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Ary Endleg

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Everything posted by Ary Endleg

  1. I challenge the challenger :p
  2. Just because other members of triumvirate decided to step down from their position why does that mean that somebody else can't run for their position? Instead you immediately declare the end of triumvirate and beginning of singular kingship? Shouldn't there first be a land voting to see if people with this kind of power restructuring? It's like if chief justice and president resign and prime minister decides to grab their power for himself. I don't think that their resignation gives you the power to restructure the power system of the land, normally new elactions for THEIR positions should be run first, this makes no sense to me.
  3. Mur confirmed? Why is that even mentioned? Mur usually always says in his research posts that it is just his opinion, his way of seeing things, his ideas and it's by no means correct or that it ever will be. He might be explaining how and why he made things but if you pay attention you will notice that everything in MD can be seen in many different ways. There is no final solution, no complete and correct knowledge. Mur said that he wants to keep player's mind busy with thinking. You can search but the only thing you will find is sharper mind.
  4. For many people it doesn't affect their gameplay if viscosity is high across the realm because they still don't need to move away from central hub. Speaking for myself this feature would offer zero incentive for me to travel. If there wasn't a need for me to go to those scenes now this feature won't magically change it. Just because if scene became unaccessible it won't make me move in order to make it accessible especially not since I have nothing to gain from it, it won't benefit me in any way or hurt me. Didn't need it so far, won't need it if this gets implemented, access to all those scenes to which I don't go is an unused luxury (if we apply the rules and limitations from original post).
  5. I don't like this for couple of reasons. This would lower down the chances to grind volition which is already limited with it's ~1h cooldown per scene. Another reason is this would speed up traveling which is completly against the concept of positive viscosity and that is to slow it down. Not to mention that skipping/jumping the scenes could be confusing for newbies. Many locations can't be skipped, what if you really want to go to one of those locations that is now hidden? What if hidden location has a clicky you need for quest, altar, recruting center, specific resource to harvest, crossroad, shop or info hub? When you rule out all scenes that have at least one of those things, you don't really leave much scenes to hide/jump-over. Then what if you are going to that location and it's hidden but yet you go there because of some personal/rp reason and now you can't because it's hidden? Although your suggestion speeds up lowering of viscosity and in theory enables faster unlocking of scenes, I just don't see it working. This will in fact probably demotivate people even more not to move rather than move, at least in my opinion. Even if it's true that MD has way too much scenes than players, I still think that all those scenes that ain't visited "because of viscosity" could become easily accessible if there is constant motivation for players to travel. I honestly don't see much motivation for players to move from the central hub of the realm. Non recurring stuff like acquiring papers, first time exploration and occasional quests will motivate you to travel, on regular basis however you aren't required to, the little life there is, is stationed in central part of realm, so fighting/training and social stuff happens there. People will travel if they need to reach specific altar once a week (although after getting max principles which you acquire fast you no longer care which altar you are using), or if they need to recruit their next batch of trees. Exception to this are people like you, the harvesters. Harvesters are players who obtained the tools and are dedicated to regularly gathering resources across the realm, and since tools even though there are shared ones ain't that easy to get and even if you get them it will take way too much time and effort to gather little bits that are left by "big guys" than it's worth. Other than this group of people there isn't any need RECURRING need to travel. That is the real problem. If there was more reason to travel, one that's reliable, in my opinion even this small playerbase we have would be able to "kill" of viscosity for good. I said reliable reason, because resource gathering isn't reliable, since usually newer player won't find anything left, older players already have stable access to tools, have more ap, gather more at once and "know the drill". Don't get me wrong I ain't picking on resource gathering, I'm saying that if player isn't harvester he doesn't have the reccuring need of traveling beyond the central hub. Create the stable recurring need for traveling and viscosity problem won't exist.
  6. When I was trying this I haven't tried fast cut I did slow cut and nearly made it. I also find it odd that my cigs are two times more denser than the cigs people showed in this video, so...
  7. Weird. Currently it says 142,007 Total Posts 3,693 Total Members Neo Newest Member 104 Most Online so for me it was 142k when that one was posted.
  8. You know you've been on MD too much when you are the only one left online. edit: according to forum stats on bottom this also just happens to be 142000th post :P
  9. As you can see it says they all have 7 members while in fact they all have 3 members each. Obviously I assume this was caused due to recent Council kicking.
  10. Well good luck with it. Just till couple of weeks ago I had same opinion but resistance is futile because MD players' favorite activity ingame is AD grind.
  11. dominium = absolute control/ownership dominion = sovereignety / the territory of a sovereign Tribunal Lands the territory of a sovereign Mur OR Tribunal Lands Absolutely controled/owned by Mur To me it's same thing, personally I don't see difference in their meaning. Although both words are english, dominium sounds more latin-ish :p
  12. okay I tried with 2 crappy brands of cigs they had quite a bit denser tobacco filling than well known brands and it wasn't stuffed but rather sardine-packed (fascio style). 30 degree angle blade edge, quality steel with serations. Best result was with slower move at vertical cutting angle in relation to cig. If you add velocity to your move due to cig being to soft and filling too dense you will deform cig and cause tearing. I managed to almost do it, when blade reached back end of cig and only small piece of paper remained, it teared appart due to bad quality paper roll and due to thickness of my blade. To ensure success use cutting edge at angle 25 or lower, let's say 20 degrees. Lower angle ensures better entry point and won't question blades integrity when it comes to soft things like paper, cig and such. Sharpening below 20 degrees I consider ruining so I suggest you not to do that if you don't want to ruin it. Another note is that if you blade has two surfaces at different angles, edge and swedge/grind, this will make it more difficult to make clean cut because of transition from one surface to another and due to sudden increase of thickness of blade, so use single surface blade or make edge surface bigger with grinding, it's length should be longer than diameter of cig. I ain't ruining my blades :p With this tips somebody should be able to do it, so good luck in being the first to do it and winning the prize :)
  13. I lack cigs and camera, my knives cut 550 paracord in one swift move :p s30v steel, standard 30 degree angle. Just saying. I'll definately try cutting cig, but I won't film it, I'm generally against RL quests. And as you said yourself, 10 degree angle is insane and to me that falls under category of destroying knives.
  14. What do you mean by any normal brand? What about slims, do they also count among normal? What about people who roll their own cigs? Besides cigs from various manufacturers can have different density filling which will affect the cutting of it. Does the cut have to be vertical or can it be diagonal in relation to cig? Can cig be vertical or horizontal to the ground or it doesn't matter? If it can be horizontal, can cut come from bellow the cig or it must come from above? I don't quite understand what are you trying to achieve. You can't make sharp knife more sharper. Either it's sharp, which means that edge is at "right" angle and that it's not deformed due to (ab)use (serations aren't deformations), or it's not sharp. Only thing you can do is ruin the blade, add serations or change the angle. That's it. If you have problems with cutting specific stuff you get blade from different material or change the angle. If you are changing the angle, you should be aware that one angle which cuts insanely good one thing (material) can damage your blade on another material, that is if you go to extreme in doing so, but I think you are doing just that, being extreme.
  15. I didn't knew that cryogenic storage facility is called community.... but then again that's how MD looks to me :D
  16. such thing doesn't exist :D technically you can beat them with ANY creature :p it all depends what method you want to use to defeat them
  17. ...and thus the 11th principle was discovered. The Iron rule, the glue that melds the pieces of our soul together even if they are split across different planes.
  18. This is a bit offtopic but... what about bushies? Do they also scale with gardening skill? Obviously we can't know without somebody getting 100 in gardening skill because they don't use shared tool to get harvested. That's why this question is directed more to devs rather than players because I doubt anybody got over 50 gardening.
  19. Finally something worth reading, good job!
  20. Yeah this got forgotten a bit. Actually I just now noticed that we were supposed to update our gains when both challenges got completed. So being 50 days late :D I now have: *volition: 207 (207.72) no grinding
  21. People are active at server time midnight, because only 10-20% of current population is playing the game, the rest only logs in at that time for their precious AD.
  22. I have question, DS ally and MDA don't have anything in common, whole existance of DS alliance has nothing to do with purpose of MDA. Yet why is it in there? Just because it didn't fit in any land at time of creation it was put into MDA?
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