Personally, what the New Ones need is someone Kind, Understanding, and Wanting.
Now, what MagicDuel needs in an LHO, is someone Dependable, Knowledgeable, and Trustworthy.
There is no easy way to find someone with all those qualities.
So i say, pick one set or the other, and find that.
Wait to try and find all of those qualities, and the Person you pick will be Overloaded sooner or later, and thats assuming you FIND someone that perfect.
But its up to you. Thats what i have to say about it.
Its a hard job, its rewards are nearly nonexistant (Unless youre me and you just enjoy helping).
And to top it all off, theres a high risk of getting Butt Smashed if you Think the wrong thing, Say the wrong thing, Suggest the wrong thing, or Find the wrong thing.
Someone meeting the First set of requirements would be more helpful and loving to the Newbs, but more likely to get In Trouble (Untaught but Caring people like me) becasue they dont study or care for rules they dont plan on breaking. #DGAF
Someone meeting the Second set of requirements would be more ready to teach about anything, but more detached, uncaring (in the wrong way) and able to recite rules like Eon recites Death Mantras while he Assassinates ( o-o);
Guys, save yourself the trouble, from the above posts, the LHO needs to be Perfect. This is the problem, always has been, and always will be. We need perfection, seek perfection, and thats just not graspable.