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  1. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Yrthilian in "Fugitive" or "PO's pissing around"   
    you know i was going to say a lot of stuff but guess what i am back on the forums less that 24 hours and look
    the same crap is still going on with the same people. Hoped this would have blown bye by now.
    it is like a tv series with a very bad story line that just wont end while the series is good but just that one story that ruines it
  2. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to da_doctor in "Fugitive" or "PO's pissing around"   
    Too much bad vibrations in here :(
  3. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from Magistra in Magistra's trial   
    Glad to hear you're finally home. I hope you're doing well.
  4. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Chewett in You know you've been on MD too much when...   
    When you have existed before and after the game exists.
  5. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from Eagle Eye in Internal Server Error   
    Update, a questionnaire, or something like that:
  6. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from Eagle Eye in Internal Server Error   
    It's the red button from Eagle Eye's post.
  7. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from Eagle Eye in Internal Server Error   
    Well, that's unfortunate.
    I didn't expect Chewett to be serious when talking about dropping the players table.
  8. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from Dan in Quest: Dom-Second Encounter   
    Movelock stone
  9. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to dst in Extreme Magicduel   
  10. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Rumi in Community Garden Update and Feedback - May 2013   
    Greetings MagicDuel Community!
    So now we're in the middle of May and what's going on in the community garden?  I don't know!  I haven't been there!  Nobody has used the Community Garden Logs!
    Okay, here's the deal.  You've probably all noticed that I barely get online anymore.  I have gotten a new (old) MacBook so at least I CAN get online, but there's more to it than that.  When I started playing MD, I had a one year old and a two year old kid.  Now they're four and five, and I have another six month old baby.  When I am at home, I spend a lot more time playing with my family than playing at the computer.  In addition to that, I work long hours on an organic farm and I run a garden design business which actually has clients now (Yay!)  Long story short, I'm busy and I can't commit to making much time for MagicDuel.
    So that's the end of the garden, right?  NO! WRONG!  This is just the beginning!  I have said it before and I will say it again (perhaps more clearly or with more detail now).  WE NEED MORE LEADERSHIP!  WE HAVE UNFULFILLED ROLES! (yes, just waiting for YOU to fill)
    Let's look at three archetypes, creator, sustainer, destroyer.  I have for two years worked as creator for this project.  We have gone from an idea in the midst of a thousand passing ideas to something real and concrete (or pixelated, maybe is the right word).  RIght now, the community garden needs more than anything a sustainer.  A garden manager.  Someone who is going to play in the garden every day, and interact with people, and talk about all the fun events that are going on, and host quests, and give out wishpoints, and all the other fun stuff that goes on in a place in MD.  I will be there to support you 100%.  When you have questions or need any kind of guidance, you will get it from me.  I'm not leaving, but I need to step back and let someone else step out front.  New blood, new energy.
    Community Garden is on track to become a guild or receive other types of official recognition (I have suggested a flag instead of a guild as that allows people in other guilds to be garden leaders).  How this process plays out will depend on who steps up and how YOU want your community garden leadership role to function.
    Okay, I said it and I hope to see some new excitement in Community Garden Leadership thread.
    What about the update?  Well, maybe someone who has been there can provide an update.  Last I recall, we build an awesome shed filled with cool tools and we planted some trees.... and it rained.  And darkraptor is on track to win the Grow Your Own contest with no other active participants.
    Right, how about the feedback?  What do you all think of the community garden?  What would encourage you to use it more?  Are you aware that when you grow plants in the community garden, you get that harvest in your inventory?  What could work better?  What holds you back from using it?  I can ask a host of questions, but really, I'd much rather just hear from you.  You know what you want to say.  Please say it.
    I'd REALLY like to hear from a lot of people.  The council and Mur are listening and everybody (especially me) needs to know how much time and energy to put into this project.  Judging from the announcements, it seems like we are on the verge of being able to hard-code much more of the garden process.  If you all want gardening to be featured in MD, you need to make clear what you want out of it and let your actions speak as loud as your words.
    Somehow this came out a little more like a rant than I intended.  It's been a little frustrating to me that 200 people have participated in the development of the community garden, but at the end of the day it's still just me rolling the ball.
    Please give your feedback, whether you have participated or not.
    Thanks so much everyone.
  11. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Change in More options for filling a heat jar   
    Removing the heat limit for Protectors has had some side-effects for Protectors using heat jars. I have over 1.2 million heat active in my erolin device right now, thanks to the dedication and/or thirst for loyalty of my worshippers. This means that whenever I fill a heat jar for use in say, making tea, I'd be needlessly wasting hundreds of thousands of heat, due to how you fill heat jars right now.
    Therefore, I'd like to propose that things be changed so that you can choose another option when filling up a heat jar, 'Other', for instance. When you select that, you can type in exactly how much heat you want to put in the heat jar. Another option would be to just have the form, with all of the current heat being the default value. So if one had 2000 heat, 2000 would appear already in the form.
    There are some beneficial side-effects to this problem though. Now, if a Protector wants to load up a cauldron item with heat, they need to use heat stones, or heat from someone else. This promotes more person to person interactions.
    What do you think? This suggestion originally came from me not being able to make heat stones anymore without wasting hundreds of thousands of heat, or without doing a lot of healing first (so as to not waste hundreds of thousands of heat). But then I thought of how it's also problematic when you use heat jars for other things.
  12. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from No one in You know you've been on MD too much when...   
    When autocorrect does know your in game name, but not your real one.
  13. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from Tarquinus in You know you've been on MD too much when...   
    When autocorrect does know your in game name, but not your real one.
  14. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Fang Archbane in Slave Auction   
    This time around... no making Mur a leash plox xD
  15. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Fang Archbane in Slave Auction   
    I am not as educated as Chewett, so ill say this in my own way.

    Im a slave. Im not insulted by being a slave. I love being a slave. I support MD slavery.

    [This message has been brought to you by Look Mom, No Conscience!]
  16. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Chewett in Slave Auction   
    [quote name='Magistra' timestamp='1366996005' post='135330']
    Ridiculous! You don't joke about things like being a slave. And if one wants to be one or wants to have one, go to a sm website.

    This is a game magistra, something where people roleplay and pretend to be other things. Being a slave in MD conveys certain things, such as doing what the master entails and normally having a leesh. This has nothing to do with s+m and it is worrying that your mind first jumps to it.
  17. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Dan in Joker requirement to buy in MD shop   
    if we try to think from a game creator point of view, there is a reason behind each game's mechanism. If we don't know for sure what is the intention of those limitations for mp3, i don't think it is wise to change them.

    I will make a wild guess that those limitations are there in order to push players forwards. For example, if a player wants to obtain a joker, he must advance.
  18. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Seeker in Quest: Black Box   

    [center]So, seeing as it's MD's birthday I'm giving you guys a present, should you choose to accept it. As said in the video these little black box's can turn into anything, anything at all. However...[/center]

    [center]It has to be black, fit into a 15x15cm cube and you have to choose what you want it to turn into before the transformation powers run out[/center]
    [center]o.o.....That's pretty much...everything.[/center]

    [center]You will be marked on [b]creativity[/b], [b]effort[/b] and how well it fits with your [b]MD character[/b]. I shall choose who wins >:3 Muhahahaha[/center]
    [center]You can submit any kind of medium for example: making it, drawing/painting it or even writing about it. "it" being what you would like the black box to become[/center]

    [center]The transformation powers will end [b]30th of April Midnight server time[/b]. So best get your entries in before then [/center]

    [center]Best of luck![/center]
    [center][size=2](If I've left anything out or said things that do not make sense feel free to ask me about it o.o)[/size][/center]
    [center][size=2]Please post your entries in reply to this topic or email me them. Thank you ^^[/size][/center]

    Prizes ~o.o~
    Nutcracker / Skull[size=2] [Thank you Iashtal][/size]
  19. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from Ivorak in Did you know? - Jail   
    [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1366493830' post='135106']
    No one has ever been killed as a punishment in my knowledge. Feel free to point out where someone has been killed as a punishment.
    Quite a few murders were, in a way, a punishment, only not one from council/Mur.

    But back to the point, I don't think the jail system really is there to be nicer than banning. I believe it's rather there because MD is what we make it, so banning a player is like banning a part of MD. It's the same reason why you can't get your account deleted. When you remove a player you remove part of MD history, which should only be done in the most extreme cases.
  20. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from Phantom Orchid in Did you know? - Jail   
    [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1366493830' post='135106']
    No one has ever been killed as a punishment in my knowledge. Feel free to point out where someone has been killed as a punishment.
    Quite a few murders were, in a way, a punishment, only not one from council/Mur.

    But back to the point, I don't think the jail system really is there to be nicer than banning. I believe it's rather there because MD is what we make it, so banning a player is like banning a part of MD. It's the same reason why you can't get your account deleted. When you remove a player you remove part of MD history, which should only be done in the most extreme cases.
  21. Downvote
    Kaya got a reaction from Watcher in Did you know? - Jail   
    [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1366493830' post='135106']
    No one has ever been killed as a punishment in my knowledge. Feel free to point out where someone has been killed as a punishment.
    Quite a few murders were, in a way, a punishment, only not one from council/Mur.

    But back to the point, I don't think the jail system really is there to be nicer than banning. I believe it's rather there because MD is what we make it, so banning a player is like banning a part of MD. It's the same reason why you can't get your account deleted. When you remove a player you remove part of MD history, which should only be done in the most extreme cases.
  22. Upvote
    Kaya got a reaction from Zyrxae in Did you know? - Jail   
    [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1366493830' post='135106']
    No one has ever been killed as a punishment in my knowledge. Feel free to point out where someone has been killed as a punishment.
    Quite a few murders were, in a way, a punishment, only not one from council/Mur.

    But back to the point, I don't think the jail system really is there to be nicer than banning. I believe it's rather there because MD is what we make it, so banning a player is like banning a part of MD. It's the same reason why you can't get your account deleted. When you remove a player you remove part of MD history, which should only be done in the most extreme cases.
  23. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to purplebunny in Boston   
    Thoughts and prayers go out to those in Boston [img]http://www.ukscrappers.co.uk/boards/images/smilies/1sad.gif[/img]

  24. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to Chewett in Did you know? - Jail   
    Over the past couple days iv had a lot of questions and in both chat and PM form about Jail. Why can people escape? Why are they allowed to play? Why are they not just banned? and i thought it might be interesting for me to post the responses on the forum.

    [b]What is the difference between Jail and Banning?[/b]
    The main difference between MD and other games is that there are two primary punishment methods. Jailing and Banning. If you are Jailed you are sent to the jail scene and marked as a convict. If you are banned you cannot play, cannot login, cannot do anything.

    In MD's history very very few people have been banned, the preferred mechanism for punishing people is jail.

    [b]So why have two methods?[/b]
    When you are banned you are essentially not permitted to play the game. However when jailed you can still do a large number of actions, including escaping, sending PM's and still being involved in the world. Being sent to jail can just be part of your character and a number of players have successfully woven this into their characters history. Jailing a character allows them to continue to do what they were, and gives a much larger range of actions than just being banned. Jail as a punishment is the exclusion from the main "outside" world, many people treat jail as a ban, and dont bother logging on, but a smaller subset has roleplayed their being in jail, given jail "reports" on the forum or escaped and continued to play.

    [b]Jail is so easy to escape![/b]
    Over the past years iv seen numerous convicts stating that "Jail is so easy to escape" rather smugly, as if it is some achievement. Its humorous to see that they dont know very much about it. Jail is designed to be relatively easy to escape. I didnt understand why it was so easy to escape until i talked to Mur about it and being able to escape fits in perfectly with letting people "play" while being punished. If we wanted to, we could easily stop you from escaping it, and if we wanted to go all the way we would just remove jail completely and ban you. But thats not what MD is about. MD is different.

    Just like resetting the GoE piller combinations, methods to escape the jail have slowly changed so that they are not entirely widespread, It keeps it as a level so that people need to do some work to work out exactly how to escape. But the likelihood is, at least while im around, there will always be a way to escape, provided you are smart enough to work it out, and have some friends to help.

    If you are sent to jail, you can wait out your sentence, or attempt to escape knowing you are going to be in there longer if you are caught. To add more roleplay value there is now the fugitive system so that people could be "caught" if a number of people want to send you back to jail. Its all about having something unique, giving players the ability to change their own fate, become that criminal that keeps getting sent back to jail. or someone who is evading the law to prove their innocence.


    If people like this sort of thing, i might post some more up when i get a bit of time. Some of the design decisions, and lore of MD is interesting, and it appears many people have forgotten, or never heard of some of the genius behind MD. So comment if you are bored/like/dislike this so i can get some feedback
  25. Upvote
    Kaya reacted to DarkRaptor in MD B-day "Card"   
    My Original Version:

    My Coloring Attempt:

    Happy Aniversary MD!!
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