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Fang Archbane

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Everything posted by Fang Archbane

  1. Happy birthday, oh Queenie :3 <3
  2. Sounds like Personal Opinion to me. And im sure many a person would Argue that Opinion with you. (I also ask this be split, no sense dyrting the nice application thread :3)
  3. On what grounds?
  4. Chewett has a point. And im a Slave to Logic so... hes won me over. My previous statements on Limitations are redacted (Edited in original) Ill do things the way Chew deems right. My regular activity is spotty at best anyways, absolutely random, and shenanagistic so... fair warning to anyone that bids on my leash I guess ( =3=); Edit: DST, if it was up to me id just pull my app out of this. My loyalties to Chew and his hard work over the years deem it only right that I do my best to play by his rules and not give him trouble. So say what you want I guess, not like itll affect me anyways o.O
  5. True Eara, I guess if They buy my leash theres Other Options Aethon, its not an inconvenience, there's always an answer to everything. So Ill change my previous statement. They CAN bid on my leash, those 4, but they better know I will go inactive for my slavery period if they do, and itll be money wasted. Eon, I want you to come back, no fun being the Hero without a Villain [ ;_;]
  6. 1) Fang Archbane 2) 214273 3) 3 Months Enslavement 4) To buy my leash is to buy my Time. 5) My possessions are my own. 6) 33% TK Donation 7) Minimum bid 3 Gold
  7. All Bird flavored Pie has been taken, thanks to everyone for your time, i hope you enjoy the bird if you got one, and this topic can now be closed :3 <3
  8. Well, its that magical time of year again an- *Turns away from the keyboard* ITS NOT?!? ... Well too late, i already started writing this ( =3=) Anyways. Im giving away 6 decently aged bird eggs, i kindly ask that no one take more than one, and such D: Birds are like pie... share your pie c: ... Enjoy ( -3-) CTC825308SHALL68MDC140RUX91N66H CTC825297SEGUT11MDC358TAC818Z71M CTC825298RUUMM88MDC711TAW893C64N CTC825310POARL50MDC203IMN302H26P CTC825311RUSEM98MDC660JOT196A66N CTC825312ATUMA30MDC113ALN940W59T
  9. This can be closed, as the matter has been taken care of. Thank you <3
  10. I am in need of a Shade for testing. It does not have to be a Sword Shade or any kind of spectacular ultra spicy super mega chocolatey shade, any shade will do. Please pm me in forum if you can help/for more information ( 030)
  11. I almost died from missing you sho mush ( °~°)
  12. I could run Facebook and Twitter, but my only side note is I'm on a phone 24/7 (comp imploded) so my work would be somewhat slower than someone unhindered.
  13. I agree with Sasha but DD does raise a good point. Id personally prefer a 100 day limit over an MP limit, but both are good solutions. I just prefer Age over MP but, either way the issue would get _solved_
  14. Let me know if you need the supplies to make tea, the East still welcomes this old Wolf.
  15. Happeh Burfdai Grido-eeh-oh :3
  16. Huh... heres my two cents as the Sanctified Shadowcaster. If Chewys correct in stating Night Mode is a State of Mind (And I dont doubt him), then the Same would be required to Break it. That bieng said, just the concept of "Light is around, I should be able to See More" would indeed be enough to Disturb the Flow of Darkness. But I dont know if making the Situation that Static is a good thing. Allow me to Elaborate. When youre One with the Darkness (Lore Wise), multiple levels in Strength of Darkness, Understanding of Darkness, and Affinity to Darkness exist. Im seriously debating suggesting the Darkness principle tie into Night Mode on one level or another (Excuse me if this is already the case, I am not taught on NM mechanics). Seeing as its an unchanging Factor, completely down to Past Fates standing, and heavily related to the Night, I feel it would be an interesting Direction to take NM.
  17. I almost panicked ( °-°) <3
  18. I wasnt disagreeing with anyone because they might find me less than amussing, I stated a general point and if people want to assume it was about someone specifically, let them. Ill personaly always be Syrians adept, regardless of what anyone else thinks if shes a choice, but I also fully support anyone else trying for MP6 (in spirit). The only reason I plead permanent loyalty to Syrian, is because in her past she proved to me she was worth confiding in. A Protector, at least to me, is a friend with knowledge above even that of your own. Sy and I might not always agree (we actually usually dont) but she has a way about her that makes me understand WHY we dont agree. I abuse Syrian as my Personal Growth Tool second, and my Friend first, because she is invaluable to me as both, and thus, worthy of Permanent Loyalty.
  19. Witty, take it from me, some people are best left ignored to drive home how unimportant (to you personally) they really are Some points are best left unspoken to emphasize how little (on the grand scale of things) they actually matter
  20. Id become MP6 for the fun and experimental factors. Id simply flop between 6 and 7 as newb need saw fit. Although I dont need any fancy tools to help others, I do find them to make life a tiny bit easier when helping. Ive always been one to help others so, becoming an MP6 would just be another tool in my toolbelt to achieve that goal. Nothing overly special, just one of a few small tools I'm missing I could make good use of.
  21. Not to mention he could be a buddhist tao, the only religion which (to my knowledge) believes all other religions (and their own) are correct, since they believe they all started as one.
  22. Somebody give Vertu a cookie and a god damn trophy. He speaks one of my Truths, and for that, he has gained much respect. Vertu ill find a way to reward your Open Mind. Pm me so I dont forget. Thank you. Sincerely and from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU.
  23. I live under the just rule of Mother Karma. I picked Other, so im commenting to elaborate.
  24. Its not offensive at all, in my opinion. Maybe to a hardcore christian, but were talking about the same people that gasp when you say "shit" and say things like "dont say dog backwards". I dont care if we offend that type of person. Some people and religions really need to grow up and open their minds.
  25. I also started as an MP2 in one of my many Lives. Pm me if you need/want information.
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