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No one

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Everything posted by No one

  1. Yea, I noticed the difference in lands, but the whole concept is the same. I appreciate that you will make it possible to the new ppl to walk on these lands with virtually no viscosity.
  2. one more event ? so early after the last one ? And ... isn't this similar to the last event ? Can't you just try a different kind of contest like : "capture the flag" or "team fights" ? Is that interface so limited that you can only do this old / used type ?
  3. TK Leader where not supposed to make quests but to increase size of rewards. And thus they cannot increase my satisfaction of a completed event. As I didn't gave any obvious rewards. The idea is to identify scripted quests for possible automatic quests.
  4. With this knowledge (I think you did not had those stats on "14 August 2011 - 06:43 PM") answer truthfully : [color=#0000ff][u]Do you still consider resource "hoarders" [/u][/color][color=#0000ff][u]lazy ?[/u][/color] If you do, please explain it to me. I fail to understand and for 1 month I tried to see it myself.
  5. Let bring back some old talk and I will raise 2 provocations. Yea, the idea that Mur is proposing could be great but in a land with a lot more resources and a lot more resource gathering tools. So, today I disagree with MUR on : [quote name='Muratus del Mur' timestamp='1313501492' post='90225'] its how it already works ss, think of the sand to glass process, the more you have the more you waste [/quote] If you don't disagree with MUR, then ... lets ask Council to change (actually to fix) the recipes to "how Mur said". Then [color=#0000ff][u]I provoke you to make a tea party in Mur's conditions[/u][/color]. As Mur described it, you will have enough resources for just 1 (one) tea each time (or the price increases by the the amount of resources you have). For each sip of tea you will need to buy / harvest from 4 different things. [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1313336593' post='90123'] The trading and non splitting encourages non hoarding and such, if people can buy specific amounts that allows splitting and means the collectors will really push for tons. Laziness would be encouraged if it was just a shop, i like the fact you find, and trade with these guys, [/quote] [color=#0000cd][u]Chewett, I provoke you to collect[/u][/color]. You are making me lazy because I "hoard" resources and I am all for "hoarding" ? I call you lazy for not knowing what collecting really means. If you agree with Chewett, I provoke you too: 1. Grab a tool, collect your first 100 resources. 2. Make some recipes using Mur's initial idea. I would like to make this idea of Mur invalid to all (or most) resource. Splitting resources / trading parts of your pile of resources would encourage trading, player interactivity, RP and ... you name it ... the entire flow of resources. And all will be possible because ppl like me will be lazy enough to spend their entire day just gathering and hoarding.
  6. What are you talking about ? There are at least 3 things I can see from your thoughts : - you want Adventure Log continued: usual ppl were followed and commented with no real need of RP from their side - you want events, periodical, something to look forward to INSIDE MD : i gave you an event - quests made by the admins every once in a while, integrated in the game, where the prizes would be unique spells, items with certain powers : there are HC, BHC, and broken pattern puzzle and the NPCs and the contraption next to GoE. Most repetitive quests would require some coding. If there are good enough in-game quests based on MDScript, maybe with some amendments, they can be promoted to "official" quests. So, all you / we need is some good ideas and some good coders then ... we will see. __________________________________________ You choose what you wanted for this thread.
  7. Happy Birthday Mur ! Have fun and keep some for us too
  8. Seigheart, you kiss-ass. You were 48 hours too early. [quote name='Seigheart' timestamp='1362416368' post='133402'] I know it's a day early, but I won't be around for the next 48 hours, so I started this thread. [/quote]
  9. Finally, the longest month long event has passed. It has been a difficult month as we had a lot of work to do and we encountered a lot of resistance and had a too small support. But I must thank you all and i must congratulate you for your participation. First of all, I thank you for the presence on the forum. Thank you all for sharing your thoughts and ideas (pro and similarly much con). Secondly, but not less important, I must thank the few that helped in game. Thirdly, special thanks to the few that were actively involved in the event by either helping or preventing our work. More thanks will go to those that shown interest in the event by simply raising questions and for those looking for real problems. And special thanks will go to the moderators who's work was heavily tested these days. Thank you all. For you all, I will gather my collection of thoughts from this event and I will post them soon. In the mean time, feel free to rejoice the fresher water, the sweet smell of fresh flowers and the renewed strength and vigor of the shrub and trees.
  10. Life is deadly. You cannot escape life, you can only live it faster.
  11. Hi Shem, Except from the bones for the altar, I haven't seen anything missing. And LR has about all kind or resource in great abundance. All you will be missing will be the "Mineral Water" but with the lack of shared items for it and the abundance of "water" ... it should is should be OK.
  12. Dark, am i mistaken or you are allowed 6 creatures (6 green dots) like Elu? If this is the case, I think that the array of creature must be updated to crit specification
  13. Hi Azul, For "Item collectig" for NC, I would have said "House of the Tainted Times" but I don't know what role you are giving to it and "Deathmarrow, Capitol of Necrovion", but it is your decision. But for NC, I would have proposed more Bone resource locations: - about 5 bones for each altar, every land. In NC's case The Eternal Toiler . As there is no altar in LotE I didn't suggest that in my first post. - at least 2-3 bones for some scenes of battle (NML: Clash of Ages & GG : Siege Crest - if I am not mistaken)
  14. Lately I did some research on land coordinates and their tags and I would like to propose some changes: Edit: +------------------------------------------------- .| Don't kill me, I posted here only for LotE as this is my affiliation and I don't want to interfere with other land's management. .| If you want suggestions for NC/GG/LR let me know. .| For MDA ... I don't have all the current tags yet. I will work on it this week. So, don't ask me yet. +------------------------------------------------- .| Feel free to add suggestions , pro and con for suggestions with shortest comment possible. .| I intended this to "fix" some unsolved minor issues that one man might not have the power/will to do it. +------------------------------------------------- /end Edit 1. it seems that there are 4 locations for "Item Collecting": MB: Willow's Shop Interior LR: Oak Fort GG: Inside the Drachorn Lair GG: Fort Inneryard Considering the land distribution, a few more locations with "Item Collecting" should be implemented. I will propose for LotE, NC can propose a location of their own if they so please. I would like to propose at least one of these tags ("Item Collecting") into LotE and I would propose - one in "7_floatingbook_2" across the "warrior's bust" where you get the achievement inside that house. Usually this tag is followed by "sanctuary" but I don't think it is necessary in this case. - another location for this tags ("Item Collecting") would be Tea Market ("7_teamarket_1") if it does not interfere with "itemdispatch" and "Sanctuary" ___________________________ 2. There is a location "7_drywatertemple_1" where on a door the hint is : "Drywater Temple" and inside the location is "7_drywaterstorystone_1" . And "drywaterstorystone" looks like a store / shop. I propose to change the hint to something else "Drywater Temple Store" . Also, "7_drywaterstorystone_1" has perfect image for "Item Collecting" . (and that would make 3 tags in more then 70 scenes in LotE) ___________________________ 3. "7_localpub_2" it has the tag "itemdispatch" . Maybe it should be a "sanctuary". Drinking and wielding a weapon might not be the safest thing to do. Also, can you please Name this place as "No Problem Pub" ? ___________________________ 4. still in LotE, "Border view tower" ( 7_borderviewtower_1 ) is set to Sanctuary. I do not understand the reason for this as it is close enough to Tea Market ("7_teamarket_1") and to Temple Hall ("7_templehall_1"), both with Sanctuary. I propose Sanctuary for "7_hotelreception_1" (Please name it "3 coin reception", also please name 7_threecoinhotel_1 scene to "3 Coin Inn") Also, I propose sanctuary to the complete Mansion : (7_mansionhall_1, 7_mansionpianoroom_1 , 7_mansionleisureroom_1). And with that, there should be enough Sanctuaries in East. ___________________________ 5. add some water in LotE in "7_waterpump_1" or name the place "Dry water pump". Do as you want as it works fine both ways. No need to be a big number as there are not that many shared items available to collect it in East.
  15. Don't you ppl ever get tired of "Master" roles ? Can't you ever find a role of a hard and sweating worker ?
  16. bump.
  17. I don't know much about Molquert's guards but I know they are not NonPlayableCharacters. There are actual players playing them.
  18. I think that what dst meant is that if the player or the NPC has spells on them, the player should not be able to attack the NPC.
  19. I wanted to tell you some time ago, but anyway, after today's announcement I checked your progress 1. somewhere on the road you forgot about : [quote] Ann. 2221 - [2012-02-28 21:06:47 - Stage 11] ... With having more than one account, you need to remember these rules; You are not allowed to have (idle or active) multiple accounts in the same or surrounding scenes - log them out or keep them apart. This is to stop the farming of alts. ...[/quote] 2. what about "shared item hoarding" 3. there is no "punishment" 4. there is one image missing . I think it is the link t bugs@
  20. Can you please post an image ? I'd like to ponder my artistic skills
  21. Hi Udgard, Recently I found was remembered about the creature limitation. Do you know that now, for MP3 you are allowed only grasan lvl 1 ? So, even if it was possible with normal creatures in the past ... now it is even more difficult. I am not saying it is impossible, but they are not meant for everybody to be able to do it nor it should be mandatory. Best regards, No one.
  22. Here is another [url="http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/705/20130218plixploxmb.png/"]spam for Rumi[/url]. It isn't meeting of roads, but an MB location.
  23. Some of the ideas are interesting but most are overpowered. I will give you my understanding and another possible solution for all your problems. [u]First of all[/u]:[u] all shared items are supposed to be shared[/u] and that means : accessible to all and this is failing miserably (this is one of the reasons I started my event : as a protest against limiting access to tools). [u]Second[/u]: [u]creating tools to limit ones freedom[/u] ... and making it share ... are you not afraid they will be used for other purposes ? Have I seen a request of movelocking attached to such item ? Have I seen teleporting? ban / ban from harvesting ? Those items are meant to be free & shared. Why don't you, in turn, propose to turn each and every "[b]Independent[/b] " tool to a shared one and all placed lets say at GoE ? Each of these with 10 uses? Isn't that easier ? [u]Third[/u]: [u]why are some RP allowed and some are not ?[/u] yea, I am talking about MY event, why do you want it stopped ? Did I do anything to prevent your events ? Did I do anything your WP exchanging quests ? Wait until its over and then make a comment. 4th: There are 2 solutions to deplete: a) ask the depleter for to stop (yea, you tried to talk to Eon and failed). Note: nobody contacted me in game to stop depleting during this event. NOBODY aka not a single person/character/council member. The only person that I've spoken to about this (in game) was [b]Numerius Felix[/b]. b) as you want a tool : make a tool / shared item with spell to prevent (for a given period of maximum 1 day that is until next resource regen) the depletion below a given margin NOTE: you should consider that margin to be 50% as there are so many places with just 2, 3 or 4 stones. You wouldn't want me them prevented / punished from gathering them. PS: Just so you know I am also against depleting without a purpose. Best regards, No one
  24. Hi Darigan, I am sorry to say but the NPCs were meant to be unbeatable for MP3. Also, I've been noticing some MP4s that fail to understand basic rules of fighting, have no access to LR but they have creatures from there. So, I am asking you: what is worse : 1. ppl with tons of different creatures that they don't know how to use 2. ppl don't have access EVERYWHERE ? So, considering that you will say option 2, I will have to remind you of the ABUSE done by some [u]helping[/u] ppl giving birds to MP3 and thus creating MP3 with more then 30k-40 vitality. Is that normal for you ? Do you consider that an MP3 should have access to SunGod armor ? I think not. NPCs guarding the Willow's Shop and the LR entrance should not be beatable for MP3 period. This obvious limitation should be the constant push to drive them to MP4 or ... maybe you desire other super strong MP3s ? Best regards, No one
  25. Tomi, you missed the point. I want HC playable not removed with no reset for the old ones if possible. My point still stands: each MP should hold its own HC. A change that came to me lately it could be : make it like BHC is now: subscribe to it. If there are enough subscribers, it will be scheduled (lets say "next month" to allow preparations and to keep it at least 2 months apart). Making HC more like BHC will limit the interference from normal players, from older players that already got the medal and ... will limit the distribution of heads. And it will totally work with Laphers ideas too: [quote name='Laphers' timestamp='1361004492' post='132732'] Why not have any heads that a player has when he/she logs out redistribute (equally or randomly) to online players. Another idea for Stage 2 would be to move the Head Hill randomly (from a list of allowed Hills) after each count. It rewards the active player who will seek out the new location to score at the next count. An option to limit crossover between HC and BHC would be to only allow BHC players to get heads from anyone who currently has a Heads medal [/quote] Nice ones Laphers : +10
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