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MD 16th Anniversary Plushie Auction


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  • Root Admin

The following items are available to bid on with your hard earned plushies from the 16th birthday.

The plushie auction will be run like a standard auction, 14 days minimum time on auction, it finishes 7 days after the last bid on any item. (So the auction will keep running and all items will be open until all items have had a bid older than 7 days) 

Your bids do not have to be purely based on our own number of plushies, You are permitted to "group up", The only requirement is that if you make a bid you must state whose plushies they are, if they are a grouped contribution. E.g. 20 from me, 20 from Eara. If there are any questions ask! Failure to have the correct number of plushies will result in being banned from all entries on this auction, and potentially future ones. Please bid carefully.

Item 1 - 8th Anni - CID: 59 - ID: 806168

Item 2 - 10th Anni - CID 62 - ID: 832964

Item 3 - 12th Anni - CID: 64 - ID: 859361

Item 4 - 14th Anni - CID: 66 - ID: 869655

Item 5 - Wind Drachorn egg - CID: 1 - Age: 3142 - ID: 793847

Item 6 - Standard Angien Egg - CID: 29 - Age: 3985 - ID: 651622

Item 7 - Tainted Angien egg - CID: 28 - Age: 3142 - ID: 793912

Item 8 - Darkling - CID: 6 - Age: 3142 - ID: 793851

Item 9 - Full Tokening of 5 of your creatures (or whatever tokens you want)


Good Luck!

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  • Root Admin
On 5/31/2021 at 10:42 PM, Else said:

I do have one question, for item 9 I guess it is for 5 randoms creatures, if it for 5 randoms, is it possible for the winner to hold the prize until some sacs/toteming is done?

You can pick which creatures of yours.

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  • Root Admin

Current Status:

Item 1 - 8th Anni - CID: 59 - ID: 806168 - 80 Plushies - @Sunfire

Item 2 - 10th Anni - CID 62 - ID: 832964 - 50 Plushies - @Chewett

Item 3 - 12th Anni - CID: 64 - ID: 859361 - 20 Plushies - @Aelis

Item 4 - 14th Anni - CID: 66 - ID: 869655 - 10 Plushes - @Ledah

Item 5 - Wind Drachorn egg - CID: 1 - Age: 3142 - ID: 793847 - 100 Plushies - @Poppi Chullo

Item 6 - Standard Angien Egg - CID: 29 - Age: 3985 - ID: 651622 - 20 Plushies - @Dracoloth

Item 7 - Tainted Angien egg - CID: 28 - Age: 3142 - ID: 793912 - 138 Plushies - @Fang Archbane

Item 8 - Darkling - CID: 6 - Age: 3142 - ID: 793851 - 69 Plushies - @Yoshi

Item 9 - Full Tokening of 5 of your creatures (or whatever tokens you want) - 90 Plushies - @Else

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