 10:50] Gljivoje:neither do i :)
    [14/04/14 10:50] :lashtal grins
    [14/04/14 10:50] Kyphis:Was the book finished in a single night?
    [14/04/14 10:50] Kyphis:Was the book finished?
    [14/04/14 10:50] lashtal:Nope!
    [14/04/14 10:51] lashtal: (1 point to Kyphis)
    [14/04/14 10:51] Kyphis:Was the book a mundane book?
    [14/04/14 10:51] Gljivoje:did the man spent his time researching the book in the library?
    [14/04/14 10:52] lashtal:No to both
    [14/04/14 10:52] Kyphis:Was the library mentioned a part of the protagonists house?
    [14/04/14 10:52] Gljivoje:was the book about protagonist?
    [14/04/14 10:52] Kyphis:Did the contents of the book change over time?
    [14/04/14 10:53] Kyphis:Was the book a portal?
    [14/04/14 10:53] lashtal:No to the first two questions.
    [14/04/14 10:53] lashtal:Yes to the third question, no to the last one.
    [14/04/14 10:53] lashtal:And another point to Kyphis
    [14/04/14 10:54] Kyphis:Did the book have a consistent protagonist?
    [14/04/14 10:54] Kyphis:Did the book have a consistent antagonist?
    [14/04/14 10:55] Gljivoje:did the contents change in correlation with protagonist changes?
    [14/04/14 10:55] lashtal:Kyphis: both irrelevant
    [14/04/14 10:55] lashtal:No to Gljivoje
    [14/04/14 10:56] Kyphis:Did the book have characters?
    [14/04/14 10:57] lashtal:Irrelevant. 3rd point for Kyphis.
    [14/04/14 10:57] Kyphis:Did harm behalf the Protagonist during the events of your story?
    [14/04/14 10:57] Gljivoje:was the book about books? wass the book about library?
    [14/04/14 10:58] lashtal:"Harm" maybe misleading...
    [14/04/14 10:58] lashtal:No to Gljivoje
    [14/04/14 10:59] Kyphis:Clarification - physical not mental, but including threats
    [14/04/14 10:59] lashtal:Oh, then no.
    [14/04/14 11:01] Kyphis:Did the book have an ending?
    [14/04/14 11:01] lashtal:NO! Another point to Kyphis!
    [14/04/14 11:02] Gljivoje:did protagonist aware of that?
    [14/04/14 11:03] Kyphis:So, we have a stranger deliver a book, something is said to compel the protagonist to read it. It is read over a long period, and the contents change constantly...
    [14/04/14 11:03] Kyphis:At the end, the protagonist is relieved, but wary of the library, presumably the resting place of the book (although, library is not in his home)
    [14/04/14 11:03] Kyphis:All correct so far?
    [14/04/14 11:04] Gljivoje:unsettled upon reading, and he never finish it, but relieved when he quits it
    [14/04/14 11:04] lashtal:Yes.
    [14/04/14 11:04] lashtal:And yes.
    [14/04/14 11:05] Gljivoje:was the awareness of "non-ending" and ever-changing made protagonist to quits it?
    [14/04/14 11:05] lashtal:Yes! Another point to Gljivoje.
    [14/04/14 11:06] Gljivoje:does he keep the book?
    [14/04/14 11:07] Kyphis:Was the book a set of instructions?
    [14/04/14 11:07] Gljivoje:did he fight it to quit it? was it easy?
    [14/04/14 11:07] lashtal:A moment please.
    [14/04/14 11:07] Kyphis:Was there a percieved consequence for not reading the book?
    [14/04/14 11:08] Kyphis: (aside from simple lack of knowledge)
    [14/04/14 11:08] lashtal:The protagonist didn't keep the book, but it was hard to quit it.
    [14/04/14 11:08] lashtal:The book was not a set of instructions
    [14/04/14 11:09] lashtal:And there were no perceived consequences for not reading the book
    [14/04/14 11:09] Kyphis:Did the book contain information about things that had yet to occur?
    [14/04/14 11:09] lashtal:Irrelevant (could be, but we don't know)
    [14/04/14 11:09] Gljivoje:was the book expanding his mind in universal knowledge and the man could deal with it to certain point?
    [14/04/14 11:10] lashtal:No
    [14/04/14 11:10] Kyphis:Was the book dangerous?
    [14/04/14 11:10] lashtal:Tricky question Kyphis..
    [14/04/14 11:10] lashtal:But I'd say no
    [14/04/14 11:11] Kyphis:Clarification - was there an inherent danger to reading the book?
    [14/04/14 11:11] Gljivoje:did the man read the book in a long period, part of life, years?
    [14/04/14 11:11] Kyphis:!
    [14/04/14 11:12] Kyphis:Was the protagonist responsible for the changes in content of the book?
    [14/04/14 11:12] lashtal:No to Kyphis, yes to Gljivoje
    [14/04/14 11:12] lashtal:No to Kyphis again
    [14/04/14 11:12] Kyphis:Ooooh
    [14/04/14 11:13] Kyphis:Was the book mostly pictures?
    [14/04/14 11:13] Gljivoje:so book totally occupied his senses for many years, did he become it's character in a way?
    [14/04/14 11:14] lashtal:No to both
    [14/04/14 11:14] Kyphis:Was the book about events that had already occured by the time they where recorded in the book?
    [14/04/14 11:15] Kyphis:Was the book magic?
    [14/04/14 11:15] lashtal:Irrelevant and no... Although it's not a "normal" book.
    [14/04/14 11:15] Gljivoje:is it needed to know what the book was about if it changes constantly? some global meaning maybe?
    [14/04/14 11:16] lashtal:No to Gljivoje! Important question, another point for you
    [14/04/14 11:16] Kyphis:Well, say for example the book was about the past. That means it might be a place that people where recording their lives in, like a photo album
    [14/04/14 11:16] Kyphis:We have ruled that out :P
    [14/04/14 11:17] Kyphis:Did the book have a specific topic?
    [14/04/14 11:17] lashtal:Irrelevant (meaning we don't know)
    [14/04/14 11:18] Gljivoje:did the man pass the book forward to someone else?
    [14/04/14 11:18] Gljivoje:did the man who gave it him also read it?
    [14/04/14 11:18] Kyphis:Was the book old?
    [14/04/14 11:19] lashtal:No to the first one
    [14/04/14 11:19] Kyphis:Is book the right word for this literature?
    [14/04/14 11:19] lashtal:Yes to the second and third one
    [14/04/14 11:20] lashtal:Yeah, it's a book
    [14/04/14 11:20] lashtal:Let me clarify one thing.
    [14/04/14 11:20] lashtal:We already pointed out the book is ever changing and it has no end.
    [14/04/14 11:20] Gljivoje:i think book is not important as surrounding events
    [14/04/14 11:21] Kyphis:Does it have a clear begining?
    [14/04/14 11:21] lashtal:So "reading", although grammatically correct, doesn't imply the book have been read completely
    [14/04/14 11:21] Kyphis: (yeah, we have all the information on the book. I just like books)
    [14/04/14 11:21] lashtal:No! One more point to Kyphis!
    [14/04/14 11:21] Gljivoje:did the man who gave it him known to the protagonist, not a stranger?
    [14/04/14 11:22] Kyphis: (I believe we established that already)
    [14/04/14 11:22] Gljivoje: (oh sorry, i forgot than)
    [14/04/14 11:22] Kyphis: (I believe it was that he is a stranger)
    [14/04/14 11:22] lashtal:Yeah, it was a stranger
    [14/04/14 11:23] Kyphis:Did the book itself "tell" the protagonist to pass it on?
    [14/04/14 11:23] Kyphis:Was reading the book a responsibility?
    [14/04/14 11:23] lashtal:Nope
    [14/04/14 11:23] Kyphis:Was reading the book a privilige?
    [14/04/14 11:23] Gljivoje:he didn't pass it, so did he destroy it maybe?
    [14/04/14 11:24] lashtal:Yes to both your last 2 questions Kyphis
    [14/04/14 11:24] Kyphis:Interesting :D
    [14/04/14 11:24] lashtal:No to Gljivoje... you guys are definitely on the right track
    [14/04/14 11:24] Kyphis:Did the protagonist Want to stop reading the book, even though it was hard to do so?
    [14/04/14 11:25] lashtal:Yes
    [14/04/14 11:25] Gljivoje:did he kept the book for future reading?
    [14/04/14 11:25] Kyphis:A book he didn't want to read, but felt he had to
    [14/04/14 11:26] lashtal:Yes to both.
    [14/04/14 11:26] Kyphis:Was reading the book beneficial?
    [14/04/14 11:26] lashtal:No
    [14/04/14 11:26] Kyphis: (I think I asked that already, haha)
    [14/04/14 11:26] Gljivoje:did the protagonist ever read a book before?
    [14/04/14 11:26] Gljivoje:anykind of a book
    [14/04/14 11:27] Kyphis:Was the book only read at night?
    [14/04/14 11:27] lashtal:Yes he did
    [14/04/14 11:27] lashtal:No to Kyphis
    [14/04/14 11:28] Kyphis:Did he tell anyone else about the book?
    [14/04/14 11:28] lashtal:No! Another point to Kyphis!
    [14/04/14 11:29] Kyphis:Did he Want to tell other people about the book?
    [14/04/14 11:29] lashtal:No he didn't
    [14/04/14 11:30] Kyphis:Is this story intended to be scary?
    [14/04/14 11:30] lashtal:No, I don't think so
    [14/04/14 11:31] lashtal: (are you scared? :-p)
    [14/04/14 11:31] Kyphis:Is this story intended to do anything other than entertain? (ie educate)
    [14/04/14 11:31] Gljivoje:so he quitted it cause he understood it was endless, but it was responsability. did the patterns in the book start go in cycles just in different expressions? he quitted cause he understood
    [14/04/14 11:32] Kyphis: (didn't you already ask that?)
    [14/04/14 11:32] lashtal:To Kyphis: no, pure brain onanism
    [14/04/14 11:32] lashtal:To Gljivoje, nope. No patterns.
    [14/04/14 11:33] Gljivoje:did he read the book everyday?
    [14/04/14 11:33] lashtal:Although the first part of your sentence is correct
    [14/04/14 11:33] lashtal:Irrelevant.
    [14/04/14 11:34] Gljivoje:yes i know, i was just cementing the known facts
    [14/04/14 11:35] Kyphis:Is there an additional factor to this story besides: The Stranger, the Book, and the Protagonist?
    [14/04/14 11:36] lashtal:Sort of, one we already mentioned
    [14/04/14 11:36] Gljivoje:i mean, is this it? *laughs*
    [14/04/14 11:36] Kyphis:Time?
    [14/04/14 11:36] Gljivoje:was it a dream?
    [14/04/14 11:36] lashtal:Nope, more concrete
    [14/04/14 11:37] lashtal:No Gljivoje
    [14/04/14 11:37] Kyphis:The Candle?
    [14/04/14 11:37] lashtal:No
    [14/04/14 11:37] Kyphis:It has slipped my mind for now then :P
    [14/04/14 11:37] Gljivoje:he read it for few months, i missed that
    [14/04/14 11:38] Kyphis:Can you think of a fourth factor, Gljivoje?
    [14/04/14 11:38] Gljivoje:trying
    [14/04/14 11:39] papaver:Good morning.
    [14/04/14 11:39] Gljivoje:so he's scared of library just because they stroe book there, and this was a book?
    [14/04/14 11:39] Gljivoje:morning papaver
    [14/04/14 11:39] Gljivoje:*store books
    [14/04/14 11:40] papaver:One can only jump when more then 10 days. So I can't go to the party.
    [14/04/14 11:40] lashtal:Hi papaver
    [14/04/14 11:40] Kyphis:Oh yes, the library!
    [14/04/14 11:40] Kyphis:That is the fourth element
    [14/04/14 11:40] lashtal:The library, correct
    [14/04/14 11:40] lashtal:Do you want to sum up what we know to papaver?
    [14/04/14 11:40] Kyphis:Is there a fifth element?
    [14/04/14 11:41] lashtal:Nope.
    [14/04/14 11:41] lashtal:Gljivoje: so he's scared of library just because they stroe book there, and this was a book?
    [14/04/14 11:41] lashtal:Nope
    [14/04/14 11:41] Gljivoje:i get such impression cause of some early question
    [14/04/14 11:41] Gljivoje:papaver, playing?
    [14/04/14 11:42] Kyphis:The story so far:
    [14/04/14 11:43] Kyphis:A man gets a knock at the door in the evening. A stranger is there with a book, and he tells the man to read it because it is a special book
    [14/04/14 11:43] Kyphis:The man reads the book when he goes to bed, and finds that it has no begining or end, and its contents change constantly, as the stranger told him
    [14/04/14 11:43] papaver:No! I am mad because i CAN'T GO TO THE PARTY!
    [14/04/14 11:44] Kyphis:He feels a responsibility and privilige to reading this book, and reads it for many months if not years
    [14/04/14 11:44] Kyphis:For some reason he also does not want to read the book.
    [14/04/14 11:44] Gljivoje:i believe few months, kyphis
    [14/04/14 11:44] Kyphis: (the party is here right now)
    [14/04/14 11:44] Gljivoje:read first sentence
    [14/04/14 11:44] Kyphis: (this is the party)
    [14/04/14 11:45] Gljivoje:"Late one afternoon, a few months ago..."
    [14/04/14 11:46] Kyphis:In time, he stops reading the book, as he comes to realize he will never be able to finish it. He feels relieved by this, but is still unwilling to go to the library
    [14/04/14 11:46] Kyphis:I believe that is all we know so far?
    [14/04/14 11:46] Gljivoje:and he keeps the book for future reading if he choses to
    [14/04/14 11:47] lashtal:In time he stops reading the book, but not just because he can't finish it.
    [14/04/14 11:47] Gljivoje:did the book gave him a whole different perspective on book in general?
    [14/04/14 11:47] Gljivoje:*on books
    [14/04/14 11:48] papaver:Why should he go to the library? Does he know the book is from there?
    [14/04/14 11:48] Kyphis:Does the book end up residing in the library he does not wish to visit?
    [14/04/14 11:48] lashtal:He doesn't! And the book doesn't come from the library
    [14/04/14 11:49] lashtal:Yes Kyphis!
    [14/04/14 11:49] Kyphis: (oh yes - papaver, the aim of this game is to ask questions with yes/no answers. Lashtal can only answer yes, no, or irrelevant)
    [14/04/14 11:49] Kyphis: (the end goal is to uncover the whole story)
    [14/04/14 11:49] Gljivoje:oh, i thought he keep the book for future reading
    [14/04/14 11:49] Gljivoje:didn't we uncover it earlier
    [14/04/14 11:49] Kyphis:Does the library want the book?
    [14/04/14 11:50] Kyphis:Is it a normal library?
    [14/04/14 11:50] Kyphis:Is the library aware of the books abnormal properties before they acquire it?
    [14/04/14 11:50] lashtal: (lag) Yes to: the book ends up residing in the library he does not wish to visit
    [14/04/14 11:51] Gljivoje:did he loses the book so it ends up in library somehow?
    [14/04/14 11:51] Kyphis:Does the library know it has the book?
    [14/04/14 11:52] Kyphis: (I think he is double checking before he answers :P)
    [14/04/14 11:52] Gljivoje: :)
    [14/04/14 11:52] lashtal:The Library wouldn't want the book. It's a normal library. Nobody there is aware of the peculiarities of said book
    [14/04/14 11:53] Gljivoje:so he sneaks to book there and leave it?
    [14/04/14 11:53] Gljivoje:*the
    [14/04/14 11:53] lashtal:YES! 1 point for Gljivoje
    [14/04/14 11:53] Kyphis:Yes, what is the answer to my fourth question?
    [14/04/14 11:53] Kyphis:Eh?
    [14/04/14 11:54] lashtal:Please, re-ask and I will re-answer
    [14/04/14 11:54] Kyphis:Does the library know it has the book?
    [14/04/14 11:54] Gljivoje:guess not
    [14/04/14 11:54] papaver:Is t he content of the book about his own life?
    [14/04/14 11:54] lashtal:No!
    [14/04/14 11:55] Gljivoje:content is strange and irrelevant, i believe
    [14/04/14 11:55] lashtal:Irrelevant papaver, the book has no beginning, no end, and it changes constantly
    [14/04/14 11:55] Kyphis:The book is apparently about nothing specific
    [14/04/14 11:55] Kyphis:Now... we need to figure out why he wanted to stop reading it. If we can do that, we have the whole story
    [14/04/14 11:56] lashtal:Exactly.
    [14/04/14 11:56] papaver:Every book has a beginning and an end. First page, last page.
    [14/04/14 11:56] lashtal:No papaver, not this one.
    [14/04/14 11:56] Kyphis:Contents of the book change constantly, so the first page is not the first page twice
    [14/04/14 11:57] lashtal:1 point for you, because it's important to clarify
    [14/04/14 11:57] papaver:But there is always a first page.
    [14/04/14 11:57] Gljivoje:was his physical health destroyed cause of constant reading and living "in the book"
    [14/04/14 11:57] :lashtal smiles
    [14/04/14 11:57] lashtal:Nope
    [14/04/14 11:58] Kyphis:Did he loose a meaningful amount of sleep over the contents of the book?
    [14/04/14 11:58] Gljivoje:did the book start to become his life?
    [14/04/14 11:58] lashtal:Yes Kyphis
    [14/04/14 11:58] Kyphis:To rephrase Gljivoje, did the book become an obsession?
    [14/04/14 11:58] lashtal:Yes, definitely
    [14/04/14 11:59] Kyphis:Did he get rid of the book to break the obsession?
    [14/04/14 11:59] lashtal:Yes!!!
    [14/04/14 11:59] Gljivoje:so he was addicted
    [14/04/14 11:59] Kyphis:Was putting the book in the library an attempt to put the book beyond his reach?
    [14/04/14 11:59] Gljivoje:like throwing the book on pile of books
    [14/04/14 12:00] lashtal:Exactly to both.
    [14/04/14 12:00] lashtal:Now...
    [14/04/14 12:00] papaver:Didn't he feel sorry for the people reading it after him?
    [14/04/14 12:00] Kyphis:Yes, we have the whole story
    [14/04/14 12:00] lashtal:Not yet... Why did he choose such a way to get rid of the book?
    [14/04/14 12:00] papaver:He should have destroyed it.
    [14/04/14 12:01] Gljivoje:well, when you're addicted, you look at yourself mostly
    [14/04/14 12:01] Kyphis:Because the appearance of the book also changes
    [14/04/14 12:01] Kyphis:And this way he would not be able to find it unless he checked every book
    [14/04/14 12:01] Gljivoje:nice one
    [14/04/14 12:01] lashtal:Close enough but not yet...
    [14/04/14 12:02] lashtal:papaver: He should have destroyed it.
    [14/04/14 12:02] lashtal:True enough...
    [14/04/14 12:02] Kyphis:Does the appearance of the book change?
    [14/04/14 12:02] lashtal:No, just its content.
    [14/04/14 12:02] papaver:I thought he hated libraries. So why should he go back?
    [14/04/14 12:03] Gljivoje:he doesn't hate them
    [14/04/14 12:03] Gljivoje:he avoid the library cause he put the book there
    [14/04/14 12:03] Kyphis:Putting the book in the library was an effort not just to make it hard for him to find the book himself, but an effort to let someone else find the book
    [14/04/14 12:04] Kyphis:?
    [14/04/14 12:04] papaver:Oh.I missed a lot of information.
    [14/04/14 12:04] lashtal:Yes to both
    [14/04/14 12:04] lashtal:And yes to papaver (:-p)
    [14/04/14 12:04] Gljivoje:and snatch it beyond his reach
    [14/04/14 12:04] papaver:Why would he make some else an addict?
    [14/04/14 12:04] papaver:*someone
    [14/04/14 12:05] lashtal:Sorry, I misread.
    [14/04/14 12:05] Kyphis:papaver should get a point for the "should have destroyed it", in my opinion :P
    [14/04/14 12:05] Gljivoje:he didnt had the strength to destroy it with addiction
    [14/04/14 12:05] Gljivoje:theres always that spark
    [14/04/14 12:05] lashtal:Wait a minute.
    [14/04/14 12:05] Kyphis:It is a good clue
    [14/04/14 12:05] Gljivoje:of returning to it
    [14/04/14 12:05] papaver:Thanks Kyphis.
    [14/04/14 12:06] lashtal:Putting the book in the library was an effort to make it hard for anybody to find the book
    [14/04/14 12:06] lashtal:Like hiding a leaf in a forest.
    [14/04/14 12:06] papaver:Is it a very big library?
    [14/04/14 12:06] lashtal:But I agree with Kyphis, one more point to papaver (that makes 6 points to Kyphis, 3 to Gljivoje and 2 to papaver)
    [14/04/14 12:07] lashtal:It is.
    [14/04/14 12:07] Kyphis:Is where he put the book in the library relevant (ie "the stack") ?
    [14/04/14 12:07] lashtal:Now, why didn't he try to destroy the book instead?
    [14/04/14 12:07] Kyphis:Was it possible to destroy the book?
    [14/04/14 12:07] papaver:Because it can't be destroyed?
    [14/04/14 12:07] Kyphis:Would destroying the book have negative consequences for reality?
    [14/04/14 12:08] Gljivoje:i thought he didn't destroy it cause of his obsession
    [14/04/14 12:08] lashtal:Kyphis: I don't know and yes, it would have had negative consequences. But it could be destroyed
    [14/04/14 12:08] papaver:Would it have consequences for himself?
    [14/04/14 12:08] Gljivoje:*i think
    [14/04/14 12:09] lashtal:papaver: I guess for him too
    [14/04/14 12:09] papaver:But not only for him?
    [14/04/14 12:09] Kyphis:Did he want to destroy the book?
    [14/04/14 12:09] Gljivoje:did he wanted to return to it with one part, thus lacking the stregth to destroy it?
    [14/04/14 12:09] lashtal:No to papaver, yes to Kyphis.
    [14/04/14 12:10] lashtal:Nope to Gljivoje
    [14/04/14 12:10] Gljivoje:did he hurt himself while hurting the book?
    [14/04/14 12:10] papaver:Did he think other people could be helped by the book?
    [14/04/14 12:10] Kyphis:Would destroying the book have changed reality in a physical manner (aside from the lack of book) ?
    [14/04/14 12:11] lashtal:No to Gljivoje and papaver, yes to Kyphis
    [14/04/14 12:12] Kyphis:Would destroying the book have changed reality at a base level (for example change how gravity works) ?
    [14/04/14 12:12] papaver:WAs the book about life itself and would destroying it mean the end of life?
    [14/04/14 12:12] Gljivoje:so the book is about ongoing present moments of a world
    [14/04/14 12:13] Kyphis: (running out of time, got about 10 minutes)
    [14/04/14 12:13] Gljivoje:the book is about his reality
    [14/04/14 12:13] lashtal:No to both. Take it more literally
    [14/04/14 12:13] lashtal:We are SO close now...
    [14/04/14 12:13] Gljivoje:the book is a story about him reading it
    [14/04/14 12:14] lashtal:Nope.. Why didn't he destroy the book instead of getting rid of it?
    [14/04/14 12:14] papaver:Like the neverending story.
    [14/04/14 12:14] lashtal:I told you there's no first page and no last page... How would you destroy such a thing?
    [14/04/14 12:15] Kyphis:Fire. Duh
    [14/04/14 12:15] :lashtal smiles
    [14/04/14 12:15] lashtal:So.. Why didn't he set the book on fire?
    [14/04/14 12:15] Kyphis:The book is old... is it older than the language that the protagonist reads it in?
    [14/04/14 12:15] papaver:Yes, Or a bucket of water and letting it soak voor a few weeks.
    [14/04/14 12:16] papaver:*for
    [14/04/14 12:16] lashtal:Correct Kyphis
    [14/04/14 12:16] Kyphis:The book defines reality in some way?
    [14/04/14 12:16] Gljivoje:but still, its a book
    [14/04/14 12:16] lashtal:That would have been a good idea papaver.. The protagonist didn't consider that option
    [14/04/14 12:16] lashtal:No Kypshis
    [14/04/14 12:17] Gljivoje:ah..
    [14/04/14 12:17] Kyphis:The contents of the book are defined by the current state of reality?
    [14/04/14 12:17] papaver:Is the book about the future in some way?
    [14/04/14 12:17] Gljivoje:by thinking of destroying it he set in motion other events in the book
    [14/04/14 12:17] lashtal:No/irrelevant. to Kyphis
    [14/04/14 12:18] lashtal:No to papaver
    [14/04/14 12:18] lashtal:No to Gljivoje
    [14/04/14 12:18] papaver:Then he is just a coward.
    [14/04/14 12:18] lashtal:Perhaps *grins*
    [14/04/14 12:18] Kyphis:The book is older than our measure of reality?
    [14/04/14 12:18] Gljivoje:the book has its own will and control more than one mear reader could
    [14/04/14 12:19] Gljivoje:but, not really
    [14/04/14 12:19] lashtal:Nope to both..
    [14/04/14 12:19] lashtal:Would you set on fire a book with an infinite number of pages?
    [14/04/14 12:19] papaver:He wants to torture other people
    [14/04/14 12:19] Gljivoje:wait a minute, did he tried to burned it or not?
    [14/04/14 12:19] Kyphis:Yes. Infinite energy
    [14/04/14 12:20] lashtal:He didn't Gljivoje, he considered the idea.
    [14/04/14 12:20] Gljivoje:haha, right
    [14/04/14 12:20] papaver:A book with an infinite numer of pages is unreadable.
    [14/04/14 12:20] Gljivoje:well, he didn't had the heart to destroy something such majestic
    [14/04/14 12:21] Kyphis:His choice of Library was significant?
    [14/04/14 12:21] lashtal:Both true..
    [14/04/14 12:21] Kyphis:*chose
    [14/04/14 12:21] Gljivoje:and maybe it will work one someone else differently and not as obsession
    [14/04/14 12:21] Gljivoje:someone can use it wisely
    [14/04/14 12:21] lashtal:Yes Kyphis, but the implication is not much relevant
    [14/04/14 12:21] Gljivoje:but he just become addicted, putting his own life aside
    [14/04/14 12:22] Gljivoje:not implemented books knowledge into it in small doses for knowledge
    [14/04/14 12:22] papaver:He read in the book he should bring it to the library.
    [14/04/14 12:22] lashtal:I don't think it's possible Gljivoje
    [14/04/14 12:22] Gljivoje:oh alright
    [14/04/14 12:23] Kyphis:Is "read" the correct word for what he did with the book?
    [14/04/14 12:23] Gljivoje:so he couldn't find a way to destroy it in his mind?
    [14/04/14 12:23] Gljivoje:he didnt even try it
    [14/04/14 12:23] Gljivoje:but only consider
    [14/04/14 12:24] lashtal:No to Kyphis, yes to Gljvoje
    [14/04/14 12:24] Gljivoje:and with that thought he decided to "lost it"
    [14/04/14 12:24] Kyphis:Is "absorb" a better word?
    [14/04/14 12:24] lashtal:Yes Gljivoje
    [14/04/14 12:25] lashtal:Perhaps Kyphis
    [14/04/14 12:25] Kyphis:Is he capable of retaining the knowledge the book imparted without exposing himself to the book?
    [14/04/14 12:26] Gljivoje:so he struggled, he was exhausted, not much strength to destroy, and decided to lost it, now feeling relieved and avoiding library at all cost
    [14/04/14 12:26] papaver:Still doesn't explain WHY he didn't destroy it.
    [14/04/14 12:27] lashtal:Good resume Gljivoje, correct papaver
    [14/04/14 12:27] lashtal:Kyphis's question is too difficult for me ;-)
    [14/04/14 12:27] Kyphis:Ah :P
    [14/04/14 12:27] lashtal:I guess it's a no anyway ;-)
    [14/04/14 12:28] Gljivoje:so guys, wtf he didn't destory the fucker?
    [14/04/14 12:28] Kyphis:When he first began to read the book, did he already have a desire to not?
    [14/04/14 12:28] :Gljivoje laughs
    [14/04/14 12:29] papaver:I still think somethink in the bookl told him not to.
    [14/04/14 12:29] lashtal:I would say his feelings were contrasting... On one way said book is unique and a real treasure, on the other it's an abomination
    [14/04/14 12:29] Gljivoje:well he couldn't sleep and was intrigued by the words stranger said him, so he started to read
    [14/04/14 12:29] Kyphis:o_O
    [14/04/14 12:30] Kyphis:Inherently an abomination?
    [14/04/14 12:30] papaver:The man who brought him the book, was he trying to get rid of it too?
    [14/04/14 12:30] lashtal:Yes papaver! 1 point for you!
    [14/04/14 12:30] Gljivoje:nice one
    [14/04/14 12:31] lashtal:An abomination as in: something very strange... an ever changing book with infinite number of pages...
    [14/04/14 12:31] Kyphis:ah
    [14/04/14 12:32] Gljivoje:did the stranger brought him the book especially, not randomly?
    [14/04/14 12:32] papaver:The next person to read it, will he try to get rid of it too?
    [14/04/14 12:32] lashtal:Probably yes to both
    [14/04/14 12:32] Kyphis:Could he have refused to take the book?
    [14/04/14 12:33] Gljivoje:does rpotagonist works in library?
    [14/04/14 12:33] lashtal:Oh he could... would you? *grins*
    [14/04/14 12:33] papaver:Will there ever be someone who will destroy it?
    [14/04/14 12:33] lashtal:I don't know papaver
    [14/04/14 12:33] Kyphis:Hahaha, no :P
    [14/04/14 12:33] Gljivoje:does protagonist works in library?
    [14/04/14 12:34] Kyphis:Then I would not have an infinite source of fire, would I?
    [14/04/14 12:34] lashtal:Gljivoje: not exactly but... I cant speak
    [14/04/14 12:34] lashtal:YOU would Kyphis!
    [14/04/14 12:34] Gljivoje:he has connection with library so does this stranger brought him the book
    [14/04/14 12:34] lashtal:Correct
    [14/04/14 12:35] lashtal: (PM for you Kyphis)
    [14/04/14 12:35] papaver:So he thinks more people should read it.
    [14/04/14 12:35] Gljivoje:cause he had the same idea on his mind, about lossing it in books
    [14/04/14 12:35] Gljivoje:did he tell him not to read it, but just lose it
    [14/04/14 12:35] Kyphis:Does he think it is a book that should ever be read?
    [14/04/14 12:36] lashtal:No to everybody
    [14/04/14 12:36] papaver:It is only a matter of time before someone finds it in a library.
    [14/04/14 12:36] lashtal:Yes papaver
    [14/04/14 12:36] Kyphis:Did the stranger think the book should be read?
    [14/04/14 12:36] papaver:So it should be read.
    [14/04/14 12:37] lashtal:Yes to Kyphis, I don't know to papaver
    [14/04/14 12:37] lashtal: (I would want such a book in my collection!)
    [14/04/14 12:37] Gljivoje:if its a book, its purpose is to be red
    [14/04/14 12:38] papaver:I think Kyphis and I mean the same.
    [14/04/14 12:38] Kyphis:The stranger was the one with the connection to the library, yes?
    [14/04/14 12:38] lashtal:Not necessarily. Take a cursed book, its purpose is to curse the reader
    [14/04/14 12:38] Kyphis:Not quite, pap
    [14/04/14 12:38] lashtal:Nope, not the stranger
    [14/04/14 12:39] Gljivoje:no, the protagonist is library-connected
    [14/04/14 12:39] Gljivoje:it is cursed, but its meant to be read
    [14/04/14 12:39] lashtal:Yes Gljivoje! But no, the curse can be triggered by just opening it...
    [14/04/14 12:39] lashtal:Anyway, it's not a cursed book
    [14/04/14 12:39] Kyphis: ("read" is not the correct word)
    [14/04/14 12:39] papaver:But somehow the content is.
    [14/04/14 12:40] Kyphis:Is "experience" a better word?
    [14/04/14 12:40] Gljivoje:depends on the reader and its perception of things
    [14/04/14 12:40] lashtal:It is, Kyphis
    [14/04/14 12:40] lashtal:That's another mystery to unveil, why can't we say "read"?
    [14/04/14 12:41] lashtal:And once again, why not setting it on fire?
    [14/04/14 12:41] lashtal:Answer these for 2 points each!
    [14/04/14 12:41] Kyphis:Read is a voluntary action, we choose what we experience. "Experience" in this case means it "decides" what we learn, not us
    [14/04/14 12:42] papaver:Because the smoke particles of the book would do more damage.
    [14/04/14 12:42] Gljivoje:bending reality
    [14/04/14 12:42] lashtal:No to both
    [14/04/14 12:42] Gljivoje:experience is something new, reading a plain book is an experience but in certain imagination boundaries
    [14/04/14 12:43] Kyphis:Read suggests we take the action, it happens automatically while we observe?
    [14/04/14 12:43] lashtal:Something else is implied in the act of "reading"
    [14/04/14 12:43] Kyphis: (the information is conveyed directly to the mind)
    [14/04/14 12:43] Kyphis: (without language to interpret)
    [14/04/14 12:43] lashtal:Aha!
    [14/04/14 12:44] papaver:Reading meand liking, or else you would stop.
    [14/04/14 12:44] Gljivoje:living, like being there actually, not just imgaine it as reading a normal book
    [14/04/14 12:44] Kyphis:Information without language
    [14/04/14 12:44] papaver:*means
    [14/04/14 12:44] lashtal:I wish I could speak... You're all so close...
    [14/04/14 12:44] Gljivoje:yeah, Kyphis is on good trail
    [14/04/14 12:45] Kyphis:The raw information, not a representation of the information
    [14/04/14 12:45] Gljivoje:words create stereotypes connected toour previous experiences
    [14/04/14 12:45] papaver:It is a book with pictures?
    [14/04/14 12:45] Kyphis:No
    [14/04/14 12:45] lashtal:Yes papaver
    [14/04/14 12:45] Gljivoje:and this is actually feeling and exsisting while looking at the book
    [14/04/14 12:45] Kyphis:Eh? you told me no!
    [14/04/14 12:45] lashtal:Not mainly pictures, but it does have them
    [14/04/14 12:45] papaver:Only pictures?
    [14/04/14 12:45] papaver:Okay.
    [14/04/14 12:45] Gljivoje:cosmical feelings of understanding
    [14/04/14 12:45] lashtal:No, occasional pictures
    [14/04/14 12:46] Kyphis:Ah, I see the difference now :P
    [14/04/14 12:46] papaver:Do the pictures change too?
    [14/04/14 12:46] lashtal: :)
    [14/04/14 12:46] lashtal:Yes papaver
    [14/04/14 12:47] papaver:They explain the text?
    [14/04/14 12:47] Gljivoje:ah, i must leave, dammit
    [14/04/14 12:47] :papaver grins
    [14/04/14 12:47] Gljivoje:good luck you two, have a good one
    [14/04/14 12:47] lashtal:I don't know papaver, and this is a clue
    [14/04/14 12:48] lashtal:Thanks for participating Gljivoje, you'll be rewarded!
    [14/04/14 12:48] Kyphis:You helped a lot :P
    [14/04/14 12:48] papaver:They make some imprint on the brain?
    [14/04/14 12:48] Gljivoje:it was a real pleasure, nice quest lashtal, later all
    [14/04/14 12:48] papaver:Bye Glji!
    [14/04/14 12:49] lashtal:Some imprint on the brain? What do you mean?
    [14/04/14 12:49] Kyphis:Grr... I have the story written up (far longer than you said, lashtal!) , but need the last detail of the nature of the book
    [14/04/14 12:49] Kyphis:The information is conveyed directly to the brain, without need to interpret the language it is in? Its meaning is inherently understood
    [14/04/14 12:49] papaver:They make you do things or leave things?
    [14/04/14 12:50] lashtal:My mistake, I underestimated the quantity of details that could be taken to surface
    [14/04/14 12:50] Kyphis:I'll bet you did :P
    [14/04/14 12:51] lashtal:I honestly don't know how to answer without spoiling the last detail
    [14/04/14 12:51] papaver:Does reaching a picture make the text change?
    [14/04/14 12:51] lashtal:No papaver
    [14/04/14 12:52] papaver:But they are a kind of counterpoints?
    [14/04/14 12:52] Kyphis:So... in response to my last question, you are unable to answer yes or no?
    [14/04/14 12:52] lashtal:The book doesn't act telepatically, it needs to be read in order to be understood. But you can experience the book even if you don't understand it.
    [14/04/14 12:53] papaver:ARe the pictures important?
    [14/04/14 12:54] lashtal:I don't know, I don't even know if they are related to the text!
    [14/04/14 12:54] lashtal:Now, how could I possibly NOT know that?
    [14/04/14 12:54] papaver:Do they trigger things?
    [14/04/14 12:54] Kyphis:Grr... I want to PM you my interpretation of the story, but you have said you will ignore all PMs for the quest
    [14/04/14 12:55] lashtal:No papaver
    [14/04/14 12:55] lashtal:If it's too long to be said in chat I accept the PM, no worries
    [14/04/14 12:55] papaver:SO you didn't read the book.
    [14/04/14 12:55] Kyphis:Sent
    [14/04/14 12:56] Kyphis:I know I am still missing the last detail...
    [14/04/14 12:56] lashtal:If you mean "read" literally.. As in understanding what is written.. I didn't
    [14/04/14 12:57] Kyphis: (the contents of the book are not explicitly stated in the story, just their nature)
    [14/04/14 12:58] papaver:Is it a book of choices? Posing choices for the reader?
    [14/04/14 12:59] Kyphis:lashtal, if my version is good so far, let me know and I will post it in chat as well, so papaver can have better odds of hitting the last detail
    [14/04/14 12:59] papaver:Tyhanks!
    [14/04/14 12:59] lashtal:You can post it, just omit the 2 lines I underlined
    [14/04/14 13:00] Kyphis:Dont say that first sentence either :P
    [14/04/14 13:00] Kyphis:Let pap figure that out
    [14/04/14 13:00] lashtal:Sure, game is still open!
    [14/04/14 13:01] Kyphis:The man hears a knock at the door, and opens it to find a stranger. The stranger comes inside and offers him the book, explaining its properties.
    [14/04/14 13:01] Kyphis:He takes the book, and reads it that night, confirming what the stranger has told him - the book has no begining, no end, and the contents are always changing.
    [14/04/14 13:01] Kyphis:The book is about everything. Its age is beyond our knowing.
    [14/04/14 13:01] Kyphis:Over the next few months, he continues to experience the book, while both his apprehension at its abnormal nature, and obsession with its contents grows stronger.
    [14/04/14 13:01] Kyphis:Eventually, his abhorance of the book wins out, and he contemplates destroying it. However, knowing this would have dire consequences, he settles for hiding it in a place that he knows well...
    [14/04/14 13:01] Kyphis:... , a large library.
    [14/04/14 13:02] Kyphis:His hope is that the book will never be experienced again, and he is relieved that it would be hard for him, or anyone else, to ever find in the library.
    [14/04/14 13:02] Kyphis:He resolves not to return to that library, as well.
    [14/04/14 13:02] Kyphis: (fin)
    [14/04/14 13:02] lashtal: *smiles* Correct.
    [14/04/14 13:03] papaver:Is it a book about peoples thoughts?
    [14/04/14 13:03] Kyphis:papaver, I encourage you to try and put what I have said, and your own understanding, in your own words. It might help us see more clues we are missing
    [14/04/14 13:04] papaver:I'll do my best.
    [14/04/14 13:04] lashtal:We don't really know what the book is really about. Nobody knows, neither the protagonist nor the stranger
    [14/04/14 13:04] papaver:ANd he has read it for months!
    [14/04/14 13:05] Kyphis:The book has no specific topic, so far as we can understand
    [14/04/14 13:05] papaver:Does it work on brains? Makes you a different person?
    [14/04/14 13:05] Kyphis: (I am out of time as of 20 minutes ago)
    [14/04/14 13:06] lashtal:I'm sorry Kyphis, but thanks for participating!
    [14/04/14 13:06] papaver:Bye Kyphis!
    [14/04/14 13:06] lashtal:Everything may work on brains and change people, but I'd say it's irrelevant for our story.
    [14/04/14 13:07] lashtal: (use acoustic remain please!)
    [14/04/14 13:07] papaver: (How?)
    [14/04/14 13:07] Kyphis: (I'm not going anywhere, just need to stop paying as much attention/contributing as often)
    [14/04/14 13:07] Kyphis: (he was asking me, papaver :P)
    [14/04/14 13:07] lashtal: (all right then!)
    [14/04/14 13:08] papaver:The reader finds the book scary or his addiction?
    [14/04/14 13:12] lashtal:I'd say both
    [14/04/14 13:13] papaver:How can he find it scary if he doesn't know what it is about?
    [14/04/14 13:14] lashtal:The fact this book is endless and ever-changing is enough to scare the protagonist
    [14/04/14 13:15] lashtal:Anyway.. Two missing details only:
    [14/04/14 13:15] papaver:I asked before if it were peoples thoughts in it? Ever fluctuating.
    [14/04/14 13:16] lashtal:Why not setting the book on fire? Why we can't really say the characters "read" the book?
    [14/04/14 13:16] papaver:Is it a kind of portal?
    [14/04/14 13:18] lashtal:No, why, it's just a normal book with an infinite number of ever-changing pages..
    [14/04/14 13:18] Kyphis:Instead of acting as a vehicle for the information, would it be more accurate to say the book is a prison?
    [14/04/14 13:18] lashtal:I wouldn't say so
    [14/04/14 13:19] Kyphis:Would it be accurate to say that the information can be considered as existing seperate to the book?
    [14/04/14 13:20] papaver:I thought we had that answers. It is valuable and should be read ...
    [14/04/14 13:20] papaver:And reading should be experiencing.
    [14/04/14 13:21] papaver:Is the book the man himself? burning the book would be burning himself?
    [14/04/14 13:21] lashtal:Can you two read aramaic? *smirks*
    [14/04/14 13:21] Kyphis: *cough* yes
    [14/04/14 13:22] lashtal:No papaver, it's just a book, nothing metaphoric
    [14/04/14 13:22] lashtal:Sanscrit? Japanese?
    [14/04/14 13:22] papaver:Only a little Chinese.
    [14/04/14 13:22] Kyphis:I can read Japanese, can't understand it though (I know the sounds the symbols make, not the words)
    [14/04/14 13:23] Kyphis:No to sanscrit
    [14/04/14 13:23] papaver:Lasthal, why don't you answer my question about the thought? I have posed it 2 now.
    [14/04/14 13:24] papaver:*thoughts
    [14/04/14 13:24] lashtal:I must have missed it, sorry.
    [14/04/14 13:24] lashtal:Can you re-ask it?
    [14/04/14 13:25] Kyphis: (papaver, if you can get those last two answers I think that your points will be equal to, maybe greater than, mine. They are two points each)
    [14/04/14 13:25] lashtal: (confirmed, Kyphis 6, papaver and Gljivoje 3)
    [14/04/14 13:26] lashtal:Also, Kyphis's sum up is on the forum thread for reference
    [14/04/14 13:27] Gljivoje:that two questions still stands?
    [14/04/14 13:27] Kyphis:Yes
    [14/04/14 13:27] lashtal:Yes
    [14/04/14 13:28] lashtal:Why not burning it? Why can't we really say they "read" the book?
    [14/04/14 13:28] Kyphis:Are you familiar with the webcomic "Looking for Group", lashtal?
    [14/04/14 13:29] lashtal:I'm afraid I'm not
    [14/04/14 13:29] Kyphis:In that story, there is a book of knowledge. Reading the book can give you access to any knowledge
    [14/04/14 13:29] papaver:I asked if the book just showed peoples thoughts, which are ever fluctuating.
    [14/04/14 13:29] lashtal:Then no papaver, we don't know what the book is about.
    [14/04/14 13:29] Kyphis:If the book is destroyed, then the knowledge is transferred to the minds of everyone in existance
    [14/04/14 13:29] papaver:You experience them rather then read them.
    [14/04/14 13:30] Kyphis:Is the book in this story like that? Its destruction would remove the limitations on the knowledge it can present?
    [14/04/14 13:30] lashtal:Interesting, but no to both.
    [14/04/14 13:31] :papaver laughs
    [14/04/14 13:31] papaver:Can I quit?
    [14/04/14 13:31] papaver:This is making me crazy.
    [14/04/14 13:31] Gljivoje:does he want ot burn it but physically can't or he does not want to burn it because some of his own reasons?
    [14/04/14 13:31] Kyphis:Hmm.. for reading... the information is recorded in an unknown language, but as you look at it your brain automatically works to understand it?
    [14/04/14 13:31] lashtal:Well, you can.. But if you don't you are classified 2nd or 3rd
    [14/04/14 13:32] Gljivoje:look it as two separet questions
    [14/04/14 13:32] papaver:Hmmm, I'll stay.
    [14/04/14 13:32] Kyphis:So reading it is wrong because the language is not known, it is more like interpretting it?
    [14/04/14 13:32] lashtal:Gljivoje: he decided not to.
    [14/04/14 13:33] Kyphis: (destorying the book is possible, but appears to have negative consequences)
    [14/04/14 13:33] lashtal:Kyphis: correct! Nobody knows what language the book was written in
    [14/04/14 13:33] Kyphis:Ah :P
    [14/04/14 13:33] lashtal:That makes 2 points for you. Kyphis 8, papaver and Gljivoje 3
    [14/04/14 13:34] Gljivoje:if he's connected somehow to library, that means he have emotions towards books somehow in general. so maybe he does not want to destroy such unique book.
    [14/04/14 13:34] lashtal:Last 2 points available, last question, why he decided not to burn it?
    [14/04/14 13:35] lashtal:Correct but not the main reason
    [14/04/14 13:35] papaver:I said that before. He thinks it should be experienced and it is valuable.
    [14/04/14 13:36] lashtal:Nope, and that's why he hides it in the library. He hopes nobody will find it in a long long time
    [14/04/14 13:36] Kyphis:Hmm... the stranger thought the book should be read, but he himself thinks it should not, yes?
    [14/04/14 13:37] lashtal:Exactly
    [14/04/14 13:37] Kyphis:So... I think if we can find why the stranger thought it should be read, we can find why he decided not to destroy it
    [14/04/14 13:37] papaver:I bet the book will be found in one day.
    [14/04/14 13:37] Kyphis:Is that a fair assumption?
    [14/04/14 13:37] lashtal:Sounds logical but no.
    [14/04/14 13:37] Gljivoje:and why the stranger gave the book particulary to this guy who's connected with library
    [14/04/14 13:38] papaver:It looks old and valuable, someone will pick it from the shelf.
    [14/04/14 13:38] Kyphis:So... his reason for deciding not to destroy it is not the same as the strangers reason for why it should be read
    [14/04/14 13:38] papaver:Unless the library is closed.
    [14/04/14 13:38] Gljivoje:well, the guy knows library so he hide it somewhere safe i suppose
    [14/04/14 13:38] Kyphis:Yes, the stranger did not pick this man at random
    [14/04/14 13:38] Kyphis:Is the library closed?
    [14/04/14 13:39] lashtal:It's not. It's just huge.
    [14/04/14 13:39] Gljivoje:is it Necrovion library *smiles*
    [14/04/14 13:39] lashtal:I wish it was...
    [14/04/14 13:39] papaver:Which means there are a lot of people every day.
    [14/04/14 13:39] Kyphis:Ah. So it is Loreroot library then?
    [14/04/14 13:40] papaver:Or the Archives.
    [14/04/14 13:40] Gljivoje:one book to rule them all... one by one
    [14/04/14 13:40] lashtal:Ahahah no no, the story could be set in the realm, but originally it's not
    [14/04/14 13:40] lashtal:Do not over-think this, it's much easier than you imagine
    [14/04/14 13:40] Kyphis:Ch, I was trying to steer the conversation to say it must be MDA, as there are no other libraries in MD :P
    [14/04/14 13:41] papaver:AH, their strength is their weakness.
    [14/04/14 13:41] Gljivoje:he won't burn it cause he's affraid of fire
    [14/04/14 13:41] :Gljivoje laughs
    [14/04/14 13:42] lashtal:Getting closer...
    [14/04/14 13:42] Kyphis:He was afraid to not be able to access the knowledge - he could only bring himself to let it go because he had the option to change his mind?
    [14/04/14 13:42] Kyphis:Sounds wrong to me
    [14/04/14 13:42] Gljivoje:i think we complicate it too much
    [14/04/14 13:42] lashtal:Nope..
    [14/04/14 13:43] lashtal:Keep it simple.. What's wrong in burning an infinity of pages?
    [14/04/14 13:43] Gljivoje:great fire
    [14/04/14 13:43] papaver:You get an infinite fire.
    [14/04/14 13:43] Kyphis:He was afraid he would not be able to put it out
    [14/04/14 13:43] lashtal:There you go!!
    [14/04/14 13:43] Gljivoje:he's affraid that library would catch fire, and all books would be burned
    [14/04/14 13:44] Kyphis:Wait, so its really what I have been saying the whole time? Hahahahaha!
    [14/04/14 13:44] Kyphis:His reason for not burning it is my reason for!
    [14/04/14 13:44] lashtal:He considered burning it before abandoning it to the Library..
    [14/04/14 13:44] Gljivoje:yes, of course
    [14/04/14 13:44] Gljivoje:but he thought it would burn infinitely, but is it true?
    [14/04/14 13:44] papaver:He could have done it somewhere outside near a river.
    [14/04/14 13:45] Kyphis:Water doesn't put out all fires
    [14/04/14 13:45] lashtal:Gjlivoje got it first, unless I missed something
    [14/04/14 13:45] Kyphis:Sometimes it makes them much bigger
    [14/04/14 13:45] papaver:Oh, here it does.
    [14/04/14 13:45] lashtal:He thought it would burn infinitely
    [14/04/14 13:46] Kyphis:Unless it was said ages ago, yes Gljivoje said it first
    [14/04/14 13:46] Gljivoje:i'm glad we summed this story up
    [14/04/14 13:46] papaver:That was what I said. Glji said big fire.
    [14/04/14 13:46] Kyphis:The intent behind the words, papaver :P
    [14/04/14 13:46] Gljivoje:hah, i don't care
    [14/04/14 13:47] lashtal:I will look at the logs to check who got it first..
    [14/04/14 13:47] Kyphis:Damn good quest, lashtal. And damn good work, Gljivoje and papaver!
    [14/04/14 13:47] lashtal:But for now, I thank you all for participating.
    [14/04/14 13:47] Kyphis:I'll take a log in a moment
    [14/04/14 13:47] papaver:You did the most.
    [14/04/14 13:47] lashtal:If you enjoyed it, I have a couple more stories for next days.
    [14/04/14 13:47] papaver:You 2 were halfway when I joined.
    [14/04/14 13:47] Gljivoje:give points to papaver, lashtal, its alright.
    [14/04/14 13:48] Gljivoje:a i really enjoyed it, nice one
    [14/04/14 13:48] Kyphis:I would love you to run one tomorrow, lashtal
    [14/04/14 13:48] lashtal:Don't worry about that, I think all of you will get nice prizes
    [14/04/14 13:48] lashtal:Then I will. Same time?
    [14/04/14 13:49] Kyphis:I am running a story night starting at 10ST
    [14/04/14 13:49] Kyphis:How late are you up?
    [14/04/14 13:49] Gljivoje:i hope i'll manage to participate
    [14/04/14 13:49] lashtal:Maybe another time then..
    [14/04/14 13:50] Kyphis:The MDA has events begining at 2:30ST, 10ST, and 20ST
    [14/04/14 13:50] lashtal:Tomorrow 10 s.t. is fine for me, it's usually the time I get up
    [14/04/14 13:50] Kyphis:Would you be able to do 13 or 14ST?
    [14/04/14 13:52] Kyphis: (updated my summary for you)
    [14/04/14 13:52] lashtal:I'd prefer to start either at 10 s.t. or around 1 s.t.
    [14/04/14 13:52] lashtal:The day can be arranged[/spoiler]
    Based on this, here are the results:
    1st place: Kyphis (8 points + correct resume of the whole story)
    2nd place: papaver: (5 points, after re-reading the logs I realized she answered more accurately to the last question. Plus, she was unlucky to join 2 hours late)
    3rd place: Gljivoje (3 points, but his role was crucial in several turning points, too bad he had to leave..)
    I will announce the prizes "soon"!!!
    Keep partying!
    Edit: forgot to mention, if you enjoyed the story, here's the tale I took inspiration from (read: brutalized): J.L.Borges' "The book of sand".
  19. Upvote
    Intrigue reacted to Aelis in 9th Birthday Quest - The Birthday Cake   
    The voting period has ended.
    As of ~ Day: 116 Year: 9 ~ ST 21:00, the results are:
    1st - Kyphis (8 votes)
    2nd - ChildOfTheSoul (5 votes)
    3rd - AmberRune (3 votes)
    4th - Rikstar (2 votes)
    Congratulations to all! Rewards shall be announced soon (council approval pending :) )
    The Birthday period is over, everyone. That means it's time to vote for the best cake! Thank you all for your entries and the work put into baking the cakes :)
    Due to the neg-repping and Rikstar's late entry, I have decided to open up a poll so people can vote again in a more organised way. You're only allowed to vote for one cake as your favourite.
    Links for the cakes:
    Let the voting begin!
    Hello everyone!
    It’s birthday time! And in order to make the party even funnier, we the Caretakers are hosting a Birthday Cake Contest! Ready your recipes! Let your imagination principle go wild!
    For this contest, you must bake a real cake (real as in RL) for MD’s birthday!
    Rules: Photos of the entire cooking process (from the ingredients to the finished cake) must be taken with MD and your playername written somewhere on the photo (If you manage to have the letters on your cake, even better!) and posted here on this topic. The cake with most reputation “ups” win! (or we can open up a vote if you guys prefer).
    There’s no restriction on the kind of cake you can bake and details you can put into it (you can go for one as big and fancy as a wedding cake – MD sure deserves it :D )!
    Rewards: Rewards will be given based on # of participants and effort put into baking the cakes. This quest has council’s approval, so rewards should be fancy! Also, we’ll all be eating the winning cake (and the others too) during the birthday! Woot!
    Deadline: Tuesday 22/04/2014 until 23:59 Server Time
    Are you ready?
    Let the baking begin!
  20. Upvote
    Intrigue reacted to Lania in Temrael, a role-playing game for French-speaking players   
    Only one question from me. Would the developers of Temrael be happy if you would advertise Magicduel on their forum or in the space of their game?
  21. Upvote
    Intrigue reacted to Sunfire in Extreme Magicduel   
    i need to go back in time to attack!
  22. Upvote
    Intrigue reacted to Nimrodel in The Onyx Bible - Registration   
    Hello MD! Forgive my absence. My job is keeping me hellishly busy.
    So I am almost done with a new quest similar to The Elixir of Life. It is basically a clickey quest spanning over all the major lands and MDA. Has a storyline, Has a few videos, has puzzles, has ciphers and Rewards! :D
    Please post your entries in this format:
    1. Player name which will be entered into the quest. (No alts allowed)
    2. Player ID
    3. AD count
    4. Preferred time zone to attend the quest
    The registrations start now and end on 25th of March. and after the registrations have ended, the official date of Quest will be announced. Only the players who have registered themselves will get an opportunity to solve the quest. The Quest will be open for everyone after the winners have been declared.
    Remember - It'll be a race. There'll be plenty of opportunity to catch up though (or at least I hope). Keep your tea ready. You'll need it if you want to run.
    oh! oh! I almost Forgot. Players not allowed to participate: No one, Valldore, Aelis and Jaden Dew.
    Registered Players list (pm me if I miss you out of the list):
    1. dst
    2. Intrigue
    3. Rophs
    4. Sir Blut
    5. AmberRune
    6. Yoshi
    7. Tipu
    8. Dan Planewalker
    9. *Sunfire*
    10. *Clock Master*
    11. darkraptor
    12. *Eara Meraia*
    13. Lania
    14. *Syrian*
    15. Occamrazor
    16. Blackthorn
    17. Ars Alchemy
    18. *Eagle Eye*
    Registrations closed. I will announce the date of the quest in the next few days.. Might be a week or two away. Or right in time for MD birthday :D
  23. Upvote
    Intrigue reacted to Chewett in Research - Worst part of MD?   
    You are a little young to know this, But in the past certain ideas and concepts were "sold" to Mur and he could confirm, deny or point you in another direction. This is normalyl when researching into MD lore. Some parts of MD lore has indeed a correct answer.
  24. Upvote
    Intrigue reacted to Shadowseeker in Research - Worst part of MD?   
    I'm not sure if you consider me one of the people who're bragging about it, but I hope I haven't given that impression. I openly admit to not having really done any research for a long long time. :)
    The most productive times where sharing occurs is if discussions about a topic come up somehow which then leads to discoveries. But that doesn't really happen often, if at all. I used to have that more, not sure why it stopped in MD. People just talk less in general I think? Even disregarding messengers.
    That aside:
    The one thing I dislike is that often enough research and knowledge doesn't get seperated. I try very hard personally to seperate from "confirmed" things and "theories"...this is another point where sharing information is risky. You essentially trust the other to have confirmed things if you accept it as is, which is not always the case.
    I do however agree that research as such is really flawed, since there is no real authority to confirm aside form Mur, and any answer you expect will be nonexistent or "soon" unless you really come up with something good. Part of the solution that was proposed was the Research and Clues system, but that's been defunct. In theory I can manage everything of it as is (aside from the fact that I cannot reject submissions at all, only approve things), but practically I'm not even sure if I'm really the "best" person for this not are there even remotely enough clues right now, more need to be written up. I have a partial set of things written up which I might submit later for proofreading by Mur, if it ever comes to expansion of that system.
    I have and will rely on old notes, files I keep, but mostly on my memory, which can fail, and odd things get buried. I used to bounce ideas a lot more so they kept fresh, but as it is, I have buried so many things that are relevant, but without the topic coming up I won't even remember I knew something....or fail to realize I forgot things that I should know.
  25. Upvote
    Intrigue reacted to lashtal in Research - Worst part of MD?   
    Cudos to dst for clarifying the difference between research and knowledge, but what I meant still stands.
    Research is based on knowledge, it doesn't come out of the blue.
    So: if I'm supposed not to share knowledge openly, how can I share my speculations on aspects that may require certain knowledge?  :huh:
    For example, the dark character who hands us the white cube in the story mode.
    Knowing who-it-is is "knowledge" (stuff said or confirmed by Mur), which I suppose is to be considered kinda-secret-restricted?
    (I didn't decide MD to be that way, I adapted to it)
    Now, I have my own speculations about this dark character and its possible meaning from an archetypal point of view.
    Not that I'm jealous of my thoughts, but these speculations are the result of my research, my ideas, my point of view.
    They mean something to me but can be pure bullshit to anybody else. They can't be used as currency, while "knowledge" can.
    So, nothing to brag about.
    Then what, usually I share this stuff with people who show interest (not necessarily knowledge) in similar topics, but not random people on the forum.
    This is mostly done via PM, I see it fitting, even romantic, although not for everyone. "Everything for everyone every time" makes me suspicious. 
    It's not about being snobbish, nose-up, it's about sharing thoughts with people with similar interests. I never looked at people's active days or IQ.
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