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Everything posted by Seigheart

  1. I have decided to start Mapping out the Locations that give resources. I am enlisting others help with this, for I wish to complete this as fast as possible. There will be rewards for those of you who participate. I am looking for someone to cover the following lands: Still to be Done: Lands of the East The recorded information should follow the format in the picture provided. If you do not have Excel, use Google Docs. [img]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif[/img] [url="http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/32/sdgasdfg.jpg/"]http://imageshack.us...2/sdgasdfg.jpg/[/url] Note that I am collecting Tags as well. So, Sancts, Dwellings, and the such are being collected at first. As for the scenes without a name, try to put something that will be easily identifiable. Like Paper Cabin Balcony does not have a scene name... Each of the people working on each section should have complete access if possible, if not, try to find someone who has access to the secret areas. The more you do, the more you get paid.
  2. Still buying spells...
  3. Jester just needs to explain his reasoning, give him a chance before you hang him.
  4. I am now purchasing spells that I currently do not have. These I do have: Acousticremains stone Attacklock stone Otherarmy stone Teleport Papercabin stone Payment shall be discussed depending on the spell.
  5. Uh oh... This might have some nasty repercussions. O.o
  6. First off, did you refresh?
  7. This has been a long standing bug.
  8. Clear the cache, and refresh. Problem solved.
  9. I've already talked with them, and this topic can be closed.
  10. I am looking to purchase the independant water gathering tool. Who ever has it, please contact me and we shall discuss a price.
  11. Seigheart


    LOL I loved the morse code bit
  12. I am purchasing Memory Stones. This is what I will pay: 2 Silver Coins PER Memory Stone up to a max of 10.
  13. I, for one, would not use the "Like" button. My circle of friends don't really care about things like MD, or MMORPGs in the slightest. Which is fine, and that's the whole point of the "Like" button. It's basically free advertising on FB. I don't have ANY plans of using my FB account to advertise MD. Sorry, but MD is a private game for me. I think liking the MD FB page is enough. We don't need to start liking Mood Panel posts, Announcements or anything of that sort...
  14. When your friend says "Man you should do [insert whatever here]" and you take it as them saying Mur should do something.
  15. For at least a decade (more than half my life) I have been following this particular artist. I first came across one of his paintings while reading a book called the "Sword of Angels" ( I think ). I was drawn to this book because of the cover painting. So detailed and intricate I couldn't help but find out what was held within. After reading dst's thread about art, I thought I would share this artist's works. The details surpass anything I have ever seen so far. Check it out. http://www.toddlockwood.com/ ~S
  16. Just so you know, it wasn't to cause the wait to be longer...
  17. 10g 1sc
  18. Master, you are confused. IF you got the silver coins from the five credits for free sign up deal, and trasnfer them to your main, it's abuse. If you got them because you paid for the powerup, you can do as you will, because you paid for them. I don't get why they are transferable to alts in the first place, just because they are a form of currency, and you can use those coins to buy creatures much faster through the use of alts than you can without them...
  19. I support this completely. Especially when bids are made in events (BHC Pool) and are withdrawn, it's incredibly rude to do so. I realize that there aren't any ways to force someone to uphold their bid, but gaining a bad reputation as a bad trader will ensue. The only time someone should be able to withdraw their bid is if the next bidder hasn't bid yet. There IS a button to Post, review your submission before you submit it. ~Seigheart
  20. Basically, I want to buy a metal crafting item. An item such as the Large Iron Ball, or Thin Metal Bars. Things of that sort. Payment will be discussed depending on the quality of the item. ~Seigheart
  21. There is a reason why the elite of MD have all the powers. They have shown dedication and loyalty to the game. They have given a lot to the game. They have shown that they can handle "power" and "responsibility." If you want these same priveledges, strive for it, but never ask for it.
  22. I've told you multiple times that I have enough coins to finish the job. I never once said I didn't have enough.
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