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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. Awesome thanks. Clearly I have found some old code in the MD codebase as it wasnt doing any scaling! I will do more digging.
  2. Thanks Pip for the drawing. I don't mind the concept however I don't like the implementation as above. It makes an already too vertical design even more vertical in my opinion. I am looking to remove some of that vertial'ness at some point, or moving it around in some way as I dont really like how it is at the moment. So I would veto that idea.
  3. This doesnt have any artwork so I cant just add them. Mailed Mur.
  4. For reference this is creature ID 20 and 22 respectively.
  5. Anyone? @Fang Archbane
  6. @Blackshade Rider @Azull Was this done?
  7. Resolved!
  8. @Fang Archbane Is this player still in MD?
  9. Awesome, Marked as resolved.
  10. @Fang Archbane Is this still an issue? If so, when you have a minute i will need to jump onto your account and do some debugging.
  11. Moved to resolved.
  12. No worries fang, resolved!
  13. This issue is resolved.
  14. Resolved.
  15. Could you, or anyone else, give me an example of a token whose' influence is directly correlated to the vit percentage?
  16. Want to do a quick sketch using paint or something?
  17. This one is therefore resolved.
  18. Similar to the other one, This does require a DB rework: http://issues.magicduel.com/issues/83
  19. Given this is only a display issue Im going to rate this as low. It needs some database changes to be able to properly handle this without taking down the server every time someone makes a totem/sacs a crit. http://issues.magicduel.com/issues/82
  20. This has been resolved.
  21. has it been uploaded offically? If so I would like to use it ingame.
  22. Yes, Guitar. Get outta the gutter @Fang Archbane !
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