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  1. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Fire Starter in Discussion about HC and BHC   
    I don't have any creative ideas, but I find it disturbing that I can't use the spells I have until this is over. How are we supposed to find less active people when I can't even use the Locate spell...
  2. Upvote
    lashtal got a reaction from Valldore Nal in Quest: A day of Fear   
    [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Ladies and gentlemen,[/font]

    [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]since Samhain-Halloween is getting closer, your favorite Necrovion's crew is willing to help you refreshing your dreadful skills with a new quest. [/font]

    [b][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Design a ritual/incantation meant to instill terror in someone. [/font][/b]
    [b][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Your victim should be explicited and the ritual customized accordingly.[/font][/b]

    [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]- All submissions should be sent to me privately (either via PM or forum PM) not later than [b]October 31st[/b].[/font]
    [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]- The rituals/incantations are meant to terrorize, not to harm directly. [/font]
    [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]- Analysis and discretion might be required in order to figure out your victim's fears or weak spots. [/font][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Participants will have to explain how/why their "ingredients" have been chosen.[/font]
    [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]- Submissions will be disclosed publicly, their authors will stay anonymous.[/font]

    [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]What are we looking for:[/font]
    [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]- "Terror" is preferable to "horror". This quest is about darkness and elegance. [/font][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Indeterminacy should be essential, if you "dress" fear with too many details, it becomes inconsistent. [/font][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]A dreadful sense of anticipation will be valued much more than any bloody-gory manifestation. [/font]

    [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][b]Rewards:[/b] ([u]for the updated list, please refer to my last post[/u])[/font]

    [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]- 1st classified: a Shade and a Lock in Chaos stone,[/font]
    [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]- 2nd classified: a GG drachorn and 10 silver coins,[/font]
    [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]- 3rd classified:[/font] a Tormented soul and 5 silver coins.

    [font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][b]Clarification[/b]: [/font]To avoid misunderstandings, I'm not looking for "combat rituals", I'm looking for Role Played rituals.
    Incantations, ceremonies, Inner Circle-like techniques... Up to you!

    Thanks a lot to the sponsors: Azull, Peace, Falronn, ignnus and the Treasure Keepers!

    [font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Depending on the other events arranged for Halloween, your rituals will be disclosed and possibly "tested" between October 31st and November 2nd. Enjoy![/font]
  3. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to ZenTao in Colourful skulls   
    [size=5][font=georgia]So, just to make things clear the[color=#ff0000] two masks are made by me[/color] and the 4 little Day Of the Dead figurines were NOT made by me but they are something I very recently started to collect, so I thought I would share them with you all and they looked great in the picture. I love the colorful skulls and festive skeletons. It was fun making these two masks tho the black one reminded me more of Mardi Gras- and no not cuz it's black. [/font] Viva[/size][img]https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-XTpp4jp5iWI/UIDnZLQfdQI/AAAAAAAADfU/SH_JpkQR4KU/s400/Day%2520Of%2520the%2520Dead%2520006.JPG[/img]

  4. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Nimrodel in Colourful skulls   
    Umm.. not really an awesome entry.. not an artist >>

    *rushes and hides under the bed* please dont laugh ><
  5. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to biermann in Colourful skulls   
    I made it myself
    Basically, it is the outline of a skull, tactically filled with the pile of fractal resources I have generated over the years. And yes, I can prove it as well. (heck there's a ton of similar fractal works on [url="http://vagabondvagrant.deviant.art.com"]http://vagabondvagrant.deviant.art.com[/url] )
    Fractals, to explain a bit more, are basically the use of maths to generate lines. Like saying 'draw x pixels left, then 2 * x up' and repeat. The only difference with this example is that instead of 2 * the maths consist of sinus function, pi and god knows what all.

    Below (more to show how it is done then to have a burning desire to proof I'm not some copycat) is a breakdown of the key components in the skull, as you can see they are quite intricate little works all on their own even. SO next to an lsd trippin' skull, you now also have a lsd suitable jigsaw!

  6. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Chewett in Discussion about HC and BHC   
    how about we stop HC BHC and everything for a bit?
  7. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to dst in Daily Fruit   
    [quote name='DARK DEMON' timestamp='1350153053' post='123947']
    it's a replacement for the stats you get when you log in daily... if you read properly...

    So there's no matter about "more" stats being given out...

    Seems I didn't since that is what I understood. Now...why would you replace something that is working and is quite good with something that needs development and it's prone to bugs?

    Also what's the craziness with all those fruits? Try vegetables for once...
  8. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Fyrd Argentus in The VISION Group Plan   
    So, to confirm the plan....

    Our goal is to raise enough credibilty to cause Mur and Company to hardcode a handful of items for use with the dead.

    I'd count it successful if those items became shared resources, reset each Tuesday, provided this group has some control over who can pick them up.

    Step 1 is decide on the number and function of those items.

    Step 2 is to give physical form to those items

    Step 3 is raising our voice in petition to Mur and Company.

    I'd be thrilled if these items followed the pattern set out in my backstory, but that's just one option.
  9. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to biermann in Colourful skulls   
    Ok, here's my artsy akward skull

    It's a skull, yes, well, with some imagination you can see a skull shape innit, ok, believe me...wait, perhaps take this lsd pill. See, now you can see it is a skull right/!

  10. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Zyrxae in What MagicDuel Lacks   
    More people would help, but there's a lot more that matters:

    [quote name='Liberty4life' timestamp='1350322371' post='124037']
    back then things were happenin, nowdays majority of players are passive

    The RPC era had its flaws, but at least people were actively seeking something. Spelldocs, role-related objects, new lands, the defeat of a powerful enemy, the aid of a friend...all these and more were goals "back in the day".
    [b]Festivals:[/b] Summer, War & Remembrance, Halloween

    [b]Ongoing: [/b]Newbie intros, Maebius' mini-quests, Lost Path, Z's transposition, Lashtal's mirror quest..
    [b]Seasonal:[/b] Halloween (Day of Fear, colorful skulls), community garden (writing, scarecrows, pumpkins)..
    [b]Temporary:[/b] Fang's trivia, Androme's hide-and-seek, assorted expeditions through viscous areas

    [b]Efforts[/b][b]: [/b]VISION group, community garden, newspaper...and some others rarely [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/12720-buying-materials/"]mentioned[/url] on the forum or even publicly ingame.

    This may look like a lot, but it's not unified. In the time of the AL many people worked toward a few large but mostly achievable goals.

    [size=1]*This is not a complete list by any means; no offense meant if your quest is not mentioned here.[/size]

    [quote name='Seigheart' timestamp='1350339779' post='124048']
    Okay, then stop idling all day long and do something.

    People [u]are[/u] doing some things. They could do more, sure, but the main issue is that they're mostly focused on their own spheres [size=1]cubes[/size] rather than any uniting factor.

    I assume that in Wodin's day everyone wasn't constantly talking about Wodin and his quests. Plenty went on on the side..but there was an air of 'something important is going on in MD right now' about.

    Maybe it was nothing like that, but from conversations, readings, and personal experiences (the Dominion Journey and some projects in the realm beyond) I get the feeling that most people were interested in the Big Thing going on at the time.

    Things will come together to a smaller extent during Halloween, but lacking a strong unifier the collective spirit may very well dissipate as quickly as it gathered.
  11. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Maebius in Maebius Madness (mini monthly #3)   
    The Moon outside is Dark again, but will grow full of Light soon enough.... That means QUEST TIME!

    My friend (alt) the Barren Soul has heard noises coming from the [b]Heresy Lane[/b], just next to Wind's Sanctuary, and discovered some [b]'Vital Lights'[/b] inside. Go check it out for yourself!
    (click on the door to the hut there, and enter "Vital Lights" in the field where it says "speak words")

    Take your time, there's no need to finish "first". Everyone who finishes should get something small, but there are some colorful creatures in the mix this time too, for a lucky few. (all rewards are, as always, randomly chosen. )

    (Note: I am trying something a little different in "automating" things for the rewards. However the script still logs everyone, so if you notice anything unusual, please let me know and I'll followup asap.)

    (and for the two who Already were asking me, no, there are no[i] fresh[/i] Angiens in the mix )
  12. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to (Zl-eye-f)-nea in Colourful skulls   
    Do we get extra points for using real skulls?

  13. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Aelis in Meeting at GoE with bugs@magicduel.com   
    Does anyone have a complete log? It seemed quite strange to me that an "official" meeting didn't have its log posted on forums.

    I think it would be interesting to show everyone what's been told/discussed.

  14. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Ivorak in Applying Creature healing rituals on another One's creatures? (Plus another Idea)   
    I wonder how many MDers are paying customers (perhaps better to consider this historically when numbers of players were higher than now, since we are after a higher number of players).

    When I first started MD I never considered paying for anything. It just wasn't that important to me, even if I fell in love with it immediately. I still don't pay, because I don't have much disposable income (well, no income really) but if I did, I would, because it's become an important part of my day to day life. So maybe the focus should be on getting more customers who will pay then squeezing more out out of those who probably will anyway. I don't see that many people paying for regenerations except when they've gone through some other categories and want what comes after those regenerations. Maybe I'm mistaken. Without data, it's hard to tell.
  15. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Fire Starter in Applying Creature healing rituals on another One's creatures? (Plus another Idea)   
    looking today in my Shop I was wondering what to do with all those Regen rituals, that are preventing me from other features deeper in the shop. I was thinking is it a good idea to have the ability to apply them on creatures, that aren't Ours. Maybe with the restriction "Only to MP3's", even with some AD restriction added furthermore.

    I am thinking of some kind of a sign, that shines next to the name of a fresh MP3, who needs some creatures to be healed, when we choose him/her from the list of the present in the scene. Then we enter the shop, enter the name we have chosen and apply the ritual to the fresh MP3.

    I know there are LHO's and Protectors, but I don't mind helping them in healing freshlings.

    Maybe first we can by the feature from the shop, if we choose to use it.

    After all, either way I am about to use the rituals, I prefer to use them more properly if I had the chance

    I don't mind spending the credits as they are, but having the opportunity to help others, I'd choose it.

    I know that healing your own crits is part of learning the system, so I am just hunting for other opinions on an idea, that is hovering inside my heads for around a month now.
  16. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Kaya in Colourful skulls   
    Soon it will be el Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead)

    This festival is all about celebrating the dead. With prayers, a nice altar (Google “Altar de los Muertos”) and, most importantly, wildly decorated skulls! These skulls come in many shapes and forms most notably in the form of sugar skulls.

    For this quest you're asked to make your own colourfully decorated skull. How exactly you make it I'll leave up to your own imagination, but the more colour the better and edible skulls get bonus points.

    First place: A Shade + a WP
    Second Place: 15 Silver + an Angien
    Third place: 10 Silver + a Tormented Soul
    Fourth place: 5 Silver

    Furthermore all will get some Candy!

    The deadline is midnight ST in the night from November 2 on 3. After that there will be a public vote to decide the best skull for one week. Voting has started, cast your votes [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/13152-colourful-skulls-voting/"]here[/url].

    Some examples; some sugar skulls, a drawing and some skull cookies :
    [center][img]http://www.joyfulbelly.com/journal/recipe_images/SugarSkulls.jpg[/img] [img]http://tf2sprays.com/wp-content/uploads/image/spray-DiasDeLosMuertos.jpg[/img] [img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_Tgo3NhsaF5M/Su3DsmcVg-I/AAAAAAAACgc/ClNpKqcJejE/s400/sugar+skull+cookies+1.jpg[/img][/center]

    [center][url="http://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=giUzNIliJSk"]English version[/url][/center]
  17. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Fyrd Argentus in Discussion about HC and BHC   
    1. I really like the idea of progression in the color of your head trophy. Black, Silver, Gold, allowing you to compete and win 3x instead of 1x.

    2. Heads is unfair - so why call spell use by power figures "abuse"? Why not say, anything goes....? It's all in how your write the rules. Seems a shame to turn off such an important function for any fight contest in "Magic" Duel. As always I vote for more magic in the realm.
  18. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Apocrypha Aquila in Aquila-Art   
    @ Menhir: Thanks, it's good to be back..based on the talk we were having related to your avatar, hopefully it shud go well now..looking forward to play together further in the game and learning more.. .

    @Darth: I'm all ears whenever theres a talk related to my interests. Do let me know the description of your avatar explaining the character's appeal. Also, Offcourse if u want to check out other artist's before please do so..

    @Etluc, Grido and Fire starter: Thank you guys..

    Just to give the people an idea I'm pasting a sample image of the original non-edited version of Menhir's avatar.

    Enjoy folks!

    Best wishes to all,


    P.s. let me know what you guys think..
  19. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to BFH in Discussion about HC and BHC   
    Since this are ideas and I like to somehow have plans. I'll compile a bit using all ideas already listed and adding mine.[list]
    [*]Contest happens every [b]two [/b]months, at a [b]different[/b] land, for mp4 and above MP, with one winner each time.
    [indent=2]Winner will be the highest score from each mind power in the predifined amount of time.[/indent]

    Initially that person gets silver medal, then if he wins a second time he receives gold.[list]
    [*]Players who get in, won't receive any land influence (no viscosity, no land bonuses, etc)
    [*]For the first stage player scores on all the land. For the second stage players score on 2-3 headshill.
    This time lets make HC interesting. [Will involve a Lot of coding ... but well][list]
    [*]Based on the fact that all players will have heat feature, we will include spells So how?
    [indent=1] 1. Allow every user that is not participating on the HC to cast any sort of spells during the HC (which means to remove that global restriction). With an unique exception. None of those spells should allow targetting a player that is participating on the HC. That way there are no interferences with the event at any sort.[/indent][list]
    [*]This allow every user to keep their normal path while HC is on. protectors will be able to heal, players will be able to teleport back etc.
    [indent=1]2. HC participants won't be able to use any of their current spells. Instead a new system is created (some sort of protector's style), in which they are given initially a list of spells from which they pick three.[/indent]

    [indent=1]3. Each option will grant a max amount of 4 casts of the selected spell.[/indent]

    [indent=1]4. As they progress system could be preconfigured so that when x amount of time is reached they get a reset and they pick again 3 spells. (Maybe every 48 hours, anything initially preconfigured from the interface).[/indent]

    [indent=1]5. Since HC system works on time basis and not on score, I think , we could allow players to get a special pack of spells he/she could use after reaching a predifined amount of heads. So the pack will contains 3 random spells, selected by system, from the predifined spells list.[/indent]

    [b]Predifined list of spells:[/b]

    Attack Lock
    No multi
    no armor
    chaotic boost

    Suggest more I can't think now.

    [b]I would also suggest a total reset. Which means leave ecery user participate again with the new system. [/b]

    This way we ensure system mode last for many years and won;t be part of the current boredom HC is currently.

    Open to suggestions.

  20. Downvote
    lashtal got a reaction from dst in Quest: A day of Fear   
    [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Ladies and gentlemen,[/font]

    [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]since Samhain-Halloween is getting closer, your favorite Necrovion's crew is willing to help you refreshing your dreadful skills with a new quest. [/font]

    [b][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Design a ritual/incantation meant to instill terror in someone. [/font][/b]
    [b][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Your victim should be explicited and the ritual customized accordingly.[/font][/b]

    [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]- All submissions should be sent to me privately (either via PM or forum PM) not later than [b]October 31st[/b].[/font]
    [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]- The rituals/incantations are meant to terrorize, not to harm directly. [/font]
    [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]- Analysis and discretion might be required in order to figure out your victim's fears or weak spots. [/font][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Participants will have to explain how/why their "ingredients" have been chosen.[/font]
    [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]- Submissions will be disclosed publicly, their authors will stay anonymous.[/font]

    [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]What are we looking for:[/font]
    [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]- "Terror" is preferable to "horror". This quest is about darkness and elegance. [/font][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Indeterminacy should be essential, if you "dress" fear with too many details, it becomes inconsistent. [/font][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]A dreadful sense of anticipation will be valued much more than any bloody-gory manifestation. [/font]

    [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][b]Rewards:[/b] ([u]for the updated list, please refer to my last post[/u])[/font]

    [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]- 1st classified: a Shade and a Lock in Chaos stone,[/font]
    [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]- 2nd classified: a GG drachorn and 10 silver coins,[/font]
    [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]- 3rd classified:[/font] a Tormented soul and 5 silver coins.

    [font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][b]Clarification[/b]: [/font]To avoid misunderstandings, I'm not looking for "combat rituals", I'm looking for Role Played rituals.
    Incantations, ceremonies, Inner Circle-like techniques... Up to you!

    Thanks a lot to the sponsors: Azull, Peace, Falronn, ignnus and the Treasure Keepers!

    [font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Depending on the other events arranged for Halloween, your rituals will be disclosed and possibly "tested" between October 31st and November 2nd. Enjoy![/font]
  21. Downvote
    lashtal reacted to Jubaris in Voice of the world   
    Long time ago, in Magic Duel you were able to find some intelligent, philosophical and unique views, discussions on various things...
    Today, there are less and less people here, and even less interest in such topics. It comes down to grinding in one form or another, or just idling, waiting for better times to quit (not to involve more, but to quit).

    If we're going down, let's do it properly.

    I would like to ask some willing folks that have something to say to use this topic as a kind of blog. Show your views about some interesting topics that have missed they eye of regular people, something possibly from your experience. Politics, wars and its troublesome times, unnoticed lying propaganda on the news, music, life stories, culture in general... Reply to each other, initiate new discussions, learn.
    I will pause few days and then I will post something myself, hope I find something here from you guys in the meantime.
  22. Downvote
    lashtal reacted to DARK DEMON in You know you've been on MD too much when...   
    [quote name='Ackshan Bemunah' timestamp='1349711012' post='123524']
    When this thread has 14,000 views.


    1) That does not show you've been on MD too much
    2) This thread has 14396 (or more if you read this later ) views
  23. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to dragonrider7 in Path Of the Dragonrider   
    I fought a lot today, I took a break...near the Willows Walk....ah!! clear water and the Water Demons swimming around. I sat and took a bottle of water....ah what can water be used for....making coffee, tea, bath???.....but I was told that water can give life....let me, as a Water Dowser...let me give life to something...I enchanted the bottle of water with all the life spells that I know.....I threw it into the lake and waited...concentrated......!!.....!!.....!!.....nothing happens....I concentrated..!!...!!...!!...!!
    ah!! nothing again.....but inner peace....!!......!!....!!......Splash!!!!!!!!!! I heard a noise of water rising up....I opened my eyes...Ahh it was unbelievable....my water made life....a handsome water warrior...let me call him [b]Joe "The Waterman"[/b]. And here he is......hmmm!! water demon traffic is increasing ha ha.. he have WD mark also..

  24. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Tipu in heh   
    Ban me they can't do that ....iam the future legend of this game.

    Don't worry i will bring this community to the righteousness thats my ultimate goal but ...err its Costs a Lot...

    Do u have a Dragon, Morp or Rare creatures to Donate for this good cause
  25. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Zyrxae in Non-mainland housing viewing   
    There is currently no way to view membership/loyalty for alliances located outside the four main lands. Consistency would suggest 'housing'-tagged locations in designated scenes in these lands; the exact spots would be designated upon implementation (though the Underground and No Man's Land had capitols during the torch competitions which could be repurposed to show housing details for these guilds.)

    Equal openness for all alliances seems fair, no?
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