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Tom Pouce

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Everything posted by Tom Pouce

  1. fare well, and come back nice Queen Peace
  2. 1 Bloodpact Archer. ID:793966 Age=227 + 1 Imperial Aramor. ID:797929 -------- 3 sc for both
  3. Happy birthday BFH!
  4. Tom Pouce


    "Mur/Council base their decisions of who gets what on the potential people show/what people have done already, respectively, somewhat. Each method has flaws: rewarding people for their potential rather than their achievements to date does not necessarily encourage follow-through on those people's part, but only rewarding people who meet certain inscrutable criteria leaves the less than highly motivated among us feeling like our actions don't really affect the world." so this thread is for what? rewarding people for their potential or what they have done? and personnal goals or like i seem to read your tone only community projects? I have seen for many months community effort to make revive easy item (Fyrd .... and much support posts in forum, and even offer of contribution) so what , i am not aware of any results we have also the my role or something like that forum section personnal papers ,,, with wish list ... and we are suppose to include accomplishoments free the aramor, we saw that for if i remember for 1 month+, with postings in forum, and an kind of roleplayng at ivoroy tower if i remember so you see this thread for what? personnal rewards? or change in MD story-mechanic? (ex. revive tool or aramor) an kind of voting like the concil thread of making selfish wish? (that they did once) if its that its more likely that those older with more contacts or in better view or popular will get there wish (not to say thay they would not be wortly of getting it)
  5. even if you are not an suporter, in time yu will be able to get shop creatures - voting - winning some contests - as gift at cristmass or gift by some friend you may make in game and you can play without shop creatures like DST said shop creatures , are part of what make this game possible to play freely but my understanding is that overall it dont make supoter all overpowerfull, as one can play without and also in time get some
  6. i am interested, but next 3 weeks i wont have time to prepare to or make an quest ... i hope your wishpoint quest will still be going when ill be able to make an quest
  7. would you plz clarify is it that its an kind of competion of makin quest, with only 1 wish point avalable? or is it that many can make quests , request your rating system. and if the quest meet your criteria , many can get an wish point for his quest? and can you tel what is your criteria of "Get good rating"? and the criteria of "decent quest" .... because if i read only one wish point, then its only an race of making the first "decent" quest that meet the "get good rating"... and then as soon as an "decent " quest is made by someone, its of no use for another to put an quest ..
  8. Some people are in role playing they seriously make an "personnage" and there paper show that story - i read and look some of that, to know the personnage of those that roleplaying and then i can be nice about what they play (even if i am not personnaly big in roleplaying) some people have some various interesting info that they have put in there paper, as an new player i was interest to read some of that info to learn some people put there interest there like: i saw some about they make avatar, or have collection of creatures, or trade in creatures some people talk about there faction on of my big interest was reading about quest, as some have ongoing quest or quiz to solve so in conclusion: - i would say that an important part of MD is interaction between players - papers are usefull to favorise those interaction, - and player use those papers in there own personnal way, - and if one dont care about an use of paper he as only to not use them or not read paper of the others
  9. see provide picture if you look in the chat you see me talk and say 2 lines before BFH the problem is that when i said those 2 lines - BFH was not there - and BFH had already said his line my 2 lines where inserted before BFH , but said after he may have said his line http://storenow.net/my/?f=583a97ebe093339dd1e8d08f5d91d57b and its not an mistake on my part, proof my 2e line is "testing" as i saw that someting was wrong in making my first line
  10. I like the way it is now if one with not much ap for some land he still can make an big trip for him to get some tea set for exemple.... he can plan and have an chance to get it now but if its random ... it will be not right now its allright because there is 2 different time, and it should accomodate every one if they take effort to get it and plan, if one is not allright the other should be allright Ill try to make my case more i will tel about some rewarding experience i had in MD I can say that when being still an young mp3 with almost just enought ap to move in tribunal and MDA (without pickel but using the voting boost) i was at that time to make expeditions to get tools bucket tea making tools box of candy it was really rewarding all that planning and efforts that where reward with an success of those efforts and as for the applications of those tools, it was not an individual thing as you know well that for making teas one need other people and goods ... but i had to make friends and get help,... but i had satisfaction of making it apend yes i could have just ask some older player to do all work and provide all, or for getting plants, and water i could have just ask some player to provide .... or even better just ask for free tea cups but it was an good experience that way but if it would be random, i would have most likely not be able to get those very good experiences
  11. :P now MD as an small pat from Tom Pouce :) birdies have now an nest
    1. Phantom Orchid

      Phantom Orchid

      Congrats! I can't wait to see it :)

  12. Ivorak your looking for 50 years projects? maybe you can plant an oak, its an slow growing tree , i suppose it will be mature in 50 years and still where you will plant it, if you chose the right location ... building an house from scratch, seem to me that 50 years is really to long for that kink of project, should be construct in at most an few years if you take your time thinking of some more 50 years projects - you can go in flowers growing and try to make an new variaty .... it will take years of crosspolinating to get something that is an new kind of flower that you will want and reproduce true - you can go in dog raising, try to make an stable new race, it take many generation to get an new and stable race that breed true, and more so to curb genetic defects of that new race in the gene pool - you can make what most of people do, make kids ... when he will be 50 , if you are in your 20 -30 you will be probably still be around and and see your children's childrens - take one martial arts, it will take you years of steady work and introspection to grow and master your art and body ... its an always work of self improvement , physical and spiritual
  13. Happy birthday Eara and Magistra :D
  14. thanks DST to say how it work
  15. before last change if there was some voting like , i was seeing xxxx and yyy like it now i dont see any such comment, in post that before last change where saying such an message, now i just see an number like it was 6 months ago, before all those changes (and its weither i am log in or not) ... is there some special button to puch to see something?
  16. All members should be able to see who has given them reputation:>> dont work for me its like it was 6 month ago before all various changes be offensive?:>> i dont see how i may have been offencive
  17. dont work like you sai it does i wont message, as i am instructed to not message bug to you ... (remember?)
  18. Happy Birthday Grido :P there some company fpr yur birthday
  19. happy birthday! SageWoman Windy :)
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